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Credit cards, smart cards and funds held in online accounts that can be transferred over t

he internet and so on. This refers to _______________that is stored and processed through computer system or electronic payment system.

A、credit money

B、representative money

C、depository money

D、commodity money

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根据以下内容回答下列各题 Technology, Costs, Lack of Appeal Slow E-Textbook Adantian [ A] Textbooks are often a luxury for college senior Vatell Martin. The accounting major at Virginia State University got by in several courses with study groups and professors lectures. "Its not that I didnt want to buy,"he says. "Sometimes, I just didnt have the money for a $ 200 book. "VSU knows Martin isnt the only one. More than half of its students routinely skip buying textbooks. For a solution, the school is turning to e-textbooks. [ B ] VSU partnered with Flat World Knowledge, a start-up publisher that produces exclusively written e-books with "open" content that can be modified by professors. In a trial with 14 business courses,students would be required to pay $20 and receive a Flat World e-book and digital learning supplements. The university and a local grant have been covering the cost, so far. "Thats nothing.Its what I put in my gas tank," says Martin, who participated in the trial. "If I was walking into a discussion on a topic, I can just download and take out the book and read it on my phone. " [ C] With their promise of ubiquity (无处不在), convenience and perhaps affordability, e-textbooks have arrived in fits and starts throughout college campuses. And publishers and book resellers are spending millions attracting students to their online stores and e-reader platforms as mobile technology improves the readability of the material on devices such as tablet computers. Silicon Valley start-ups,such as Inkling and Kno, are also aggressively reinventing textbooks with interactive graphics, videos and social-media features. [ D] Despite emerging attempts at innovation, the industry has been slowed by clumsy technology, the lasting appeal of print books, skeptical students who search online for cheaper alternatives, and customer confusion stemming from too many me-too e-textbook platforms that have failed to stand out. [ E ] The late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, believed textbooks to be an $ 8 billion market ripe for "digital destruction," biographer Walter Issacson writes in Steve Jobs. Apple is expected to make an announcement Thursday about its new education products. The market is small but growing. Sales for e-textbooks in the U. S. higher education market grew 44. 3% to $267. 3 million in 2011,according to Simba Information, a publishing industry research firm. Print still rules [ F] So far, students have been less than impressed and more likely to choose print books. About 11% of college students have bought e-textbooks, according to market research firm Student Monitor.Availability isnt the chief problem. Most popular textbooks have a digital version, and theyre available online. But students have largely stayed away because the most readily available technology today -- PDF (portable docmnent format) or other document reader versions of the print book—is clumsy and eye-straining to read. [ G ] When Andrea Soto, a freshman biology major at the University of Maryland, bought Principles of Biology, the $192 price tag came with a free online version. She prefers the touchable presence of a thick book on her lap. "You cant highlight or underline things in the e-book. I find it more of a trouble," she says. However, digital books arent necessarily cheaper, either. While priced lower than new print books, theyre often more expensive than buying or renting used books online, says Kathy Mickey, an analyst at Simba. A federally funded pilot study at Daytona State College in Florida found that some students who rented an e-textbook paid only a dollar less than students who bought a print edition. And e-textbook users couldnt sell the book back after the class ended. [ H ] Despite e-textbooks shortcomings, most agree that the print market is ripe for a technological overhaul (彻底改革). Prices of new books are rising sharply. Authors complain about used book sales that dont generate royalties. Professors and students axe annoyed at new editions that seemingly add little in content VS the previous one. [ I] "This is an industry thats failing everyone--parents, authors, professors, and students," says Brad Wheeler, chief information officer at Indiana University, which is running a program that distributes cheaper e-textbooks but requires all students in the class to buy. Publishers are eager for a quicker transition to the format because e-textbooks cost less to publish and would generate income from every student who buys one. Digital books cant be resold, at least, not legally. "Wed prefer that all of it to go digital," says Vineet Madan, senior vice President of new ventures at McGraw-Hill Education. "There isnt a secondary market for e-books. " Seeking market niche (商机) [ J ] If current e-textbooks are mostly unappealing, whats next? Like online music in its infancy, the textbook industrys key players--publishers, resellers, bookstores, tech companies, even some universities--are all scrambling to offer their digital solutions, an effort that has only intensified with the arrival of tablet computers and app stores. "Everybody and their brothers are coming out with an e-book platform," says I am Williams, director of strategic learning solutious at Wiley, a textbook publisher. [ K] They all agree on one thing: The quality of e-textbooks must improve dramatically. More value added, interactive features will keep students interested and spur sales, they say. Tablet computers are a key stimulus in this endeavor. At Kno, tablets have allowed the Santa Clara, Calif.-based company to embed interactive tools onto an existing e-textbook in a more intuitive way, for example, the ability to write directly on the book with a finger stroke or tap on a keyword for notes. "Tablet was a needed development," says Knos founder Osman Rashid. Despite threats to their print book sales, university bookstores are also coming around to embracing e-books. Follett, which runs 930 university bookstores in North America, launched Follett CafeScribe last year, a cloud-based digital textbook platform. Publishers not on sidelines [L] Textbook publishers are partnering with universities for exclusive trials, buying stakes in start-ups and developing their own technologies. Last year, publisher Cengage launched MindTap, an e-book/ digital learning website that is now being tried by about 50 professors, says Bill Rieders, Cengages executive vice President of global new media. Instead of tables of content, MindTap provides "a learning path" that students can access for text, multimedia, self-assessment tools, quizzes and note sharing. [ M] Pearson has introduced a competing product, OpenClass. The cloud-based website means students can access information wherever theres an online connection--features social networking, and works with Google Apps for Education. Reed College in Portland, Ore. , is one of several universities that will test OpenClass this fall. [ N ] The CourseLoad trial has been in place since 2009 on a limited basis, with students receiving free books. It has been expanded to 130 courses this spring semester. Students now pay a discounted price for access to CourseLoad books and learning kits, typically "60% to70% " cheaper than new print books, Wheeler says. In exchange, students must pay a fee to enroll. Despite the lack of flexibility, school officials and students have embraced the low-cost approach, he says. The development of tablet computers is necessary to improve the e-textbooks quality.



