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(The candidate chooses one topic and speaks about it for one minute.)A. Market Research: t

(The candidate chooses one topic and speaks about it for one minute.)

A. Market Research: the importance of doing market research before launching new product

B. Finance: the importance of foreign investment for a company

C. Training: how to monitor internal staff training schemes effectively

更多“(The candidate chooses one topic and speaks about it for one minute.)A. Market Research: t”相关的问题


This step requires a good market research concerning the various aspects of the prospectiv

e markets.



You are advised to spot a couple of target markets.



&8226;Look at these sentences and the five passages chosen from a booklet entitled "How Do

I Get Into Export". The book explains steps to successful exporting.

&8226;Which clip does each sentence refer to?

&8226;For each sentence, mark one letter A, B, C, D or E.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Commitment: Developing export markets can be costly in terms of time, money have the commitment required to make a success of export? Entering new markets and developing them usually takes considerable time and effort. You must take a long-term view. Consider how many resources and how long it takes to break into a new regional market in Australia. The time and cost can be multiplied several times when you are looking at an overseas market.


Finance: Breaking into any new markets requites considerable funds (airfares, accommodation, advertising, sales promotion, new brochures, training of overseas sales agent, etc.). Does your company have the financial strength to commit say $ 30,000 or more for the year or two it may take to develop a new overseas market?

Discusses your plans with the international Department of your bank to ensure that all the financial aspects are covered and viable. Gain an understanding of international trade finance. Discuss costing-for-export with your accountant, and transport/packaging requirements with a customs agent or forwarding agent.


Become familiar with common terms used in international trade. The Australian Trade Commission (AUSTRADE) and the major trading banks have reference booklets. The Australian Institute of Expert provides courses.


Select one or two likely markets and undertake desk research to identify their characteristics. Most first-time exporters start with New Zeatand. Many are also interested in the USA, but that is an enormous and complex market.

In making a detailed market study the following should be considered:

?whether the country selected already imports the product (import statistics will show how much and from where)

?what import duties the product would attract

?other barriers to imports, such as import licensing

?frequency and cost of shipping or airfreight between Australia and the market

?regulations, such as quarantine and labeling standards, consumer protection rules, and product standards

?whether cultural differences need to be taken into account. 'Read economic and social literature on the target market to understand its fundamental characteristics.


The desk research should have indicated the market with the most potential and you should now be in a good position to visit the target market. The main purpose of the visit will be to study its special characteristics, the opportunities/competition at first hand, seek a suitable agent or distributor, and jointly draw up an appropriate marketing plan to introduce and expand the sale of your product. These are all very important considerations, and more than one visit will probably be necessary. Choosing the right agent, for most Companies, is probably the single most important step. Do not rush this step.

A long-term approach has to be taken in projecting how to crack the world market.



"10 Tips for Online Investors" reads:When You Invest Online, Be Sure To:1. Receive full di

"10 Tips for Online Investors" reads:

When You Invest Online, Be Sure To:

1. Receive full disclosure, which prior to opening your account, about 【S1】______

the alternatives for buying and selling securities and how to obtain

account information if you cannot access in the firm's Web site. 【S2】______

2. Understand that most likely when you are not linked directly to the 【S3】______

market, and that the click of your mouse does not instantly execute the trade.

3. Receive information from the firm to substantiate any advertised

claims of concerning the ease and speed of online trading. 【S4】______

4. Receive information from the firm about significant Web site

outages, delays and other interruptions to securities by trading and 【S5】______

account access.

5. Obtain information before trading about entering and canceling

orders (market, limit and stop loss), and the details and risks of

margin accounts (borrowing to buy stocks).

6. Determine whether you are receiving delayed or at real-time stock 【S6】______

quotes and when your account information was last updated.

7. Review the firms privacy and Web site of security policies and 【S7】______

whether your name may be used for mailing lists or other 【S8】______

promotional activities by the firm or any other party.

8. Receive clear information about sales commissions and fees

conditions that apply to any advertised discount on commissions. 【S9】______

9. Know how to, and if necessary, contact a customer

service representative with your concerns and request

prompt attention and with fair consideration. 【S10】______

10, Contact your state or provincial securities and agency to 【S11】______

(1) verify the registration/licensing for status and disciplinary history 【S12】______

of the online brokerage firm, or (2) file a complaint, if appropriate.




Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it.【C1】______ten years he had spent his days sitti

Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it. 【C1】______ ten years he had spent his days sitting, squatting, kneeling 【C2】______ crawling on floors, in houses, offices, shops, factories and restaurants. Ten years of his life, cutting and fitting carpets 【C3】______ other people to walk on, 【C4】______ even seeing 【C5】______ . When his work was done, no one ever appreciated it. No one ever said "Oh, that's a beautiful job, the carpet fits so neatly". They just walked all over it. Eddie was sick of it.

He was especially sick of it 【C6】______ this hot, humid day in August, 【C7】______ he worked to put the finishing touches to today's job. He was just cutting and fixing the last edge on a huge red carpet which he had fitted in the living room of Mrs. Vanbrugh's house. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh, who changed her carpets every year, and always bought the best. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh, who had never even given him a cup of tea all day, and who made him go outside when he wanted to smoke. Ah well, it was four o'clock and he had nearly finished. At least he would be able to get home early today. He began to day-dream about the weekend, about the Saturday football game he always played for the local team, where he was known 【C8】______ "Ed the Head" 【C9】______ his skill 【C10】______ heading goals from corner kicks.




&8226;Look at the graph below which shows the changes of the profits made by three chain s

tores (A, B and C) of a big retailing company in different parts of the city from 1998 to 2003.

&8226;Using the information, write a short report to sum up the information below and try to give some reasons for the changes.

&8226;Write 120-140 words on the separate answer paper provided.



?Read the article below about new products and services offered by hotels and airlines.?In

?Read the article below about new products and services offered by hotels and airlines.

?In most of the lines 41-52 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

?If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

?If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

If it wasn't one thing, it was another one. For almost four years, the travel world was turned upside down and once-peripatetic business travelers were chained to

41 their desks. But as the economy picks up and that the general business climate

42 improves for this year, corporate travelers are heading back to airports and hotels

43 around the world. What they'll find is a vastly different environment for business

44 travel. After years of retrenchment, major airlines are growing up again,

45 resuming with service on important business-travel, mutes and rebuilding

46 in-flight services. Alternate carriers are stronger than ever and hurriedly adding

47 business-class services to appeal to the corporate traveler. New hotels are

48 opening in major business centers around the world and hoteliers who

49 are tweaking their properties with better spas, better beds, better food and

50 crisper, more being focused service. And miraculously, prices are down, too. If a

51 chorus of "Happy Days Are Here Again" isn't quite appropriate, at least other

52 business travelers can hit the road in coming months confident that is, finally, things are getting a little better all the time.




?Read the article below about ways to motivate employees.?Choose the best sentence from th

?Read the article below about ways to motivate employees.

?Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

?For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

?Do not use any letter more than once.

Let Workers Work

In these difficult economic times, lots of companies are cutting benefits to maintain profits. So when Fortune magazine recently published its list of the "100 best companies to work for," I couldn't help but notice that lots of these companies are maintaining or even improving benefits such as medical care, onsite child care, fitness facilities, and so forth. Moreover, it turns out that firms that have made the list in the past have on average also done well in the stock market. So they must be doing something right. Are those on the list compiled by Fortune simply examples of successful companies that can afford to be nice? Or is there some link between generous benefits and an organization's performance?

Obviously, there is a link. (9) For starters, it seems perfectly sensible that companies with generous benefits and employee-friendly policies attract a more motivated, higher-quality workforce. (10) .

Consider health care and health insurance. (11) For example, Definity Health, a recent entrant in the health-care-plan in business, supplies consumers with loads of information that it claims "empowers employees with greater control over health and wellness decisions," thus limiting costs to employers. The typical Definity Health plan, in fact, carries a high deductible to encourage patients to become cost-conscious health-care shoppers.

