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【填空题】AV Clip 17: [图]AV 17.mp4 Watch the video ...

【填空题】AV Clip 17: AV 17.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete each statement according to the information from the video clip. There are medical (1) _______________ that are available. A lot of these children have (2)___________, so as far as treatments goes, we are treating the sleep issue. The only medication approved for treatment is really for a symptom of autism, which is for the (3)___________, which is Risperdal. That is not a cure. We are treating a symptom, I think that is very important to (4)_____________, as we are talking about treatments. There are also (5)____________that are being offered, which is looking at what is happening with a child at a (6)__________ and addressing that. A lot of children with the autism spectrum, for example, have low (7)______________ levels, and that needs to be corrected. Because vitamin D affects the(8)______________________, and kids with autism have immune function problems.

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【填空题】AV Clip 18: [图]AV 18.mp4 Watch the video ...

【填空题】AV Clip 18:AV 18.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. One of the most common reasons that we get called in for services is parents or families may see certain behaviors that they really want to get rid of. Whether we're talking about (1)__________, physical (2)_______________, self-injury...any of these types of behaviors. It's always important to remember that behavior always serves a purpose there's always a reason that it's occurring and our job is to figure out why this behavior is occurring. Well some people may say that, you know, ABA can (3)____________ a child of autism or really (4)___________any problem that they may have. Giving parents a leading role in the (5)_________of ABA services is one of the most important things that we can do. Allowing parents to have the skills that they need to (6)____________teach new skills and respond to undesirable behaviors is one of the most critical elements of our service provision. (7)___________the parents and the family these skills allow them to communicate more effectively and (8) ____________with their child. And realistically we, as therapists, can come in for (9)_________________, but it's the parents and the family that are spending (10)__________________ of time with a child. Giving them the critical skills that they need can have the most effect and create the most impact on these child's lives.



【填空题】AV Clip 20: [图]AV 20.mp4 Watch the video ...

【填空题】AV Clip 20:AV 20.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. (1)______________is one of the most common health problems that can happen during pregnancy. It affects as many as (2) _______________ of pregnancies in Ireland and can lead to serious problems for both mom and baby. Certain women are at higher risk of developing gestational diabetes. For example, if you are overweight, if you have a family member with diabetes, if you had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy or depending on your (3) _________________. If you are at risk, you will receive a blood test for gestational diabetes between (4)____________________ of pregnancy. If you are diagnosed, there are day-to-day changes you can make to stay healthy. How much exercise you get and what kind of food you eat can have important effects on your health and your baby's health. But what happens when you have gestational diabetes and how can diet and exercise help? Food and drinks are broken down in your (5)__________________, the sugar they contain is absorbed into your bloodstream. But sugar needs insulin to work. Insulin is made by the (6) _______________ and helps sugar get into your cells. Insulin acts like a key that lets the sugar move from the bloodstream into the cells of your body where it is used for energy. Pregnancy hormones change the way insulin works in your body. In the later stages of pregnancy these changes make it difficult for insulin to (7) _______________ the cells and allow the sugar to enter. This is what is known as (8) __________________. Some insulin resistance is normal in pregnancy. What this means is that your pancreas needs to work extra hard to keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range. When you have gestational diabetes, your pancreas is not able to keep up, as a result, too much sugar is left in the blood. However, a carefully planned diet with (9) ____________________ carbohydrates and no added sugar can make it easier for your body to manage the sugar in your blood. Exercise will also help keep blood sugar low, as it improves influence ability to unlock the cells and uses of sugar for energy. If blood sugar is controlled, your chances of a healthy pregnancy are the same as a non-diabetic mom. This makes diet and exercise powerful tools for a healthy pregnancy. However, if blood sugar is not well controlled, this can lead to problems in both mom and baby. In a study of (10) ___________________ pregnant women around the world, researchers found a link between high blood sugar in mom and babies that had grown too big.



【填空题】AV Clip 23: [图]AV 23.mp4 Watch the video ...

