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Il travaille beaucoup pour que ses enfants vivre heureusement.





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Traduisez en chinois le petit texte suivant(将下列...

Traduisez en chinois le petit texte suivant(将下列短文译成中文): Après la récréation, Marc a deux heures de fran?ais au laboratoire de langues. Il travaille beaucoup : il lit des textes, écoute des CD, prend des notes, écrit et répète des mots nouveaux et des expressions. Il essaie de parler fran?ais avec ses camarades, mais ce n’est pas toujours facile. Que veut-il faire après ses études ? Il veut devenir ingénieur dans une grande entreprise multinationale parce qu’il trouve ce métier intéressant. Donc, les langues sont importantes pour lui. Dans la société d’aujourd’hui, il ne suffit pas de comprendre seulement une ou deux langues étrangères. Marc sait cela parfaitement. Il faut aussi avoir des connaissances culturelles, informatiques, juridiques, économiques, etc.



请选择正确的间接引语。Maman demande à ses enfants: "Qu’est-ce que vous avez appris hier "
A.Maman demande à ses enfants ce qu’ils ont appris hier.

B.Maman demande à ses enfants ce qui ils ont appris hier.

C.Maman demande à ses enfants s’ils sont appris hier.

D.Maman demandes à ses enfants que vous avez appris hier.



Diseases of Agricultural Plants

Plants, like animals, are subject to diseases of various kinds. It has been estimated that some 30,000 different diseases attack our economic plants; forty are known to attack com, and about as many attack wheat. The results of unchecked plant diseases are ail too obvious in countries that have marginal food supplies. The problem will soon be more widespread as the population of the world increases at its frightening rate. Even in countries that are now amply fed by thek agricultural products there could soon be food shortages. It is easy to imagine the consequences of some disastrous attack on one of the major crops; the resulting famines could kill millions of people, and the resulting hardship on other millions could cause political upheavals disastrous to the order of the world.

Some plants have relative immunity to great many diseases, while others have a susceptibility to them. The tolerance of a particular plant changes as the growing conditions change. A blight may be but a local infection easily controlled; on the other hand it can attack particular plants in a whole region or nation. An example is the blight that killed virtually every chestnut tree in North America. Another is the famous potato blight in Ireland in the last century. As a result of that, it was estimated that one million people died of starvation and related ailments.

Plant pathologists have made remarkable strides in identifying the pathogens of the various diseases. Bacteria may include invade a plant through an infestation of insect parasites carrying the pathogen. A plant can also be inoculated by man. Other diseases might be caused by fungus which attacks the plant in the form. of a mold or smut or rust. Frequently such a primary infection will weaken the plant so that a secondary infection may result from its lack of tolerance. The symptoms shown may cause an error in diagnosis, so that treatment may be directed toward bacteria which could be the result of a susceptibility caused by primary virus infection.

How many diseases are known to attack wheat?

A.Around 30,000.

B.Around 140.

C.Around 29,960.

D.Around 40.



The domestic economy in the United States expanded in a remarkably vigorous and steady fashion. The revival in consumer confidence was reflected in the higher proportion of incomes spent for goods and services and the marked increase in consumer willingness to take on installment debt. A parallel strengthening in business psychology was manifested in a stepped-up rate of plant and equipment spending and a gradual pickup in expenses for inventory. Confidence in the economy was also reflected in the strength of the stock market and in the stability of the bond market. For the year as a whole, consumer and business sentiment benefited from the ease in East-West tensions.

The bases of the business expansion were to be found mainly in the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies that had been pursued. Moreover, the restoration of sounder liquidity positions and tighter management control of production efficiency had also helped lay the groundwork for a strong expansion. In addition, the economic policy moves made by the President had served to renew optimism on the business outlook while boosting hopes that inflation would be brought under more effective control. Finally, of course, the economy was able to grow as vigorously as it did because sufficient leeway existed in terms of idle men and machines.

The United States balance of payments deficit declined sharply. Nevertheless, by any other test, the deficit remained very large, and there was actually a substantial deterioration in our trade account to a sizable deficit, almost two-thirds of which was with Japan. While the overall trade performance proved disappointing, there are still good reasons for expecting the delayed impact of devaluation to produce in time a significant strengthening in our trade picture. Given the size of the Japanese component of our trade deficit, however, the outcome will depend importantly on the extent of the corrective measures undertaken by Japan. Also important will be our own efforts in the United States to fashion internal policies consistent with an improvement in our external balance.

