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Landscape architects work with many other professionals, so they have to be good at communication.

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Policeman as a Writer

I decided to begin the term’s work with the short story since that form. would be the easiest for the police of5cers, not only because most of their reading up to then had probably been in that genre, but also be-cause a study of the reaction of people to various situations was something they relied on in their daily work. For instance, they had to be able to predict how others would react to their directives and interventions be-fore deciding on their own form. of action; they had to be able to take in the details of a situation quickly and correctly before intervening. No matter how factual and sparse police reports may seem to us, they must make use of a selection of vital detail, similar to which a writer of a short story has to make.

This was taught to me by one of my students, a captain, at the end of the term. I had begun the study of the short story by stressing the differences between a factual report, such as a scientist’s or a policeman’s report, and the presentation of a creative writer. While a selection of necessary details is involved in both, the officer must remain neutral and clearly try to present a picture of the facts, while the artist usually begins with a preconceived message or attitude which is then transmitted through the use of carefully selected de-tails of action described in words intended to prvoke associations and emotional reactions in the reader. Only at the end of the term did the captain point out to me that he and his men also try to evaluate the events they describe and that their description of a sequence of events must of necessity be structured and colored by their understanding of what bas taken place.

The policemen’s reactions to events and characters in the stories were surprisingly unprejudiced...

They did not object to writers whose stories had to do with their protagonist’s rebellion against society's accepted values. Nor did stories in which the strong father becomes the villain and in which our usual ideals of manhood are turned around offend them. The many hunters among my students readily granted the message in those hunting tales in which sensitivity triumphs over male aggressiveness, stories that show the boy be-coming a man because he fails to shoot the deer, goose, or catbird. The only characters they did object to were those they thought unrealistic. As the previous class had done, this one also excelled in interpreting the ways in which characters reveal themselves, subtly manipulate and influence each other; they, too, understood how the story usually saves its insight, its revelation, for the end.

This almost instinctive grasp of the writing of fiction was revealed when the policemen volunteered to write their own short stories. They not only took great pains with plot and character, but with style. and language. The stories were surprisingly well written ,revealing an understanding of what a solid short story must contain-the revelation of character, the use of background description and language to create atmosphere and mood, the need to sustain suspense and get make each event as it occurs seem natural, the insight achieved either by the characters in the story or the reader or both. They tended to favor surprise endings. Some stories were sheer fantasies, or derived from previous reading, films, or television shows. Most wrote stories, obviously based on their own experiences, which revealed the amazing distance they must pat between their personal lives and their work, which is part of tile training for being a good cop. These stories, as well as their discussions of them, showed how coolly they judged their own weaknesses as well as the humor with which they accepted some of the difficulties or injustices of existence. Despite their authors unmistakable sense of irony and awareness of corruption, these stories demonstrated how clearly, almost naively, these police men wanted to continue to beli

A.aggressive and not passive

B.factual and not fanciful

C.neutral and not prejudiced

D.a man of action, not words



Landscape architects work at design of the naural environment only.


Peppeberg’s work with Alex was intended to prove that animals .

A. do have thoughts

B. can learn to speak

C. can become man's friends

D. do live long lives



What is the main idea of the passage?

A.We should let mothers work without worry.

B.It is better for mothers to stay at home.

C.We should work hard, especially mothers.

D.Like mother, like children.



Western tattooists work with a special electrical instrument, something like a dentist's drill. It holds a number of very fine needles, which, for the purpose of reproducing the approved drawing, ac dipped, in black ink. When the current is switched on, and the instrument passed rapidly over the outline, the action of the needles drives the ink into the skin. The tattooist is constantly wiping away excess ink as he works. This is where skill is so important, for the speed of the instrument means that he must work rapidly over lines which ac almost permanently covered over.

The basic drawing then has to be colored in, using the same method but with non-poisonous paint now replacing the ink. The average tattoo contains four or five colors, each injected with a separate instrument. How many needles ac used each time will depend on the area m be covered, but it is possible to use as many as ten or twelve, giving up to 3,000 injections a minute. Filling in is a lengthier process than outlining, and, since most people find half an hour under the needles quite enough, a major tattoo can take a number of visits to complete. Every visit will leave the skin sore and stinging, and to prevent infection the area is finally treated with an antiseptic cream and covered with a dressing. After a few days it finally heals over, leaving the new tattoo clearly visible under the skin.

And there it stays, for, as those who get tattooed and then thind better of it soon discover, getting rid of the tattoo is a far more difficult business than getting it. The tattooist is powerless to undo what he has done and can only refer unhappy customers to their doctors who, no matter how sympathetic; are able to offer little encouragement. Removing a tattoo, if it can be done at all, has to be by one of two methods, neither of them pleasant or even completely satisfactory, The first is by surgery and skin replacment, an operation which leaves permanent marks. The other possibility is to re-tat-too over the offending design with a special acidbased substance which absorbs the colors as it goes. This is a painful and lengthy process which, though less expensive than private surgery, is still quite costly. "Tattooing is a thorn in the side of the medical profession", is the view of one Harley Street skin specialist. He receives a constant stream of enquiries about removal, but in most cases the expense and discomfort of having it done make people decide to go on living with their unwanted designs. "Patients have to want it very much go to through with it," he says. "Those who do are usually the ones who find that they are refused jobs, or cannot get advancement because their hands are decorated."

This is such a common event that responsible tattooists refuse to work on areas which cannot normally be covered up." The trouble is that most people don' t think about it until it' s too late." says one tattooist who had his own hands tattooed some years ago, and freely admits to regretting it" I realize now that it looks in bad taste."

The fine needles are used______.

A.to make the first rough outline

B.to finish the rough outline

C.to make the approved drawing

D.to ink in the rough outline



In a team.

A.members work independently of each other.

B.members make all the decisions together.

C.the team leader supewise the teamwork all the time.

D.members work cooperatively and communicate effectively.



The World Health Organization says as many as 10 million persons worldwide may have the virus(病毒) that causes AIDS. Experts believe about 350 thousand persons have the disease. And one million more may get it in the next five years. In the United States, about 50,000 persons have died with AIDS. The country's top medical official says more than 90 percent of all Americans who had the AIDS virus five years ago are dead.

There is no cure for AIDS and no vaccine(疫苗) medicine to prevent it. However, researchers know much more about AIDS than they did just a few years ago. We now know that AIDS is caused by a virus. The virus invades healthy cells including white blood cells that are part of our defense system against disease. It takes control of the healthy cell's genetic(遗传的) material and forces the cell to make a copy of the virus. The cell then dies. And the viral particles move on to invade and kill more healthy cells.

The AIDS virus is carried in a person's body fluids. The virus can be passed sexually or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous(静脉内的) drugs. It also can be passed in blood products or from a pregnant woman with AIDS to her developing baby.

Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease. You cannot get it by touching, drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. Experts say no one has gotten AIDS by living with, caring for or touching an AIDS patient.

There are several warning signs of an AIDS infection. They include always feeling tired, unexplained weight loss and uncontrolled expulsion of body wastes(大小便失禁). Other warnings are the appearance of white areas on the mouth, dark red areas of skin that do not disappear and a higher than normal body temperature.

Concerning the ways the AIDS virus can be passed, which of the following statements is wrong?

A.An AIDS mother can pass on the virus to her unborn child.

B.The AIDS virus can be passed on through infected blood.

C.The AIDS virus can be passed on by shaking hands and sharing belongings.

D.The AIDS virus is passed sexually.


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