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【判断题】A small but important first step in the effort by former slaves secured civil rights

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When Caroline heard the phone ring late in the evening, she knew it was something important. She listened as a park ranger explained the situation. Seven children were lost in the Pennsylvania wildness. Caroline pulled on the red jacket that said Rescue on it and called on her dog, Aly, a shepherd.She and Aly raced to their rescuetruck and climbed in. Then Caroline put on the emergencylight and steppedon the gas.She knew they had no time to lose.

In the dark Pennsylvania wood, Caroline and Aly walked for hours to looking for sigh of children. It was a fierce autumn night, and she became cold and exhausted. Suddenly, she saw footprint ahead. In the cold, it was difficult for Aly to pick up the children ’s scent, but finally he found it and began to bark. Then two miles down the road, Aly began to yelp with joy, and Caroline began to run. There were the children. They were shivering and crying, but they were safe.

Caroline and Aly are a specialized team with many amazing, life-saving rescues to their credit.She had always loved dogs and used to raise them as hobby. One day a friend suggested canine search and rescue team.

Caroline and Aly makes an excellent team. Dogs have a great sensitivity to smell. She trained Aly to find the scent of humans underground and in open spaces.Caroline is a natural athlete who skis and mountain climbs, and she is highly skilled in wilderness survival. She and Aly can find people faster than a dozen human searcherscan. Caroline can also speak seven languages, so she often translatesfor other rescueworkers when sheworks in different countries.

Which of the following can bestdescribe the situation in Pra.l ?





Which of the following is NOT a factor leading to the difficult situation in Par.2?A.Caroline got lost

B.The weather was cold

C.Caroline was very tired

D.It was difficult for Aly to find the scent.

When the children were found, they were __________.A.excited and happy

B.shivering and crying

C.disappointed andangry

D.shouting and smiling

It canbe learnedfrom the last paragraph that ___________.A.Aly rescuedmany earthquakevictims

B.Caroline climbed many famous mountains

C.Caroline knows how to survive in wilderness

D.Caroline andAly arebestteam in the world

Which of the following can be besttitle of the passage?A.Seven children

B.Aly the rescuedog

C.Search and rescueskills

D.A searchand rescueteam




When Caroline heard the phone ring late in the evening, she knew it was something important. She listened as a park ranger explained the situation. Seven children were lost in the Pennsylvania wildness. Caroline pulled on the red jacket that said Rescue on it and called on her dog, Aly, a shepherd.She andAly raced to their rescuetruck and climbed in. Then Caroline put on the emergencylight and steppedon the gas.Sheknew they had no time to lose.

In the dark Pennsylvania wood, Caroline and Aly walked for hours to looking for sigh of children. It was a fierce autumn night, and she became cold and exhausted. Suddenly, she saw footprint ahead. In the cold, it was difficult for Aly to pick up the children ’s scent, but finally he found it and began to bark. Then two miles down the road, Aly began to yelp with joy, and Caroline began to run. There were the children. They were shivering and crying, but they were safe.

Caroline and Aly are a specialized team with many amazing, life-saving rescues to their credit.She had always loved dogs and used to raise them as hobby. One day a friend suggested canine searchandrescueteam.

Caroline and Aly makes an excellent team. Dogs have a great sensitivity to smell. She trained Aly to find the scent of humans underground and in open spaces.Caroline is a natural athlete who skis and mountain climbs, and she is highly skilled in wilderness survival. She and Aly can find people faster than a dozen human searcherscan. Caroline can also speak seven languages, so she often translatesfor other rescueworkers when sheworks in different countries.

Which of the following can bestdescribe the situation in Pra.l ?





Which of the following is NOT a factor leading to the difficult situation in Par.2?A.Caroline got lost

B.The weather was cold

C.Caroline was very tired

D.It was difficult for Aly to find the scent.

When the children were found, they were____________ .A.excited and happy

B.shivering and crying

C.disappointed andangry

D.shouting and smiling

It canbe learnedfrom the last paragraph that __________.A.Aly rescuedmany earthquakevictims

B.Caroline climbed many famous mountains

C.Caroline knows how to survive in wilderness

D.Caroline andAly arebestteam in the world

Which of the following can be besttitle of the passage?A.Seven children

B.Aly the rescuedog

C.Search and rescueskills

D.A searchand rescueteam




Tips on Job Search

Marketing You in the Employment Marketplace

You will have to become a salesperson in order to sell yourself in the employment marketplace. And you will have to learn to sell yourself according to the way your customer buys. Meet the customer needs first in order to meet your personal needs. Become customer-driven instead of product-driven.

The first step in the customer-driven marketing process is to understand the market in general and what potential customer needs may be. It does not do any good to have a super product if there is no market for it. There has to be an established need or want in the job market that is satisfied by the product you are intending to sell.

