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【填空题】AV Clip 18 Mental Health First Aid [图]AV ...

【填空题】AV Clip 18 Mental Health First Aid AV 18 Mental Health First Aid.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following summary. In a typical first aid class we learn things like CPR what to do if someone was choking. But would you know what to do if someone was (1) . There are now mental health first aid classes to help educate people on what to do in those kinds of situations. One in four Americans in any given year will experience a mental illness. It could be depression, anxiety, psychosis or even the (2) . So it’s a high likelihood that we might run into someone with a mental illness. It really does run the gamut on things, and it’s something that could have been just occurring, or something that has been a (3) problem. Actually mental illness (4) , from children to the elderly. We can learn how to perform CPR, the Heimlich maneuver but how do we go about recognizing problem signs? This program has an action plan, called algee—ALGEE, which stands for (5) for risk of suicide or harm, (6) , give reassurance and information, encourage (7) help, and encourage self-help and other (8) . And that can help you remember how to react to someone who may be in crisis. Anyone who comes in contact with the general public might be able to help. We teach classes around the country, like community centers or at police academies, universities, anywhere where people can access education. So the first thing that we’re talking about with people and these classes is the awareness. Certainly that mental illness is real and common. But it’s also treatable and people can (9) from mental illnesses, just like a physical illness. However, there is still a strong (10) associated with mental illness. (11) . Or they don’t understand what’s happening to them. They don’t understand why they’re feeling the way they are feeling. (12) .

更多“【填空题】AV Clip 18 Mental Health First Aid [图]AV ...”相关的问题


【填空题】AV Clip 16: Smoking and Mental Decline [图...

【填空题】AV Clip 16: Smoking and Mental DeclineAV 16 Smoking & Mental Decline.avi Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. Cigarette smoking has long been associated with many serious health risks, including (1)______________ disease, stroke and cancer. Now new research shows that cigarette smoking may also be (2)________ to increase mental decline with age. Researchers from National Institute for Public Health and (3)____________ in the Netherland studied nearly 2,000 men and women aged 43 to 70 years. They gave (4)___________ cognitive tests, once at the beginning of the study, and then again five years later. The result shows that mental decline among smokers was 1.9 times greater for (5)__________ function, 2.4 times greater for mental (6)__________ and 1.7 times greater for overall cognitive ability. In the U.S., nearly 25% men and 18% women are still smokers. The researchers suggest that smokers who (7)________ their habit at any age may be able to postpone the (8)________ of cognitive decline as they grow older.



【填空题】AV Clip 4 How Does Stress Affect the Body ...

【填空题】AV Clip 4 How Does Stress Affect the Body When We Don’t Manage ItAV 4 How Does Stress Affect The Body When We Dont Manage It.mp4 Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the exact words you have heard. Possible risks caused by stress Supplementary descriptions 1. mental health Prolonged mental stress increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol to an undesired level. Cortisol is known to (1)_____________ in your hippocampus, an important brain structure that (2)_____________ . Cortisol also (3)_____________ at which new brain cells are made. As a result, stress increases your chances of having memory problems, sleep problems, anxiety and even (4)_______________ . 2. heart disease When you are stressed, your (5)________________ rises. Eating fatty foods in stressful times also results in (6)________________ . You are also more likely to smoke or (7) ________________ when stressed. Altogether stress increases the (8) _______________ that contribute to heart disease. 3. diabetes High level of cortisol can reduce the actions of (9) ________________ . This can further cause an increase in your blood sugar levels, a major (10) ________________ and a (11)________________ to type 2 diabetes. 4. back pain Prolonged stress causes the adrenal glands located above your kidneys to get fatigued as they (12)_________________ cortisol for a long time. As a result, the nerves as well as muscles in your lower back (13)________________ and result in back pain. In addition, stress also reduces your pain threshold or ability to cope with pain. Pain and stress follow a (14)________________ , thus pain causes stress which causes more pain. 5. infections at lifestyle diseases Stress increases levels of (15) __________________ in your body that are capable of damaging (16) ________________ . Increased levels of free radicals results in oxidative stress, a state of imbalance between free radicals and (17)_________________ in the body. Oxidative stress contributes to some of the major (18) ________________ illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Increased level of cortisol can also affect the production of white blood cells and reduce the (19) ________________of your body. As a result, you may (20) ____________________ easily and fall sick very often. 6. weight gain Rise in cortisol level causes the brain to use (21) _______________ too fast. As a result, your body (22) _____________________ sugary and high-calorie food when stressed. (23) _____________________of fatty food results in fat deposition and eventually causes weight gain. Thus ignoring stress can affect your health physically and mentally.



【单选题】Riding a bike has been linked to improve mental health.






【填空题】Task Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 16 Men...

