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The old man _____________100 years old by the end of last month. A、 is B、 was C、 has been D、 had been

更多“The old man _____________100 years old by the end of last month. A、 is B、 was C、 has been D、 had bee…”相关的问题


阅读理解。 There was an old pear tree in a man’s garden. In the past, the tree fruited ever
y year, so阅读理解。 There was an old pear tree in a man’s garden. In the past, the tree fruited every year, so the man would get many pears. But now, the tree got old. There were no more pears for the man. So the ungrateful() comes from pear trees. C. Old people are kind and friendly. D. Birds and bees are always helpful.



听力原文:The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it sta

听力原文: The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Beginning of Spring. Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modem Chinese solely means "year", was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year

One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very seared. One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian. To Nian he said, "I hear that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents?" So, it swallowed many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harassed people and their domestic animals from time to time.

After that, the old man disappeared riding the beast Nian. He turned out to be an immortal god. Now that Nian is gone and other beasts of prey are 'also scared into forests, people begin to enjoy their peaceful life. Before the old man left, he had told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year's end to scare a way Nian in case it sneaked back again, because red is the color the beast feared the most.

From then on, the tradition of observing the conquest of Nian is carried on from generation to generation.


A.The beginning of Spring.

B.The day before the New Year day.

C.The New Year day.

D.The day after the New Year day.



Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the (56)30 years man will f

Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the (56) 30 years man will face a period of crisis. (57) experts believe that there will be a widespread food (58) Other experts think this is (59) pessimistic (悲观的), and that man can prevent things from (60) worse than they are now. But remember that two thirds of the people in the world are under-nourished or starving now.

(61) thing that man can do is to limit the (62) of babies born. The need (63) this is obvious, but it is not (64) to achieve. People have to be 65 to limit their families. In the countries of the population (66) , many people like big families. The parents think that this (67) a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look (68) them in old age.

Several governments have (69) birth control policies in recent years. (70) them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some (71) the results have not been successful. Japan has been an (72) . The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People were (73) to limit their families. The birth (74) fell from 34. 3 per thousand per year to about 17. 0 per year (75) present.








Man cannot continue【C1】______his numbers at the present rate. In the【C2】______thirty years
man will face a period of crisis.【C3】______experts believe that there will be a widespread food【C4】______Other experts think this is【C5】______pessimistic, and that man can keep things【C6】______worse than they are now. But【C7】______that two-thirds of the people in the world are undernourished or starving now.

One thing that man can do is to limit【C8】______of babies born. The need【C9】______this is obvious, but it is【C10】______to achieve. People have to【C11】______to limit their families. In the countries of the population【C12】______, many people like big families. The parents think that this【C13】______a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look【C14】______them in old age.

Several governments have【C15】______birth control policies in recent years.【C16】______them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some【C17】______the results have not been【C18】______. Japan has been an exception. The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People【C19】______to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34. 3 per thousand per year to about 17. 0 per thousand per year【C20】______.



B.to increase

C.and increase

D.with increasing



Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the【C1】______30 years man w
ill face a period of crisis.【C2】______experts believe that there will be a widespread food【C3】______ Other experts think this is【C4】______ pessimistic (悲观的), and that man can prevent things from【C5】______ worse than they are now. But remember that two thirds of the people in the world are under-nourished or starving now. 【C6】______ thing that man can do is to limit the【C7】______ of babies born. The need【C8】______ this is obvious, but it is not【C9】______ to achieve. People have to be【C10】______ to limit their families. In the countries of the population【C11】______ , many people like big families. The parents think that this【C12】______ a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look【C13】______ them in old age. Several governments have【C14】______ birth control policies in recent years.【C15】______ them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some【C16】______ the results have not been successful. Japan has been an【C17】______ . The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People were【C18】______ to limit their families. The birth【C19】______ fell from 34. 3 per thousand per year to about 17. 0 per year【C20】______ present.








