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In the sample of a student’s resume, it is clear that his major was English language and literature.

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She made it quite clear that she preferred to English and higher mathematics.







Yellow Fever

It is clear that to many people in the US the idea of a group of foreign musicians undertaking a concert tour of their country just now is the height of folly. Since we happened to be singing in New York City on the day American forces first entered Baghdad, it was assumed by many in the audience that we had done a very courageous thing, and we were applauded all the more for our perceived bravery. I wondered if everyone hadn't gone stark raving honkers (发疯); but, however mindless the gut reactions seem to us to he, part of what people have been telling us is true: musicians have been canceling tours, tensions have been running high against nationals of some European countries, and Americans from rural places hesitate to travel to cities like NYC for fear of terrorist attack.

I am not exaggerating. It comes as no surprise to learn that Americans will hot travel abroad at times like this; ever since Reagan bombed Libya in 1983, every arts organization that I have known has feared times of US aggression overseas, knowing that half their subscribers would not attend. But for Americans to extend that principle willy-nilly (无可奈何地) to foreigners coming to the US, and even to traveling around their own country, betrays a lack of grip which seems extreme almost to the point of caricature. A woman I was due to meet in New York cancelled the interview because although she hadn't "been in Manhattan since the war broke out, I've heard it's tense there" For her, Philadelphia was a more satisfactory place to meet because "I was just there last Monday, and the city seemed relatively peaceful."

The nastiest side of the story, as usual, is the xenophobic(恐惧外国人的) side. After giving a concert which consisted entirely of Flemish music, one of the organizers thanked me for not having chosen any German or French compositions. I asked why, and was told that it would have been much harder to sell tickets. "And Flemish is all right?" I asked. "Oh yes," he said, "no one has anything against the Flemish." "Even though," I pursued, fascinated, "Flanders is part of Belgium and the Belgians, along with the Germans and French, refused to back NATO protection for Turkey?" He did not know that Flanders was part of Belgium.

More serious was the incident of the French cello. Apparently, Yo-Yo Ma recently left his priceless cello in the back of a New York taxi and got it back as a result of a televised appeal: the taxi-driver saw the programme and turned it in. The other day a French string quartet was taking part in a festival of French music here (called "Sounds French"—the timing couldn't have been worse but the promoters went ahead anyway) and the cellist duly left his instrument in the back of a New York taxi.

The same procedure was followed as for Yo-Yo Ma, which involved giving out the mobile number of the owner. Ever since he has been inundated with hate calls. And history does not relate whether he got his cello back.

One of the reasons why we are basking in false glory at the moment is that our European colleagues have indeed taken flight and refused to tour. The highest-profile example in my world is Hesperion XXI with Jordi Savall. On the website of their agent is this announcement, under the banner "Hesperion XXI Cancels Tour because of War":

True terrorism has its hold when professionals change plans due to fear. The re-percussions [sic-remember he is a music agent] then affect all the presenters whose organizations suffer financially and the hundreds of audience members who had looked forward to the concerts. This is what has happened with Hesperion XXI when a number of its key members refused to take part in an extensive North American tour partly due to uncertainties of the war and not wanting to be apart from loved ones and the perceived terror threats in traveling around the US.

Quite apart from what the Americans deserve, these people do not deserve t

A.the majority of musicians have been infected with "yellow fever"

B.the fear of yellow fever has made many musicians dare not visit America

C.the fear of terrorists is infectious among people just like the disease yellow fever

D.Americans fear foreigners under the threat of terrorist attack



No one appreciated his work during his lifetime, but______it is clear that he was a great artist.

A.in person

B.in the aftermath

C.in retrospect

D.in the future



It is common knowledge that ability to do a particular job and performance on the job do not always go hand in hand. Persons with great potential abilities sometimes fall down on the job because of laziness or lack of interest in the job, while persons with mediocre talents have often achieved excellent results through their industry and their loyally to the interests of their employers. It is clear, therefore, that the final test of any employee is his performance on the job.

The most accurate of the following statements, on the basis of the following paragraph, is that ______.

