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【单选题】Is Barin the name of the place where the wrestler was born?



更多“【单选题】Is Barin the name of the place where the wrestler was born?”相关的问题


Which of the following was NOT a place where the suicide bombers blew themselves up?

A.At the shrine"s entrance.

B.Within the compound.

C.In the basement of the building.

D.Near Data Darbar.



Web Du Bois was born a free man in his small village of Great Barington, Massachusetts, three years after the Civil War. For generations, the Du Bois family had been an accepted part of the community since before his great-grandfather had fought in the American Revolution.

Early on, Du Bois was given an awareness of his African-heritage, through the ancient songs his grandmother taught him. This awareness set him apart from his New England community, with an ancestry shrouded in mystery, in sharp contrast to the precisely accounted history of the Western world. This difference would be the foundation for his desire to change the way African-Americans co-existed in America.

As a student, Du Bois was considered something of a prodigy who excelled beyond the capabilities of his white peers. He found work as a correspondent for New York newspapers, and slowly began to realize the inhibitions of social boundaries he was expected to observe every step of the way. When racism tried to take his pride and dignity, he became more determined to make sure society recognized his achievements.

Clearly, Du Bois showed great promise, and although he dreamt of attending Harvard, some influential members of his community arranged for his education at Fisk University in Nashville. His experiences at Fisk changed his life; and he discovered his fate as a leader of the black struggle to free his people from oppression. At Fisk, Du Bois became acquainted with many sons and daughters of former slaves, who felt the pain of oppression and shared his sense of cultural and spiritual tradition. In the South, he saw his people being driven to a status of little difference from slavery, and saw them terrorized at the polls. He taught school during the summers in the eastern portion of Tennessee, and saw the suffering firsthand. He then resolved to dedicate his life to fighting the terrible racial oppression that held the black people down, both economically and politically.

Du Bois's determination was rewarded with a scholarship to Harvard, where he began the first scientific sociological studies in the United States. He felt that through science, he could dispel the irrational prejudices and ignorance that prevented racial equality. He went on to create great advancements in the study of race relations, but oppression continued with segregation laws, lynching, and terror tactics on the rise. Du Bois then formed the Niagara Movement, and in 1909, was a vital part in establishing the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He was also the editor of the NAACP magazine The Crisis from 1910 to 1934. In this stage of his life, he encouraged direct assaults on the legal, political, and economic system, which he felt blossomed out of the exploitation of the poor and powerless black community.

He became the most important black protest leader of the first half of the 20th century. His views clashed with Booker T. Washington, who felt that the black people of America had to simply accept discrimination, and hope to eventually earn respect and equality through hard work and success. Du Bois wrote The Souls of Black Folk in 1903, criticizing Booker, claiming that his ideas would lead to a perpetuation of oppression instead of freeing the black people from it. Du Bois's criticism lead to a branching out of the black civil rights movement, Booker's conservative followers, and a radical following of his critics.

Du Bois had established the Black Nationalism that was the inspiration for all black empowerment throughout the civil rights movement, but had begun during the progressive era. Although the movement that germinated from his ideas may have taken on a more violent form, Web Du Bois felt strongly that every human being could shape their own destinies with determination and hard work. Fie inspired hope by declaring that progress would come with the success of the small struggles for a be

A.the Civil War had eliminated racial discrimination in the U.S.

B.his grandmother could recite the history of the western world

C.Du Bois was considered something of a prodigy and very promising

D.his great-grandfather had fought in the American war of independence



Part A

Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Perhaps it was his own lack of adequate schooling that inspired Horace Mann to work so hard to accomplish the important reforms in education. While he was still a boy, his father died, and he had to support his family. Like most of the children in his town, he attended school two or three months a year. Later, with the help of several teachers, he was able to study law and become a member of the Massachusetts bar, but he never forgot those early struggles.

