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Directions: Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage into Chinese. Inst

Directions: Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage into Chinese.

Instead &trying to reduce the discontent felt, try to raise the level or quality of the discontent. Perhaps the most that can be hoped for is to have high-order discontent in today's society, discontent about things that really matter. 【B1】 Rather than evaluating programs in terms of how happy they make people, how satisfied those people become, programs must be evaluated in terms of the quality of the discontent they engender. For example, if consultant wants to assess, whether or not an organization is healthy, he doesn't ask, "Is there an absence of complaints, but rather, "What kinds of complaints are there?

【B2】 Instead of trying to make gradual changes in small increments, make big changes. After all, big changes are relatively easier to make than are small ones. Some people assume that the way to bring about improvement is to make the change small enough so that nobody will notice it. This approach has never worked, and one can't help but wonder why such thinking continues. Everyone knows how to resist small changes; they do it all the time. If, however, the change is big enough, resistance can't be mobilized against it. 【B3】 Management can make a sweeping organizational change, but just let a manager, try. to change someone' s desk from here to there, and see the great difficulty he encounters. All change is resisted, so the question is how can the changes be made big enough so that they have a chance of succeeding?

Buck Minster Fuller has said that instead of reforms society needs new forms; e.g., in order to reduce traffic accidents, improve automobiles and highways instead of trying to improve drivers. The same concept should be applied to human relations. There's a need to think in terms of social architecture, and to provide arrangements among people that evoke what they really want to see in themselves. 【B4】 Mankind takes great pains with physical architecture, and is beginning to concern itself with the design of systems in which the human being is a component. But most of these designs are only for safety, efficiency, or productivity. System designs are not made to affect those aspects of life people care most about such as family life, romance, and esthetic experiences. 【B5】 Social technology as well as physical technology need to be applied in making human arrangements that will transcend anything mankind has yet experienced. People need not be victimized by their environments; they can be fulfilled by them.




A great horned owl hoots across the quiet water-and then glides through the stand of bald

cypress along the eastern side of the swamp. Whip-poor-wills call; bullfrogs croak; mosquitoes hum. Darkness creeps across the swamp.【71】Offering a different set of treats every season, the refuge attracts a wide variety of visitors during the hunting season, during the fishing season, and during the bird-watching season.【72】Canada geese far outnumber other waterfowl, but snow geese, blue geese, and occasionally white-fronted geese winter there, too. Nearly every variety of duck, diver and puddle, reside in the quiet, smaller sloughs. As a result, the swamp attracts hunters in 'early winter, goose hunters to the pits and duck hunters to the blinds. The hunters' closely regulated success is the result of hundreds of acres of corn left standing by Pose County farmers, who rent the rich bottom land between the lake and the river by sealed bid. The farmers' contract requires them to leave 25% of the harvest as food for the thousands of waterfowl, encouraging them to stay. The encouragement works, much to the hunters' delight.【73】Attracted by the spring crappie run, fishermen haul in hefty stringers of slabs and return to fish for bluegill. Evening campfires turn skillets full of fresh fillets into plates full of succulent morsels. Then sunrise sends the bass fishermen scurrying to secret waters, some to return with empty bags. One fisherman, however, boats three, one weighing in at 8 pounds 2 ounces. Later in the day, a few trotlines yield spoonbill catfish, those prehistoric monsters weighing 30 pounds or more as long as a man is tall. In late afternoon or early evening, a jug fisherman occasionally bags perch, catfish, or even a wily gar, long, slender, and sharp-toothed. Spring moves auto summer, and summer moves into autumn.【74】Boasting none of the amenities of modern campgrounds, Hovey Lake nevertheless attracts 90, 000 visitors a year, visitors who hunt and fish and watch the birds.【75】They hear the owls, the whip-poor-wills, the frogs, even the mosquitoes, and know that in the chain of this uncommon swamp life, every link must stay intact.

A. They come to appreciate the swamp for what it is, a precious ecological system struggling to survive man's intrusion.

B. In spring, however, the fishermen replace the hunters on Hovey Lake waters.

C. Only then, when the lake is closed for waterfowl migration, do the fishermen leave.

D. Because the swamp is situated along the Mississippi flyway, it offers refuge to 40, 000 to 50, 000 waterfowl each winter.

E. Indiana's cypress swamp, protected as a wildlife refuge, greets visitors with night sounds common to the uncommon 1,400-acre environment.