A.employees who lack ability are usually not industrious

B.an employee's attitudes are not so important as his abilities

C.mediocre employees are preferable to employees who possess great ability

D.superior capacity for performance should be supplemented with proper attitudes



There is a basic hypothesis that the majority of serious motoring offences are derived from accidents, and there is nothing in the offender's personality or background that predisposes him to break the law. If an accident is a chance event that happens so quickly and suddenly that it is beyond anyone's control to prevent it, then it is clear that this hypothesis is disproved. For only about 14 per cent of the 653 offences considered in a recent survey could possibly be called inadvertent accidents in this sense, and even this estimate is stretching credulity to its limits. In the great majority of cases the offences were largely of the offenders' own making. In 11 per cent of the 653 cases and 21 per cent of 43 offenders who were interviewed there was evidence of selfish, and even ruthless, self-interest, but it was not possible to infer personality disturbance in more than 25 per cent of the 653 and 39 per cent of the 43 offenders. Though the inferences with regard to personality traits may be an overestimate in the interpretation of qualitative data, they could equally be an underestimate, since so very little was ever recorded about the offenders themselves. The lack of data is a consequence of the almost total lack of interest in motoring offenders as persons. It must be assumed, therefore, in the absence of evidence to the contrary that the majority of serious motoring offenders considered in the survey were normal people, who succumbed to temptation when circumstances were favourable and it was expedient to take a chance, so perhaps there is something in the normal personality that predisposes a driver to break the law. Whatever it is, its presence is much more evident in males than in females, since the analysis of the national statistics shows a predominance of males over females of between 18:1 and 22:1.

The real significance of these figures is hard to assess, because the relative proportions of each sex at risk are unknown. One research worker produced a ratio of six males to one female from his sample of insurance policy holders, but this is almost certainly an underestimate since many females — probably more than males — are likely to be driving on someone else's policy. A ration of three to one is probably nearer to the real state of affairs. Females reached noticeable proportions only among the hit-and-run drivers, and there seems to be some justification for calling this the feminine offence. The difference between the sexes in their relative propensity to break the law on the roads is important, because it shows that motoring offenders have a characteristic in common with offenders in other fields of criminal activity, where males predominate to a marked degree. One motor insurance underwriter recently announced his intention to offer discounts on premiums where the policy holder or the named driver was a woman.

The basic hypothesis is further disproved by the very high incidence, among the offences studied, of failing to insure against third-party risks. Yet accidents brought to light only a very small percentage of this kind of crime. Moreover, it could not possibly be said that this, the most common of the serious offences, was brought about by providence. On the contrary, it can be regarded as a typical form. of economic crime, which, although sometimes committed through inadvertence, is more usually quite deliberate and calculated.

The word "hypothesis" (Line 1) means______.

A.a wrong belief

B.an unproved theory

C.a demonstrable idea

D.a fundamental law



听力原文: In this century, the wealth and success of nations will depend like never before on the ability to produce and use knowledge. Universities have long been instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. But in an increasingly globalized world, and in the face of rapid scientific change, they will need to think about a set of new challenges and how to best prepare their students for the coming decades.

It will be vital, as never before, for university graduates to have a grasp of foreign cultures and global issues. Before September 11,2001, if you had asked the average American to name a remote country that matters little to the United States, the response might well have been Afghanistan. Today, it is clear that no country is so remote that it cannot affect our way of life. Universities, especially in the United States, will need to evolve to reflect the reality of interdependence, to educate more foreign students, to send more of their students abroad and to incorporate international perspectives in every area of study.

Universities will need to teach a new kind of literacy, defined not only by global awareness. They also need to grapple with the dilemmas posed by the accelerating pace of change brought on by scientific and technological advances. We are on the brink of once-in-human-history progress in combating disease through the application of modem science. Doctors will have at their disposal blood tests that will tell you with substantial predictive power how long you will live and from what diseases you are likely to suffer. The Internet and the application of information technology may well represent the most profound change in the way knowledge is disseminated since the printing press. We are close to understanding the first second of the history of the cosmos.

Beyond their contribution to scientific progress, universities are uniquely suited to grapple with the important ethical questions raised by modem science. This means that those who wish to be educated members of our society will need to understand something of science and technology. It may once have been acutely embarrassing to not know the names of five plays by Shakespeare, but acceptable to not know the difference between a gene and a chromosome. This can no longer be the case. Institutions of higher learning have begun adapting to this reality, but they still have a long way to go.

The author mentions September 11 to demonstrate

A.the change of Americans' attitude toward Afghanistan

B.the necessity for university students to better understand foreign culture

C.the fact that Afghanistan is affecting Americans' life

D.the urgency for university students to understand Afghanistan issue


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