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Although logistic cost is an essential constituent of all online goods order, () is on the list of items that can be given out at no charge to influence consumer preference.





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Electricity plays an essential part in our life. No one can deny that electric light is necessary for people's life. However, can you imagine such a world where there is no【1】of electric light? As darkness falls over, children read in the light given by oil lamps and candles. Youths【2】time only by talking instead of watching TV. Everything is surrounded by【3】shadows.【4】, we have a man named Edison. He created bulb that【5】for two days before burning out. He also developed successfully a system for【6】electricity from a central powerhouse. It is he that gives us electric light, gramophone, moving pictures—all those we take【7】granted.

After the invention of electricity, manufacturers increasingly applied the findings of invention to their businesses,【8】generating new industrial growth. Development of electricity leads to the【9】creations of new products and materials. In the past century and a half, electricity has steadily【10】. At first, it is scientific curiosity, then to a luxurious part of the【11】, and then to being necessary in every one's life. Electricity has been common in the latest fifty years. Simple tasks, such as setting alarm clock to wake up at a【12】time or enjoying a piece of music, are accomplished via electronic means.

We live with the benefits of electricity every day. As a result, we always think that whenever we【13】our gadgets into the wall socket, the power will be there. For most modern people, the loss of power means the complete loss of【14】. Their lifestyle. is so dependent upon the grid's constancy【15】they do not know how to live without it. How do you cook a meal without electricity if your gas stove has an electric ignition? Please imagine the life without electricity further. What do you do with a freezer full of food in a hot day? How do you find out what is happening in your area with the TV and radio off? These are questions which should be seriously considered. Let us imagine the【16】of a short power outage together. Factories close down; phones and computers go dead; food【17】in refrigerators. What a disordered life that would be!

All the convenience which electricity has brought to our life should owe to Edison. When Edison died at his home in New Jersey in 1931, the whole United States were switched off to mark his passing, and in【18】of the man whose discoveries had so changed and improved the life of people everywhere. For a moment, all was【19】— as the world had always been before, until Edison【20】on the light.








The essential weakness of the old and traditional education was not just that it emphasized the necessity for provision of definite subject-matter and activities. These things are necessities for anything that can rightly be called education. The weakness and evil was that the imagination of educators did not go beyond provision of a fixed and rigid environment of subject-matter, one drawn moreover from sources altogether too remote from the experiences of the pupil. What is needed in the new education is more attention, not less, to subject-matter and to progress in technique. But when I say more I do not mean more in quantity of the same old kind. I mean an imaginative vision which sees that no prescribed and ready-made scheme can possibly determine the exact subject-matter that will best promote the educative growth of every individual young person; that even new individual sets a new problem: that he calls for at least a somewhat different emphasis in subject-matter presented. There is nothing more blindly stupid than the convention which supposes that the matter actually contained in textbooks of arithmetic, history, geography, etc. is just what will further the educational development of all children.

But withdrawal from the hard and fast and narrow contents of the old curriculum is only the negative side of the matter. If we do not go far in the positive direction of providing a body of subject-matter much richer more varied and flexible, and also in truth more definite, judged in terms of the experience of those being educated, than traditional education supplied, we shall tend to leave an educational vacuum in which anything may happen. Complete isolation is impossible in nature. The young live in some environment whether we intend it or not, and this environment is constantly interacting with what children and youth bring to it, and the result is the shaping of their interests, minds and character—either educatively or mis-educatively. If the professed educator gives up his responsibility for judging and selecting the kind of environment that his best understanding leads him to think will be contributive to growth, then the young are left at the mercy of all the unorganized and casual forces of the modern social environment that inevitably play upon them as long a they live. In the educative environment the knowledge, judgment and experience of the teacher is a greater, not a smaller factor, than it is in the traditional school. The difference is that the teacher operates not as a judge set on high and marked by arbitrary authority but as a friendly co-partner and guide in a common enterprise.