【填空题】AV Clip 23:AV 23.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. I first found out that I had type 1 diabetes when I was (1) ________years old. It was a difficult adjustment period for me. It was hard not to feel a little bit different given that I had to test my blood sugar several times a day, take (2) ________________, pre-planning what I was going to be eating for meals, bringing (3) _______________ and insulin to restaurants and things like that. Michael's regimented life seemed like it could all change the day he read a newspaper article about (4) __________________, a rare form of diabetes discovered back in the 1990's. According to the article, if Michael had this type he would only have to take a pill once a day and could toss out the syringes and the hours spent planning his meals. I cut that article out of the Tribune and brought it in to my endocrinologist to see if there was any way that this type of the disease had applied to me and my doctor looked at the article and quickly dismissed the possibility. Not giving up, Michael went to see Dr. Lou philipson, director of Kobler Diabetes Center at the University of Chicago, one of the first research centers for monogenic diabetes in the world. It's reasonably rare but over the last few years we found that somewhere between (5) _________________ people in United States probably have monogenic diabetes. Oh geez! I'll never forget the day that I got the call from him and he said are you sitting down? The test just came back and you tested positive for this (6) _____________ and I was just completely shocked! I had really just been (7) ______________ this whole time I had a monogenic form of diabetes. Monogenic diabetes is different than type 1 or type 2 diabetes because it's caused from a gene mutation so it's like having a gene for blue eyes or brown hair and when that gene is broken in a very special way the blood sugar can't be regulated.



【填空题】AV Clip 17: Fitness or Fatness [图]AV 17.m...

【填空题】AV Clip 17: Fitness or FatnessAV 17.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. There is nothing that you can't eat but everything you eat has an effect on your blood sugar. Learning to eat regular meals, controlling the amount you eat and making healthy food choices can help you manage your diabetes better and prevent further (1) ___________________. Developing a sensible plan for eating is an important first step in diabetes control. With diabetes you really have to watch the portions and not only the portions but particularly the (2) ___________________________. Because carbohydrates, as you know, are the foods that affect your blood sugar. So watching those carbs is really important. A healthy meal will include complex carbohydrates, (3) __________________ and healthy fats. Complex carbohydrates include (4) __________________ bread. Lean meat such as chicken without the skin or fish are excellent sources of protein. Lots of nuts and healthy oils like olive, peanut or canola are rich in healthy fats. Portion control can help you control your blood sugar. A good first step is to follow a type of meal planning known as the plate method. This method includes a healthy balance of foods and controlled portions. In this method, half of your plate is filled with (5) ________________________ vegetables such as greens: green beans, broccoli or cabbage; 25% should contain meat or another protein like eggs, low-fat cheese or beets; and the other 25% should contain starches such as potato or whole-grain bread. On the side include an 8 ounce glass of (6) _______________ milk or a small piece of fruit .Other things you can do include counting carbohydrates. Counting carbs is one way to control blood sugar by limiting the amount of carbohydrates in your diet to about 45 to 60 grams a meal. You can prevent your blood sugars from going too high after that meal. Reading food labels. Learning to read food labels is an important step in planning healthy meals and limiting the amount of unhealthy fats and (7) ________________ in your diet. For example, by knowing the difference between serving size and total servings you can count the number of total carbohydrates in your meal. Developing a practical meal plan. Your (8) ______________ can help you work on a meal plan that fits you and your lifestyle.



【填空题】AV Clip 7: traffic and Heart Attack [图]AV...

【填空题】AV Clip 7: traffic and Heart AttackAV 7 Traffic and Heart Attack.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. There is no question Americans are spending large amounts of their time these days sitting in traffic. More than 120 million people (1) _________ to work by car each day and most of them spend at least 30 minutes on the road. But is always in the car (2) _______ our health? New research from Germany finds exposure to traffic may help (3) ______ heart attacks in people already at risk. They interviewed more than 1,400 patients to determine what type of events immediately (4) ______ heart attack symptoms. Results show that patients were three times more likely to have been driving a car, riding public (5) ________ or riding a bicycle near traffic within an hour of their heart attack than doing any non-traffic activities. Women appeared more (6) ________ than men. Their heart attack risk was five times greater when exposed to traffic. Researchers say they are still not sure how traffic may (7) ______ to heart attacks, but they theorize that a combination of stress and heightened pollution may be to (8) _________.



【填空题】AV Clip 11: The Truth of Vitamins [图]AV 3...

【填空题】AV Clip 11: The Truth of VitaminsAV 3+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 The Truth about Vitamins Supplements.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word group from the video clip. Professor Melhus then went further. He did a series of (1) ________ to work out what level of vitamin A was linked to weaker bones. His results suggested that (2) ________ of even relatively small quantities of vitamin A were having a dramatic effect. What we saw was that (3) ________ above 1.5 milligrams per day, which is approximately twice the recommended daily intake, there was a reduction in (4) ________ about ten per cent, and the risk of hip fracture had doubled. If Professor Melhus was right then the implications were staggering. An intake of 1.5 milligrams per day is a level that can be reached from food alone. And it will be exceeded by taking just (5) ________ of some high strength vitamin A supplements. So, tablets that people take every day to improve their health might actually be slowly, silently, (6) ________. For Professor Melhus, the implication is clear. “Based on our research I think people should continue to eat a healthy, (7) ________. But since supplements containing high levels of vitamin A may have (8) ________, I cannot recommend people to take them routinely.”



