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Paraphrasing also helps you integrate source information without using too many direct quotations.

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Choose ONE of the following topics and make a 3-mi...

Choose ONE of the following topics and make a 3-minute (about 400 words) speech. Topic 1 We live in this information age in which people have easy access to cell phones equipped with social networking apps. Some question that it will deteriorate our ability to communicate, but others argue that social media could help those who lack interpersonal skills in real life and give them control over the communication process. What’s your opinion? Do you have any feasible suggestions to those who dread talking to others in public? Topic 2 “Chinese cooking and cuisine no longer serve only for nutrition. They have become an integral part of Chinese culture and civilization,” said Anna Louisa Thompson-Floris, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning. If you were the director of an episode of the show “A Bite of China”, how would you present a local dish from your hometown? And please explain how this dish could embody part of the cultural features of your hometown. Topic 3 Traditionally, graduating students at US universities have one last lecture – a commencement speech, often from a celebrity who used to go to their university – before they enter the “real world”. If you had the chance to pick one celebrity to deliver a speech at your university, who would that be? Why would you choose him/her?



Rapid changes in technology and increasing international competition have led employers to seek new strategies for producing goods and providing services. These changes require a high performance organization where all workers have more responsibility and decision-making functions. Such organizations need employees who are well trained and possess the skills and knowledge necessary for their new functions. In addition, as learning becomes an integral part of the work itself, workers will need to be better prepared to avail themselves of training and learning opportunities in the workplace.

One challenge faced by educators and employers is how to prepare students for their changing roles in the workplace and how to ensure that the economy uses the full capacity and potential of our youth. At a point in our history when education beyond high school is increasingly viewed as necessary to meet the educational and skill requirements of many current and emerging careers, approximately one half of U.S. youth do not attend college and about half of those who do will not complete their studies. For many of these youth, particularly those who are members of the growing underclass, the transition between school and work has become problematic. Many graduate from high school with few or no job-related skills; often their academic preparation is weak. Those who drop out before high school graduation, many of them caught up in an inescapable world of poverty, fare worse with even more limited job and career prospects. Until the age of 25, these youth are likely to move from job to job, usually in the service sector of the economy where they find jobs that are low-skilled, poorly paid, and offer few opportunities for further training or advancement.

The result for some young people is a life of poverty. For many others the prospect is employment that pays less than a living wage and offers neither self-respect nor a future. Unemployment rates among all youth are high (twice that for adults) and not responsive to economic upturns. The official 1991 unemployment rates for high school graduates below the age of 24 was 13 percent for whites, 17 percent for Hispanics, and 29 percent for blacks. In reality, these frighteningly high rates are probably even worse. If young people drop out of school, their prospects for not getting a job are one out of four, and their employment prospects do not improve with time.

As is mentioned in the passage, a high performance organization is one ______.

A.which seeks new strategies for producing goods and providing services

B.in which workers play more active roles

C.in which workers rather than the executives make the decisions

D.which increases its competitiveness by hiring only skilled workers



orlly disintegrating tablets



The nature of work is changing. Recent technological advances, a shift from manufacturing to service-based organizations, increased global competition, and the importance of knowledge workers all have contributed to a dynamic and complex work environment. To survive, organizations must embrace flexibility and adaptability. They must have a systems view that help them to integrate the meaning of common everyday【M1】______ occurrences into overall interrelationships, interdependencies, and patterns of change to allow them to achieve this needed adaptability. Very often, organizations accompany these goals【M2】______ through the implementation of teams. A team is a collective of dependent individuals who together【M3】______ have shared objectives, mental models, and procedures that guide their perceptions, thinking, and behaviors toward a common goal. The process which teams achieve this commonality is called【M4】______ collaboration. Dissimilarly, cooperation has been discussed as a【M5】______ team skill competency that includes offering help to those team members who need it, pacing activities to fit the needs of the team, and behaving so that actions are not misinterpreted. Collective organizations immerse themselves to the virtues of collaboration【M6】______ and cooperation by reducing the hierarchy of social stratification on which traditional bureaucratic organizations rely. However,【M7】______ they encourage decisions to be made by the collective group to foster a sense of community and shared purpose. Cooperation and teamwork facilitate coordination, communication, adaptability, enhance employee participation, and empowerment, thereby【M8】______ allowing individuals to achieve collective outputs that are greater than the sum of their parts. Organizations continue to depend on teams and the synergy they engender to assist at streamlining work【M9】______ processes that promote efficiency, the increased innovation, and【M10】______ quality of products and services.




What does Alec Webley consider to be the "definition of integration"?

