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The Korean dance can be split into two main types, which are court dance and folk dance.

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Apart from the Korean Peninsula, which other countries are Korean mainly distributed around the world?

A、Britain and the USA

B、China and the USA

C、China and Britain

D、France , Britain and the USA



Bicultural Kids

When Brian and Chery Boyd were first looking into adopting children from South Korea, a counselor at the Children's Home Society of Minnesota warned the couple that if they chose to raise a child from Korea, "you will no longer be Americans. You will be Korean Americans. "The Boyds took the leap and became the proud parents of daughters Sarah, 14, and Anna, 11. Their home is filled with Korean art and artifacts, they have traveled to South Korea several times, Sarah takes part in a local Korean dance troupe with other adopted kids, and both girls attend "culture camp"—a weeklong summer camp in Wisconsin where young Korean adoptees learn about their native culture, food and music. "Maybe we've gone a little overboard, but we feel we didn't have much of a choice," says Brian," We wanted our girls to feel connected to their birthright."

There was a time when families who adopted children from a different ethnic or racial group were advised to cut ties to the past and assimilate the youngsters as completely as possible. Today adoption advocates agree that embracing the birth culture of these children is vital for parents raising kids from a race or culture other than their own. "When you raise a child of another race, you need to realize that you become an interracial family and to make use of every possible resource you can find to integrate with your child's birth culture," says Cheri Register, author of Are Those Kids Yours? Raising Children Adopted from Other Countries.

Experts on bicultural adoptions have learned such lessons from years of experience. Susan Cox, 50, who works for Holt International, the oldest overseas-adoption agency in the US and the organization that arranged her own adoption from South Korea in 1956, learned them firsthand. She was adopted by Oregon dairy farmers Marvin and Jane Gourley in the earliest wave of babies brought into American homes and hearts after the Korean War. The Gourleys dealt with their daughter's Asian identity in a way that reflected the thinking of the time: they loved her unconditionally and encouraged her to be a good American. Yet as Cox grew up in tiny Brownsville, questions of identity and race were always simmering(内心充满) just beneath the surface of her all-American childhood. A look in the mirror told Cox that she was different from her parents and three of her sisters, and childhood experiences emphasized the racial isolation from her loving family she sometimes felt. "In any new situation, I felt I always had to explain who I was and where I was from," she recalls.

It was the steady flow of orphaned and abandoned Korean children like Cox, adopted into American homes in the 1950s, that started the trend of transracial adoptions here. The numbers have jumped since then: according to its records, in 2001 more than 19,000 children from other countries—a figure that has tripled over the past five years—were adopted into American families. And since legislation passed in 1995 dictating that adoption from the foster-care system be color-blind, interest in transracial adoption has also boomed.

David Glotzer, 53, an investment adviser, and Charlotte Meyer, 49, an emergency-room nurse, didn't set out to cross the color line to become parents, but they didn't hesitate to do so when given the opportunity to adopt Aaron, now 11.

Daughter Hannah, 7, followed, Both children are African American, but Glotzer, who is Jewish and from New York City, and Meyer, a Catholic who grew up in Phoenix, Ariz., say their family deals with racial boundaries daily. Meyer had to take a class to learn how to braid and care for her daughter's hair properly, and Glotzer sits on the board of PACT, the nonprofit agency based in San Francisco that helped arrange their kids' adoptions. Glotzer and Meyer also decided to live only in racially integrated neighborhoods in Oakland and Berkeley, Calif. They turned down a chan






Which of the following statements is NOT correct according to this news?

A.It is the first meeting between South and North Korea since they were divided.

B.They signed a joint declaration to support peace and economic growth on the Korean peninsula.

C.The South and the North Korea will closely cooperate to end military hostilities and ease tensions.

D.The two Koreas have been increasingly cooperative, but technically they are still at war.




At the age of 16, Lee Hyuk Joon's life is a living hell. The South Korean 10th grader gets up at 6 in the morning to go to school, and studies most of the day until returning home at 6 p.m. After dinner, it's time to hit the books again—at one of Seoul's many so-called cram schools. Lee gets back home at 1 in the morning, sleeps less than five hours, then repeats the routine—five days a week. It's a grueling schedule, but Lee worries that it may not be good enough to get him into a top university. Some of his classmates study even harder.

