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To provide extra revenue for improving city bus service, the mayor of Greenville proposed

a fare increase. The director of the bus service, however, pointed out that the previous bus fare increase had resulted in so many regular riders abandoning the bus system altogether that revenues from bus service had decreased. Another fare increase, the director argued, would only lead to another revenue drop. The director s argument depends on which of the following assumptions?

A.The previous fare increase was the same amount as the proposed fare increase.

B.Fare increases do not necessarily lead to lower revenues from city bus service.

C.A decrease in fares would result in increased ridership and increased revenues from bus service.

D.The fare increase would make Greenville" s bus service much more expensive than bus services in other comparable cities.

E.Some of the people currently using the bus have the option of not traveling by bus.

更多“To provide extra revenue for improving city bus service, the mayor of Greenville proposed”相关的问题


Children whose biological parents both have Tic Syndrome Z(TSZ), which is characterized by

the involuntary contraction of certain muscles, are about four times more likely to develop such contractions than are children whose biological parents do not have TSZ. It is likely, therefore, that predisposition to TSZ is an inherited trait. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion above?

A.Children whose parents have TSZ are more likely to develop TSZ if they are under unusual stress at school or at home than if they are not under such stress.

B.Children whose biological parents do not have TSZ are more likely to develop TSZ if they are raised by adoptive parents with TSZ than if they are raised by their biological parents.

C.Children whose biological parents have TSZ are as likely to develop TSZ if they are raised by adoptive parents who do not have TSZ as if they are raised by their biological parents.

D.Children whose biological parents have TSZ and who develop TSZ usually avoid developing a severe form. of the syndrome if they seek treatment for TSZ shortly after developing the first signs of it.

E.Children with TSZ whose biological parents do not have TSZ are less likely to have the syndrome diagnosed when symptoms first appear than are children with TSZ whose biological parents have TSZ.



United States advertising agencies are increasingly using interviews at shopping malls, ca

lled "mall intercepts", to test for advertising effectiveness, product concept viability, and consumer buying habits. Critics of mall intercepts maintain that the shopping habits of mall shoppers are not representative of those of the larger population. Which of the following, if true, would provide evidence that most supports the critics claim about mall intercepts?

A.Some mall shoppers patronize more than one store in any given shopping trip.

B.Mall shoppers, on average, spend 50 percent more time shopping than shoppers at other locations do.

C.In the course of any year, 95 percent of all households in the United States have at least one member who does some shopping at a mall.

D.Mall shoppers who use public transportation to reach the mall tend to have lower incomes than mall shoppers who drive to the mall.

E.Indoor malls often attract the customary numbers of shoppers even during inclement weather when outdoor malls are likely to lose business.



Any lender about to make a loan wishes to know the real rate of interest; i. e. , the cont

ractual rate of interest less the rate of inflation. But what rate of inflation to use, past or expected? Past inflation is the better choice, because we have specific firm figures for it so that the real rate of interest will also emerge as a specific figure. Which of the following, if true, is the strongest point that an opponent of the position above might make in arguing that the rate of expected inflation is the proper figure to use?

A.Since the contractual interest is future income to a prospective lender, it is more appropriate to adjust that income in terms of inflation expected for the future.

B.Since estimating the rate of expected inflation presupposes careful economic analysis, lenders might derive coincidental benefits from doing such an estimate.

C.The rate of expected inflation will differ little from the rate of past inflation when inflation is steady.

D.No official rate of past inflation is computed for any period shorter than a month.

E.The official rate of past inflation is a figure that depends on what commodities, in what proportions, determine the official price index.



Many breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin supplements. Some of these cereals provi

de 100 percent of the recommended daily requirement of vitamins. Nevertheless, a well-balanced breakfast, including a variety of foods, is a better source of those vitamins than are such fortified breakfast cereals alone. Which of the following, if true, would most strongly support the position above?

A.In many foods, the natural combination of vitamins with other nutrients makes those vitamins more usable by the body than are vitamins added in vitamin supplements.

B.People who regularly eat cereals fortified with vitamin supplements sometimes neglect to eat the foods in which the vitamins occur naturally.

C.Foods often must be fortified with vitamin supplements because naturally occurring vitamins are removed during processing.

D.Unprocessed cereals are naturally high in several of the vitamins that are usually added to fortified breakfast cereals.

E.Cereals containing vitamin supplements are no harder to digest than similar cereals without added vitamins.



The average age and racing experience of the drivers at the Indianapolis 500 automobile ra

ce increased each year between 1965 and 19The reason for the increase is that high-speed racing drivers were living longer than their predecessors. Race-car safety features that reduced the severity of crashes of the kind that formerly took drivers lives were primarily responsible for the increase in the average age of the Indianapolis 500 competitors. Which of the following, if true, would be most likely to be part of the evidence used to show that safety features on the cars that protected drivers in major crashes were responsible for the increase in the average age of drivers at the Indianapolis race?

