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The end of the presentation: Ladies and gentlemen,...

The end of the presentation: Ladies and gentlemen,thankyou for your attention. but,but ,I would just like to say a few more words,I promise you to keep it brief.I know that one or two of you have to leave now, but for those who can stay, it’s time to relax. We have prepared some refreshments, so that you can talk informally about how we can work together to make Big Boss a success. The table that’s over there has plenty of food on it and I hope to be able to speak all of you before you leave, and once again, thank you very much for coming…

更多“The end of the presentation: Ladies and gentlemen,...”相关的问题


听力原文:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today my presentation to the board meeting will cover the profit report of our corporation. Let us have a look at this graph, you can see that our sales topped 5 million the year before last. Then last year sales dropped to 4. 2 million, with a slight recovery at the end of the financial year. However, this year sales have continued to drop to an all-time low of 3. 8 million. Now let's look at our market share. As you can see, we have 25% of the market share, 10% down on last year…

Who is the speaker?

A.The CEO of a corporation

B.The secretary of the CEO

C.The assistant engineer

D.The HR manager



句子口译: Please proceed with your presentation. T...

句子口译: Please proceed with your presentation. This morning I'm going to describe sales forecasts for the European computer market over the next five years. Good afternoon, everyone. This afternoon I'd like to descirbe briefly the dvantages of using the TEC-NET communication service. In summary, ladies and gentlemen, as well as providing extensive after-sales service, Minimax will be happy to custom-design our product to meet the needs of your company. At the end of the presentation there will be time for any questions you have.



听力原文: Attention, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone at the Eglington Research Center is proud to present our final speaker, Dr. Hyun Jin Kim. Today Dr. Kim will be speaking to us about the latest developments in bio technology. More specifically he will be talking about recent studies involving the use of cloning in treating degenerative diseases. He will be sharing his latest research on possible treatment options that could be made available to people suffering from crippling debilitative diseases. I'd like to point out that Dr. Kim has recently been invited to join an international group of scientists researching on this topic and I am told he will be joining them soon for a one year fellowship in Toronto. Dr. Kim will have a brief question and answer period following his presentation. If you have a question please come to the front and speak into the microphone so that way everyone can hear you.

Where is the talk probably taking place?

A.In a classroom

B.In a sports center

C.In a laboratory

D.In an auditorium



Ladies and Gentlemen, It's my honor to be the guid...

Ladies and Gentlemen, It's my honor to be the guide to show you around our company. First of all, I'll introduce our factory to you. Our company 11 in the 1980s. We mainly produce electronic goods and export them all over the world. We 12 of about US$80 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We now have offices in Asia, North America and Europe, with about 1500 employees, and we are working gladly to 13 of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas market, we need more agents to 14 our products. I hope you will 1 5 doing business with us. Thank you!



Mr. Vice Premier, the Finance Minister,

Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me, first of all, return the compliment, on behalf of all of us, to you, Mr. Vice Premier, to you, Mr.Minister, and you, Mr. Mayor, for the great contribution that you have made to the success of this meeting. Idon't think any of us could have imagined a more well-organized conference or a more warm welcome thanyou have given us here in Shanghai, and I would like everyone to join me in expressing our thanks to you.[TONE]∥[TONE]

I would like to make just two general comments.

The first is that all of us have to work politically to ensure that poverty and the alleviation of poverty arecentral on the global agenda. I believe that today it is not central on the global agenda. I believe that todaylip service is given to the question of poverty. The real issues today that seem to be on the mind of theworld—terrorism, Iraq, Afghanistan, the budget deficits—are the visible problems that must be dealt with,that are immediate, while attention is given less to the equally inevitable and the equally dangerous problemsthat come with poverty. [TONE]∥[TONE]

We must deal with the question of social equity and social justice. Because without dealing with thatquestion of poverty, there can't be any peace, and $900 billion being spent on military expenditure, $300billion being spent on agricultural subsidies, and $50- or $60 billion being spent on overseas developmentassistance is one of the absurdities that we have to change. [TONE]∥[TONE]

