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A meaningful debate is often associated with issues or problems many people are concerned about.

更多“A meaningful debate is often associated with issues or problems many people are concerned about.”相关的问题


decide whether the following translations are true or false. many scientists have been
reluctant to engage in a debate with advocates of intelligent design because to do so would legitimize the claim that there’s a meaningful debate about evolution. 译文:许多科学家不愿卷入与“智慧设计论”者的辩论,因为这样做会让如下说法披上合理的外衣:关于进化论的争论是有意义的。()



听力原文: President George Bush says he wants to shift the debate about global warming awa
y from cutting greenhouse gas emissions, the focus of the Kyoto Protocol, and towards development of new technologies that would clean up those emissions. In an interview for British commercial television, ahead of the group of eight summit in Scotland this week, Mr. Bush appeared to rule out any suggestion that there could be agreement on legally binding emission cuts. But John Niken, a republican senator, said the US should do more to tackle climate change.

"I certainly don't expect the President immediately to back off this position. But I think there are certain measures that could be implemented which would be progressive in seeking the goal. The President recognizes the climate change is an issue, the real problem is whether the administration is willing to enact very meaningful and important steps in order to address the issue."

Where is the group of eight summit to be held this week?







Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answ
er the questions on Answer Sheet 1.

For questions 1-4, mark

Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;

N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;

NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.

For questions 5-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

The Advantages of Communicative Language Teaching

As a teacher trainer working with international groups, I am frequently asked to include an overview of communicative language teaching (CLT), and discuss ways of adapting materials to make lessons more communicative or interactive.

Most groups are enthusiastic about the lesson opportunities which CLT offers. However, some also indicated they felt constrained by the system under which they operated, especially those teaching in settings which are particularly exam-focused. In addition, they queried the relevance of CLT to their situation, where many of the students never used English outside the classroom. In contrast, I had shifted across a spectrum of learners, enthusiastically taking CLT along with me as universally appropriate.

Taking my colleagues' concerns on board, I began to question the appropriateness of CLT for some of these diverse learner groups. This was supported by current reading on the topic; the titles of some articles made me think I should give up the support for CLT then and there. However, the more I read on the topic, the more I defended the continued suitability of CLT. It really does benefit the students in a variety of ways.

Elements of CLT

Communication — According to Ability

Whether CLT should be considered an approach or a methodology is a more abstract debate and here I want to deal with its more practical aspects, in fact, it is those very elements, and the name itself, which have been used to challenge the future relevance of CLT. Firstly, the label implies a focus on communication and some might argue that this method can't be employed genuinely with low levels as there is no authentic communication, due to a limited vocabulary and restricted range of functions. Initially, many of a learner's utterances are very formulaic. As an aside, consider just what percentage of our own English expressions are unique, and how often we rely on a set phrase; just because it is delivered unselfconsciously and with natural intonation does not make it original. The aim is that the length and complexity of exchanges, and confident delivery, will grow with the student's language ability.

With the emphasis on communication, there is also the implication that spoken exchanges should be authentic and meaningful; detractors claim that the artificial nature of classroom-based (i.e. teacher-created interactions makes CLT an oxymoron. Nevertheless, a proficient teacher will provide a context so that class interactions are realistic and meaningful but with the support needed to assist students to generate the target language. We need to consider that producing language is a skill and when we learn a skill we practise in improvised settings. For example, before a nurse gives a real injection, they have punctured many a piece of fruit to hone their technique.

Accuracy as Well as Fluency

It might also be argued that the extent of some of the structures or functions may never be used in real life. One example is adjective order; I have given students an exercise where they have to produce a phrase with a string of adjectives, such as "a strong, orange, Norwegian, canvas tent." This is very unnatural, as most times we only combine two or three a






Response Time Is Critical You, yes you, are responsible for ensuring that you are an inter

Response Time Is Critical

You, yes you, are responsible for ensuring that you are an interesting, fun person to have 【C1】______ , for being a positive player in the game of life. No matter what your level of 【C2】______ to use a given language, you'll need to be fast. To be able to respond or begin speaking within the usual conversational pause of about half a second or break of 【C3】______ four seconds, you'll need to be able to say something, anything, within those time limits, or you just won't get a 【C4】______ .

