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Now you’ve made the decision, you must______.A. stick itB. stick it toC. stick to itD.

A.A. stick it

B.B. stick it to

C.C. stick to it

D.D. to stick it

更多“Now you’ve made the decision, you must______.A. stick itB. stick it toC. stick to itD.”相关的问题


I'd lend you my car if I ______it to be serviced.A. don't takeB. won't take

I'd lend you my car if I ______it to be serviced.

A. don't take

B. won't take

C. hadn't taken

D. am not taken



A few years ago , a sad thing happened. A young American woman left her

21_______for career reasons; she moved far away. For this reason ,a 36-year- old 22_______father has custody of his two children , eleven and eight years old. He works long hours as a 23_______, including weekends. On his days off from work , he goes to a local 24_______college. He' s studying to 25 his job skills so he can make more money for his family. At night he does his homework at the same table as the 26_______. But who takes care of the kids in the evenings when their father is working or 27_______to school? His "extended family"- his mother , other 28_______, and his new girlfriend 29_______out as much as they can. He thinks his girlfriend , who is from Mexico , his home country , is good for his family. He doesn’t want to date "Anglos"or"Anglicized" women because he thinks they value their 30_______over motherhood. He wants a wife with traditional , religious values like his mother.



Facts About Food:Everywhere on earth there are"food specialists"with opposite (or different) opinions on

Facts About Food

Everywhere on earth there are"food specialists"with opposite (or different) opinions on the best kinds of nutrition for various purposes. A lot of people believe that the healthiest diets are high in fiber ,vitamins ,and minerals but low in fat ,cholesterol ,sugar,and salt. Some nutritionists say the perfect eating plan contains mostly carbohydrates without much protein. In contrast , other scientists say people need high-protein meals with meat, chicken , fish , or milk products and only small amounts of grains , potatoes , breads , rice , and noodles. One famous diet plan allows only certain foods at certain times-protein with protein, carbohydrates with carbohydrates , fruits alone , and so on. Some eaters stay away from all meat and maybe even fish and milk products. They get their protein from plants , mostly beans. Others want only high-fiber food. These people may not eat white bread or white rice or even cooked vegetables. So what is the best way to eat and be healthy? The discussion of food facts will go on far into the future.

The necessary substances and elements for human life and health are water, protein, carbohydrates ,fats , vitamins, and minerals. Most kinds of food contain some or all of the required nutrients , but these substances have different effects on people. Various ingredients and dishes affect the mind in different ways. and some kinds of nourishment have better effects on the brain than others. For instance. can broccoli increase brain power? Maybe so. Low levels of some of the B vitamins can cause a decrease in memory and thinking ability , nutritionists say, but dark green vegetables , like broccoli , contain a lot of these nutrients. Another example of a"memory helper"is lecithin-a substance from soybeans , also found in high-fiber foods like nuts and whole grains. High-protein foods influence the mind in more helpful ways than dishes high in sugar and carbohydrates. And the caffeine in coffee or tea may help thinking. Of course , its effects don't last long.

In many places outside big cities , food with more than four legs is part of good, healthy home cooking. Fried or grilled ants are a tasty but expensive snack in Colombia , South America. In various parts of Mexico , over 300 types of insects serveas food. In southern Africa. many people like to eat at least one kind of caterpillar or worm. They enjoy it fried , dried , or cooked in tomato sauce. In Thailand , cooks create a spicy hot pepper sauce with water bugs. In Vietnam , grasshoppers filled with peanuts are a special dish. And in some regions of China,bugs are not only a part of meals but an important ingredient in medicine too. Most kinds of insects have high nutritional value. They contain a l0t of protein , vitamins , and minerals. Many people like their taste. They are everywhere on the planet. They add to the variety of people' s diets. For several reasons , insects are an important kind of food in the global diet , and they may become a more common ingredient in the future.

The growing similarities in diet and eating habits around the world are influencing people of various cultures in different ways. For example, Western foods are damaging health in the industrialized island country of Japan. Instead of small meals of seafood , rice , and vegetables ,the typical Japanese diet ow includes large amounts of meat ,dairy products. And desserts like tiramisu , a rich Italian dish full of chocolate , cheese , and sugar. According to Japanese health researchers , such changes in eating habits are related to a great increase in health problems such as heart disease , strokes , cancer , and diabetes. On the other hand , the changing global diet is having the opposite effect on the people in the Czech Republic. The government of this European nation no longer supports meat and dairy products financially , so the cost of these foods is going up. In contrast , fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming more widely available from private markets and stands. Cooks are even serving salads to schoolchildren ,and families are eating healthier home-cooked meals. For these reasons ,fewer Czech men are having heart attacks , the women are l0sing a l0t of weight , and most people are living healthier lives.

Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write"T"for True and"F"for False on the Answer Sheet.

6. The best way to eat is to eat only small amounts of carbohydrates.

7. Most kinds of food contain fats , vitamins and minerals.

8. High-fiber food like nuts and whole grains can influence people' s memory.

9. Four legs insects serve as food in many places in the world.

10. Japanese health researchers consider Italian tiramisu is the key factor that relates to health problems in Japan.



Everyone has heard of addictions to drugs , cigarettes , alcohol , and even gambling

Television: The Latest Addiction


Everyone has heard of addictions to drugs , cigarettes , alcohol , and even gambling. But can people become addicted to television? If so , how can an addiction to television damage a person life?


It's very easy to understand how an addiction to cigarettes , drugs , or alcohol can be very damaging to a person life. Cigarettes can cause illnesses like cancer and emphysema ,a lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe. In addition to being bad for your health ,alcohol and drugs can impair your ability to think clearly and behave responsibly. These substances can cause your life to slowly fall apart. In the worst cases ,alcohol and drug addicts can lose their friends , families , jobs , and homes.