South Korea's education system has long been highly competitive. But for Lee and the other 700,000 high-school sophomores in the country, high-school studies have gotten even more intense. That's because South Korea has conceived a new college-entrance system, which will be implemented in 2008. This year's 10th graders will be the first group evaluated by the new admissions standard, which places more emphasis on grades in the three years of high school and less on nationwide SAT-style. and other selection tests, which have traditionally determined which students go to the elite colleges.

The change was made mostly to reduce what the government says is a growing education gap in the country: wealthy students go to the best colleges and get the best jobs, keeping the children of poorer families on the social margins. The aim is to reduce the importance of costly tutors and cram schools, partly to help students enjoy a more normal high-school life. But the new system has had the opposite effect. Before, students didn't worry too much about their grade-point averages; the big challenge was beating the standardized tests as high-school seniors. Now students are competing against one another over a three-year period, and every midterm and final test is crucial. Fretful parents are relying even more heavily on tutors and cram schools to help their children succeed.

Parents and kids have sent thousands of angry online letters to the Education Ministry complaining that the new admissions standard is setting students against each other. "One can succeed only when others fail,” as one parent said.

Education experts say that South Korea's public secondary-school system is foundering, while private education is thriving. According to critics, the country's high schools are almost uniformly mediocre—the result of an egalitarian government education policy. With the number of elite schools strictly controlled by the government, even the brightest students typically have to settle for ordinary schools in their neighbourhoods, where the curriculum is centred on average students. To make up for the mediocrity, zealous parents send their kids to the expensive cram schools.

Students in affluent southern Seoul neighbourhoods complain that the new system will hurt them the most. Nearly all Korean high schools will be weighted equally in the college-entrance process, and relatively weak students in provincial schools, who may not score well on standardized tests, often compile good grade-point averages.

Some universities, particularly prestigious ones, openly complain that they cannot select the best students under the new system because it eliminates differences among high schools. They've asked for more discretion in picking students by giving more weight to such screening tools as essay writing or interviews.

President Roh Moo Hyun doesn't like how some colleges are trying to circumvent the new system. He recently criticized "greedy" universities that focus more on finding the best students than faying to "nurture good students". But amid the crossfire between the government and universities, the country's 10th graders are feeling the stress. On online protest sites, some are calling themselves a “cursed generation” and “mice in a lab experiment”. It all seems a touch melodramatic, but that's the South Korean school system.

11. According to the passage, the new college-entrance system is designed to

A. require students to sit for more college-entrance tests.

B. reduce the weight of college-entrance tests.

C. select students on their high school grades only.

D. reduce the number of prospective college applicants.



At the age of 16, Lee Hyuk Joon's life is a living hell. The South Korean 10th grader gets up at 6 in the morning to go to school, and studies most of the day until returning home at 6 p. m. After dinner, it's time to hit the books again—at one of Seoul's many so-called cram schools. Lee gets back home at 1 in the morning, sleeps less than five hours, then repeats the routine—five days a week. It's a grueling schedule, but Lee worries that it may not be good enough to get him into a top university. Some of his classmates study even harder.

South Korea's education system has long been highly competitive. But for Lee and the other 700,000 high-school sophomores in the country, high-school studies have gotten even more intense. That's because South Korea has conceived a new college-entrance system, which will be implemented in 2008. This year's 10th graders will be the first group evaluated by the new admissions standard, which places more emphasis on grades in the three years of high school and less on nationwide SAT-style. and other selection tests, which have traditionally determined which students go to the elite colleges.

The change was made mostly to reduce what the government says is a growing education gap in the country: wealthy students go to the best colleges and get the best jobs, keeping the children of poorer families on the social margins. The aim is to reduce the importance of costly tutors and cram schools, partly to help students enjoy a more normal high-school life. But the new system has had the opposite effect. Before, students didn't worry too much about their grade-point averages; the big challenge was beating the standardized tests as high-school seniors. Now students are competing against one another over a three-year period, and every midterm and final test is crucial. Fretful parents are relying even more heavily on tutors and cram schools to help their children succeed.

Parents and kids have sent thousands of angry online letters to the Education Ministry complaining that the new admissions standard is setting students against each other. "One can succeed only when others fail," as one parent said.

Education experts say that South Korea's public secondary-school system is foundering, while private education is thriving. According to critics, the country's high schools are almost uniformly mediocre—the result of an egalitarian government education policy. With the number of elite schools strictly controlled by the government, even the brightest students typically have to settle for ordinary schools in their neighbourhoods, where the curriculum is centred on average students. To make up for the mediocrity, zealous parents send their kids to the expensive cram schools.