Mancannotgoonincreasinghisnumberatthepresentrate.Inthe 【B1】 30yearsmanwillfaceaperiodofcri

Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the 【B1】 30 years man will face a period of crisis. 【B2】experts believe that there will be a widespread food 【B3】 . Other experts think this is 【B4】 pessimistic (悲观 的),and that man can prevent things from 【B5】worse than they are now. But remember that two thirds of the people in the world are under-nourished or starving now.

【B6】 thing that man can do is to limit the 【B7】 of babies bom. The need 【B8】 this is obvious, but it is not 【B9】to achieve. People have to be 【B10】to limit their families. In the countries of the population 【B11】,many people like big families. The parents think that this 【B12】 bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look 【B13】 them in old age.

Several governments have 【B14】birth control policies in recent years. 【B15】them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some 【B16】the results have not been successful. Japan has been an 【B17】The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People were 【B18】 to limit their families. The birth 【B19】fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per year 【B20】 present.








Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the【56】30 years man will fa
ce a period of crisis.【57】experts believe that there will be a widespread food【58】. Other experts think this is【59】pessimistic (悲观的), and that man can prevent things from【60】.

【61】thing that man can do is to limit the【62】of babies born. The need【63】this is obvious, but it is not【64】to achieve. People have to be【65】to limit their families. In the countries of the population【66】, many people like big families. The parents think that this【67】a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look【68】them in old age.

Several governments have【69】birth control policies in recent years.【70】them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some【71】the results have not been successful. Japan has been an【72】. The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People were【73】to limit their families. The birth【74】fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per year【75】present.








Man cannot continue【C1】______his numbers at the present rate. In the【C2】______thirty years
man will face a period of crisis.【C3】______experts believe that there will be a widespread food【C4】______Other experts think this is【C5】______pessimistic, and that man can keep things【C6】______worse than they are now. But【C7】______that two-thirds of the people in the world are undernourished or starving now.

One thing that man can do is to limit【C8】______of babies born. The need【C9】______this is obvious, but it is【C10】______to achieve. People have to【C11】______to limit their families. In the countries of the population【C12】______,many people like big families. The parents think that this【C13】______a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look【C14】______them in old age.

Several governments have【C15】______birth control policies in recent years.【C16】______them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some【C17】______the results have not been【C18】______. Japan has been an exception. The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People【C19】______to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per thousand per year【C20】______.



B.to increase

C.and increase

D.with increasing



Man cannot continue 【26】______ his numbers 【27】______ the present rate. In the 【28】______
thirty years man will face a period of crisis. 【29】______ experts believe that there will be a widespread food 【30】______ Other experts think this is 【31】______ pessimistic, and that man can keep things 【32】______ worse than they are now. But 【33】______ that two thirds of the people in the world are undernourished or starving now. One thing that man can do is to limit 【34】______ of babies born. The need 【35】______ this is obvious, but it is not easy to achieve. People have to 【36】______ to limit their families. In the countries of the population 【37】______ ,many people like big families. The parents think that this 【38】______ a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look 【39】______ them in old age. Several governments have 【40】______ birth control policies in recent years. 【41】______ them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some 【42】______ the results have not been 【43】______ . Japan has been an exception. The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People 【44】______ to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per thousand per year 【45】______ .



B.to increase

C.and increase

D.with increasing



It is often difficult for a man to be quite sure what tax he ought to pay to the governmen
t because it depends on so many different things: whether the man is married; how many children he has; whether he supports any relations; how much he earns; how much interest he receives; how much he has spent on his house during the year, and so on and so forth. All this makes it difficult to decide exactly how much the tax is.

There was a certain artist who was always very careful to pay the proper amount.

One year, after posting his check as usual, he began to wonder if he had paid enough, and after a lot of work, with a pencil and paper, he decided that he had not. He believed that he owed the government something.

He was just writing another check to send to the tax-collector when the postman dropped a letter into the box at the front door. Opening it, the artist was surprised to find inside it a check for five pounds from the tax-collector. The official explained that too much had been paid, and that therefore the difference was now returned to the taxpayer.

It is mentioned in the passage that one has to pay tax according to ______.

A.how much education one has received

B.whether one is single or married

C.how old one's children are

D.where one lives


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