We had an interesting example of this in class which accurately 【C5】______ real life "on the street". One student, who'd never left Japan and who spoke English at only sixty to seventy words per minute, could generally begin speaking within a second or so 【C6】______ he wanted to. His start was strong, but not always meaningful; "Yes, well, yes. Well what I wanted to say..." 【C7】______ student had lived and worked in England, could easily speak at one to two hundred words per minute and preferred to be precise 【C8】______ he said, taking two to four seconds to prepare before he spoke. By the end of the class round-table debate, the second student said he was feeling frustrated and 【C9】______ that no one would listen to him and had only been heard for a few minutes 【C10】______ over the hour long debate. On the other hand, the first, slower talking, student had totaled over twenty minutes of speaking time and been the most lucid (=expressive) 【C11】______ in the group of six. The first speaker had a hearing because his 【C12】______ and initiation time was very fast, while the 【C13】______ failed, no matter how much he wanted to talk, because his response time was too slow, slower than any other student. A secondary factor was that when the second student 【C14】______ before speaking his first few words were much quieter than his normal speaking volume. The interactive talking possible in lessons gave the second student chances to reduce his response time so that later in the course he could make himself 【C15】______ quickly and loudly enough for people to be interested in hearing what he wanted to say.








回答下列各题: Global warming may or may not be the great enviromental crisis of the 21s
t century, but---regardless ofwhether it is or isnt--we wont do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make somefairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem,the less likely they are to be observed. AI Gore calls giobal warming an "inconvenient truth," as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to asolution. But the real truth is that we dont know enough to relieve global warming, and--without majortechnological breakthroughs--we cant do much about it. From 2003 to 2050, the worlds population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase.If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions(mainly CO2) will be 42% higher in 2050. But thats too low, because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we condemn the worlds poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone elsesliving standards. With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050. No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on electricityusage, driving and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show theyre "doingsomething." Consider the Kyoto Protocol(《京都议定书》). It allowed countries that joined to punish those thatdidnt. But it hasnt reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories (签字国) didntadopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets. The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology.Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuelsor dealing with it. The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when its really an engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we dont solve the engineering problem, were helpless. What is said about global warming in the first paragraph?

A.It may not prove an environmental crisis at all.

B.It is an issue requiring worldwide commitments.

C.Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it.

D.Very little will be done to bring it under control.



Most people can remember a phone number for up to thirty seconds. When this short amount o
f time elapses, however, the numbers are erased from the memory. How did the information get there in the first place? Information that makes its way to the short term memory (STM) does so via the sensory storage area. The brain has a filter which only allows stimuli that is of immediate interest to pass on to the STM, also known as the working memory.

There is much debate about the capacity and duration of the short term memory. The most accepted theory comes from George A. Miller, a cognitive psychologist who suggested that humans can remember approximately seven chunks of information. A chunk is defined as a meaningful unit of information, such as a word or name rather than just a letter or number. Modem theorists suggest that one can increase the capacity of the short term memory by chunking, or classifying similar information together. By organizing information, one can optimize the STM, and improve the chances of a memory being passed on to long term storage.

When making a conscious effort to memorize something, such as information for an exam, many people engage in "rote rehearsal". By repeating something over and over again, we are able to keep a memory alive. Unfortunately, this type of memory maintenance only succeeds if there are no interruptions. As soon as a person stops rehearsing the information, it has the tendency to disappear. When a pen and paper are not handy, you might attempt to remember a phone number by repeating it aloud. If the doorbell rings or the dog barks to come in before you get the opportunity to make your phone call, you will forget the number instantly. Therefore, rote rehearsal is not an efficient way to pass information from the short term to long term memory. A better way is to practice "elaborate rehearsal". This involves assigning semantic meaning to a piece of information so that it can be filed along with other pre-existing long term memories.

Encoding information semantically also makes it more retrievable. Retrieving information can be done by recognition or recall. Humans can recall memories that are stored in the long term memory and used often. However, if a memory seems to be forgotten, it may eventually be retrieved by prompting. The more clues a person is given (such as pictures), the more likely a memory can be retrieved. This is why multiple choice tests are often used for subjects that require a lot of memorization. (426)

The underlined word "elapses" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to "______."


B.adds tip





The morpheme is the smallest meaningful form, used for discussing word-formation.()

The morpheme is the smallest meaningful form, used for discussing word-formation.()



A. possible B. allowable C. meaningful D. forbidden


B. allowable

C. meaningful

D. forbidden









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