A.Students of different races are required to share a room.

B.Interracial lodging is arranged by the school for freshmen.

C.Lodging is assigned to students of different races without exception.

D.The school randomly assigns roommates without regard to race.



As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants in to American society.

The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, corporations, Unions, churches, and other agencies.

Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of specific populations. Immigrant women were one such population. Schools tried to educate young women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many educators considered appropriate for women was the home.

Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women. American education gave homemaking a new definition. In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the production as well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early twentieth-century, United States. However, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal American homemaker was viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be consumer homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children "efficiently" in their own homes, or if economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent reforms have made these notions seem quite out-of-date.

It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of education in the United States was ______.

A.the growing number of schools in frontier communities

B.an increase in the number of trained teachers

C.the expanding economic problems of schools

D.the increased urbanization of the entire country



As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society.

The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.

Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of specific population. Immigrant women were one such population. Schools tried to educate young women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many educators considered appropriate for women was the home.

It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of education in the United States was ______.

A.the growing number of schools in frontier communities

B.an increase in the number of trained teachers

C.the expanding economic problems of schools

D.the increased urbanization of the entire country



Attempts to understand the relationship between social behavior. and health have their origin in history. Dubos(1969) suggested that primitive humans were closer to the animals in that they, too, relied upon their instincts to stay healthy. Yet some primitive humans recognized a cause and effect relationship between doing certain thing and alleviating (减轻)symptoms of a disease or improving the condition of a wound. Since there was so much that primitive humans did not understand about the functioning of the body, magic became an integral component of the beliefs about the causes arid cutes of health disorders. So it is not surprising that early humans thought that illness was caused by evil spirits. Primitive medicines made from vegetables or animals were invariably used in combination with some form. of ritual to expel harmful spirit from a diseased body.

One of the earliest attempts in the western world to formulate(系统地阐述)principles of health care based upon rejection of supernatural phenomena is found in the work of the Greek physician Hippocrates. Little is known of Hippocrates who lived around 400 B. C., not even whether he actually authored the collection of books that bears his name. Nevertheless, the writings, attributed to him have provided a number of principles underlying modern practice. One of his most famous contributions, the Hippocratic Oath, is the foundation of contemporary medical ethics(道德). Among other things, it requires the physician to swear that he or she will help the sick, keep oneself from intentional wrong-doing or harm, and keep secret all matters to keep the doctor patient relation-ship.

Hippocrates also argued that medical knowledge should be derived from an understanding of the natural sciences and the logic of cause and effect relation-ships. In this classic thesis, On Airs, Waters, and Places, Hippocrates pointed out that human wellbeing is influenced by the totality of environmental factors: living habits or lifestyle, climate, geography of the land, and the quality of air, and food. Interesting enough, concerns about our health and the quality of air, water, and places are still very much written in the twentieth century.

Primitive humans looked like animals.



C.Not mentioned



Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh

Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)

Planning is a comprehensive process through which public and private decision makers can arrive at policy decisions affecting the growth and development of cities and regions. The planning process encompasses public policy areas such as economic and community development; housing; transportation; health, education, and welfare; growth management; public safety; leisure, recreation, and cultural opportunities; aesthetics and historic preservation. Planning, an integral function of departmental structures of government at the national, state, and local levels, also occurs within special authorities serving multijurisdictional organizations and private consultancies that provide planning expertise to a variety of interest groups concerned with the making of public policy. GSPIA’ s urban arid regional planning program prepares planners who analyze problems of people in urban and regional environments and guide the implementation of planned change to improve the quality and conditions of life. The skills and knowledge that students in this program master have their foundations in social, natural, and applied sciences. Primary focus is placed on the comprehensiveness of the planning function not only in terms of issue identification, policy formulation, plan preparation, and program implementation, but also in the context of environmental, social, economic, and political circumstances that impinge on the professional abilities of planners to identify and serve public interests. GSPIA ’ s planning program educates students as generalists and as specialists. This means that students are exposed to a broad array of urban/regional problems and issues, skills and knowledge, methods and techniques, theory, and practice.

See also: MURP, Course Requirements, General Regulations, Tuition and Fees, Admission Information and Requirements

The graduates from the MURP program will most likely______.

A.be a staunch supporter of Greenpeace movement

B.provide expertise in decision-making concerning growth

C.work in non-profit welfare organizations

D.help to plan and design the layout of a city



What is special about Mr. Phelps's degree?

A.It integrates an assortment of courses.

B.It includes Economics in the curriculum.

C.Courses are taught individually.

D.Students learn in separate booths.


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