1、In the author 's view, the basic fault of old education consists in _____

A. the inadequate supply of specific subjects and programs

B. the poor imaginative capacities of educators

C. providing inflexible educational conditions

D making pupils read textbooks with outdated content

2、The author agitates reforms in the _______

A. old subject-matter to follow technological advances

B. stale teaching materials and teaching methods

C. prescribed textbooks and unchanging systems

D general consent about multipurpose textbooks

3、It seems that new educationalists favor_________

A. teaching pupils according to each one’s talent

B. introducing the latest information to the youth

C. rendering instruction close to pupils' experiences

D supplementing all textbooks with fresh materials

4、There will be the risk of forming an educational blank if___________

A. the rigid school curricula are thoroughly transformed

B. the negative effect of old education is only partly recognized

C. the traditional subject-matter totally substitutes for new one

D. the replacement of unvarying courses with flexible ones fails

5、Pupils may be well guarded against ill social influences as long as__________

A. educators discard their liability for the being-educated

B. teachers have sound judgment to make the right choice

C. instructors help establish conditions favorable to pupils' growth

D. schoolmasters function as equal co-operators in a joint business



"The essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism", remarked Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, "must be the same as those which constitute a good neighbour, namely mutual understanding and... a sympathetic appreciation of the other's point of view." That is advice which the United States would do well to heed in its relations with its immediate neighbours, Canada and Mexico. Most Americans may not be aware of it, but frustrations and resentments are building just across their borders to both south and north.

Of course, neighbourly ties in North America are closer than in Roosevelt's day. Under the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), trade among the three countries has more than doubled since 1994 and cross-border investment climbed even faster. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, the United States moved quickly to sign "smart border" agreements with both Canada and Mexico, to try to ensure that the demands of security did not interrupt trade. By the standards of much of the 20th century, political ties between the United States and Mexico are warm.

Yet go to either border and you wouldn't know all this. Fed up with the flow of illegal migrants from the south, the governors of Arizona and New Mexico this month declared a state of emergency. Violence between drug gangs recently led the United States temporarily to close its consulate in Nuevo Laredo, the busiest border-crossing point. The American ambassador bluntly criticises Mexico for its failure to prevent drug-related violence along the border. That has prompted retaliatory verbal blasts from Mexican officials.

Canada's mood is not much more cordial. Since September 11th, Canadians and Americans alike have become less keen on popping over what they liked to call "the world's longest undefended border" for shopping or recreation. Canadians increasingly disagree with Americans over matters as varied as the Iraq war and gay marriage. They are disillusioned with NAFTA, claiming it has failed to prevent the United States from unlawfully punishing their exports of, for example, lumber.

So what? Friction is in the nature of international relations, and the problems on the northern border are different from those in the south. Yet there is a common denominator. Americans tend to see security, migration, drugs, even trade, as domestic political issues. But so they are for Canada and Mexico too. Like it or not, Americans rely on their neighbours for prosperity, energy and help with security. It behooves all three countries to show some "sympathetic understanding".

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______.

A.the essential qualities of a true Pan Americanism were defined by Franklin Roosevelt

B.mutual understanding is one of the most far-reaching elements in North America

C.Few Americans may be aware of others' point of view

D.America's friendship with Canada and Mexico risks going sour



This, they argue, will be essential to the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvation.






From the text we know that______.

A.eyewitness testimony plays an essential part in the U.S. court trial

B.police identification is more reliable than that of the ordinary people

C.crime victims often fail to give positive identification of the suspects

D.the jury relies more on the judge than on the eyewitness for a decision



From the text we know that______.

A.eyewitness testimony plays an essential part in the U.S. court trial

B.police identification is more reliable than that of the ordinary people

C.crime victims often fail to give positive identification of the suspects

D.the jury relies more on the judge than on the eyewitness for a decision



The essential cause of a run on a bank is______.

A.loss of confidence

B.lack of sufficient funds

C.crowds of people

D.inefficient tellers



It can be inferred from the first paragraph that______.

A.the essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism were defined by Franklin Roosevelt

B.mutual understanding is one of the most far-reaching elements in North America

C.few Americans may be aware of others"point of view

D.America"s friendship with Canada and Mexico risks going sour



The passage says that computer plays an essential part in______.

A.traffic control

B.mathematical computations

C.the development of mathematical theory

D.automation processes


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