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Write a paragraph about the effects of an incapable government based on the following stru

cture. Topic sentence: ______________________________________________. Explanation 1: ________________________________________________ Detail 1:_____________________________________________________ Explanation 2:________________________________________________ Detail 2:_____________________________________________________ Concluding paragraph__________________________________________

更多“Write a paragraph about the effects of an incapable government based on the following stru”相关的问题


Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

Television has opened windows in everybody's life. Young men will never again go to war as they did in 1914. Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle. And the result has been a general dislike of war, and perhaps more interest in helping those who suffer from all the terrible things that have been shown on the sc-Teen.

Television has also changed politics. The most distant areas can now follow state affairs, see and hear the politicians before an election. Better informed, people are more likely to vote, and so to make their opinion count.

Unfortunately, television's influence has been extremely harmful to the young. (76) Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world; that TV advertisements lie to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless. They believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable. All educators agree that the "television generations" are more violent than their parents and grandparents.

Also, the young are less patient. (77) Used to TV shows, where everything is quick and interesting, they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn't do funny things like the people on children's programs. And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten, fifteen, or thirty minutes. That's the time it takes on the screen.

1. In the past, many young people__________.

A. knew the effects of war

B. went in for politics

C. liked to save the wounded in wars

D. were willing to be soldiers



Questions are based on the following passage.

For well over 2000 years the world's great religions have taught the virtues of a trusting heart. Now there is another reason to merit the wisdom of the ages: scientific evidence indicates that those with trusting hearts will live longer, healthier lives.

As a result of the work published in the 1970s by two pioneering heart specialists, Meyer Friedman and Ray H. Rosenman,nearly every American is aware that blood Type A people are impatient, and easily moved to hostility (敌意) and anger. (79) Many have come to believe that Type A's are at a much higher risk of suffering heart attack or dying of heart disease than others. The driving force behind hostility is a cynical mistrust of others. If we expect others to

mistreat us, we are seldom disappointed.This generates anger and leads us to respond with hostility.

(80) The most characteristic attitude of a cynic is being suspicious of the motives (动机) of

people he doesn't know. Imagine you are waiting for an elevator and it stops two floors above for longer than usual. How inconsiderate! You think.In a few seconds, you have drawn hostile conclusion about unseen people and their motives.

Meanwhile, your cynical mistrust is leading to noticeable physical consequences. Your voice rises. The rate and depth of your breathing increases. Your heart is beating faster and harder, and the muscles of your arms and legs become tight. You feel "charged up", ready for action. If you frequently experience these feelings, you may be at increased risk of developing serious health problems. Anger can add to the risk of heart and other diseases.

A cynic,in the passage, is a person __________ 查看材料

A.whose behavior. usually leads to serious health problems

B.who is always ready to fight

C.who usually has doubts about the people around him

D.whose behavior. usually seems strange to the people he knows



Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Editor:

While a new school term is about to begin, perhaps we should reconsider the matter of examinations. In July, two writers (Letters to the Editor) praised the cancellation of exams because they believe “tests don’t tell the whole story.”

As a teacher who has worked in four countries, I have had the experience that a student who earns good marks is generally a good student, and that a student’s final mark in a subject is usually a grade average of the year’s work. Of course there are exceptions, but they do not have the frequency that would give an unfair picture of a student’s ability.

The simple fact is that proper class work, diligent exam studies and good marks are almost certain indicators of a student’s future performance. The opposite, almost certainly, incompetence.

There is no acceptable substitute for competition and examination of quality. How can teachers and future officials determine what a student has learned and remembered? Should we simply take the student word for it? Any institution that “liberates” students from fair and formal exams is misguided, if not ignorant. And surely the “graduates” of such institutions will lack trustworthiness, not to mention being rejected by foreign universities for graduate or other studies.

When all is said and done, I sense that a fear of failure and a fear of unpleasant comparison with others is at the bottom of most ban-exams (废除考试) talk. Excellence and quality fear nothing. On the contrary, they seek competition and desire the satisfaction of being the best.

第36题:Which of the following will the author of this passage probably agree with?

A) Tests are not effective in measuring the students’ abilities.

B) Tests are an effective measure of the students’ abilities.

C) Tests can only measure some of the students’ abilities.

D) Tests may not be useful for measuring students’ abilities.



Passage Three:Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:Editor:

While a new school term is about to begin, perhaps we should reconsider the matter of examinations. In July, two writers (Letters to the Editor) praised the cancellation of exams because they believe “tests don’t tell the whole story.”

As a teacher who has worked in four countries, I have had the experience that a student who earns good marks is generally a good student, and that a student’s final mark in a subject is usually a grade average of the year’s work. Of course there are exceptions, but they do not have the frequency that would give an unfair picture of a student’s ability.

The simple fact is that proper class work, diligent exam studies and good marks are almost certain indicators of a student’s future performance. The opposite is, almost certainly, incompetence.

There is no acceptable substitute for competition and examination of quality. How can teachers and future officials determine what a student has learned and remembered? Should we simply take the student’s word for it? Any institution that “liberates” students from fair and formal exams is misguided, if not ignorant. And surely the “graduates” of such institutions will lack trustworthiness, not to mention being rejected by foreign universities for graduate or other studies.

