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an active filter that provides a constant output for input signals above

An active filter that provides a constant output for input signals abovean active filter that provides a constant output fis called an ideal ().

A、low-pass filter

B、high-pass filter

C、bandpass filter

更多“an active filter that provides a constant output for input signals above”相关的问题


The scope statement provides

A . A basis for future decisions about a project.

B . A baseline to accomplish verification measures.

C . A baseline to evaluate potential scope changes.

D . All of the above

E . B and C only



This book provides you with the simple basics for being physically fit. 【21】______ your age or present state of fitness, you will find within these pages all the 【22】______ you want or need to help you begin and 【23】______ a program of healthy and enjoyable exercise.

【24】______ will you find it easy to 【25】______ charts for walking, running, swimming, cycling, and many more healthy exercise activities, you will also find the 【26】______ information 【27】______ why such exercise is good for you and 【28】______ an active lifestyle. will 【29】______ your health and well-being. You will learn the important particulars about being properly tested. Exercise 【30】______ that have been used in the Ball State Adult Fitness Program over the years are provided. These charts are included for you 【31】______ at a 【32】______ and safe intensity—an effort level that helps you reap the 【33】______ of becoming physically fit.

This book represents a sifting of knowledge and experience I have 【34】______ leading exercise programs for more than two decades. The 【35】______ of this book may surprise you, 【36】______ Wayne Anderson and I have assembled in this book as concisely and clearly as possible.

Instead of being enrolled in our adult physical fitness program, you are reading this book. That puts me 【37】______ in trying to help you to become physically fit. We all know that teaching by the printed page is not 【38】______ The most effective instruction 【39】______ personal attention. But since this is not possible, I'm 【40】______ that the information on the page that follows will bring you as close as any absence can get to actually enrolling in our program.


A.At the mercy of

B.Regardless of

C.By reason of

D.In the light of



You are going to read an article about the effect of advertising on children. For questions 22- 35, choose from the sections of the article (A-F). The sections may be chosen more than once. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Which section of the article mentions

the kind of shop in which TV advertising expects to see results? 0 B

the influence a parent has had over their child's views? 【S1】______

the fact that children do not understand why their parents refuse their demands? 【S2】______

a parent who understands why children make demands? 【S3】______

a family who rarely argue while shopping? 【S4】______

someone who feels children ought to find out for themselves how to make 【S5】______

decisions about what to buy?

the fact that parents can be mistaken about what food is good for you? 【S6】______

an unexpected benefit for shops? 【S7】______

a parent who regrets buying what their children have asked for? 【S8】______

a parent who has different rules for themselves and their children? 【S9】______

a parent who feels annoyed even before the children ask for anything? 【S10】______

the fact that parents blame the advertisers for the difficult situation they 【S11】______

find themselves in?

the regularity of children's demands? 【S12】______

the need for parents to discuss food with their children? 【S13】______

a TV advertising rule which has little effect? 【S14】______

Young Shoppers

A Supermarket shopping with children, one mother says, is absolute a murder: "They want everything they see. If it's not the latest sugar-coated breakfast cereal, it's a Disney video or a comic. Usually all three. I can't afford all this stuff and, anyway, if I agree to their demands I feel I've been persuaded against my better judgment and I feel guilty about buying and feeding them rubbish. Yet I hate myself for saying no all the time, and I get cross and defensive in anticipation as we leave home. I do my best to avoid taking them shopping but then I worry that I'm not allowing them to have the experience they need in order to make their own choices. I can't win."

B Research has found that children taken on a supermarket trip make a purchase request every two minutes. More than £150 million a year is now spent on a



Firefighters are often asked to speak to school and community groups about the importance of fire safety, particularly fire prevention and detection. Because smoke detectors reduce the risk of dying in a fire by half, firefighters often provide audiences with information on how to install these protective devices in their homes.

Specifically, they tell them these things: A smoke detector should be placed on each floor of a home. While sleeping, people are in particular danger of an emergent fire, and there must be a detector outside each sleeping area. A good site for a detector would be a hallway that runs between living spaces and bedrooms.

Because of the dead-air space that might be missed by hot air bouncing around above a fire, smoke detectors should be installed either on the ceiling at least four inches from the nearest wall, or high on a wall at least four, but no further than twelve, inches from the ceiling.

Detectors should not be mounted near windows, entrances, or other places where drafts (过堂风) might direct the smoke away from the unit. Nor should they be placed in kitchens and garages, where cooking and gas fumes are likely to cause false alarms.

One responsibility of a firefighter is to ______________.

A.install smoke detectors in residents&39; homes

B.check if smoke detectors are properly installed

C.develop fire safety programs for schools

D.speak to residents about how to prevent fires



Firefighters ane often asked to speak to school and community groups about the importance of fine safety, particularly fire prevention and detection. Bccause smoke detectors reduce the risk of dying in a fire by half. firefighters often provide audiences with information on how to install these protectivc devices in their homes.