A.Younger drivers at high-speed racetracks were involved in major accidents at a slightly higher rate than were older drivers between 1965 and 1980.

B.Major accidents on high-speed racetracks occurred at about the same frequency in the years after 1965 as in the years before 1965.

C.The average age of drivers attempting to qualify for the Indianapolis 500 decreased slightly between 1965 and 1980.

D.Accidents on highways in the United States occurred at about the same frequency in the years after 1965 as in the years before 1965.

E.Other safety features, involving the condition of the racetrack and the uniforms worn by the drivers while driving, were adopted at Indianapolis between 1965 and 1980.



Bats emit sounds and generally use the echoes of these sounds highly efficiently to detect

, locate, and catch their prey. However, it is claimed that the characteristic efficiency of this process is reduced by moths able to hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats. Which of the following statements, if true, best supports the claim above?

A.Those moths that cannot hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats live longer on the average than those that can hear such sounds when both kinds of moth are in an environment continuously free of such bats.

B.Those moth species that cannot hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats are among the species of insects that are most likely to be caught by such bats.

C.When a moth changes its speed or direction of flight, there is a change in the sound pattern generated by the moth"s wing movements.

D.Moth species that can hear the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats are less likely to be caught by such bats than are moth species that cannot hear these sounds.

E.Moths that are capable of hearing the sounds emitted by insect-eating bats differ in their abilities to use evasive action to escape capture by such bats.



Public education suffers from what can be diagnosed as the sickness of an overgoverned soc

iety. This sickness denies many parents control over the kind of education their children receive. The power once held by parents has gravitated to professional educators. The sickness has been aggravated by increasing centralization and bureaucratization of schools. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the claim that there is continuing erosion of parents control over their childrens education?

A.As a result of community pressure, growing numbers of school administrators follow recommendations made by parents.

B.The number of professional educators has risen sharply over the last decade even though the number of students has declined.

C.Parents" organizations that lobby for changes in school curriculums are generally ineffectual.

D.More members of school boards are appointed by school administrators than are elected by the public.

E.The use of state-wide curriculum programs increased in the Untied States during the past two decades.



If athletes want better performances, they should train at high altitudes. At higher altit

udes, the body has more red blood cells per unit volume of blood than at sea level. The red blood cells transport oxygen, which will improve performance if available in greater amounts. The blood of an athlete who trains at high altitudes will transport more oxygen per unit volume of blood, improving the athletes performance. Which of the following, if true, would be most damaging to the argument above, provided that the athletes heart rate is the same at high and low altitudes?

A.Scientists have found that an athlete"s heart requires a period of time to adjust to working at high altitudes.

B.Scientists have found that the body" s total volume of blood declines by as much as 25 percent at high altitudes.

C.Middle-distance runners who train at high altitudes sometimes lose races to middle-distance runners who train at sea level.

D.The performances of athletes in competitions at all altitudes have improved markedly during the past twenty years.

E.At altitudes above 5,500 feet, middle-distance runners often better their sea-level running times by several seconds .



The price the government pays for standard weapons purchased from military contractors is

determined by a pricing method called "historical costing." Historical costing allows contractors to protect their profits by adding a percentage increase, based on the current rate of inflation, to the previous years contractual price. Which of the following statements, if true, is the best basis for a criticism of historical costing as an economically sound pricing method for military contracts?

A.The government might continue to pay for past inefficient use of funds.

B.The rate of inflation has varied considerably over the past twenty years.

C.The contractual price will be greatly affected by the cost of materials used for the products.

D.Many taxpayers question the amount of money the government spends on military contracts.

E.The pricing method based on historical costing might not encourage the development of innovative weapons.



Psychologists today recognize childhood as a separate stage of life which can only be unde

rstood in its own terms, and they wonder why the Western world took so long to see the folly of regarding children simply as small, inadequately socialized adults. Most psychologists, however, persist in regarding people 70 to 90 years old as though they were 35 years old who just happen to have white hair and extra leisure time. But old age is as fundamentally different from young adulthood and middle age as childhood is—a fact attested to by the organization of modern social and economic life. Surely it is time, therefore, to acknowledge that serious research into the unique psychology of advanced age has become indispensable. Which one of the following principles, if established, would provide the strongest backing for the argument?

A.Whenever current psychological practice conflicts with traditional attitudes toward people, those traditional attitudes should be changed to bring them in line with current psychological practice.

B.Whenever two groups of people are so related to each other that any member of the second group must previously have been a member of the first, people in the first group should not be regarded simply as deviant members of the second group.

C.Whenever most practitioners of a given discipline approach a particular problem in the same way, that uniformity is good evidence that all similar problems should also be approached in that way.

D.Whenever a society"s economic life is so organized that two distinct times of life are treated as being fundamentally different from one another, each time of life can be understood only in terms of its own distinct psychology.

E.Whenever psychologists agree that a single psychology is inedeuate ior two distant age groups, they should be prepared to show that there are greater differences between the two age groups than there are between individuals in the same age group.


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