Students in affluent southern Seoul neighbourhoods complain that the new system will hurt them the most. Nearly all Korean high schools will be weighted equally in the college-entrance process, and relatively weak students in provincial schools, who may not score well on standardized tests, often compile good grade-point averages.

Some universities, particularly prestigious ones, openly complain that they cannot select the best students under the new system because it eliminates differences among high schools. They've asked for more discretion in picking students by giving more weight to such screening tools as essay writing or interviews.

President Roh Moo Hyun doesn't like how some colleges are trying to circumvent the new system. He recently criticized "greedy" universities that focus more on finding the best students than trying to "nurture good students". But amid the crossfire between the government and universities, the country's 10th graders are feeling the stress. On online protest sites, some are calling themselves a "cursed generation" and "mice in a lab experiment". It all seems a touch melodramatic, but that's the South Kore

A.require students to sit for more college-entrance tests.

B.reduce the weight of college-entrance tests.

C.select students on their high school grades only.

D.reduce the number of prospective college applicants.



?Read the following article about LG's success in India and the questions on the opposite page.

?For each question 15-20, mark one letter (A, B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

On a patch of grass on the outskirts of Delhi, 15 young Indian men and women are clapping their hands and punching the air. Sweat is dripping from their faces in the morning sun. "No.1 forever," they shout in unison. "We are the Champions."

Welcome to employee-motivation training, Korean-style. It's a far cry from what Indian employees are accustomed to. But when LG, the Korean consumer products giant, entered the Indian market in 1997, its managing director, Kwang-Ro Kim, decided that the way to success was to empower employees and, as he puts it, give them "aggressive targets that change their way of thinking." Kim, still in charge, also set out to change the local culture on sales targets, pricing, and dealer relationships.

The result? LG, which makes everything from refrigerators to flat-screen TVs, is the hottest consumer products company in India. It has cornered 30% of the air-conditioner market, 21% of washing- machine sales, and 19% of the color-TV business, beating out such rivals as Whirlpool, Sony, and Samsung. And within three years it wants to overtake Nokia, the market leader in GSM mobile phones, a product LG introduced in India only last November.

How a Korean company managed to outsmart its foreign and Indian rivals is a story about culture change. Like two other Korean, an companies that have been successful in India — Samsung and Hyundai, India's No.2 car producer — LG had good products and smart marketing. But LG went further by challenging Indian work habits. Yasho Verma, LG's vice president for human resources in India, says ego problems" had to "be broken." He says he prefers recruits from second- tier colleges who "have fire in their bellies" to graduates from top management colleges who "come with a lot of attitudinal baggage."

The molding starts with shouting games, and it seems to work. "The first day it was very tough with all this exercise," says Amit Kumar, a production engineering team leader. "I thought I wouldn't be able to complete everything — the only game I can play is chess." He had to run round the factory as a punishment for not synchronizing his shouting exercises with the others, but the next day he was enthusiastic. "Stress brings out the best in people," says Vinay Madaan, a Six Sigma black belt who drills LG staff. "You have to prove yourself, and it stretches you beyond what you think you are capable of."

LG has also shaken things up on the marketing side. It has driven prices down by 18% to 20% over the past two years and has "steadily increased distribution outlets and the breadth of product ranges," says Bhuwan Singh, associate director of ORG-Gfk, an Indo-German market research venture. Anil Arora, head of marketing for LG in India, says the company has used its "brand power" to toughen up relationships with dealers. It has reversed the Indian tradition of giving 30-to 45-day credit on goods, and if dealers fall to pay on time, they lose LG's business. That gives dealers an incentive to promote LG products, and it gives LG enough cash flow to demand discounts from suppliers.

LG's success has bred critics. Rivals claim that tough treatment of suppliers and dealers will not work in the long run. And they argue that LG's price cutting cannot be sustained. Kim does not agree. He is proud of what he calls his "strategic aggressiveness" and, along with his slogan-shouting employees, is showing no signs of slowing down. Last year the company generated $960 million in sales in India, 5% of LG's global total. His target this year: 55% sales growth. That's something LG's Indian workforce can shout about.

Kwang-Ro Kim believes that the employee-motivation training program helps e

A.become financially aggressive.

B.win championship of marketing.

C.achieve success in their careers.

D.alter their way of doing business.


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