What's wrong with greater employee involvement and cost-consciousness? (12) Having individual employees more actively manage their medical benefits — and, for that matter, 401 (k) and even flexible spending accounts — overlooks the advantages of specialization and the division of labor. Do you really want your people to spend their time becoming medical or financial experts, all while they're also engaged in a constant hunt to find quality child care? Wouldn't it be nice — and maybe even efficient — if someone with both knowledge and your employees' best interests in mind relieved them of those burdens? (13) Health Advocate, a firm that hunched in January 2002, charges companies about $2 a month per employee to help their people deal with their health insurers. It has already signed up 122 firms.

Companies that successfully capture the motivation and energy of their workers operate under a simple premise: (14) When their folks are at work, they want them to focus their energy on being productive.

A In an effort to control rising medical costs, many companies are experimenting with insurance plans that make employees more "cost-conscious" by having them take an active role in their health care.

B Clearly, some companies are beginning to realize that this is a problem. However, most CEOs and top executives don't have a clue how important that connection is.

D Here's a novel thought: Most employees want the same thing.

E Remove from employees as many extraneous burdens and worries as possible.

F But there is another, more important issue here: We're working our employees to the bone with all sorts of tasks unrelated to their jobs.

G Nothing, unless you think about the inevitable trade-offs in a worker's time and attention.

H Moreover, it turns out that firms that have made the list in the past have on average also done well in the stock market.




It is essential to make these things clear to the party involved.



&8226;Look at the statements below and the five introductions for goods.&8226;Which introd

&8226;Look at the statements below and the five introductions for goods.

&8226;Which introduction A, B, C, D or E does each statement 1-8 refer to?

&8226;For each statement 1-8, mark one letter A, B, C, D or E.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


Shopping goods aren't bought very often, are bought only after the consumer has compared their features with those of competing brands, and are found in only a few stores in one area. These goods usually have a higher unit price than convenience goods, and an individual salesperson, rather than a cashier, may be needed to sell them. Examples of shopping goods are automobiles, furniture, men's suits, ladies' wear, shoes, and major appliances.


Specialty goods like prestige automobiles, photographic equipment, fine jewelry, and high-fashion clothing and furniture are bought by consumers after a special shopping effort. They are bought infrequently and are generally available only in exclusive outlets. They're usually high-priced, but price isn't the main consideration of a consumer buying them. A consumer is often willing to go out of the way to find a certain brand.

Specialty goods prove the point that goods are often considered not just for their physical qualities but also for the economic utility, ego enhancement, status, and satisfaction they carry with them. For example, when people buy a new car, they may want it not just for basic transportation but also for recognition, status, or prestige.

You've probably figured out that this classification of consumer goods is far from rigid. It may differ according to buyers' intent or wishes. As consumers' incomes and buying habits change, or as prices drop, goods shift from one classification to another. Usually they shift downward, from the specialty to the shopping, or from the shopping to the convenience goods category. Television sets became shopping goods years ago. When microwave ovens first came on the market, they were regarded by many as an expensive new toy a kind of specialty goods-for the rich. Now they're considered indispensable shopping goods by working couples and single people who buy them to save cooking time.


Durable goods can be further classified as either consumer goods or industrial goods, each of which requires a different set of marketing strategies. Consumer goods are used by the consumer or household that buys them and come in a ready-to-use form. that calls for no further industrial or commercial processing. On the basis of how much effort a consumer takes to obtain them, consumer goods can be further subdivided into (1) convenience goods, (2) shopping goods, and (3) specialty goods.


Durable goods have physical qualities and uses that permit them to last a relatively long time, even while being used. They're designed to be used up over an extended period of time and are made of materials that will take considerable wear and tear. For example, you probably own such durable goods as a car, tape deck, cassette player, TV set, or stereo that should remain usable for several years—or at least until the warranty runs out. Houses are built to last thirty to fifty years or more. Refrigerators and mattresses both have a life expectancy of about twenty years, and quality jewelry, silverware, china, and furniture are frequently handed down from one generation to the next.

The fact that a product is durable influences its whole marketing strategy. Obviously, goods like these are packaged differently, sold more personally and aggressively, and priced higher than a tube of toothpaste or a bottle of shampoo.


Instead of being bought by the ultimate consumer, industrial goods are used by businesses to produce other goods or to provide services to consumers. These goods are usually bought by institutions such as manufacturers, utilities, government agencies, contractors, wholesale


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