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Introduce a younger person to an older person, that is, introduce a person of lower status to a person of higher status. When two people are of similar age and rank, introduce the one you know better

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When introducing people in a business or more formal social situation, you should introduce a younger person to an elder person.


When introducing people in a business or more formal social situation, you should introduce a younger person to an elder person.()


Which behavior is appropriate while people meet each other for the first time in the U.K.?

A、to introduce a person of higher status to a person of lower status

B、to introduce the person you know better to the other one

C、to introduce an younger person to an older person

D、to have prolonged eye contact



Just how does a person arrive at an idea of the kind of person that he is? He develops this (1)_____ of self through a gradual and complicated (2)_____ which continues throughout life. The notion is an (3)_____ that one establishes only with the help of others. (4)_____ the elementary knowledge that one is short or tall is a comparative judgment that we cannot make (5)_____ we have the opportunity to (6)_____ ourselves with others. One's idea of qualities which are harder to (7)_____ is even more dependent upon other people's ideas.

Whether one is intelligent, or stupid; attractive, or ugly; these and many other ideas of the self are (8)_____ from the reactions of people with whom we (9)_____. This process of (10)_____ the nature of the self from the reaction of others has been labeled the "Looking-glass Self" by Cooley, who carefully analyzed this psychological (11)_____ of self-discovery.

Just as the picture in the mirror gives an image of the physical self, (12)_____ the perception of the reactions of others gives an image of the social self. We know, (13)_____, that we are good at certain things and not at others. This (14)_____ came to us from the reactions of other persons, first our parents and then other individuals (15)_____ in life. It should be remembered that, as other people's reactions could be (16)_____ and understood in more than one way, the looking-glass self with which the individual (17)_____ may easily differ from the image others have actually formed of his (18)_____. Clearly, it is our perception of the responses of others and not their (19)_____ responses that (20)_____ our self-image, and these perceptions are often not accurate.







Just how does a person arrive at an idea of the kind of person that he is? He develops this (1)_____ of self through a gradual and complicated (2)_____ which continues throughout life. The notion is an (3)_____ that one establishes only with the help of others. (4)_____ the elementary knowledge that one is short or tall is a comparative judgment that we cannot make (5)_____ we have the opportunity to (6)_____ ourselves with others. One's idea of qualities which are harder to (7)_____ is even more dependent upon other people's ideas.

Whether one is intelligent, or stupid; attractive, or ugly; these and many other ideas of the self are (8)_____ from the reactions of people with whom we (9)_____ This process of (10)_____ the nature of the self from the reaction of others has been labeled the "Looking-glass Self" by Cooley, who carefully analyzed this psychological (11)_____ of self-discovery.

Just as the picture in the mirror gives an image of the physical self, (12)_____ the perception of the reactions of others gives an image of the social self. We know, (13)_____, that we are good at certain things and not at others. This (14)_____ came to us from the reactions of other persons, first our parents and then other individuals (15)_____ in life. It should be remembered that, as other people's reactions could be (16)_____ and understood in more than one way, the looking-glass self with which the individual (17)_____ may easily differ from the image others have actually formed of his (18)_____ Clearly, it is our perception of the responses of others and not their (19)_____ responses that (20)_____ our self-image, and these perceptions are often not accurate.







In the United States, men and women shake hands when they meet. Greetings are often casual such as a handshake, a smile and a “hello.” The British say

“hello” when they meet friends. They usually shake hands when they meet for the first time. Social kissing or a kiss on the cheek is common between men and

women and between women who know each other very well.

The Hebrew greeting is “shalom.” The French greeting is “bonjour.” The Spanish greeting in “hola” and the Zulu say “sawubona” when greeting friends.

In New Zealand people are often greeted by the Maori leaders with the traditional “Hongi” by rubbing noses.

When a younger person says hello to an older person in the Philippines, the younger person will bow and hold the right hand of the older person and press the

knuckles against their forehead. When the knuckles are touching the forehead they say “Mano”(means hand) and “Po”(means respect.)

In Japan the common greeting for men and women is to bow when they meet someone. The deeper the bow, the greater level of respect in shown.

In Arab countries, close male friends or colleagues hug and kiss both cheeks. They shake hands with the right hand only, longer but less firmly than in the

western world. Contact and hand shaking between men and women in public is considered rude.

Hungarians use the friendly greeting of kissing each other on the cheeks. The most common way to kiss is from your right to your left. When men meet for the

first time they give a firm handshake.

In Belgium people kiss on one cheek when they meet.

The Chinese when meeting someone for the first time usually nod their head and smile or shake hands if in a formal business situation.

