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After the war, he worked on an island in the Pacific, helping the natives and medical ________ understand each other’s behavior and cultures.





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The dream of lost innocence recovered in a golden future always haunts the imagination of colonial pioneers. Its premise is myopia: F. Scott Fitzgerald conjured % fresh, green breast of the new world" for his Dutch sailors, a story that began without Indians. Golda Meir infamously insisted that there was no such thing as Palestinians. Breaking new ground on a distant shore is easier if no one is there when you arrive. Plan B allows that the natives are happy to see the newcomers. But soon enough it all turns nasty and ends in tears.

"A Strange Death," Hillel Halkin' s beautifully written and wisely confused account of the local history of the town he lives in, Zichron Yaakov, takes us back to the earliest days of Jewish settlement in Ottoman Palestine. His ostensible subjects are members of the Nili spy ring operated out of Zichron during World War I by local pioneers on behalf of the British, its ramifications among the local populace and the betrayals and revenge that floated in its wake. He is deeply seduced, however, by the lovely ambiguities of the past as they arise in relationships between Arabs and Jews at a time when both groups were under Turkish rule. Yes, there is murder just around the comer (Jews were hacked to pieces in Hebron and Arabs massacred in Deir Yessin) but in 1916 a man could still be known by the horse he rode from village to village rather than the tank he rolled through in.

The spy ring ( "Nili" is a Hebrew acronym that translates as "the strength of Israel will not lie"), which functioned less than a year from the winter of 1916 through the fall of 1917, was the brainchild of Aaron Aaronsohn and Avshalom Feinberg, two Palestine-born Zionists convinced that a British victory over the Turks would help pave the way to a Jewish state. Aaronsohn was a charismatic figure with an international reputation as a botanist (he discovered tfiticum dioccoides, the wild ancestor of cultivated wheat). Feinberg, a local farmer, was a swashbuckler, a superior shot and impressive horseman. Aaronsohn brought two of his sisters into the ring: Rivka, who was engaged to Feinberg, and the beautiful and spirited Sarah. At 24, Sarah had abandoned her Turkish Jewish husband in Constantinople and had wimessed, on her journey to Palestine, the Turks' genocidal assault on the Armenians. The network was augmented by Yosef Lishansky, a maverick adventurer and a tough guy, and a few more trusted relatives of the two leaders.

The likelihood of the spies living to comb gray hair Wash' t enhanced by the anxieties of some Jews. After: a successful run passing information on Turkish troop positions to a British freighter waiting offshore came the inevitable capture, torture and interrogation of an operative, Naaman Belkind, and soon enough the jig was up. In October 1917, the Turks cordoned off Zichron. Aaronsohn was luckily in Cairo at the time. Lishanslcy escaped only to be caught after three weeks, and hanged by the Turks, Sarah was captured and marched through town. Four Jewish women abused, excoriated and perhaps assaulted her, but whether they acted out of animosity or an instinct for self-preservation has never been clear. After being tortured by Turkish soldiers Sarah escaped to her own home long enough to retrieve a hidden gun and shoot herself.

Nothing is at it was, and perhaps it never was as Halkin supposed. In an empty house he finds a discarded, anonymous book, "Sarah, Flame of the Nili." A little research reveals that the hagiography was written by Alexander Aaronsohn, Sarah' s younger brother, who, Halkin also finds out, had a penchant for pubescent girls well beyond his own adolescence. The countryside was thinly populated and the grass grew high; there are secrets in Zichron. At the end of the book, the town has health food stores, gift and antique shops and ice cream parlors. But it has lost its soul.

A riot of names in "A Strange Death" sometimes threatens to overwhe

A.the colonists were always welcomed by the natives

B.the colonization will never be with a happy ending

C.the colonists hoped that there were always people on the new continents

D.the colonists hoped that they may perform. ethnic cleansing on the new continents



"No man is an island," wrote the poet John Donne several centuries ago. He was【C1】______one of our most distinctive【C2】______: the fact that we are social animals【C3】______behavior. and personalities are【C4】______by the groups to which we belong.【C5】______life, most of our daily activities are performed in the【C6】______of others. Whether our purpose is working, playing,【C7】______a family, learning, or simply relaxing, we usually pursue in groups,【C8】______the group is as small as two or three people. Our need【C9】______human contacts is not merely a practical one; it is a deep【C10】______need as well. If people are【C11】______of the company of others for prolonged periods,【C12】______breakdown is the usual result. Even the Geneva Convention, an international agreement that【C13】______the treatment of prisoners of war,【C14】______this need. It regards solitary. (孤独的) imprisonment for more than thirty days【C15】______a cruel form. of torture. In its strictest【C16】______, a group is a collection of people【C17】______together in an orderly way on the basis of【C18】______expectations about one another's behavior. As a result of this interaction, members feel a 【C19】______sense of" belonging". They distinguish members【C20】______nonmembers and expect certain kinds of behavior. from outsiders.