Do you know what your market is?

Who are your potential customers?

What are the specific needs of customers in your market?

The next step in the customer-driven marketing process is to develop your product according to the specific needs of the marketplace. Have you developed your product to meet the specific market needs? Unfortunately, most students end up taking a major with little or no thought about their intended market.

While it is not the purpose of this guide to go into the entirety of career planning, I will forewarn you that if you are not able to: (1) identify your market, and (2) identify your product in relation to the market needs, you will fail either totally or partially in your job search. So consider yourself forewarned--you need to have a roadmap, an automobile, and a full tank of gas before you start on your trip. Most of us plan our vacations better than we plan our careers. The first step in your job search is to plan the direction you will take toward the type of career you will be seeking. If you have no plan for where you are going, any road will take you there. Don't start off your life blindly or in a random direction. Please make sure you know where you are going before you start your journey of a lifetime.

Prepare to Make an Investment

I have heard literally hundreds of college students talk about how they were going to "coast" in their final year right up to graduation. Your class load may be down, your work load may be lower, and in general, you are finally ready to start living the good life.

Have you forgotten something? If you don't have a job yet, you are spending fools' gold by coasting through your final year. It's a trap. Many students end up spending their final year hitting all the parties, developing a flourishing romance, or just "taking it easy". And then they talk about how they were "too busy" to look for a job when they come up empty at graduation.

Sorry to crash your party, but until you have landed a job, you still have work to do. In fact, more work than you have done to this point. If you want to be a success in your career, you have to be prepared to make an investment--now!

First of all, you will need to invest your time. You should plan on dedicating a minimum of five hours per week and sometimes as much as fifteen to twenty hours per week to your job search. I know that sounds like a lot of time, but get ready--there is even more, You should also plan to use your Fall, Winter and Spring Breaks for full-time job searching. Your breaks are nonrefundable time that should be banked directly to your job search account. I realize I may be stepping on a lot of Florida party animal toes by recommending job search over Daytona, but this is the time for a reality check. One week in the sun could end up burning you badly at graduation. And don't make excuses that you cannot possibly fit anything else into your "crowded schedule". If you are taking more classes than you need to, drop them. If you are attending more social engagements than you need to, avoid them. Stop volunteering for everything that comes along. You onl






Water on the earth is being continuously recycled in a process known as the hydrologic cycle. The first step of the cycle is the evaporation of water in the oceans. Evaporation is the process of water turning into vapor ,which then forms clouds in the sky. The second step is the water returning to the earth in the form. of precipitation, either rain, snow, or ice. When the water reaches the earth's surface, it runs off into the rivers, lakes, and the ocean, where the cycle begins again.

Not all water, however, stays on the surface of the earth in the hydrologic cycle. Some of it seeps (渗透) into the ground through infiltration and collects under the earth's surface as groundwater. This groundwater is extremely important to life on earth since 95% of the earth's water is in the oceans, and is too salty for humans of plants. Of the 5% on land, only 0.05% is above ground in rivers or lakes. The rest is underground. water. This groundwater is plentiful and dependable, as it doesn't depend on seasonal rain or snow. It is the major source of water for many cities. But as the population increases and the need for water also increases, the groundwater in some areas is getting dangerously low. Added to this problem is an increasing amount of pollution that seeps into the groundwater. In the future, with an increasing population and more toxic(有毒)waste, the hydrologic cycle we depend on could become dangerously imbalanced.

The best title for this passage is ______.

A.Water Conservation

B.The Hydrologic Cycle

C.Underground Water

D.Polluted Groundwater



听力原文: The first significant step in the fight against infectious disease Was made in 1796 with discovery of a vaccine to prevent smallpox by Edward Jenner. Jenner had become aware of the fact that milkmaids who had suffered from a mild illness, cowpox, were unlikely to catch the much more serious smallpox disease. Jenner experimented on a child, introducing cowpox into the bloodstream. Later, the child was inoculated with smallpox, but did not catch the disease. Jenner's method had, proved much safer than the fashionable technique of inoculation, which had been brought to Britain from Turkey by Lady Montague. Despite opposition from the medical establishment, many of whom made a good income from inoculation, the government backed Jenner's claims; by 1853, vaccination had become compulsory for infants.

Louis Pasteur was a French chemist who in 1867 was able to demonstrate for the first time that germs caused disease. Pasteur went on to develop vaccines for chicken cholera, anthrax and rabies. The new science of bacteriology was advanced further by a German scientist, Robert Koch. Using microscopes and innovative methods of staining germs, Koch was able to identify specific germs as being responsible for the cause of disease. In 1882-3, he identified the microbes responsible for tuberculosis (TB) and cholera.