Specifically, they tell them these things: A smoke detector should be placcd on each floor of a home. While sleeping, people are in particular danger of an emergent fire、 and there must he a dctcctor outside each sleeping area. A good site for a detecior would he a hallway that runs between living spaces and bedrooms.

Because of the dead-air space that might be missed by hot air bouncing around above a fire, smoke detcctors should be installed either on the ceiling at least four inches from the nearest wall, or high on a wall at least four, but no further than twelve, inches from the ceiling.

Deteccors should not be mounted near windows, entrances, or other places where drafts (过堂风) might direct the smoke away from the unit. Nor should they be placed in kitchens and garages, where cooking and gas fumes are likely to cause false alarms.

One responsibility of a firefighter is to______.

A.install smoke detectors in residents homes

B.check if smoke detectors are properly installed

C.develop fire safety programs for schools

D.speak to residents about how to prevent fires



Firefighters ane often asked to speak to school and community groups about the importance of fine safety, particularly fire prevention and detection. Bccause smoke detectors reduce the risk of dying in a fire by half. firefighters often provide audiences with information on how to install these protectivc devices in their homes.

Specifically, they tell them these things: A smoke detector should be placcd on each floor of a home. While sleeping, people are in particular danger of an emergent fire、 and there must he a dctcctor outside each sleeping area. A good site for a detecior would he a hallway that runs between living spaces and bedrooms.

Because of the dead-air space that might be missed by hot air bouncing around above a fire, smoke detcctors should be installed either on the ceiling at least four inches from the nearest wall, or high on a wall at least four, but no further than twelve, inches from the ceiling.

Deteccors should not be mounted near windows, entrances, or other places where drafts (过堂风) might direct the smoke away from the unit. Nor should they be placed in kitchens and garages, where cooking and gas fumes are likely to cause false alarms.

One responsibility of a firefighter is to______.

A.install smoke detectors in residents homes

B.check if smoke detectors are properly installed

C.develop fire safety programs for schools

D.speak to residents about how to prevent fires



Part B [A] Analyzing your own taste

[B] Being cautious when experimenting

[C] Finding a model to follow

[D] Getting the final look absolutely right

[E] Learning to be realistic

[F] Making regular conscious choices

When we meet people for the first time, we often make decisions about them based entirely on how they look.

And, of course it’s something that works both ways, for we too are being judged on our appearance.

When we look good, we feel good, which in turn leads to a more confident and self-assured manner. People then pick up on this confidence and respond positively towards us,

Undoubtedly, it's what's inside that's important, but sometimes

we can send out the wrong signals simply by wearing inappropriate clothing or not spending enough time thinking about how others see us.


For example, people often make the mistake of trying to look like someone else they’ve seen in a magazine, but this is usually a disaster as we all have our own characteristics.

Stand in front of a fulllength mirror and be honest with yourself about what you see.

There is no need to dwell on your faults—we all have good points and bad points—but think instead about the best way to emphasize the good ones.


When selecting your clothes each day, think about who you’re likely to meet, where you’re going to be spending most of your time and what tasks you are likely to perform. Clearly,

some outfits will be more appropriate to different sorts of activity

and this will dictate your choice to an extent. However, there’s no need to abandon your individual taste completely. After all,

if you dress to please somebody else’s idea of what looks good, you may end up feeling uncomfortable and not quite yourself.


But to know your own mind, you have to get to know yourself.

What do you truly feel good in? There are probably a few favourite items that you wear a lot—most people wear 20 per cent of their wardrobe 80 per cent of the time.

Look at these clothes and ask yourself what they have in common.

Are they neat and tidy, loose and flowing? Then look at the things hanging in your wardrobe that you don’t wear and ask yourself why.

Go through a few magazines and catalogues and mark the things that catch your eye. Is there a common theme?


Some colors bring your natural colouring to life and others can give us a washed-out appearance. Try out new colours by all means,

but remember that dressing in bright colours when you really like subtle neutral tones,

or vice versa, will make you feel selfconscious and uncomfortable.

You know deep down where your own taste boundaries lie. And although it’s good to challenge those sometimes with new combinations or shades,

take care not to go too far all at once.


So, you’ve chosen an outfit that matches your style,

your personality, your shape and your colouring. But does it fit? If something is too tight or too loose,

you won’t achieve the desired effect, and no matter what other qualities it has, it won’t improve your appearance or your confidence. Sometimes,

we buy things without thinking. Some people who dislike shopping grab the first thing they see,

or prefer to use mail-order or the Internet. In all cases, if it doesn’t fit perfectly, don’t buy it, because the finer details are just as important as the overall style.

Reappraising your image isn’t selfish because everyone who comes into contact with you will benefit. You’ll look better and you’ll feel a better person all round. And if in doubt, you only need to read Professor Albert Mehrabian’s book Silent Messages to remind yourself how important outward appearances are.

His research showed that the impact we make on each other depend 55 per cent on how we look and behave,

38 per cent on how we speak and only 7 per cent on what we actually say.

So, whatever stage you are at in your life, whatever role you play, isn’t it time you made the most of yourself?



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