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During recent years we have heard much about "race": how this race does certain things and

that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the 【21】______ phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications.

We judge race usually 【22】______ the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But 【23】______ you were to remove the skin you could not 【24】______ anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is 【25】______ in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to 【26】______ a difference.

There are four types of blood. 【27】______ types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the 【28】______ . No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will 【29】______ in size, but this occurs within every race. 【30】______ does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain 【31】______ examined belonged to a person of weak 【32】______ .On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had 【33】______ brains.

Mental tests which are reasonably 【34】______ show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race. 【35】______ equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location. Individuals of every race 【36】______ civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of a group of people, 【37】______ enable them to behave in a 【38】______ way.

The behavior. and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new 【39】______ is better and higher than anything 【40】______ the past.






更多“During recent years we have heard much about "race": how this race does certain things and”相关的问题


During recent years we have heard much about "race": how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the【51】phenomenon of race consists of few surface indications.

We judge race usually from the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But【52】you were to remove the skin you could not tell anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is nothing in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to【53】a difference.

There are four types of blood. All types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the【54】No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will【55】in size, but this occurs within every race.【56】does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain ever examined belonged to a person of weak【57】. On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had【58】brains.

Mental tests which are reasonably【59】show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race.【60】equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location.








During recent years we have heard much about "race": how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the (1)_____ phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications.

We judge race usually (2)_____ the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But (3)_____ you were to remove the skin you could not (4)_____ anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is (5)_____ in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to (6)_____ a difference.

There are four types of blood. (7)_____ types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the (8)_____. No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains win (9)_____ in size, but this occurs within every race. (10)_____ does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain (11)_____ examined belonged to a person of weak (12)_____. On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had (13)_____ brains.

Mental tests which are reasonably (14)_____ show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race. (15)_____ equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location. Individuals of every race (16)_____ civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of groups of people, (17)_____ enable them to behave in a (18)_____ way.

The behavior. and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new (19)_____ is better and higher than anything (20)_____ the past.







During recent years we have heard much about "race": how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the【C1】______ phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications.

We judge race usually【C2】______ the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But 【C3】______ you were to remove the skin you could not【C4】______ anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is【C5】______ in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to 【C6】______ a difference. There are four types of blood. 【C7】______ types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the 【C8】______ . No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belongs. Brains will【C9】______ in size, but this occurs within every race.【C10】______ does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain【C11】______ examined belonged to a person of weak【C12】______ .On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had【C13】______ brains.

Mental tests which are reasonably【C14】______ show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race.【C15】______ equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location.

Individuals of every race【C16】______ civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of a group of people,【C17】______ enable them to behave in a/an【C18】______ way. The behavior. and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new 【C19】______ is better and higher than anything【C20】______ the past.








During recent years, we have heard much about "race": how this race does certain things and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the complete phenomenon of race【B1】a few surface indications.

We judge race usually【B2】the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But【B3】you were to remove the skin, you could not tell anything about the race【B4】which the individual belonged. There is【B5】in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to【B6】a difference.

There are four types of blood.【B7】types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the【B8】. No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will【B9】in size, but this occurs within every race.【B10】does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain【B11】examined belonged to a person of weak【B12】. On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had【B13】brains.

Mental tests which are reasonably【B14】show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race,【B15】equal educational experience, there will be no difference in average intelligence, either on account of race or geographical location.

Individuals of every race【B16】civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of a group of people,【B17】enable them to behave in a【B18】way.

The behavior. and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new【B19】is better and higher than anything【B20】the past.


A.consists of

B.is consisted of

C.consisted of

D.consist of


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