While serving in the Massachusetts legislature ,he signed a historic education bill that set up a state board of education. Without regret, he gave up his successful legal practice to become the first secretary of the board. There he exercised an enormous influence during the critical period of reconstruction that brought into existence the American graded elementary school as a substitute for the older district school system. Under his leadership, the curriculum was restructured, the school year was increased to a minimum of six months, and mandatory schooling was extended to age sixteen. Other important reforms that came into existence under Mann's guidance included the establishment of state normal schools for teacher training.

Considered quite radical at the time, the Massachusetts reforms later served as a model for the nation's educational system. Mann was formally recognized as the father of public education.

During his lifetime, Horace Mann worked tirelessly to extend educational opportunities to agrarian families and the children of poor laborers. In one of his last speeches he summed up his philosophy of education and life :"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity."

Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.The Father of American Public Education.

B.Philosophy of Education.

C.Policies of Educational Institutions.

D.Horace Mann and the Massachusetts State Board of Education.



According to the news, what was the first real challenge for Mr. Baradei?

A.Leading the IAEA at a time of transition.

B.Inspecting Iran for nuclear weapons.

C.IAEA"s inspections for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

D.Inspecting North Korea for nuclear weapons.



Which of the following is TRUE of the service at a bar?

A.A customer has to tip the waitress.

B.A customer has to pay each time he gets drinks.

C.A customer has to pay for all the drinks when he is leaving.

D.A customer has t9 sit at the table to wait for their turn to be served.



Which of the following is TRUE of the service at a bar?

A.A customer has to tip the waitress.

B.A customer has to pay each time he gets drinks.

C.A customer has to pay for all the drinks when he is leaving.

D.A customer has to sit at the table to wait for their turn to be served.



toolbar ruler title bar menu bar incorporate into

Microsoft Word XP is the current Window version of Word, and documents created in Word XP can be easily 31.________ Excel, Power Point and Access files. Inthe interface of Word, the 32. ________ displays the name of the current application and name of the current document; the 33.________ lists the names of the menus available; the 34.________ gives the user quick access to frequently used editing functions; the 35.________enables the user to changeleft and right margin.



If you observe the point of cloud convergence shifting to the right and the “bar”of the storm appears to move along the horizon ______.

A.The center of the storm will by-pass you

B.The storm will strike you on the starboard side

C.You are in the direct path of the storm and should take immediate steps to batten down loose gear

D.The storm is starting to break up



Just a few seconds of frenzied passion on the floor of the public bar and things would never be the same again for Michelle. It only took a few minutes to ruin her life. The end of all her hopes and dreams, her childhood and teenage innocence, all stripped away the first and only time she ever surrendered herself to a man.

No one saw it happen, but the news spread fast; it wasn't long before the whole of Britain knew what had happened in the Queen Victoria -- Dirty Den, the landlord, had done it again. Only this time he had gone too far.

For the millions who have agonized with her, Michelle's pregnancy seems a terrible price to pay for one mistake -- a little youthful stupidity. Yet, with the increasing number of teenage single mums, it's not just a problem dreamed up for a soap opera -- as actress Susan Tully, who plays Michelle, has discovered from hundreds of letters: It's a dilemma many young girls face.

As she talks about Michelle and her baby, it's easy to understand why Susan has been so successful in the role. Even though she's never had an experience like it herself, it's one she recognizes all too clearly from what happens to some of her contemporaries at school. Michelle might almost be her younger sister rather than a fictional part in Britain's most successful soap opera.

Susan says that she never became involved with men during her school years because of her work. With her time being split equally between school and television studios, she was busy learning lines while her girlfriends were dating boys. While they went out to discos and parties in the evening she was desperately catching up on her schoolwork.

"I don't feel as though I've missed out on anything," she insists. "And unlike a lot of my friends, I've got plenty to look forward to. That's what's so nice about my boyfriend now. It's very comfortable and there's lots to find out about each other."

"It's then that I feel sad for Michelle. When she should be going out and having fun, she's having to worry about whether she's going to breastfeed the baby. Sffe's had to say goodbye to being a teenager."

How did Susan avoid the dangers that many of her school friends faced?

A.By thinking of Michelle as her younger sister.

B.By doing many projects at home.

C.By working hard at school and at TV studios.

D.By dating her boyfriend during her school years.


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