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下列关于中国古代建筑的说法,正确的是()。 A.斗拱是中国古代建筑的独特构件,方形木







更多“下列关于中国古代建筑的说法,正确的是()。 A.斗拱是中国古代建筑的独特构件,方形木”相关的问题


A bag of wheat was enough for ______.A.19 squaresB.one third of the squaresC.the first 19

A bag of wheat was enough for ______.

A.19 squares

B.one third of the squares

C.the first 19 squares

D.20 squares



A bag of wheat was enough for ______.A.19 squaresB.one third of the squaresC.the first 19

A bag of wheat was enough for ______.

A.19 squares

B.one third of the squares

C.the first 19 squares

D.20 squares



An old Indian story says that the game of chess was invented by Sissa Ben, prime Minister
of King Shirham. As soon as the invention was finished he gave it to the king, who was glad and asked him what he would like to have in return. To the king's surprise, what Sissa wanted seemed very little. "Your Majesty," said the minister, kneeling(跪下) in front of the king. "I want nothing but some wheat. Please put a grain of wheat on the first square of the chessboard, two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth.., and so on, doubling the number for each following square, give me enough grains to cover the 64 squares of the chessboard."

"You don't ask for much, my honest servant. You might have asked for gold or money," said the king and then ordered a bag of wheat brought to the palace.

But when the counting began, with one grain for the square, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, the bag was emptied before the 20th square. More bags were brought, but the number of grain needed for the following squares increased so rapidly that the king soon realized that he was not able to keep his promise even with all the crops in the whole India! In fact, he would have needed 8,466,744,073,709,511,615 grains, which would be as much as that they would produce in a bout 2,000 years! Now the king found himself keep in debt to his minister. He had either to face the terrible trouble all his life or to cut off Sissa's head, which, it is said, he finally chose.

According to the story, the game of chess was invented by an ______.

A.American Indian

B.ancient Indian official

C.Indian king

D.Indian officer



Though the boy was not strong enough, he ______ (drag) the heavy bag full of toys away by himself.


Passage Three An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented

Passage Three

An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prime Minister of King Shirham. As soon as the invention was finished he gave it to the king, who was glad and asked him what he would like to have in return. To the king's surprise, what Sissa wanted seemed very little. "Your Majesty, "said the minister, kneeling before the king. "I want nothing but some wheat. Please put a grain of wheat on the first square of the chessboard (棋盘), two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth.., and so on, doubling the number for each following square. Give me enough grains to cover the 64 squares of the chessboard."

"You don't ask for much, my honest servant. You might have asked for gold or money," said the king and then ordered a bag of wheat brought to the palace.

But when the counting began, with one grain for the first square, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, the bag was emptied before the 20th square. More bags were brought, but the number of grain needed for the following squares increased so rapidly that the king was not able to keep his promise even with all the crops in the whole India! In fact, he would have needed 8 466 744 073 709 511 615 grains, which would be as much as that they would produce in about 2000 years!

Now tile king found himself deep in debt to his minister. He had either to face the terrible trouble all his life or to cut off Sissa's head, the litter of which, it is said was what he finally chose.

41. This story tells us ______.

A. how cruel the king was

B. how clever the minister was

C. Sissa was a famous mathematician

D. how the game of chess came into being



An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prim

An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prime Minister of King Shirham. As soon as the invention was finished he gave it to the king, who was glad and asked him what he would like to have in return. To the king's surprise, what Sissa wanted seemed very little. "Your Majesty, "said the minister, kneeling before the king. "I want nothing but some wheat. Please put a grain of wheat on the first square of the chessboard (棋盘), two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth.., and so on, doubling the number for each following square. Give me enough grains to cover the 64 squares of the chessboard."

"You don't ask for much, my honest servant. You might have asked for gold or money," said the king and then ordered a bag of wheat brought to the palace.

But when the counting began, with one grain for the first square, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, the bag was emptied before the 20th square. More bags were brought, but the number of grain needed for the following squares increased so rapidly that the king was not able to keep his promise even with all the crops in the whole India! In fact, he would have needed 8 466 744 073 709 511 615 grains, which would be as much as that they would produce in about 2000 years!

Now tile king found himself deep in debt to his minister. He had either to face the terrible trouble all his life or to cut off Sissa's head, the litter of which, it is said was what he finally chose.

This story tells us ______.

A.how cruel the king was

B.how clever the minister was

C.Sissa was a famous mathematician

D.how the game of chess came into being



The king was glad to know that Sissa only wanted some wheat because ______. A. wheat

The king was glad to know that Sissa only wanted some wheat because ______.

A. wheat was not expensive

B. it didn't seem much

C. Sissa was honest to him

D. both A and B



听力原文:W: Did your pictures of the Zhongshan Square come out like you expected?M: Actual

听力原文:W: Did your pictures of the Zhongshan Square come out like you expected?

M: Actually, I ran out of film before I could even begin. I didn't realize I' d finished the roll.

Q: Why didn' t the man have any pictures to show?


A.He run out of money to buy the film.

B.The film hasn't been developed yet.

C.He didn't have enough film.

D.The store has lost them.



The Wheat Farmers Alliance, a political action com...

The Wheat Farmers Alliance, a political action committee, attracts 70 percent of its contributors from an advertisement requesting contributions placed only in the September, October, and November issues of the Grange Report, a monthly newsletter for wheat farmers. The president of the Wheat Farmers Alliance, to increase the number of contributors, decides to advertise in each of the monthly issues of the Grange Report. She expects that, as a result of the additional Grange Report advertisements, the number of contributors will be increased to at least double the present number. Which of the following, if true, would most strongly support the president s expectation?

A.The September, October, and November advertisements were noticed by fewer than one-third of those readers of the Grange Report who would be willing to contribute to the Wheat Farmers Alliance.

B.Wheat farmers traditionally repay their bank loans in late summer after the winter wheat crop has been harvested and sold.

C.The majority of the readers of the Grange Report with a great enough interest in the Wheat Farmers Alliance to contribute have already responded to the advertisements.

D.Most of those who contribute to the Wheat Farmers Alliance in the course of a year do so in response to advertisements in the Grange Report.

E.The total number of readers of the Grange Report is stable from year to year.


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