【填空题】AV Clip 13: Anger and Heart Disease [图]AV...

【填空题】AV Clip 13: Anger and Heart DiseaseAV 13 Anger and Heart.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. Evidence continues to mount that strong emotions can contribute to sudden (1) _______ arrest. But precisely how anger, shock or sadness might harm the heart remains unclear. New research suggests that (2) _________ emotion might directly alter the heart’s electrical stability. Researchers from Yale University studied 62 patients who had (3) _________ pace-maker devices to treat their heart disease. They asked the participants to record a time when they felt angry and tracked any changes in patients’ heart function. They found that anger triggered (4) _______ in heart’s electrical waves and that some people had a bigger reaction than others. Over the next year people who had had the stronger (5) ________ to anger were eight times as likely to need a shock from their pace-maker to restore a proper heart (6) ________. Doctors theorize that a rush of adrenalin response may cause the electrical (7) ________. Staying calm helps reduce the adrenalin response so experts recommend using (8) ________ techniques including deep breathing and non-stressful exercises such as yoga or working to manage angry emotions.



【填空题】AV Clip 4 How Does Stress Affect the Body ...

【填空题】AV Clip 4 How Does Stress Affect the Body When We Don’t Manage ItAV 4 How Does Stress Affect The Body When We Dont Manage It.mp4 Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the exact words you have heard. Possible risks caused by stress Supplementary descriptions 1. mental health Prolonged mental stress increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol to an undesired level. Cortisol is known to (1)_____________ in your hippocampus, an important brain structure that (2)_____________ . Cortisol also (3)_____________ at which new brain cells are made. As a result, stress increases your chances of having memory problems, sleep problems, anxiety and even (4)_______________ . 2. heart disease When you are stressed, your (5)________________ rises. Eating fatty foods in stressful times also results in (6)________________ . You are also more likely to smoke or (7) ________________ when stressed. Altogether stress increases the (8) _______________ that contribute to heart disease. 3. diabetes High level of cortisol can reduce the actions of (9) ________________ . This can further cause an increase in your blood sugar levels, a major (10) ________________ and a (11)________________ to type 2 diabetes. 4. back pain Prolonged stress causes the adrenal glands located above your kidneys to get fatigued as they (12)_________________ cortisol for a long time. As a result, the nerves as well as muscles in your lower back (13)________________ and result in back pain. In addition, stress also reduces your pain threshold or ability to cope with pain. Pain and stress follow a (14)________________ , thus pain causes stress which causes more pain. 5. infections at lifestyle diseases Stress increases levels of (15) __________________ in your body that are capable of damaging (16) ________________ . Increased levels of free radicals results in oxidative stress, a state of imbalance between free radicals and (17)_________________ in the body. Oxidative stress contributes to some of the major (18) ________________ illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Increased level of cortisol can also affect the production of white blood cells and reduce the (19) ________________of your body. As a result, you may (20) ____________________ easily and fall sick very often. 6. weight gain Rise in cortisol level causes the brain to use (21) _______________ too fast. As a result, your body (22) _____________________ sugary and high-calorie food when stressed. (23) _____________________of fatty food results in fat deposition and eventually causes weight gain. Thus ignoring stress can affect your health physically and mentally.



【填空题】AV Clip 7: Excessive Salt [图]AV 7 Excessi...

【填空题】AV Clip 7: Excessive SaltAV 7 Excessive Salt.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete each statement in no more than 6 words according to the information from the video clip. 1. A well-known health group gives a new warning that many meals in popularchain restaurants have___________________________________________________________________________. 2. Salt is said to be the single ___________________ in our food supply. 3. Eating too much salt causes the walls of muscles to______________. 4. Some people consume massive amounts of salt and end up with______________. 5. And some people come to the emergency room with ___________________. 6. Few people have any idea how much salt _____________ in that next restaurant meal.



【填空题】AV Clip 3 Cold Cough Medicine [图]AV3 Cold...

【填空题】AV Clip 3 Cold Cough MedicineAV3 Cold Cough Medicine.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete each statement in no more than 6 words according to the information from the video clip. 1. An FDA official today on somebody's medicines. 2. About $50 million are being spent each year to parents telling parents of not only that they are safe and effective but they are recommended by pediatricians. 3. 54 deaths of children are reported to be and 69 associated with anti-histamines from 1969 to 2006. 4. One expert believes that misuse or accidental injection is really the cause of most of these very rare . 5. Up to now there is no further guidance for parents on how to treat that will begin very soon.


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