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听力原文:M: Hello, this is Thomas Duverney. Can I ...

听力原文:M: Hello, this is Thomas Duverney. Can I speak to Mrs Boshwell, please?

F: Speaking, please.

M: Oh, hi, Mrs Boshwell. I called yesterday morning, but you were out.

F: Oh, yes, I am sorry I didn't have time to call you back.

M: That's all right. You see, we are going to expand our company and we decide to buy two more vans.

F: Oh, that's good. So what do you have in mind?

M: We have read through your catalogue and are impressed with that new model of TOYOTA G4000.

F: That's really a nice model with enough space for 14 people. It's been out in the market only for a month.

M: Yes, we really like that except for one thing...

F: What's that?

M: The price. $15,000 is really too high.

F: Well, that's about as low as we can go.

M: But the price of other car dealers is a bit lower than yours.

F: But considering the good after-sale service, you'll find our price reasonable. It is guaranteed for seven years here.

M: I am clear that you are well-known for your after-sale service, but if you could go a little lower, say $13,500 for each van, we'll place the order right now.

F: Well, since you are one of our old clients, I think I can give you $13,800 for each.

M: All right. So that would be $27,600 in total. How shall we pay you?

F: You can transfer to our account. Our account number is CT6753.

M: OK. When can they be delivered?

F: Next Thursday, I think. Oh, just a moment, can I have your name again, please?

M: Thomas Duverney. That's D -U -V-E -R-N-E-Y. And my mobile phone number is 9345895215.

F: OK, I've got that. Thank you.

? Look at the notes below.

? Some information is missing.

? You will hear about a car purchase on the phone.

? For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters.

? You will hear the conversation twice.

D& K Car Dearler

Car Purchase

BUYER: (9) Thomas ______

MODEL: (10) TOYOYA ______

QUANTITY: (11) ______

TOTAL PRICE: (12) $ ______

GUARANTEE: (13) ______ years

DELIVER TIME: (14) next ______

CONTACT NUMBER: (15) 9345 ______


更多“听力原文:M: Hello, this is Thomas Duverney. Can I ...”相关的问题


听力原文:M: 774129.

W: Hello, is that Self Drive Car Hire?

M: Yes, speaking, please...can I help you?

W: Oh yes, please. Er...I wanted to enquire about hiring a car for the weekend.

M: Yes, We do have special weekend rates, in fact, so...what kind of car would you like?

W: Well, it's...I'm not sure. Er...what would be the best kind for family of a family of four...er plus space for camping equipment. We're going on a camping holiday.

M: I think you would need something like a Maxi or Marina. That'd be the best I think.

W: Yes. Er...We'd be leaving on Friday, that's Friday, July 12th, and returning on Monday, that's July 15th.

M: Yes, that's fine provided you pick up the car after 4 o'clock on Friday and return it by 10 o'clock on Monday.

W: I see. Thank you for the information.

M: You're welcome.


A.On Friday July 12th.

B.On Monday July 12th.

C.On Friday July 15th.

D.On Monday July 15th.



听力原文:W: Hello, Patrick, is that you?

M: Yeah Jane, what can I do for you?

W: I was calling about the apple tree that you were trimming yesterday.

M: That was hard work!

W: I'm sure it was. It sure looked difficult.

M: Yeah, I'm glad it's finished. Hauling the branches to the front for garbage pick up was no fun either.

W: Well, I don't think you're quite finished yet, some of the larger branches fell over into my yard, and I think you should come and get them.

M: Listen Jane, I don't see why I should do that. You eat all the apples that fall in your yard and you've never complained about that before.

W: Well, it's easier to pick up apples than to drag tree branches all the way to the curb. My kids pick up the apples, and the branches are just too big for them to drag.

M: Well, I guess you'll just have to do it yourself Jane.

W: Patrick, I wish you would reconsider. We've always gotten along fairly well, but I think you're out of line here. The branches are your responsibility.

M: Sorry Jane, I disagree! You take the benefits of the apple tree, but refuse to deal with the bad side of it! Besides, it won't take you any time to get the branches out front!

W: Get the branches off my property or I'll have to sue you.

M: Yeah? For what?! You're taking those law classes too seriously! I've gotta go, I have to pick up my son.

W: You'll be hearing from me.

M: Yeah, yeah. See you in court Jane.

Q. 27. What did the man do yesterday?

Q. 28.What did the woman ask the man to do?

Q. 29.What did the woman threaten to do?

Q. 30.What was the man's reaction to the woman's threat?


A.He picked up some apples in his yard.

B.He cut some branches off the apple tree.

C.He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.

D.He cleaned up all the garbage in the woman's yard.



听力原文:W: Hello, Designing Department, can I help you?

M: This is Tom Smith from planning. Is Charlie Zhang there?

W: I'm afraid he's out all day on a visit. Can I take a message?

M: Yes, please, if you would. It's about the meeting we scheduled for Thursday.

W: Oh, yes, about the new factory site…

M: That's right. I've just heard from the builder that he can't come on Thursday. I wonder if we can change the date.

W: That shouldn’t be a problem. I'll just look in Mr. Zhang's diary. Right, I've cancelled Thursday's meeting.

M: OK, now how's he fixed on Friday…?