Can Drugs Make Us Happier? Samrter?

It depends on what is meant by "happy" and "smart."

There are already drugs that brighten moods, like Prozac, and other antidepressants that control levels of a brain chemical called serotonin. While originally meant to treat depression, these drugs have been used for other psychological conditions like shyness and anxiety and even by otherwise healthy people to feel better about themselves.

But is putting people in a better mood really making them happy? People can also drown their sorrows in alcohol or get a euphoric feeling using narcotics, but few people who do so would be called truly happy.

The President's Council on Bioethics said in a recent report that while antidepressants might make some people happier, they can also substitute for what can truly bring happiness: a sense of satisfaction with one's identity, accomplishments and relationships.

"In tike pursuit of happiness human beings have always worried about falling for the appearance of happiness and missing its reality," the council wrote. It added, "Yet a fraudulent happiness is just what the pharmacological management of our mental lives threatens to confer upon us."

Now the race is on to develop pills to make people smarter, at least in one sense. These drugs, several of them already in clinical trials, aim at memory loss that occurs in people with Alzheimer's disease or a precursor called mild cognitive impairment.

But it is lost on no one that if a memory drug works and is safe, it may one day be used by healthy people to learn faster and remember longer.

Studies have already shown that animals can be made to do both whelk the activity of certain genes is increased or decreased. Dr. Tom 'Fully, a professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, created genetically engineered fruit flies that he said had "photographic memory." In one session, he said, they could learn something that took normal flies 10 sessions.

"It immediately convinced everyone that memory was going to be just another biological process," Dr. Tully said. "There's nothing special about it. That meant that it was going to be treatable and manip-ulable."

But experts say that improving memory will not necessarily make one smarter, in the sense of I.Q. , let alone in wisdom. "It would be a mistake to think that drugs that have an impact on memory necessarily will have an effect on intelligence," said Dr. Daniel L. Schachter, chairman of psychology at Harvard.

Dr. Tully, who is also acting chief scientific officer of Helicon Therapeutics, which is developing memory pills, agreed. "You don't think better than you did before,' he said. "You just get the facts in with less practice. ' Still, he said, that would be significant help to students at exam time.

Any pill used widely by healthy people to improve memory would have to be extremely safe, so that the risks would not outweigh the benefit. Psychological side effects also remain a possibility.

"Is it a good thing to remember everything?" Dr. Tully asked. Could a brain too crammed with information suffer some sort of overload?

Dr. Joe Z. Tsien, a professor of molecular biology at Princeton who genetically engineered smarter mice a few years ago, says he is skeptical that the results can be transferred to people.

"If you look at how people improve their brain power, it's through education," he said. "That has proven to have 100 percent efficiency with minimal side effects."

There are already antidepressants that control levels of a brain chemical called serotonin.






Why are smart cards not nearly so common in American?

A.Probably because American have got used to ATM bank cards or stored -value cards.

B.Probably because American is too large.