F. The most experienced hunters and fishermen at Hovey Lake, however, are not human.








The onrush of cheap communications, powerful computers and the Internet all explain why

The onrush of cheap communications, powerful computers and the Internet all explain why many people feel that, nowadays, change is happening ever more rapidly as technological progress accelerates. Moore's law, that the power of microchips doubles every 18 months, has been tested and found correct. This is what gives people the sense of a world shifting beneath their feet.

2. Yet the implication that rapid change is a new phenomenon is again misleading. If you measure the time it takes for a technology to become widely diffused, today's experience does not seem unusual. Take the car. The basic patent for an internal-combustion engine capable of powering a car was fried in 1877. By the late 1920s—50 years later—over half of all American households owned a car.

3. The comparable dates for the computer axe harder to tie down, but the first big computer, based on vacuum valves, was built in 1946. The transistor—the first semiconductor device—was invented at Bell Laboratories in 1948. The first patent for an integrated circuit was filed in 1959. Now, in 1999-50 years after the first one was built—around half of American households own a computer. The pace of introduction has been similar to that of the car.

4. You have to cheat, choosing only the date for the personal computer, say(mid-1970s), or the internet (ditto) to make it seem much more rapid.

Comparing its diffusion among private users is, you might say, unfair to the computer, for that machine's main use is in businesses. On that measure, the best historical analogy is with electrification, and the spread of the electric dynamo into factories.

5. According to Paul David, a historian at Stanford University in California, the first electricity-generating stations had been installed in New York and London in 1881, but it was well into the 1920s before the dynamo became widely used and started to raise productivity. The adoption of the computer in business has also been slow, and failed to have any measurable impact on productivity until very recently.



Flowers for the Dead Since flowers symbolize new life, it may seem inappropriate to have t

Flowers for the Dead

Since flowers symbolize new life, it may seem inappropriate to have them at funerals. Yet people in many cultures top coffins or caskets with wreaths and garlands and put blossoms on the graves of them 【B1】______ This custom is part of a widespread, long-lived pattern. Edwin Daniel Wolff speculated that floral tributes to the dead are an outgrowth of the grave goods of ancient【B2】______ . In cultures that firmly believed in an 【B3】______ , and believed further that the departed could enter that afterlife only 【B4】______ they took with them indications of their worldly status, it was a necessity to bury the dead with material goods: hence the wives and animals that were killed to accompany 【B5】______ rulers, the riches 【B6】______ with Egyptian pharaohs, and the coins that Europeans used to place on the departed person's eyes as payment for the Stygian ferryman. In time, as economy modified tradition, the actual 【B7】______ goods were replaced 【B8】______ symbolic representations. In China, for example, gold and silver paper became a stand-in 【B9】______ real money. Eventually even the symbolic significance became obscured. Thus, Wolff said, flowers may be the 【B10】______ step in "three well-marked stages of offerings to the dead: the actual object, its substitute in various forms, and -- finally -- mere tributes of respect."




Write a composition of at least 250 words based on the title "Can Money Buy Happiness?"











The years between 1870 and 1895 brought enormous changes to the theater in the United Stat

es as the resident company was undermined by .touring groups, as New York became the only major center of production, and as the long nm replaced the repertory (库存) system. By 1870, the resident stock company was at the peak of its development in the United States. The 50 permanent companies of 1870, however, had dwindled to 20 by 1878, to 8 by 1880, to 4 by 1887, and had almost disappeared by 1900.

While the causes of this change are numerous, probably the most important was the rise of the "combination" company (that is, one that travels with stars and full company). Sending out a complete production was merely a logical extension of touring by stars. By the 1840's many major actors were already taking along a small group of lesser players, for they could not be sure that local companies could supply adequate support in secondary roles.

There is much disagreement about the origin of the combination company. Bouciault claimed to have initiated it around 1860 when he sent out a troupe with Colleen Bawn, but a book published in 1859 speaks of combination companies as already established. Joseph Jefferson Ⅲ also declared that he was a pioneer in the movement. In actuality, the practice probably began tentatively during the 1850's, only to be interrupted by the Civil War. It mushroomed in the 1870's, as the rapid expansion of. the railway system made it increasingly feasible to transport full productions. In 1872, Lawrence Barrett took his company, but no scenery, on tour; in 1876, Rose Michel was sent out with full company, scenery, and properties. By the season of 1876 --1877 there were nearly 100 combination companies on the read, and by 1886 there were 282.

What was the trend for the resident stock companies at the end of the 19th century?






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