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Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections.

A、I like to watch game shows.

B、I like to watch game shows.

更多“Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections…”相关的问题


Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections.

A、His is going to talk about the income tax.

B、His is going to talk about the income tax.



Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections.

A、There’s a pay phone at the corner.

B、There’s a pay phone at the corner.



Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections.

A、Go and get a fax machine.

B、Go and get a fax machine.



Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections.

A、It must be lunchtime by now.

B、It must be lunchtime by now.



Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections.

A、His parents prefer soap operas.

B、His parents prefer soap operas.



Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections.

A、We are waiting for our bank statement.

B、We are waiting for our bank statement.



Listen to the following sentence with compound nouns and make the correct choice from the selections. (为保证听力效果,完成此部分听力题时请带上耳机。选择对外播放模式时,可能会有一定的杂音。)

A、Did you see my credit card?

B、Did you see my credit card?



SECTION 1 (10 points)

Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.

听力原文: My story began in the years following World War Ⅱ, when men like my father who had served their country returned home to settle down, make a living and raise a family. It was the beginning of the Baby Boom, an optimistic time. The United States had saved the world from fascism, and now our nation was working to unite former adversaries in the aftermath of war, reaching out to allies and to former enemies, securing the peace and helping to rebuild a devastated Europe and Japan. Although the Cold War was beginning with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, my parents and their generation felt secure and hopeful. American supremacy was the result not just of military might, but of our values and of the abundant opportunities available to people like my parents who worked hard and took responsibility. Middle-class America was flush with emerging prosperity and all that comes with it—new houses, fine schools, neighborhood parks and safe communities. Yet our nation also had unfinished business in the post-war era, particularly regarding race. And it was the World War Ⅱ generation and their children who woke up the challenges of social injustice and inequality and to the ideal of extending America's promise to all of its citizens. My parents were typical of a generation who believed in the endless possibilities of America and whose values were rooted in the experience of living through the Great Depression.

My father served in World War II.





SECTION 1 (10 points)

Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.

听力原文: David Beckham has admitted that he suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The footballer has spoken for the first time of his addiction to rearranging hotel rooms and lining up cans of soft drinks to make "everything perfect". In a television interview to be screened before the World Cup this summer, Beckham says he has tried to break his cycle of repetitive behavior. but cannot stop. OCD, as it is known, affects one in 60 people in Britain, ranging from mild traits to a debilitating dependency on rituals of cleanliness, symmetry or other issues. "I've got this obsessive compulsive disorder where I have to have everything in a straight line or everything has to be in pairs," Beckham said in the interview. "I'll put my Pepsi cans in the fridge and if there's one too many then I'll put it in another cupboard somewhere." I'll go into a hotel room and before I can relax, I have to move all the leaflets and all the books and put them in a drawer. "Everything has to be perfect."

Asked if he wanted to stop his obsessive behavior, he said: "I would like to. I've tried and can't stop." Beckham admitted he was also addicted to having tattoos, partly because he enjoys the pain. The England captain said that his wife, Victoria, calls him a "weirdo" because of his condition. Newspapers have delighted in stories of Beckham's eccentric behavior, with reports that he wears white clothes to match his furniture, buys 30 pairs of identical Calvin Klein underpants every fortnight and insists on lining up his shirts according to color. Mrs. Beckham, who has revealed her husband's inner secrets before, recently told one interviewer: "He's got that obsessive compulsive thing where everything has to match. If you open our fridge, it's all coordinated down either side. We've got three fridges --food in one, salad in another and drinks in the third. In the drinks one, everything is symmetrical. If there are three cans, he'll throw one away because it has to be an even number."

Beckham said that his teammates at Real Madrid were unaware of his condition, but that players at his former club, Manchester United, would deliberately rearrange his clothes in hotel rooms or move magazines around to make them "wonky" to infuriate him. Beckham is not the first footballer to admit to suffering from OCD, which is estimated to affect more than two million people at some point in their lives. The former England star Paul Gascoigne said last year that he was obsessed with cleanliness and needed help for the condition. Other famous sufferers include the actor Billy Bob Thornton, who has spoken of having to repeat words and count up to particular numbers, and the singer Natalie Appleton, who is obsessed with cleanliness and broke down in tears when she had to touch a tree on the reality show I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. A spokesman for the charity OCD UK said: "There is still a lot of stigma about the condition and even GPs (General Practitioners) are not very good at picking up on it. "Young men in particular are often reluctant to come forward and ask for treatment, so to have someone like David Beckham come out and talk about it is very good."

Beckham was discovered by the reporters to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when he had an unusually high frequency of rearranging the hotel rooms.





SECTION 1 (10 points)

Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.

听力原文: In April, the Manhattan Institute released its yearly study of graduation rates. The research group used information from two thousand three. The researchers found that seventy-two percent of girls successfully completed their high school education. That compared to sixty-five percent of boys. The newspaper Education Week noted earlier this year that, in some ways, what people are worried about now is really not new. Boys have scored lower than girls on tests in the National Assessment of Educational Progress since at least nineteen seventy-one.

And the differences are not limited to the United States. Education Week noted the results of an international reading test in two thousand three. Fifteen-year-olds took the test in forty-one countries. Girls scored higher than boys in almost every country. Differences between males and females are a continuing issue of fierce debate. Cultural and economic influences play an important part. But recent findings suggest that another part of the answer lies in differences between the male and female brain. These include differences in learning rates. As a result, some researchers say, boys may not be able to develop language and reading skills as well as girls do. The last time there was a lot of concern about differences in school, it was about girls, especially in math and science classes. Efforts to improve the situation for girls included hiring more female teachers.

Yet some people think the opposite situation exists now. They say not enough male teachers is one reason why boys may not learn as well in class. Another explanation being heard involves the increased testing in American schools. Some people say schools are preparing for these important tests by forcing boys to sit quietly at their desks. They say this is unfair. Still others say that society is failing boys, by giving them the message that studying is not manly. And others say boys are failing in school because they become too interested in the girls in their classes. One attempt to solve problems like these is the use of same-sex classrooms.

For the past two decades, girls have always achieved high scores than boys.




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