【填空题】Task Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 16 Mental ResilienceAV 16 Mental Resilience.avi Watch the video clip “Mental Resilience” and complete the following statements with the information from the video. 1. The mental resilience is an ability to keep , and then to learn and afterward. 2. According to Dr. Mark Servis, mental resilience is the ability to adapt to . 3. In Parker’s eyes, the mental resilience “should be mental . Because you come to a point in your life it's not . I guess it is optional in how you are going to it.” 4. Dr. Servis finds that there are that make people mentally flexible in the face of obstacles, the first being . 5. Dr. Servis said that people who have a very positive sense of self, who feel good about themselves and have generally good self-esteem, fare much better in dealing with than individuals with . 6. Self-esteem has helped people stay mentally resilient through the ages. Another common thread, an in the face of tragedy. 7. Tracee didn’t give up and she said that main thing that got her through the ordeal was her . She said: “Once you understand that there is something greater than yourself. And you have to let yourself go and … and practice it.” 8. This type of outlook is another characteristic that experts have identified as . 9. A and the ability help build mental resilience. You do not view yourself as a victim in difficult situations, but rather as in your own destiny. 10. According to Dr. Servis, an internal locus of control was associated with individuals who . An internal locus of control simply means that the individual feels . They're in charge of what happens in their life. 11. Experts say it's never too late to start building your mental resilience. You can do that by learning , and as we’ve witnessed in the United States, by finding during difficult times.



【填空题】Listen to the following talk and fill in t...

【填空题】Listen to the following talk and fill in the missing words. Save the Environment to Save Ourselves Earth’s animals are disappearing ___1__. Many ___2__ are becoming extinct. Every year, one-half ___3___ in the tropical rain forests ___4___. some disappear before ___5____. no one has time to study them __6___. Today, 740 different ___7___ either threatened or endangered. Anther 400 species are waiting __8__. However, ___9___ 400 species have __10____ while waiting. __11____ worries scientists and environmentalists. They want the environmental ___12___ to be made stronger. Otherwise, nature’s treasures are disappearing __13___. the cure for cancer or AIDS, ___14___, many be hiding in the rain forest. ___15___, many believe, we must save the environment to save ourselves.



【单选题】What kind of health do people care about?

A、Physical health.

B、Mental health.

C、Psychological health.

D、Physical and mental health.



大多数人对心理健康问题几乎一无所知(mental health)。



听力原文: Some mental health research has linked depression in women with lower weight in their babies during the first year of life. They studied 632 women from small villages. The women were in good physical health and in the last three months of pregnancy.

The study identified 160 of the women, or one in four, as depressed. They always felt sad or tired. They had problems eating or sleeping. They felt guilty and thought about killing themselves.

The researchers compared these women with 160 others who were not depressed. Health workers then weighed and measured the babies of both groups at birth. Re-examinations took place at two, six and twelve months of age. The health workers also re-examined the mental health of the mothers.

Babies whose mothers remained depressed grew less than the babies of the other women. The babies of the depressed mothers were also more likely to get sick. Earlier studies showed that ten to fifteen percent of pregnant women and new mothers in Western nations suffer from depression. Other studies in South Asia have found that depression affects almost two times as many women in developing countries.

A new program will be started to help these new mothers. In the program health workers will visit new mothers for up to a year. The workers offer advice about things like health and cleanliness. The health workers will also listen to the mother's problems and suggest some easy things at first that she can do for her baby. The program will be tested for three years to see how well it succeeds.


A.How depression affects women's health.

B.How depression in mothers affects their babies' weight.

C.How to get rid of depression.

D.How to better feed low weight babies.






About 84% of people have mental health problems and a third of the UK general public feels isolated, according to a new report.

The charity Mind says young people are most likely to feel 【C1】______ society, whether they have mental health problems or not.

It 【C2】______ lack of relationships, absence of support and discrimination for feelings of social 【C3】______ The charity is 【C4】______ government action on the problem.

Surveys of 532 Mind members and 964 members of the general public showed people living in 【C5】______ communities and from black and ethnic communities were also more 【C6】______ to isolation.

Feelings of social exclusion were most 【C7】______ mong people with mental health problems and often 【C8】______ to their illness.

Of the Mind members surveyed, 80% said isolation made it harder for them to 【C9】______ or cope with their mental health problems.

Many blamed relationship problems or lack of close relationships stemming from their mental health problems as a 【C10】______ cause of isolation. 【C11】______ lack of money and lack of support services also featured 【C12】______ Ready use of a telephone was mentioned most often as the support 【C13】______ to help overcome isolation.

Mind said many people with mental health problems were 【C14】______ to a life of social segregation because of a vicious cycle of isolation, 【C15】______ by stigma and prejudice.

Chief executive Richard Brook said: "Most people already know that it's good to talk, 【C16】______ when you're in mental distress it isn't always that 【C17】______ If the crucial links are 【C18】______ , things can 【C19】______ rapidly." He urged the government to take the 【C20】______ in providing better social support for those at risk.


A.disconnected from

B.isolated with

C.connected with

D.linked with


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