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The following research topics can help you to expl...

The following research topics can help you to explore the nature elements beyond the text. Choose one from them, search the literature based on prior introduction in Text A and then write a literature review on the selected topic. Generating electricity from the sun and the wind is gaining popularity. In many parts of the world, governments encourage their citizens, businesses and schools to put solar panels on their roofs, and wind farms are sprouting up in many places. However, some of these technologies are unfortunately a health hazard to people and may have long-term effects on people. An artificial photosynthesis system which mimics what happens in plants could potentially create an endless, relatively inexpensive supply of all the clean “gas” and electricity we need to power our lives — and in a storable form, too. Many ecosystems have evolved with fire as a necessary contributor to habitat vitality and renewal. Many plant species in naturally fire-affected environments require fire to germinate, to establish, or to reproduce. Wildfire suppression eliminates not only these species, but also the animals that depend upon them.

更多“The following research topics can help you to expl...”相关的问题


Which of the followings can NOT help you behave well in front of the interviewers?

A、being prepared

B、keeping talking

C、being yourself

D、showing you're confident



【简答题】Read the following research paper and writ...

【简答题】Read the following research paper and write simply to answer the following question: Are there gender differences in reading ability? If yes, where do the differences come from? Do you agree with the reader’s findings? Talk about your own experience. Gender Differences in Reading Ability Reading is one of main ways to get information. What is the relationship between gender and reading comprehension? Reading success depends on factors such as the levels of readers’ proficiency, types of text, text difficulty, and task demands (Brudice, 2009). One important factor that affects the process of reading and consequently the process of comprehension is the reader text variable. Considering the text variable, different studies have been conducted to investigate the way readers affect the processes of reading and comprehension. The strategies used by readers, their background knowledge, motivation, attitude, age, personality and sex all have been investigated (Keshavarz. & Ashtarian, 2008). This paper aims to investigate how gender differences influence reading comprehension. Statement of Problem In this paper the presented problem was to identify whether or not gender differences had an effect on reading comprehension ability. As a question, the problem is, “What is the relationship between gender and reading comprehension ability for secondary students?” (Brudice, 2009) Definition of Terms Gender Differences: Gender: the state of being male or female (with reference to social or cultural differences) Reading Comprehension can be defined as techniques for improving students’ success in obtaining useful knowledge from text. Reading comprehension is understanding some texts that are read, or the process of “constructing meaning” from read texts. Comprehension is a “construction process” because it includes all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader’s mind (Brudice, 2009). Discussion Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive skill in which the reader should construct meaning by using all the available resources from both the text and background knowledge (Brudice, 2009). Several studies, which have investigated some independent variables that are linked to students’ abilities to comprehend science textbooks, have conflicting findings. While some found important differences in boys’ and girls’ verbal abilities in favor of girls, some others did not find gender differences in their subjects’ abilities to comprehend two biology texts (Soybio; McKenzie-Briscoe, 1998). The findings of a 2008 study indicate that there is a difference between males’ and females’ comprehension of the reading passages. Females are better in case of comprehending passages. Females outperformed males in their comprehension of given passages in a written recall task (Keshavarz. & Ashtarian, 2008). Why do girls have a higher reading ability? Boys have more often their own room in comparison to girls. This may take time from reading and contribute to lower scores. Girls have a little bit more often their own study desk that may contribute to their higher reading test results. Although boys have a little bit more books at home, they are not so good in reading. According to the evaluation of girls, there is more classic literature and poetry in their homes. Children influence the home culture and so this literature is bought more often for girls. More girls are from homes without a computer. Working on computers may reduce the boys’ time for reading books and magazines. More girls are confident that they are doing well in language. The self-evaluation supports learning language and is a result of good learning. There are more boys among students who have fewer than 2 hours for self-study of language. Once more girls devote more time to language studies and boys have other interests (Lynn & Mikk, 2009). And for second language in general, it seems that no gender differences existed on TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) in any of the subtests (Jie & Wu, 2003). In light of new issues about second language reading perhaps more inquiries about second language reading comprehension should be concerned with the amounts and types of variables that are superior, or more influential, in producing higher levels of reading comprehension because as a whole it is very different from first language (Brantmeier, 2004). Conclusion A meta-analysis provides strong evidence that the significance of the gender difference in verbal ability is currently so small that it can effectively be considered to be zero. More detailed analysis of various types of verbal ability (e.g., vocabulary, reading comprehension, analogies) similarly provided no evidence of a substantial gender difference (Hayde & Linn, 1988). But as the results of this study indicate, females are somehow superior in reading comprehension compared to male subjects (Keshavarz. & Ashtarian, 2008) and females are more global and prefer to guess meaning from context while males are more analytic and attend more to words (Brudice, 2009). This suggests that teachers should take into consideration the fact that more practice needs to be done when working with male students. Another consequence of the study can be drawn from the finding that both male and female students had greater gains on essay regardless of their gender. This may imply that teachers can focus on teaching different types of texts in their classes regardless of their students’ gender. This may help learners to pave the way toward autonomy in that they can build on what they already know or what they have explicitly learned in their classrooms (Keshavarz. & Ashtarian, 2008). So teachers should be aware of these differences; they can help learners of both genders in different ways. By concentrating on learners’ limitations, teachers can provide successful learning situations. Only in this way can teachers handle the class efficiently and achieve the teaching goals. Strategy training can be done through working with students in small groups or individually by using various reading texts and questions to check students’ processing problems through questioning and answering. Teaching learners comprehension monitoring and reading comprehension test taking strategies can help them to take a more reflective and self-directed approach to text reading. Additionally, it can help learners in reducing anxiety in reading tests (Brudice, 2009).