A rivalry developed between Pasteur and Koch, based in part on the tension which existed following France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1. Both scientists were recognized in their own countries for their work, and set up with research centers. In 1881, Pasteur, successfully tried vaccine which protected against anthrax in animals. Koch, who quickly heard of the breakthrough by telegram, attempted unsuccessfully to discredit Pasteur. When, in the following year, he had the opportunity to treat a boy with rabies called Joseph Meister, Pasteur succeeded in developing a rabies vaccine.

What was the first step in fighting against infectious disease?

A.The discovery of a vaccine.

B.A powerful injection.

C.The help of a milkmaid.

D.The help from government.



The prevention of illness through exercise and nutrition was a small step from movements like hydropathy (which advocated the "natural" healing powers of water), to the idea that fresh air, healthy food, and exercise could be beneficial. The physical fitness movement in America followed the influx of a large number of German immigrants who fled their country due to the 1848 revolution. The movement began there with Fredrich Ludwig Jahn, who unified exercise and sport with German history and tradition and saw a connection between mental and physical health. Charles Follen, a Jahn student, led the movement in America, organizing the Round Hill School at Harvard, which stressed rigorous mental and physical exercise. In the mid-west, the Germans established their first gymnastic institution called the Turnverein in Cincinnati in 1848. Later called the Turners, these groups developed nationally and organized outings of picnics, games, gymnastics, and celebrations of German culture.

Catherine Beecher promoted physical fitness for women, and felt that corsets not only made such exercise impossible, but actually deformed women's bodies, and could even be passed on to future generations and degrade the race. She was also an advocate of improving nutrition, and an early opponent of gluttony, believing condiments on food stimulated the appetite towards excess. Others championed vegetarianism, or saw lack of sunshine as a cause of stomach discomfort. Regardless of their particular bent, all of the food reformers had a common philosophy: had eating habits led to social disorder. Like physical fitness proponents, they saw a connection between reshaping the body and reshaping American society to improve the individual and the country.

The physical fitness movement declined in the years preceding the Civil War, then revived, as Americans became city dwellers and took sedentary jobs. Advocates promoted "Muscular Christianity", a movement begun in England, which stressed that the best and most moral Christians were those with sound bodies. Indian clubs became a favorite exercise tool with entire books written for club exercises. Team sports became popular after 1865, reflecting America's growing urbanization. The most popular was baseball, and in 1879 the Cincinnati Red Stockings became the country's first professional team. By the 1900s, Luther Gulick transformed the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) into the epitome of "Muscular Christianity". It became the largest organization of urban gymnasiums and fitness centers in America.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The prevention of illness through exercise and nutrition.

B.The German and Christian influences on nutrition and physical fitness.

C.Development of the physical fitness movement.

D.The nutrition and physical fitness movements.



ACID RAIN: What's the Solution?

One of the wildest regions in the U.S., far from civilization, is the Adirondack area of northern New York State. For years this isolated spot has had the reputation of being one of best fishing spots in the U.S.

As a boy 30 years ago, Bill Marleau first through the Adirondack wilderness near his small cabin on Woods Lake. Thousands of sportsmen have stayed at his father's lodge nearby.

But now Bill's 134 hectares (335 acres) of lakefront land have only scenic value. Gone are those huge trout that used to swim in the turbulent, nutrientrich water a short distance from his doorstep. Gone from the cool nights are the sounds of thousands of frogs and toads.

And gone are the birds that once fed on those water creatures.

Occasionally Bill sees a lone fisherman fruitlessly cast his bait into the empty waters of old lake. "I just don't have the heart to tell," he said. "This old lake's dead. It was killed years ago by acid rain." What is acid rain?

Acid rain is a popular term for precipitation in the form. of rain, sleet, snow or hail that is more acidic than normal. Acid rain is produced when atmospheric moisture combines with pollutants from power plants, factories and automobiles.

When fossil fuels such as coal and oil are burned, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are produced. These two gases react with the water and oxygen in the atmosphere to form. droplets of weak sulfur and nitric acid.

Carried by prevailing winds and weather conditions, clouds containing these droplets travel hundreds, sometimes thousands, of kilometers from the source of the pollutants. Recently scientists found that acid rain now affects huge areas of the North Hemisphere.

Power plants and factories in the heavily industrialized regions of Ohio and Indiana are believed to be the source of the acid rain that killed Woods Lake along with hundreds of others in New York State and eastern Canada. Acid haze over Alaska is believed to come all the way from Japan. And precipitation as acid as vinegar that falls on Scotland and Scandinavia probably originates in England.

How Acidity Is Measured

Scientists measure the acidity of rain in pH units. A pH scale from 0 to 14 is used. Depending upon its chemical composition, a solution is either acidic, alkaline (basic), or neutral. Distilled water, which has a pH of 7, is neutral. Substance with pH values less than 7 are acidic, while those over 7 are alkaline.

