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The "golden triangle" is an unofficial grouping of _____________________ located in the En

glish cities of _____________________________ , with the initiatives the G5, including: University of Oxford University of Cambridge Imperial College London University College London

更多“The "golden triangle" is an unofficial grouping of _____________________ located in the En”相关的问题


The wonders which medical workers have already brought

up in the diagnosis and treatment of disease suggest that a time 【M1】______

may come the physician will be able to analyze most illnesses as 【M2】______

soon as they start, and cure them before damage results. How

soon this "golden age of healing" arrive will depend greatly on 【M3】______

how close is the collaboration between research workers in

medicine and those who work in the sciences which medicine 【M4】______

depends. The physician has long relied on the chemist for

curative drugs, and on the physicist for diagnostic instruments

and healing rays. In the one field new materials and in the other 【M5】______

new devices are being produced in increasing numbers, helps to

make imminent new miracles of medicine. 【M6】______

The X-ray and the microscope has extended the vision of

the medical observer until he can see through ten inches of

living flesh or into a single tissue cell, yet similar but much 【M7】______

more powerful tools still wait development. Modem electrical

devices enable him to listen to faint murmurings of the life 【M8】______

processes, or measure feeble currents arising from heart and 【M9】______

brain and nerve; so electrical body measurements are but little 【M10】______

understood. Now new discovered atomic rays are being brought

to help him destroy malignant invaders of the human system,

and there is every reason to believe that even more curative rays

await discovery.




Britain's undeclared general election campaign has already seen the politicians trading numbers as boxers trade punches. There is nothing new in such statistical slanging matches(相互谩骂). What is new is an underestimation of worry about what has been happening to official statistics under the Labour government.

One of the most important figures for Gordon Brown when presenting his pre-election budget on March 16th was the current-budget balance. This is the gap between current revenues and current spending. It matters to the chancellor of the exchequer(财政部长) because he is committed to meeting his own "golden rule" of borrowing only to invest, so he has to ensure that the current budget is in balance or surplus over the economic cycle.

Mr. Brown told MPs that he would meet the golden rule for the current cycle with & 6 billion ($11.4 billion) to spare—a respectable-sounding margin, though much less than in the past. However, the margin would have been halved but for an obscure technical change announced in February by the Office for National Statistics to the figures for road maintenance of major highways. The ONS said that the revision was necessary because it had been double-counting this spending within the current budget.

If this were an isolated incident, then it might be disregarded. But it is not the first time that the ONS has made decisions that appear rather convenient for the government. Mr. Brown aims to meet another fiscal rule, namely to keep pubic net debt below 40% of GDP, again over the economic cycle. At present he is meeting it but his comfort room would be reduced if the & 21 billion borrowings of Network Rail were included as part of public debt. They are not thanks to a controversial decision by the ONS to classify the rail-infrastructure corporation within the private sector, even though the National Audit Office, Parliament's watchdog, said its borrowings were in fact government liabilities.

This makes it particularly worrying that the official figures can show one thing, whereas the public experiences another. One of the highest-profile targets for the NHS is that no patient should spend more than four hours in a hospital accident and emergency department. Government figures show that by mid-2004, the target was being met for 96% of patients. But according to a survey of 55,000 patients by the Healthcare Commission, an independent body, only 77% of patients said they stayed no more than four hours in A&E.

One way to help restore public confidence in official statistics would be to make the ONS independent, as the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have suggested. Another would be for the National Audit Office to assess how the government has been performing against targets, as the Public Administration Committee has recommended.

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that

A.the British politicians are often compared to boxers by the people.

B.it is a common practice that the government plays with figures.

C.people often overestimate the credibility of official statistics.

D.the Labor government usually underestimate its official figures.



Golden Rules of Negotiating The art of negotiating is a difficult skill for most of us, even good salespeople. Here are three golden rules for you to follow:

1. Always Start the Negotiations. You must initiate the process. This is because whoever controls the start of the negotiations tends to control where they end. If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be constantly giving up control, often without even realizing it. For instance, when you ask someone what his project budget is, you are allowing him to start the negotiations. You will then spend your time chasing his number rather than finding the best solution. So, never let the other party control the negotiations.

2. Always Negotiate in Writing. The purpose of negotiations is to arrive at a formal written agreement, not tell a story or spend time talking. From the first moment you begin a proposal, you should create a document and take it to the client. It will include all the points of agreement and become real to the prospective customer. Negotiating first and then having to create a document adds unnecessary time to a transaction. But if you build your written agreement as you negotiate, you are prepared to ask for a signature the moment the decision to buy is made.