By the standards of women's lib, the pre-war German housewife was oppressed indeed. There need be no struggle between the sexes so long as each sex fulfills those tasks nature has established for it to do. The German house-wife kept to her three K's—Kinder, Kuche, Kirche (children, kitchen, church).

After the war the women of the German Democratic Republic were drawn into helping rebuild their nation with the promises of equal pay for equal work and good day-care centers for their children. As a result of the government's campaign over 80 percent of eligible (有条件的 ) women hold jobs. One-third of East Germany's doctors and judges, 11 percent of its mayors and one-third of its college graduates are women.

But there are clouds in the heaven of liberation. The liberated woman is more than a little enthusiastic about the way she is liberating herself from her husband. East Germans have the eighth-highest divorce rate in the world. The reason for divorce is probably more often the competition between husband and wife than it is adultery (私通). The dominant role of man in marriage will end when his economic superiority ends. Men are more willing to joke about helping their wives than to help them in the kitchen. They still cling to the idea that housework and bringing up children are women's work. As one young East German housewife puts it, "equality means my husband and I have equal rights. Equal rights means that we both work at full-time jobs. Then I clean the house and take care of the children while he sits in front of the television set and drinks beer in the evening."

What does the sentence "There need be no struggle between the sexes so long as each sex fulfills those tasks nature has established for it to do." (Sentence 2) mean?

A.The Germans think that the pre-war housewife was oppressed.

B.It's unnecessary for German husband and housewife to fulfill their tasks.

C.It's natural that each sex do what it should do.

D.Women shouldn't struggle for their freedom.



听力原文:M: Last time, we outlined how the Civil War finally got started. I want to talk today about the political management of the war on both sides: the north under Abraham Lincoln and the south under Jefferson Davis. An important task for both of these presidents was to justify for their citizens just why the war was necessary.

W: It started in 1861, on July 4th when Lincoln gave his first major speech, right?

M: Yes, in the speech he presented the northern reasons for the war. It was, he said, to preserve democracy, Lincoln suggested that this war was a noble campaign that would determine the future of democracy throughout the world. For him the issue was whether or not this government of the people, by the people could maintain its integrity, could it remain complete and survive its domestic foes. In other words, could a few discontented individuals and by that he meant those who led the southern rebellion, could they break up the government and put an end to free government on earth?

W: The best way for the nation to survive was to crush the rebellion, right?

M: At the time, he was hopeful that the war wouldn't last long and the slave owners would be put down forever, but he underestimated how difficult the war would be. It would be harder than any the Americans had thought before or since, largely because the north had to break the will of the southern people, not just by its army. But Lincoln rallied northerners to a deep commitment to the cause and achieved the success.


A.Advantages of the north in the Civil War.

B.Civilian opposition to the Civil War.

C.Reasons to justify fighting the Civil War.

D.Military strategy used in the Civil War.



Which of the following sentence is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Growth was decreased by climate, food supply, disease, and war.

B.Great advances in scientific knowledge, agriculture, industry, medicine, and social organization made possible actual increases in population.

C.With improvements in networks, agricultural yields increased, and deaths from infectious and parasitic diseases greatly declined.

D.It is a long way for people to acquire the knowledge and means to control disease.



10.Athena Goddess of wisdom, war and the crafts, a...

10.Athena Goddess of wisdom, war and the crafts, and favorite daughter of Zeus, Athena was, perhaps, the wisest, most courageous, and certainly the most resourceful of the Olympian gods. Objects associated with the goddess include an owl - symbol of wisdom - and the olive tree. She is often depicted in art with armor, a golden helmet, a shield, and holding a spear. Zeus was told that his son would take his throne from him, just as he had taken power from his father Cronus. Accordingly, when Metis was pregnant, he swallowed her and Athena was born from Zeus’ head, wearing armor and fully grown. A popular theme in ancient art, Hephaistos is often depicted in the role of midwife, splitting Zeus’ head with an axe. She is closely associated with Athens, the city named in her honor after the people of Attica chose her as their patron following her gift of the olive tree, symbol of peace and plenty. Protector of Heracles, Athena often aids him in his twelve labors, for example, by helping him hold the world as Atlas searches for the sacred apples of the Hesperides. Perseus was another favorite and was given a shield to protect himself in his quest to kill Medusa. Achilles is helped to kill Hector, and Odysseus too was often given the benefit of Athena’s wisdom. Athena was a major protagonist in Homer’s account of the Trojan War in the Iliad where she supports the Archaeans and their heroes, especially Achilles, to whom she gives encouragement and wise counsel. 19.Why did Zeus swallowed Metis?

A、Athena was the wisest, most courageous Olympian god.

B、Zeus was told that his son would take his throne from him.

C、Athena was born from Zeus’ head, wearing armor and fully grown.

D、Zeus had taken power from his father Cronus.


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