When all is said and done, I sense that a fear of failure and a fear of unpleasant comparison with others is at the bottom of most ban-exams (废除考试) talk. Excellence and quality fear nothing. On the contrary, they seek competition and desire the satisfaction of being the best.

第31题:Which of the following will the author of this passage probably agree with?

A) Tests are not effective in measuring the students’ abilities.

B) Tests are an effective measure of the students’ abilities.

C) Tests can only measure some of the students’ abilities.

D) Tests may not be useful for measuring students’ abilities.



What is the effect on trade deficits of a country’s saving rate?
A.A low savings rate means that consumers are buying more,and more buying leads to an increase in a country’s trade deficit.

B.A low savings rate means that people are spending more than they earn and that results in increased financial difficulties for consumers, higher interest rate,and fewer international sales, resulting in a decrease in a country’s trade deficit.

C.A high savings rate means that there is more money available for investment which results in greater production and increased international sales which lead to lower trade deficits.

D.A country’s savings rate has no effect on the country’s trade deficit.



Questions are based on the following passage.

As details of American snooping ( 窥探 ) spread, sales of "1984", George Orwell"sfable of an ever-watching state, rocketed. So did traffic to websites run by TacticalTechnology Collective, a(1) that teaches journalists and activists how to evade onlinespies. "It can be hard to persuade people accept surveillance (监事 )(2) to them,"admits Stephanie Hankey, a co-founder. Apparently not any more.

Opponents have always trying to take3to cover compromisingcommunications. But computers now mark suspicious patterns in daily activities too.

People need greater alertness and face three challenges to keep secrets.

The first is stopping the nosy ( 爱管闲事的 ) sniffing communications in transit.

Unencrypted ( 未加密的 ) e-mails are as(4)as postcards, warns Ben Wagner, anInternet specialist at the European University Institute. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP),scrambling ( 打乱 ) software that works with several web clients, can prevent such snooping.

Another task is to stop spies sucking data from wherever it is (5). That meanswithdrawing from services, such as social networks and search engines, that must passdata to governments——or (6) out alternatives in untouchable territories. A battereddesktop with free software makes a secure e-mail server.

It is (7) to escape from systems that record whether communications havetaken place. "Using a mobile is the worst thing you can do," says Marek Tuszynski atTactical Technology. The call logs ( 通话记录) kept by telecoms firms are difficult toavoid. Internet users have more security. Free software such as Tor can hide theiridentity by (8) routing their requests.

But staying under the radar is boring and hard to keep up. Clueless contactscan blow your cover. Even technophiles ( 技术爱好者) may compromise themselvesby(9)means.

Ms Hankey would prefer laws, not just technology, to preserve people"s (10)She wants governments in Europe and elsewhere to boost alternatives to America"s "digitalmonopolies".
















第1题应选( ) 查看材料



Questions 下列各are based on the following passage. A study of nearly 140,000 women in the U. S. showed that regular helpings of a small portion of nuts can have a powerful protective effect against a disease that is threatening to become a global epidemic. Women who consumed a 28 gram packet of walnuts at least twice a week were 24 per cent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who rarely or never ate them. Eating walnuts just two or three times a week can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by almost a quarter. The latest findings, published in the Journal of Nutrition, are not the first to highlight the anti-diabetic effects of walnuts, with earlier research showing similar benefits. However, this is thought to be one of the largest studies to fmd regularly snacldng on them can help prevent the condition. Although the latest research was carried out on female nurses, its likely that the same benefits apply to men. According to the charity Diabetes UK, at the current rate of increase, the numbers affected by type 2 diabetes in the UK will rise from around 2.5 million currently to four million by 2025 and five million by 2030. Left untreated, it can raise the risk of heart attacks, blindness and amputation (截肢). Being overweight, physically inactive and having a poor diet are major risk factors for the disease. Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, U. S. , tracked 137,893 nurses aged from 35 to 77 over a ten year period to see how many developed type 2 diabetes. Their dietary habits were closely monitored, including details on how often they ate nuts, particularly walnuts. After allowing for body fat and weight, the researchers found eating walnuts one to three times a month reduced the risk by four per cent, once a week by 13 per cent and at least twice a week by 24 per cent. In a report on the fmdiugs the researchers said: "These results suggest higher walnut consumption is associated with a significantly lower risk of type 2 diabetes in women: " Walnuts are rich in healthy fatty acids(脂肪酸)which have been shown to reduce inflammation (炎症) in the body and protect against heart disease, cancer and arthritis(关节炎). Last year, experts at the University of California Los Angeles also found young men in their twenties and thirties who ate walnuts every day increased their sperm count and boosted their fertility. The research comes just after a Louisiana State University study which showed that eating nuts can reduce peoples risk of obesity. The study found that those who consumed varieties such as almonds and pistachios(开心果) demonstrated a lower body weight, body mass index ( BMI) and waist circumference compared to non-consumers. They were also at lower risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. According to the passage, what does "a global epidemic" ( Line 3, Para. 1 ) refer to?

A.A disease.

B.Type 2 diabetes.





Based on the essay, which of the following sentences is the best conclusion about the characteristics of a successful inventor?

A.The person must be fascinating and interesting to other people.

B.The person must be relaxed and able to work long hours.

C.The person must go to specialized schools to learn the necessary skills.

D.The person must be persistent and ambitious about inventing.


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