The underlying task of public policy for the year ahead—and indeed for the longer run—remained a familiar one: to strike the right balance between encouraging healthy economic growth and avoiding inflationary pressures. With the economy showing sustained and vigorous growth, and with the currency crisis highlighting the need to improve our Competitive posture internationally, the emphasis seemed to be shifting to the problem of inflation. The Phase Three program of wage and price restraint can contribute to reducing inflation. Unless productivity growth is unexpectedly large, however, the expansion of real output must eventually begin to slow down to the economy's larger run growth potential if generalized demand pressures on prices are to be avoided.

Notes: inventory n.存货。East-West tensions 东西方紧张局势。fiscal (与国库的钱有关的)财务的(常指税收)。liquidity 周转率,清偿力。leeway n.回旋,余地。given 鉴于,由于。the Phase Three program 第三个阶段计划。

The author mentions increased installment debt in the first paragraph in order to show _____.

A.the continuing expansion of the economy.

B.the growth of consumer purchasing power.

C.the consumers' confidence in the economy.

D.the soaring consumer incomes for spending.



The domestic economy in the United States expanded in a remarkably vigorous and steady fashion. The revival in consumer confidence was reflected in the higher proportion of incomes spent for goods and services and the marked increase in consumer willingness to take on installment debt. A parallel strengthening in business psychology was manifested in a stepped-up rate of plant and equipment spending and a gradual pickup in expenses for inventory. Confidence in the economy was also reflected in the strength of the stock market and in the stability of the bond market. For the years as a whole, consumer and business sentiment benefited from the ease in East-West tensions.

The bases of the business expansion were to be found mainly in the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies that had been pursued. Moreover, the restoration of sounder liquidity positions and tighter management control of production efficiency had also helped lay the groundwork for a strong expansion. In addition, the economic policy moves made by the President had served to renew optimism on the business outlook while boosting hopes that inflation would be brought under more effective control. Final]y, of course, the economy was able to grow as vigorously as it did because sufficient leeway existed in terms of idle men and machines.

The United States balance of payments deficit declined sharply. Nevertheless, by any other test, the deficit remained very large, and there was actually a substantial deterioration in our trade account to a sizable deficit, almost two-thirds of which was with Japan. While the overall trade performance proved disappointing, there are still good reasons for expecting the delayed impact of devaluation to produce in time a significant strengthening in our trade picture. Given the size of the Japanese component of our trade deficit, however, the outcome will depend importantly on the extent of the corrective measures undertaken by Japan. Also important will be our own efforts in the United States to fashion internal policies consistent with an improvement in our external balance.

The underlying task of public policy for the year ahead--and indeed for the longer run--remained a familiar one: to strike the right balance between encouraging healthy economic growth and avoiding inflationary pressures. With the economy showing sustained and vigorous growth, and with the currency crisis highlighting the need to improve our competitive posture internationally, the emphasis seemed to be shifting to the problem of inflation. The Phase Three Program of wage and price restraint can contribute to reducing inflation. Unless productivity growth is unexpectedly large; however, the expansion of real output must eventually begin to slow down to the economy's larger run growth potential if generalized demand pressures on prices are to be avoided.

The author mentions increased installment debt in the first paragraph in order to show ______.

A.the continuing expansion of the economy

B.the growth of consumer purchasing power

C.the consumers' confidence in the economy

D.the soaring consumer incomes for spending



The domestic economy in the United States expanded in a remarkably vigorous and steady fashion. The revival in consumer confidence was reflected in the higher proportion of incomes spent for goods and services and the marked increase in consumer willingness to take on installment debt. A parallel strengthening in business psychology was manifested in a stepped-up rate of plant and equipment spending and a gradual pickup in expenses for inventory. Confidence in the economy was also reflected in the strength of the stock market and in the stability of the bond market. For the years as a whole, consumer and business sentiment benefited from the ease in East-West tensions.

The bases of the business expansion were to be found mainly in the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies that had been pursued. Moreover, the restoration of sounder liquidity positions and tighter management control of production efficiency had also helped lay the groundwork for a strong expansion. In addition, the economic policy moves made by the President had served to renew optimism on the business outlook while boosting hopes that inflation would be brought under more effective control. Final]y, of course, the economy was able to grow as vigorously as it did because sufficient leeway existed in terms of idle men and machines.

The United States balance of payments deficit declined sharply. Nevertheless, by any other test, the deficit remained very large, and there was actually a substantial deterioration in our trade account to a sizable deficit, almost two-thirds of which was with Japan. While the overall trade performance proved disappointing, there are still good reasons for expecting the delayed impact of devaluation to produce in time a significant strengthening in our trade picture. Given the size of the Japanese component of our trade deficit, however, the outcome will depend importantly on the extent of the corrective measures undertaken by Japan. Also important will be our own efforts in the United States to fashion internal policies consistent with an improvement in our external balance.