And the second and last thing I'd like to say is that we have talked about economics, we have talkedabout advances that must be made for social justice, and we've talked about steps that need to be taken inempowerment and in the methodologies that we can use to scale up. [TONE]∥[TONE]

But the one thing that we have not talked about and that I think all of us need to recognize is that if weare to be effective in advocating the case for poverty reduction, and hopefully eradication, is that we have to do it with a sense of belief that what we are doing is right. We should be addressing the question of poverty not just from economics, but because dealing with equity and social justice is right. [TONE]∥[TONE]

We should not be afraid to say that there is a human content in what we're doing, but there is alsoa moral and, if you like, spiritual content in what we're doing. We are not here just as economists. Weare here because we owe every human being in the world an opportunity and a chance to fulfill theirdestiny. [TONE]∥[TONE]

And so going out from this meeting I hope we feel a little bit uplifted and a little bit responsible to goout from here to deal with the question of scaling up of poverty alleviation because it's right, and as membersof the human race, it's something that we should do.

Thank you very much to our hosts, and thank you all for being here. [TONE]∥[TONE]



听力原文: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. I'm sure we have all heard the expression, "Think Green'. Tonight we are going to talk about ways we can "Act Green" in our everyday life.

The best place to start, of course, is in the home. Every day, people all over the world are hurting the environment without even knowing it. For example, busy families buy paper napkins and plastic food wrap at the supermarket. This helps them save time on housework, but after these things have been used, what happens to them? They go into the garbage heap. In many places, especially in North America, big cities are running ont of places to throw the garbage. What can we do about it?

How can we cut down on garbage? Well, we can start using cloth napkins and cloth towels instead of paper towels. When we go grocery shopping, we can choose products that are not "over-packaged". For example, lust week I bought a package of cookies. The cookies were in a bag. There was a plastic tray inside the bag, and then each cookie was in its own little package on the tray in the bag! That's over- packaging! We should also take our own bags to the grocery store to carry things home in.


A.Food processing.

B.Environmental protection.

C.Shopping habits.

D.Over-packaging problems.



听力原文: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. I'm sure we have all heard the expression, "Think Green". Tonight we are going to talk about ways that we call" Act Green "in our everyday lives.

The best place to start, of course, is the home. Every day, people all over the world are hurting the environment without even knowing it. For example, busy families buy paper napkins and plastic food at the supermarket. This helps them save time on housework, but after these things have been used, what happens to them? They go in the trash. In many places, especially in the North America, big cities are running out of places to throw their trash, what can we do about it?

How can we cut down on garbage? Well, we can start using cloth napkins and cloth towels instead of paper towels. When we go grocery shopping, we can choose products that are not" over-packaged". For example, last week I bought a package of Cookies. The cookies were in a bag, there was a plastic tray inside the bag, and then each cookie was in its own little package on the tray in the bag! That's over-packaging! We should also take our own bags to the grocery store to carry things home.

Cleaning products are another danger. Dangerous cleaning products enter our water supply every day. Of course, everyone wants a clean house, so what's the answer? For one thing, we could make our own cleaning solution from baking soda, lemon, and vinegar.

Now, what about in the community? At work and school, we use one very valuable item every day. Paper, of course, we need paper to do our work, but how much do we waste? Get your school or office to recycle paper. Learn to make notepads from unused side of old pieces of paper.

Perhaps the most important thing we do is to ask our schools to teach recycling to young children. We should teach them to be careful; we should teach them not to litter. We should also teach them by being good role models and recycling as much as we can every day! Finally, plant a tree. Better yet, plant two trees.

What's the talk mainly about?

A.Green house effect.

B.Garbage treatment.

C.Environment protection.

D.Over-packaging problem.



听力原文: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. I' m sure we have all heard the expression, "Think Green". Tonight we are going to talk about ways that we can "Act Green in our everyday lives.