W: He’s got a meeting at 9:30 but that should be finished by 10:15. What time did you have in mind?

M: Well, the two of us can come any time that morning, so could we make it 11:30 a.m.?

W: That sounds fine.

M: We want to discuss the new office building, so could you ask Zhang to bring his plans with him?

W: Yes, certainly.

M: Thanks a lot, bye.

Look at the note below.

You will hear a man calling to change an arrangement.


To: Charlie Zhang

From: Tom (9)______ (Planning Dept)

Message: Thursday's meeting with him and (10)______

Changed to (11)______ , at 11: 30 am.

Please bring (12)______ for the new office building.



听力原文:M: Hello, this is Tom Davis. I have an appointment with Mrs. Jones for 9 o’clock this morning, but I am afraid I’ll have to be 15 minutes late.

W: That’s all right, Mr. Davis. She doesn’t have another appointment schedule until 10 o’clock.

Q: When will Mr. Davis most probably meet Mrs. Jones?


A.Before 9 o'clock.

B.At 10 o'clock.

C.At about 9:15.

D.After 9:50.



听力原文:M: Hello. This is Tom Davis. I have an appointment with Mrs. Jones for nine o'clock this morning, but I'm afraid I'll have to be about fifteen minutes late.

W: That's all right, Mr. Davis. She doesn't have another appointment scheduled until ten o'clock.

Q: When will Mr. Davis most probably meet with Mrs. Jones?


A.At 10, 00.

B.At 9:00.

C.At 9:15.

D.At 9:30.



听力原文:M: Hello. This is Tom Davis. I have an appointment with Mrs. Jones for nine o'clock this morning, but I'm afraid I'll have to be about fifteen minutes late.

W: That's all right, Mr. Davis. She doesn't have another appointment scheduled until ten o'clock.

Q: When will Mr. Davis most probably meet Mrs. Jones?


A.At 9: 00.

B.At 9: 15.

C.At 9: 30.

D.At 10: 00.



听力原文:M: Hello. This is Tom Davis. I have an appointment with Mrs. Jones for ten o'clock this morning, but I'm afraid I'll have to be about thirteen minutes late.

W: That's all right, Mr. Davis. She doesn't have another appointment scheduled until eleven o'clock.

Q: When will Mr. Davis most probably meet with Mrs. Jones?


A.At 11:00.

B.At 10:00.

C.At 10:13.

D.At 10:26.



听力原文:A: 8734059.

B: May I speak to Thomas Nelson?

A: This is Thomas speaking. May I ask who's calling?

B: This is Lee Ting, the secretary at the Dean' Office.

A: Hi, Miss Lee, what's up?

B: I'm calling to inform. you about some changes in our arrangement for your seminar next week.

A: Yes, what are the changes?

B: The first change is that the seminar will be moved to the law school Auditorium. The time will be 3:00 pm on Monday.

A: Ok, seminar, 3:00 pm Monday. What else?

B: I want to know if you have any special needs for facilities for your presentation?

A: Well, I need a PowerPoint projector or an overhead projector.

B: OK, overhead projector, or PowerPoint projector. What about the audio equipment? Do you want me to arrange a wireless microphone for you?

A: Well, I think a microphone on the podium will do. I don't move too far from the podium when I make a presentation.

B: Sure, we'll put a microphone on the podium. Oh! And finally, the field visit has been cancelled owing to your time constraints.

A: That's too bad. I was really looking forward to visiting the experiment facility.

B: In that case, should I tell the Dean that you had really hoped to see the lab?

A: It'd be very kind of you if you would let him know.

B: Sure, I'll let him know as soon as he returns to the office.


A.To invite him to attend a seminar.

B.To inform. him about some changes in the arrangement for his seminar.

C.To invite him to visit the lab.

D.To inform. him that the seminar has been postponed.



听力原文:A: Hello, this is Tom Lock speaking. I'd like to see if my TV has been fixed.

B: Let me see, Mr. Lock. What brand is yours?

A: My TV is Star, 25 inches.

B: Hold on please, I'll check it for you.... Hello, Mr. Lock, it is ready. When would you like to get it back?

A: Is tomorrow afternoon OK? How late are you open?

B: Tomorrow afternoon is fine. We are open until 6:00 p.m.

A: By the way, how much do I owe you?

B: Let me see.., it's 1,200 yuan.

A: What? Are you sure? My TV came in yesterday with only a small problem. A switch didn't work properly.

B: I can't believe it. The note on the TV says tube replaced... Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Mr Lock. This is somebody else's.... Here is yours. Ah, right. The note says "replacement of a switch, 50 yuan—Tom Lock". I'm awfully sorry for the mistake.

A: Well, that's fine. It's an easy mistake.


A.He could get it back next morning.

B.He could get it back next evening.

C.He could get it back next afternoon.

D.He could get it back next week.



听力原文:M: Hello! I'm a senior student. Can you tell me whether this reference room is only for faculty members?

W: No, it's also open to the postgraduates, and undergraduates can come too if they've got professors' written permission.

Q: What does the woman tell the man about the reference room?


A.It's open only to teachers and postgraduates.

B.He can study there if he is writing a research paper.

C.Senior students can enjoy more rights than other undergraduates.

D.He needs the approval of his professor for the use of it.


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