The underlying task of public policy for the year ahead--and indeed for the longer run--remained a familiar one: to strike the right balance between encouraging healthy economic growth and avoiding inflationary pressures. With the economy showing sustained and vigorous growth, and with the currency crisis highlighting the need to improve our competitive posture internationally, the emphasis seemed to be shifting to the problem of inflation. The Phase Three Program of wage and price restraint can contribute to reducing inflation. Unless productivity growth is unexpectedly large; however, the expansion of real output must eventually begin to slow down to the economy's larger run growth potential if generalized demand pressures on prices are to be avoided.

The author mentions increased installment debt in the first paragraph in order to show ______.

A.the continuing expansion of the economy

B.the growth of consumer purchasing power

C.the consumers' confidence in the economy

D.the soaring consumer incomes for spending




Diseases of Agricultural Plants

Plants, like animals, are subject to diseases of various kinds. It has been estimated that some 30,000 different diseases attack our economic plants; forty are known to attack com, and about as many attack wheat. The results of unchecked plant diseases are ail too obvious in countries that have marginal food supplies. The problem will soon be more widespread as the population of the world increases at its frightening rate. Even in countries that are now amply fed by thek agricultural products there could soon be food shortages. It is easy to imagine the consequences of some disastrous attack on one of the major crops; the resulting famines could kill millions of people, and the resulting hardship on other millions could cause political upheavals disastrous to the order of the world.

Some plants have relative immunity to great many diseases, while others have a susceptibility to them. The tolerance of a particular plant changes as the growing conditions change. A blight may be but a local infection easily controlled; on the other hand it can attack particular plants in a whole region or nation. An example is the blight that killed virtually every chestnut tree in North America. Another is the famous potato blight in Ireland in the last century. As a result of that, it was estimated that one million people died of starvation and related ailments.

Plant pathologists have made remarkable strides in identifying the pathogens of the various diseases. Bacteria may include invade a plant through an infestation of insect parasites carrying the pathogen. A plant can also be inoculated by man. Other diseases might be caused by fungus which attacks the plant in the form. of a mold or smut or rust. Frequently such a primary infection will weaken the plant so that a secondary infection may result from its lack of tolerance. The symptoms shown may cause an error in diagnosis, so that treatment may be directed toward bacteria which could be the result of a susceptibility caused by primary virus infection.

How many diseases are known to attack wheat?

A. Around 30,000.

B. Around 140.

C. Around 29,960.

D. Around 40.



Questions 11 to I5 are based on the following passage:

Over the years, college students have stood together for what they believe in, from civil rights to anti-war policies to the more recent protests against the unequal distribution of wealth. But nowhere in history have students banned (禁 止)bottled water. Until now.

The bottled water ban, which Parted on just a few campuses, has now spread nationwide to more than 20 universities. The colleges have cither completely banned the use of plastic bottles altogether, or some have taken a more limited approach with partial bans.

Many people believe that producing and bottled water wastes money and harms the environment. They say that bottled water is unnecessary because public water supplies in the U.S. arc among the best in the world. Water fountains and reusable bottles with easy access (获取)to filling stations are a better choice.

An organization called Ban the Bottle raises awareness about the economic and environmental costs of using plastic bottles. The group claims that eight glasses of water a day costs each person 49 cents annually, while drinking from plastic containers costs $I,400 per year. Plastic bottles contain antimony—a chemical that in low doses causes depression, but in large doses can even lead to death.

The controversy over bottled or tap is not limited to the students and college administrations. The makers of bottled water see the movement as a threat. (80) They argue that plastic bottles make UP a small portion of the nation ’s total waste. It&39;s unfair to single out (单独挑出)their product when so many other items are packaged in plastic containers. Plus, water is a healthy choice compared to some sodas and juices that arc also sold at school.

Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

A.Many universities ban or restrict the sale of bottled water.

B.Many states ban or restrict the sale of bottled water.

C.The bottled water industry is concerned about its decreasing sales.

D.Many people are opposed to the bottled water ban.

The word controversy in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _____.A.choice




According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A.All the universities have banned the sale of bottled water.

B.Plastic bottles may do harm to peopled health.

C.The purchase of soft drinks will increase.

D.Bottled is cheap and environment-friendly.

According to Ban the Bottle, drinking bottled water costs _____ dollars per year.A.8




What does the bottled water industry use in its own defense?A.Bottled water is much leaner than tap water.

B.Students should have freedom of choice.

C.The bottles are made in a more environment-friendly way.

D.Water is healthier than some sodas and juices.



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