The best place to start, of course, is the home. Every day, people all over the world are hurting the environment without even knowing it. For example, busy families buy paper napkins and plastic food wrap at the supermarket. Tins helps them save time on housework, but after these things have been used, what happens to them? They go in the trash. In many places, especially in the North America, big cities are running out of places to throw their trash, what can we do about it?

How can we cut down on garbage? Well, we can start using cloth napkins and cloth towels instead of paper towels. When we go grocery shopping, we can choose products that are not "over-packaged". For example, last week I bought a package of cookies. The cookies were in a bag, there was a plastic tray inside the bag, and then each cookie was in its own little package on the tray in the bag! That' s over-packaging! We should also take our own bags to the grocery store to carry things home in.

Cleaning products are another danger. Dangerous cleaning products enter our water supply every day. Of course, everyone wants a clean house, so what' s the answer? For one thing, we could make our own cleaning solution from baking soda, lemon, and vinegar.

Now, what about in the community? At work and school, we use one very valuable item every day. Paper, of course, we need paper to do our work, but how much do we waste? Does your school or office recycle paper, learn to make notepads from unused sides of old pieces of paper. Perhaps the most important thing we do is to ask our schools to teach recycling to young children. We should teach them to be careful; we should teach them not to litter. We should also teach them by being good role models and recycling as much as we can every day! Finally, plant a tree. Better yet, plant two trees.

What' s the talk mainly about?

A.Green house effect.

B.Garbage treatment.

C.Environment protection.

D.Over-packaging problem.



听力原文: May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? Since the international club meets only once every semester for this special event, the first thing on our agenda is to have the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. So when I finish this opening speech, the secretary will read the minutes of our meeting for the last semester. And then we'll go through our annual treasurer's report and decide whether it can be accepted or not.

At the top of our agenda, and I'm sure in everyone's mind, is the International Display Week. It has been proposed for discussion. I was chairman of the African club, and now as chairman of the international club, I know more than anyone else the importance of such a display week.

Let me explain. There are ten foreign clubs here representing the foreign students on our campus. The purpose of these clubs is, first of all, to get the students from the same countries together, so we won't get too homesick, and so we can help each other over the rough spots. And secondly, so that the American students can join the club of their interest and learn about our culture as we learn theirs.

Now, about the display. Some of you old hands will have to help me out, as there was so much going on I can't remember at all. Let me see. There are the Scottish folk dance and Irish one, too. We'll team up with the folk .music club and recruit anyone who can sew to help make costumes. Of course, each group will set up a booth decorated with pictures and things of interest in their respective countries, and everyone will wear his national costume.


A.Chairman of the African Club.

B.Chairman of the International Club.

C.Chairman of the Irish Club.

D.Chairman of the Folk Music Club.



听力原文: May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? Since the international club meets only once every semester for this special event, the first thing on our agenda is to have the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. So when I finish this opening speech, the secretary will read the minutes of our meeting for the last semester. And then we'll go through our annual treasurer's report and decide whether it can be accepted or not.

At the top of our agenda, and I'm sure in everyone's mind, is the International Display Week. It has been proposed for discussion. I was chairman of the African club, and now as chairman of the international club, I know more than anyone else the importance of such a display week.

Let me explain. There are ten foreign clubs here representing the foreign students on our campus. The purpose of these clubs is, first of all, to get the students from the same countries together, so we won't get too homesick, and so we can help each other over the rough spots. And secondly, so that the American students can join the club of their interest and learn about our culture as we learn theirs.

Now, about the display. Some of you old hands will have to help me out, as there was so much going on I can't remember at all. Let me see. There are the Scottish folk dance and Irish one, too. We'll team up with the folk .music club and recruit anyone who can sew to help make costumes. Of course, each group will set up a booth decorated with pictures and things of interest in their respective countries, and everyone will wear his national costume.


A.Chairman of the African Club.

B.Chairman of the International Club.

C.Chairman of the Irish Club.

D.Chairman of the Folk Music Club.


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