C.Probably because American like signature.

D.Probably because American like paper vouchers.










Accurate Timer

These days time is everything. Between meetings and appointments, deadlines and conference calls, my schedule requires that I know the time down to the minute. Even on weekends, I have a football team to coach, shows to tape and planes to catch. If I'm late, I'm sunk. The problem is that it's hard if my clocks aren't correct. Even the digital clocks can display time inaccurately. Dead batteries, time changes, any of these can cause a clock to be inaccurate. Now there is no need to worry, because advanced radio technology has produced a clock which gets the time directly from the U.S. Atomic Clock in Fort Collins, Colorado, the standard for time-keeping all over the world. The Atomic Clock by Acorn is the most accurate, reliable and convenient timepiece you can have.

Every morning at 1:00 a. m, this "smart" clock in Colorado automatically resets itself to the exact hour, minute and second. The U. S. Atomic Clock is accurate to ten billionths of a second per day. This means that the clock deviates less than one second over a one million-year period. The Atomic Clock even adjusts automatically for daylight saving time, so you don't have to remember to "spring forward" or "fall back". The desktop clock model is the only atomic Clock that will not lose time with low power or when you change its batteries.

The most accurate clock in the world is of no use if it is difficult to operate. The Acorn Atomic Clock is engineered in Germany using the latest scientific technology. It comes in two styles, the wall clock and the desktop model. Both are designed to be functional and easy to use. The desk clock's display features the exact time (in hours, minutes and seconds), month and date, or you can choose to display any two U. S. or world time zones. It weighs only eight ounces, and is the perfect travel clock It also has dual alarms, perfect for couples. Both the desktop and the wall models have an internal antenna for good reception without unattractive wires.

What is the passage mainly about?

A.The importance of timing.

B.The working principle of an ordinary clock.

C.The features of the U.S. Atomic Clock.

D.The manufacturer of the U.S. Atomic Clock.



Accurate Timer (精确记时器)

These days timing is everything.Between meetings and appointments, deadlines and conference calls, my schedule requires that I know the time down to the minute.Even on weekends, I have a football team to coach, shows to tape, and planes to catch.If I'm late, I'm sunk.The problem is that it's hard if my clocks aren't correct.Even the digital clocks can display time inaccurately.Dead batteries, time changes, "" any of these can cause a clock to be inaccurate.Now there is no need to worry, because advanced radio technology has produced a clock which gets the time directly from the U.S.Atomic Clock in Fort Collins, Colorado, the standard for time-keeping all over the world.The Atomic Clock by Acron is the most accurate, reliable and convenient timepiece you can have.

Every morning at 1:00 a.m, this "smart" clock in Colorado automatically resets itself to the exact hour, minute and second.The U.S.Atomic Clock is accurate to ten billionths of a second per day.This means that the clock deviates less than one second over a one-million-year period.The Atomic Clock even adjusts automatically for daylight saving time,so you don't have to remember to "spring forward" or "fall back".The desktop clock model is the only atomic clock that will not lose time with low power or when you change its batteries.

The most accurate clock in the world is of no use if it is difficult to operate.The Acron Atomic Clock is engineered in Germany using the latest scientific technology.It comes in two styles, the wall clock and the desktop model.Both are designed to be functional and easy to use.The desk clock's display features the exact time (in hours, minutes and seconds) , month and date, or you can choose to display any two U.S.or world time zones.It weighs only eight ounces, and is the perfect travel clock.It also has dual alarms,perfect for couples.Both the desktop and the wall models have an internal antenna for good reception without unattractive wires.

第 41 题 What is the passage mainly about?

A.The importance of timing.

B.The working principle of an ordinary clock.

C.The features of the U.S.Atomic Clock.

D.The manufacturer of the U.S.Atomic Clock.



听力原文: The waltz originated in Germany from the energetic folkdances of the country people. By the mid-15th century the smart town people were trying it and very soon, it had spread throughout the rest of Europe, although parts of Germany and Switzerland forbade it completely! In Vienna the waltz became very fast, with the couples racing each other seven or eight times round the ballroom floor, until they were totally tired. So the police decided to forbid the extreme form. of the dance, as it was creating a public disturbance.

However, it was also in Vienna that Lanner and Strauss made their fortunes as band leaders and composers. Strauss' son. John Strauss. established himself as the "waltz king" in Vienna. Chopin complained that classical music was being ignored in favour of a the waltz, It also complained that pieces by Mozart and Beethoven were being recomposed like waltz to please the public taste. But this did not lower its popularity, which still continues even today.

Where did the waltz originate?







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