Normal rain water with a pH of 5.6 is slightly acidic. But after reacting with industrial pollutants, particularly sulfur dioxide, the pH of rain quickly drops.

When acid rain falls to Earth, much of it ends up in lakes and ponds. In addition to failing directly into a lake, acid rains runs off land into streams and rivers that eventually flow into lakes and ponds. Once acid rain gets into them, its effects can be deadly.

Studies started in 1975 in the Adirondacks indicate that salamanders and frogs are the first to die when the pH is lowered. Normally the pH of a lake is 8,0 slightly alkaline. When the pH drops to 7, the eggs of salamanders and frogs fail to hatch. At pH 6.6 snails begin to die.

Bacteria that decompose leaf matter die too, and the leaf matter collects on the lake bottom. As the acidity continues to drop, ail the major food chains in the lake become affected. In time all the fish die.

Eventually primitive, oxygenconsuming plants nearly choke out all other aquatic greenery. Algae and fungal growth that thrive in an acidic environment move in and cover the entire bottom of the now destroyed lake.

Looking like blue vinegar, the lake is now an entirely changed ecosystem. It contains no life expect the fungal and algal growth and a few surfacedwelling water bugs.









When Frank Dale took over as publisher of Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner, the organization had just ended a ten-year strike. There was much bitterness and, as he told us, himself to everybody, to thank them for their loyalty to that point, and to allow them to express their concerns and frustrations. To questions like "What makes you think you can make this thing go ? " he responded, "I don&39;t know yet, but in thirty days I&39;ll come back to you and let you know what I&39;ve found." He recruited a task force of the best people from throughout the Hearst Corporation to do a crash study, and in thirty days he had a written report on what needed to be done, which he shared with the staff. He had taken the all-important first steps to establish mutual trust, without which leadership would not have been possible.

Trust is the emotional glue that binds followers and leaders together. The accumulation of trust is a measure of the legitimacy of leadership. It cannot be demanded or purchased; it must be earned. Trust is the basic ingredient of all organizations, the lubrication that maintains the organization, and it is as mysterious and difficult a concept as leadership and as important.

One thing we can say for sure about trust is that if trust is to be generated, there must be predictability, the capacity to predict another&39;s behavior. Another way of putting it is to say that organizations without trust would resemble the ambiguous nightmare of Kafka&39;s The Castley here nothing can be certain and nobody can be relied on or be held responsible. The ability to predict outcomes with high probability of success generates and maintaining trust.

What was Frank Date‘s problem when he became the publisher of Los Angeles Herrald-Exarniner ? 查看材料

A.He had lost interest in his publishing career

B.He found it hard to introduce himself to everyone

C.Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner was in extreme difficulty

D.Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner was on a ten-year strike



Ten years ago, when environmental lawyer Kassie Siegel went in search of an animal to save the world, the polar bear wasnt at all an obvious choice. Siegel and Brendan Cummings of the Center for Biological Diversity in Joshua Tree, Calif. , were looking for a species whose habitat was disappearing due to climate change, which could serve as a symbol of the dangers of global warming. Her first candidate met the scientific criteria—it lived in ice caves in Alaskas Glacier Bay, which were melting away—but unfortunately it was a spider. You cant sell a lot of T shirts with pictures of an animal most people would happily step on. Next, Siegel turned to the Kittlitzs murrelet, a small Arctic seabird whose nesting sites in glaciers were disappearing. In 2001, she petitioned the Department of the Interior to add it to the Endangered Species list, but Interior Secretary Gale Norton turned her down. Elkhorn and staghorn coral, which are threatened by rising water temperatures in the Caribbean, did make it onto the list, but as iconic species they fell short insofar as many people dont realize theyre alive in the first place. The polar bear, by contrast, is vehemently alive and carries the undeniable charisma of a top predator. And its dependence on ice was intuitively obvious; it lives on it most of the year. But it took until 2004 for researchers to demonstrate that shrinking sea ice was a serious threat to the bears population. On Feb. 16, 2005—the day the Kyoto Protocol to curb greenhouse-gas emissions took effect, without the participation of the United States—Siegel petitioned to list polar bears as endangered. Three years later her efforts met with equivocal (不明确的) success, as Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne designated the bears as "threatened" (not endangered), a significant concession from an administration that has stood almost alone in the world in its reluctance to acknowledge the dangers of climate change. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) , whose odd lists of snails and bladderworts sometimes seemed stuck in the age of Darwin, had been thrust into the mainstream of 21st-century environmental politics. Break out the T shirts!

Siegel and Cummings hoped to choose an animal to ______.

A.call on people to take actions against global warming

B.make people aware of the danger of environmental damage

C.introduce to people a new concept of environmental protection

D.remind people of the importance of protecting endangered species


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