3. Always Stay Cool. The negotiation table can be loaded with agendas, egos and emotions. Great negotiators know how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes insanely invested in personal agendas and useless emotions. 27 Crying, getting angry and blowing off steam may make you feel good, but such behavior. will not benefit you while negotiating. When the rest of the room gets emotional, stay cool and use logic to negotiate and close.

1. If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be completely grasp the control, often without even realizing it.

2. So, never let both parties control the negotiations.

3. Negotiating first and then having to create a document doesn’t need necessary time to a transaction.

4. Great negotiators know how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes wild or helpless during the negotiation.

5. When the rest of the room gets out of control, stay cool and use logic to negotiate and close.



When you see the golden arches, is your first thought fresh fruit? McDonald's is betting that for many customers, it will be. "Our customers are telling us that fresh choice and variety is a big part of what they want from McDonald's today ," says Jackie Woodward, vice president of world- wide marketing at the restaurant giant.

In fact, there's a move to fruit throughout the burgers-and-fries establishment. Wendy's is launching an ad blitz to publicize its entree-and dessert-sized fresh fruit options. "After our success with 'Garden Sensations, ' the next evolution of this was fresh fruit," says Wendy's President Tom Mueller.

McDonald's, which has added apple slices to its popular salad selections, will soon offer an entree-sized fruit-and-walnut salad. At a time when an obesity lawsuit against McDonald's is still rattling around the courts and with filmmaker Morgan Spurlock's critical documentary "Supersize Me" still resonating, one industry analyst says the move to fruit is just good business. All the fast- food chains compete not just with each other, but with boutique food retailers offering nutritional alternatives to get healthier. "This is a new distribution channel for fruit and fruit is very popular in our lives," says Harry Balzer, vice president of NPD, a sales and marketing group that specializes in the food service industry.

Manhattan internist Dr. Bruce Yaffe says a fruit option is in no way a bad thing, but that patients with cardiac health or overweight issues will likely find better routes to the benefits of fresh fruit. There are other options for fruit that will be more cost effective and easier, including peeling one's own banana," says Yaffe.

At today's market price, a banana costs 35 cents and an apple about 50 cents. But the idea of fruit at fast-food restaurants must have some appeal because the country's biggest wholesale buyer of apples right now is McDonald's. First, apple pies——now apple juice and apple dippers. It may take some getting used to——most customers see the golden arches and think cheeseburgers, french fries and chicken nuggets. But industry heavyweights say the new fast-fruit options will be here to stay.

According to the passage, Wendy's is _________.

A.A subscriber of McDonald's

B.A buyer of McDonald's food

C.A branch of McDonald's

D.A McDonald's opponent



Part B (10 points)

You are going to read a list of headings and a text about cross-border marriage. Choose the most suitable headings.

A. The golden wedding-ring was put on her finger

B. The foreign groom and the local bride

C. Angels, children escorting the bride

D. Wedding hall

E. Temple and atheistic groom

F. Town hall, a happy bride and groom

Ornamenting the two fingers is only the first step of the "long march". Angel was never as overloaded as today, running from here to there, busy ordering invitation cards and wedding clothes, booking church and restaurant, checking availability of the photographer, the pastor and the official in the town hall, looking for a new home. She was happy and excited. However this long wedding preparation process loaded down with trivial details, gave me a big headache. In France, more and more French cohabit instead of marrying. However, when they decide to marry, they still take their wedding ceremony seriously and usually follow the never changing three traditional chapters.


The third chapter is the wedding breakfast followed by a dance. (The first and the second chapter are the civil wedding and the church wedding). After the church wedding, the newly-weds normally invite their parents and friends to take part in a sumptuous meal and dance in the evening. After champagne flutes are raised all around, the dancing starts. The newly-weds take the lead, dancing lightly and finish the evening by tiredly tripping into their bridal chamber and thus terminate the last chapter of the French marriage.


I grew up in the last seventies and early eighties, the "simple wedding" advocated by the Chinese government had been ingrained in my mind. One day finally I could not help revealing my wish for a simple wedding: "Darling, your wedding plans are far too long and over-elaborate. Let's simplify them and reduce three chapters to only one. It's enough to get married in the town hall!" "No! Marriage is the most important event in my life. I want to make it grand and unforgettable. "Angel refused to concede. However I really wanted to escape the church wedding. "Honey, I wasn't baptized and being an atheist, I am not allowed to go to church. A church wedding is a burden for an atheist like me, and the church wedding for an atheist is also against church rules!" I presented my views vehemently, believing I had the best excuse in the world. "My dear, marriage is a sacred affair; we must go to the church. You are only aware of one aspect of a thing, but ignorant of another. I am a Protestant; there are no strict canons and mumbo-jumbos in Protestantism. If one of the two is Protestant, they are still allowed to marry in a Protestant church." I was rendered speechless.