In Russia a typical greeting is a very firm handshake while maintaining direct eye contact. When men shake hands with women, the handshake is less intense.

Men may also kiss a woman three times on alternating cheeks.

In Albania, men shake hands when greeting one another. Depending on how well the men know each other, a kiss on each cheek may be common as well. When a man

meets a female relative, a kiss on each cheek or two kisses per cheek is common. With friends or colleagues normally a light handshake is appropriate. Women

may shake hands or kiss each other on both cheeks.

In Armenia, a woman needs to wait for the man to offer his hand for the handshake. Between good friends and family members, a kiss on the cheek and a light

hug are also common.

Always remember you are a guest in another country. Please show respect for their customs and culture.

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage

1.In Britain, they usually kiss on the cheek between men and women when they first meet.

2.The Spanish greeting is “hola” and the Zulu say “sawubona” when greeting friends.

3.The common greeting for men and women is to bow to each other in both Philippines and Japan.

4.In Russia, a typical greeting is a very firm handshake without direct eye contact.

5.In Armenia, a woman needs to wait for the man to offer his hand for the handshake



Most conceptions of the process of motivation begin with the assumption that behavior. is, at least in part, directed towards the attainment of goals or towards the satisfaction of needs or motives. Accordingly, it is appropriate to begin our consideration of motivation in the work place by examining the motives for working. Simon points out that an organization should be able to secure the participation of a person by offering him inducements (引诱)which contribute in some way to at least one of his goals. The kinds of inducements offered by an organization are varied, and if they are effective in maintaining participation they must necessarily be based on the needs of the individuals.

Maslow examines in detail what these needs are. He points out not only that there are many needs ranging from basic physiological drives such as hunger to a more abstract desire for self-realization, but also that they are arranged in a hierarchy(等级制度 )whereby the lower-order needs must to a large degree be satisfied before the higher-order ones come into play.

One of the most obvious ways in which work organizations attract and retain members is through the realization, that economic factors are not the only inducement for working as indicated by Morse and Weiss. In line with the social respect and self-realization needs discussed by Maslow, factors such as association with others, self-respect gained through the work, and a high interest value of the work can serve effectively to induce people to work.

According to Maslow, a work organization is able to motivate people to work by______.

A.satisfying their physiological needs

B.satisfying their self-realization needs

C.satisfying hierarchy of their higher-order needs

D.first satisfying their lower-order needs




There is a clear distinction between one who is supposed to know and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know. However, teaching is not necessarily the area of a special group of people, nor should it be looked upon as a technical skill.

Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank mind. If you have a certain skill, you should be able to share it with others. You do not have to get a certificate to convey what you know to them or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves.

All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our society, should come to realize our own talent and abilities as teachers. We can share what we know, however little it might be, with others who have need of that knowledge or skill.



A person becomes part of the Christian community through baptism--it is a matter of choice【C1】______ birth. The Christian community is a gathered community 【C2】______ who believe that Jesus is the Christ and that they have salvation 【C3】______ . It is open to males and females of any age, race, or 【C4】______ . A Christian is normally affiliated with a particular parish or congregation that is 【C5】______ the care of a particular clergyperson. A baptized person is usually 【C6】______ a Christian by all Christians everywhere; however, there may be some additional requirements to meet if a person 【C7】______ to a church of a different tradition.

Giving money and goods needed by others 【C8】______ a part of Christian living. Some Christians engage in tithing, the 【C9】______ of 10 percent of their income to support the work of the church, 【C10】______ includes charitable services of those in need. Other Christians give smaller 【C11】______ of their income to the church but contribute either directly to those in need or to organizations that serve human beings or lower animals.

Although some Christians believe the world will continue to become more evil until Christ returns to earth, 【C12】______ think that they 【C13】______ improve the world. Christian service to God means, 【C14】______ , not only charity to meet current needs but also altering institutions and structures of society in order to 【C15】______ poverty, illness, and injustices. For some Christians, the social implications of the gospel are almost as important as the religious. John Woolman visited the slaveholders in the United States to 【C16】______ them to free their slaves. Henry Ward Beecher openly supported a campaign to free all the slaves. Walter Rauschenbusch labored to improve living and working conditions for poor people in cities. Albert Schweitzer brought modern medicine to peoples in Africa. Martin Luther King used the 【C17】______ resistance methods 【C18】______ by Mohandas K. Gandhi to win recognition of civil right for black people of the United states. Mother Teresa worked to save abandoned children in Calcutta. These few examples give some idea of the 【C19】______ of activities 【C20】______ have fostered to improve the living conditions of their fellow humans.


A.rather than

B.rather than of

C.rather...than of

D.not of


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