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Task Sheet: A:Time Management:the impotance of prioritizing tasks of work B:Recruitment:

Task Sheet:

A:Time Management:the impotance of prioritizing tasks of work

B:Recruitment:how to select competent applicants

C:Customer Relations:how to deal with customer complaints effectively

更多“Task Sheet: A:Time Management:the impotance of prioritizing tasks of work B:Recruitment:”相关的问题


The process of finishing the online application form. interests the candidates.



More online ways of recruiting are used by many companies to attract staff.



?Read this text taken from an article about Marketing Communications.?Choose the best sent

?Read this text taken from an article about Marketing Communications.

?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.

?For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on your Answer Sheet.

?Do not use any letter more than once.

Many management writers have discussed the idea of satisfying customers’ needs and wants. H Despite the vast amount of information available on customers, finding out exactly what they require is a challenge that certain companies, such as Sainsbury's and Marks and Spencer, have found extraordinarily difficult to meet. (9) . In a report written by the research company Business Intelligence,50% of companies felt that their marketing communications were ineffective and 85 % said that any attempt to gain customer loyalty failed.

The two extremes of marketing can be summarized by looking at the difference between the East and the West. (10) . Biros, socks, Light bulbs—if it can be made and distributed then there is a market. In the prosperous West, it is the other extreme. Such is the attraction of profit that the marketing specialists are competing with some incredibly sophisticated advertising for some rather simple products! (11) . The Internet is also adding another dimension to the marketing process as is the growing resistance to subtle, clever advertising, which seems to have lost its edge in the marketplace.

Out of this turmoil there has evolved another definition of marketing known as customer relationship marketing(CRM). Customers are much less loyal than they used to be and can afford to chop and change. (12) .

Microsoft did this by reorganizing the business around the customer, splitting itself into four new divisions which focus on the customer. (13) . The call centers are likely to form. the basis of the future of marketing, although there is little evidence that they will work. (14) .

A The choice is seemingly endless, with a typical superstore stocking between 20,000 and 25,000 different lines totaling between two and four million products per store.

B In the spring of 1999,both companies announced heavy falls in profit largely due to their inability to listen to and respond to the customer.

C Consumers also dislike the synthesized voice which asks you to press certain numbers on the keypad, depending on the service required.

D Although there will always be a place and function for marketing, it is unclear whether the traditional product or brand manager will still have a job in the twenty-first century, having been replaced by customer relations managers on the end of a telephone.

E In Russia, if there is a queue, you are advised to join as it means a manufacturer has actually produced something, regardless of whether there is a specific need.

F Some companies now have customer call centers which are set up with the sole objective of handling complaint, Inquiries and after sales service.

G It is estimated that winning over a new customer can cost up to five times as much as keeping a customer, so a new definition of marketing has evolved which is identifying, attracting and retaining the most valuable customers to sustain profitable growth.

H Although the two are different, companies spend billions of pounds on market research with a view to targeting the potential customer in a more precise way.




Someone from the company can show you how to use this product.



This product is expensive for home use.



The efforts of making proposals promote corporate responsibility tire laudable, but they w

ill prove insufficient.



Companies are obliged to come up with better programs.



听力原文:Speaker OneMan: This is a great chance and just what this region needs. The unemp

听力原文: Speaker One

Man: This is a great chance and just what this region needs. The unemployment here has been very bad and we've been very lucky to be chosen for this new factory. And this position would be a step-up for me... a real advancement, so to speak. It could lead to me having my own department one day and a senior position. Especially if I pass the certificate in Human Resources which I've almost finished. If I'm appointed, I'd have to draw up a list of everyone who's applied to the company and then help with the selection process. It helps knowing the area and I've already got quite a few contacts and I told them that all of my experience has been working with people.

Speaker Two

Woman: I didn't apply for this job. They wrote and asked me to come for an informal interview. It must have been because I've had considerable experience with the accounting system they use and I've done a lot of work on pricing and costing of new lines at a high level. They'd like me to start to work very soon. It's important to be in at the beginning when you deal with the money side, to make sure everyone stays within the budget constraints which you decide. But I'm not really sure about it at all. I've got a good job now and I'm happy where I am and not really looking for a change. It needs a lot of thought as they are a good company. Well, I've got the weekend ahead to think about everything.

Speaker Three

Man: Yes, I know a lot about this company. They are very good and I've had contact with them before, at various trade shows and advertising conferences in this country. It would be good to work for them. I would be doing the same sort of thing, except on a bigger scale. It's not a promotion or anything. The same grade and money but.., more presentations and a lot of consumer research. Although I like my present job, this would give me an opportunity to get around a bit more, to visit their overseas offices. In fact they are launching a big campaign soon in ten different countries and they'd like me to coordinate some of it. It would be a great chance and I accept it.

Speaker Four

Woman: It's going to be a successful venture. I can feel it and I'd really like to be involved. But I expect there were a lot of very well qualified applicants, what with all the word processing courses around and the number of computers in people's homes. But I've got all the keyboard skills. I'm fast and accurate and I can spell well. I've been doing the job for over ten years, since the days of typewriters. This is the same job but I think it would be interesting.., and I like the area. I'd really enjoy living here. Well, you can only hope. You never can tell with interviews.

Speaker Five

Man: Yes, indeed. I was very impressed and I must say that... Well, perhaps it's best not to say anything. But I do feel confident about it. There were some interesting questions, but my line of work is very technical so you know it or you don't. It's not as simple as people think. It's not just a question of checking the product at the end of a conveyor belt but setting up a continuous system which monitors every aspect of the production process. This is the only way to get an end product without fault. I hope I get the job.

?You will hear five different business people talking about how they started their businesses and how they are running their businesses now.

?For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the type of business from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the source of funding for the business from the list A-H.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Task One-Job

?For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H.

?For each extract, decide which job each speaker was interviewed for.

?Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.

A m



TASK TWO—EXPERIENCE?For questions 18—22, match the extracts with the experience, listed A—


?For questions 18—22, match the extracts with the experience, listed A—H.

?For each extract, choose the experience stated.

?Write one letter (A—H) next to the number of the extract.

A I worked as a detective in a hotel.

B I passed the saving on to my customer.

C I helped customers to solve personal problems.

D I bought rubber cement in a hardware store.

E I worked as a clerk in a hardware store.

F Advertised featured customer-service should satisfy different needs.

G I handled complaint.

H I sold the product to customer with little discount.



?The line graph below shows two different records of transactions of a warehouse.?Based on

?The line graph below shows two different records of transactions of a warehouse.

?Based on the information from the graph, write a report of the difference between the two records.

?Write 120—-140 words on your Answer Sheet.


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