But how can watching too much television be harmful to your life and health? One way is that it can start a cycle of bad feelings. According to one study , people who watch the most TV already suffer from anxiety or loneliness. Watching TV makes them feel relaxed and helps them forget about their feelings for a while. But the study found that while people did relax while watching television , the feelings of relaxation disappeared after they stopped watching , and the people felt worse than they did when they started watching TV. Therefore , they wanted to watch more television so they could continue to forget their bad feelings. All this TV watching kept them from doing things that could actually make them feel better , like exercising ,participating in hobbies , reading ,or spending time with friends and family.


Another way TV watching can be harmful is , like the addictions mentioned above , TV can cause you to neglect your life. The more you watch , the more you want to watch , and after a while , TV replaces real experiences. TV addicts stop talking to their families , don' t exercise , don' t see their friends , and don' t learn new things. Basically , TV addicts stop experiencing life.


The harmful effects of TV addiction may not be as obvious as those of cigarette ,drug ,or alcohol addiction ,but TV addiction can take a person' s life away. If you think that excessive TV watching is not harmful , keep track of how much TV you watch every day , and think about all the other things you could be doing during those wasted hours.

Questions 1-5 Choose the best answer(A , B , C or D)for each question.

1. What is the main idea of this article?()

A. TV addictions are more dangerous than cigarette , alcohol ,and drug addictions.

B. TV addiction is not harmful to your life at all.

C. TV addiction can be harmful to your life.

D. People watch a lot of TV, but there is no such thing as a TV addiction.

2. According to the article ,one way cigarette smoking can be harmful to your life is that________.()

A. it can make you neglect your friends and family

B. it can cause you to lose more and more money until you become obsessed

C. it smells bad, so people won't want to spend time with you

D. it can cause serious health problems

3. According to the article one way drug and alcohol addiction can be harmful is that________.()

A. you can get emphysema,a disease of the lungs

B. addicts spend all their time trying to put their lives back together

C. it keeps addicts from doing things that make them feel better,like exercising

D. drugs and alcohol keep addicts from thinking clearly and being responsible

4. According to a study ,the people who watch the most TV________.()

A. like to watch shows that teach them new things

B. already feel bad about themselves and their lives

C. also spend the most time exercising

D. don't have jobs

5. Television addicts probably________.()

A. are not healthy and physically fit

B. only watch shows that they really enjoy

C. feel better about themselves after relaxing in front of the TV

D. spend a lot of time with their friends



How do people learn body language? The same way they learn spoken language-by observing

How do people learn body language? The same way they learn spoken language-by observing and imitating people around them as they' re growing up. (6)________. Little boys imitate their fathers or a respected uncle or a character on television. In this way. They learn the gender signals appropriate for their sex. Regional. class. and ethnic patterns of body behavior. are also learned in childhood and persist throughout their life.

(7)________. In America, for example. women stand with their thighs together.Many walk with their pelvis (骨盆) tipped slightly forward and their upper arms close to their body. When they sit , they cross their legs at the knee or cross their ankles. American men hold their arms away from their body , often swinging them as they walk. They stand with their legs apart. When they sit, they put their feet on the floor with legs apart and , in some parts of the country, they cross their legs by putting one ankle on the other knee.

Leg behavior. indicates sex , status , and personality. It also indicates whether or not one is at ease or is showing respect or disrespect for the other person. Young Latin American males avoid crossing their legs. In their world of machismo (男子气概), the preferred position for young males when with one another .is to sit on the base of the spine with their leg muscles relaxed and their feet wide apart. Their respect position is like our military equivalent: spine straight , heels and ankles together-almost identical to that displayed by properly brought up young women in New England in the early part of this century.

The way we walk , similarly , indicates status , respect , mood , and ethnic or cultural affiliation. To white Americans , some French middle-class males walk in a way that is both humorous and suspect. There is a bounce and looseness to the French walk , as though the parts of the body were somehow unrelated. (8)________.

6. Choose the best supporting example.

A. No one becomes an instant expert on people' s behaviors by watching them at parties.

B. American males lean back and prop their legs up on the nearest object.

C. Little girls imitate their mothers or an older female.

7. Choose the best topic sentence for this paragraph.

A. Body language is not something that is independent of the person.

B. Non-verbal communication systems are interwoven into the fabric of the personality.

C. Such patterns of masculine and feminine body behavior. vary from one culture to another.

8. Choose the best statement to conclude the paragraph.

A. All over the world , people walk in their own characteristic ways.

B. The idea that people communicate volumes by their posture and walk is not new.

C. People have long been aware of the idea that it is essential to walk properly.



Once the press find out his secret , he'll never live it _______.A. upB.onC. downD

Once the press find out his secret , he'll never live it _______.

A. up


C. down




When the police started asking questions , Joe felt _______to tell the truth.A. depr

When the police started asking questions , Joe felt _______to tell the truth.

A. depressed

B. dangerous

C. compelled

D. exciting



l' d really like to be a photographer and spend the _______ day taking photograp

l' d really like to be a photographer and spend the _______ day taking photographs!

A. first

B. whole

C. all

D. best



Many people are worried about the effect of _______on local culture.A. globalizationB.

Many people are worried about the effect of _______on local culture.

A. globalization

B. global

C. globalised

D. globalise



If he _______ driving like that , he'll have a crash.A. keepsB. keptC. keepD. have

If he _______ driving like that , he'll have a crash.

A. keeps

B. kept

C. keep

D. have kept


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