The sacred moment arrived. The foreign groom and the local bride, surrounded by her family members, arrived at the marriage hall. "Do you take this woman as your wife?" "Yes!" A myriad of thoughts welled up in my mind: "I'd quit my highly coveted job in China and gone through innumerable trials and tribulations to come to Europe to join my Chinese lover, but I was jilted. Now I'd found an oasis of love, but far from my homeland The girl with me today, though from a different cultural background, with a different way of thinking and behaving, is simple, pure and kind-hearted like an angel. I'd suffered from the wandering life in Europe. But after suffering comes happiness. In a few minutes she will proclaim the end of my wandering and homeless life. "Full of deep feeling I gazed at this western beauty, shining with dazzling splendor and held her hand tight in mine.


"Do you take this man as your husband?" Brimming with tears, choking with sobs, Angel nodded her approval. Being a traditional French girl, she'd never



The first decades of the Roman Empire were the golden age of Latin literature. Virgil, Horace, and Ovid were three great Latin poets who outshone many other lesser poets of the age.

Virgil Virgil (70~19 BC) is generally considered the greatest national poet of Rome. A son of a prosperous farmer, he studied at Milan, Rome, and Naples: His boyhood experience of life on the farm was an essential part of his education. At first he appeared intent on a career in law, but later he turned to philosophy and literature. In 41 BC, Virgil came to Rome, where his first Eclogues attracted the attention of Maecenas, who introduced the young poet to Octavian.

The Eclogues, ten short pastoral poems, were begun in 42 BC and completed in 37 BC. Most of the poems contain dialogues between shepherds and shepherdesses. They depict the idyllic life of shepherds in the well-watered meadows of the Po Valley where Virgil himself grew up. Although they were based on Greek models, the poems are original both in their treatment of subject matter and in their technical perfection.

From 37 BC to 30 BC, Virgil worked on the Georgics, which he wrote in honor of his patron Maecenas. In the Georgics, a long poem in four books, he seeks to interpret the charm of life and work on the farm. His perfect poetic expression gives him the first place among pastoral poets.

In 30 BC, Virgil began to write the Aeneid, a monumental work that occupied him for the rest of his life. The atmosphere of Rome at the time was optimistic and patriotic. People felt that they were personally witnessing the dawn of a new age, one of peace and prosperity unprecedented in the history of the world. That Rome had risen to become the major world power in such a relatively short time made the Romans believe in their divine origin. Therefore it was only natural for Virgil to choose the myth o[ Aeneas's founding the city of Rome as the subject of an epic poem.

The Aeneid was intended not only as a glorification of Rome's founding and its illustrious past, but also as a celebration of its glory under the rule of Emperor Augustus. In composing the epic, Virgil used many sources, including the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer as well as Greek and Roman legends. Virgil's death in 19 BC left the epic incomplete and some of the lines unfinished.

Virgil's Aeneas is a much more complicated character than Homer's Achilles. He depicts Aeneas as a figure of courage, devotion, and above all, of piety. He is a man of a mission, driven by a Roman sense of duty. He leaves the woman he loves and sacrifices his personal desires to fulfill his destinies. These qualities were meant to exemplify the virtues of the Roman people.

Horace Horace (65~8 BC), Rome's great lyric poet and satirist, was born in southern Italy. As a child, he was taken to Rome by his father, a freed slave, who saw to it that his son received an excellent education. In his youth, Horace studied in Athens, which was still a great cultural center at the time. Later he returned to Rome to write poetry. His work attracted the attention of the recognized poets, who introduced him to Maecenas, a patron of poets. Through Maecenas, Horace met the literary and political society of Rome.

Most of Horace's important works were published between 35 BC and 15 BC. Although he was influenced by the Greek poets: in the subject matter and meters of his odes, he was thoroughly Roman in spirit and showed considerable originality. He generally chose subjects of a light character, but he occasionally sounded a serious note. The themes range from such topics as love and friendship to morality and patriotism.

Horace left a varied collection which includes satires, epistles, love poems and other lyrics. The Odes, probably his most widely read poems, are lyrics of great beauty and have endeared themselves to countless readers.

The Epistles are formal letters to

A.The Aeneid.

B.The Georgics.

C.The Epistles.

D.The Eclogues.


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