Translate the following sentences into English. Te...

Translate the following sentences into English. Ten points for each sentence. You have to hand in the practice before 11p.m., Feb 27th. Then, you must grade papers of your classmates. Punishment will be awarded to those who fail to perform Peer Review or who do it unfairly. 1. 我们改革开放政策的结果是经济的快速增长,但是我们不要忘记这个政策又是人民思想大解放的结果。 2. 一般说来,喜欢某一个人会使你倾向于同时也喜欢他的观点。 3. 我们难以预料是否有朝一日能找到处理核废料的百分之百安全的办法。可能的话,我们应该换成别的能源。 4. 我到处寻找一套适合摆在我那小起居室的家具,却发现这种家具正脱销。 5. 那个客栈老板在照看那个客人的时候,发现他的长相和警察要找的谋杀犯嫌疑相符合。 6. 当有人同他怎样才能保持健康时,他会提些老套的建议。坚持良好的饮食习惯,意思就是: 无盐、无糖、无脂肪。 7. 那水游冰都不行,更不要说饮用了。正因为知此,那地区很多人都病倒了。 8. 我以为他听到这事会发脾气,但他没有。相反,他突然忍不住大笑起来。 9. 完工时这条地铁将延长至覆盖整个城市。 10. 股市似乎对经济的繁荣没有反应,这一点让每个人都不解。怪不得人们都决定持股观望。



Translate the following sentences into English. Te...

Translate the following sentences into English. Ten points for each sentence. You have to hand in the practice before 11p.m., Feb 19th. Then, you must grade papers of your classmates. Punishment will be awarded to those who fail to hand in exercise or perform Peer Revision, and those who do it unfairly. ( 不要上传附件,请在框内作答,附件可能导致系统崩溃) 1. 我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持。 2. 一般说来,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去更感兴趣。但这两代人如果不互相尊重对方的需要,就都会遭受损失。 3. 中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。 4. 在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。 5. 女王伊丽莎白一世统治英国45年。在她统治时期,国家十分繁荣昌盛。 6. 民主意味着多数人来治理;但不仅如此,尊重少数人反对的权利也是民主不可分的一部分。这两条规则同等重要。 7. 一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但在地理上,而且在政治、经济和文化上都是一个整体。 8. 晚会十分乏味,所以他就偷溜出房间回家了。可是雨后的路非常泥泞,他脚下一滑,掉进了沟里。 9. 她身体糟糕到了这种程度,以至于冬天都不敢见太阳,怕中暑。 10. 有一天晚上,我正在一家小饭馆里借酒浇愁,他突然走了过来,往我手里塞了一沓钞票。



You have an SQL query that takes one minute to execute. You use the following code segment to execute the SQL query asynchronously.IAsyncResult ar = cmd.BeginExecuteReader();You need to execute a method named Do Work() that takes one second to run while the SQL query is executing. DoWork() must run as many times as possible while the SQL query is executing. Which code segment should you use? ()







You have an SQL query that takes one minute to execute. You use the following code segment to execute theSQL query asynchronously.Dim ar As IAsyncResult = cmd.BeginExecuteReader()You need to execute a method named DoWork() that takes one second to run while the SQL query is executing.DoWork() must run as many times as possible while the SQL query is executing.Which code segment should you use?()







You have an SQL query that takes one minute to execute. You use the following code segment to execute the SQL query asynchronously.Dim ar As IAsyncResult = cmd.BeginExecuteReader()You need to execute a method named DoWork() that takes one second to run while the SQL query is executing. DoWork() must run as many times as possible while the SQL query is executing. Which code segment should you use?()

A. While ar.AsyncWaitHandle Is Nothing DoWork()End Whiledr = cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar)

B. While Not ar.IsCompleted DoWork()End Whiledr = cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar)

C. While T hread.CurrentThread.ThreadState = ThreadState.Running DoWork()End Whiledr = cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar)

D. While Not ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() DoWork()End Whiledr = cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar)



The following wys cn help you improve helth EXCEPT______.doing strength trining withThe following wys cn help you improve helth EXCEPT______.doing strength trining with weights B.eting better food C.doing exercise D.enjoying rtionl diet

A.doing strength training with weights

B.eating better food

C.doing exercise

D.enjoying rational diet



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