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The preferred shares that the entity has agreed to buy back from the shareholders is referred to as the _______ preferred shares.

更多“The preferred shares that the entity has agreed to buy back from the shareholders is referred to as …”相关的问题


What the spokesman of Delta says suggests that the preferred economy-class tickets are available 24 hours in advance of the planes departure.



The psychologist Edwin G. Boring preferred "current of belief" as the English expression for the German word Zeitgeist, used by Goethe in 1827 to describe what comes together in the minds of many "neither by agreement nor by self-determined under the multiplicity of climates of opinion." That current runs above the multiple conversations conducted about how to interpret the past, how to assess the present, and how to predict and prepare for the future. For more than a century, social science has participated in all of these conversations, informing the climates of opinion that shape society, culture, and polities.

Writing on the relationship between public opinion and representative government, the historian Lewis Namier asked, "Where is it to be found? And how is it to be ascertained? How many people hold clear articulate views even about the most important national concerns? And if their views are original and well-grounded, what chance is there of their being representative?" Social-scientific method has improved our numerical understanding of "public opinion," but it is the unique responsibility of social scientists to inform. that opinion whether it is representative or not. Namier understood that public opinion, the currents of belief, the Zeitgeist were capable of humbling the powerful. "There is such a thing as a logic of ideas, and ideas, when looked at from a distance, seem to have an independent life and existence of their own; their (logic) is the outcome of the slow, hardly conscious thinking of the masses, very primitive, simplified in the process of accumulation, and in its mass advance deprived of all individual features, like the pebbles in a riverbed. And there is such a thing as a mental atmosphere, which at times becomes so all-pervading that hardly anyone can withdraw himself from its influence."

For example, political assumptions about the role of government, however different they may be, have a familiar ideological stability about them, even as numerous struggles persist over government's function in maintaining public order and in rectifying injustice. Political Liberalism, expressed as a defense of the welfare state, gave welfare policy a popularly good name for more than a half century. Social security, medicare, and mortgage deductions have all contributed to maintaining a middle class according to liberal principles of social welfare. Libertarian sentimentalists may balk at(回避,畏缩不前)the negative externalities created by such long-term, good intentions as keeping the elderly out of poverty, if not out of nursing homes, but it seems unlikely in the short term, at least, that any substantial social, religious, or political movement of self-respect will emerge among the classes presently benefiting the most from the largesse(赏赐物)they are responsible for creating.

Social-scientific understanding is distinct from political conviction, but the two have a long relationship that seems likely to continue, regardless of ideological cross-currents. Such crosscurrents of confidence, as it were, have in recent decades defined the battles over the legacy of the most tragic consequences, however unintended, of social welfare policy: in the case of the poor, the role of government gave "welfare" a bad name. As that welfare policy transfers to individual states, social scientists, whatever their methodologies, have a responsibility to continue informing public understanding about the conditions of entire populations and sub-groups within those populations. They will continue to face the difficulty of how to acknowledge the limits of their knowledge at any moment in time.

The best title for this passage might be ______.

A.The Representatives of Government

B.Social Science and Public Opinion

C.Social Science that Shape Society, Culture, and Politics

D.Social-scientific Understanding and Political Liberalism



The psychologist Edwin G. Boring preferred "current of belief" as the English expression for the German word Zeitgeist, used by Goethe in 1827 to describe what comes together in the minds of many "neither by agreement nor by self-determined under the multiplicity of climates of opinion." That current runs above the multiple conversations conducted about how to interpret the past, how to assess the present, and how to predict and prepare for the future. For more than a century, social science has participated in all of these conversations, informing the climates of opinion that shape society, culture, and politics.

Writing on the relationship between public opinion and 'representative government, the historian Lewis Namier asked, "Where is it to be found? And how is it to be ascertained? How many people hold clear articulate views even about the most important national concerns? And if their views are original and well-grounded, what chance is there of their being representative?" Social-scientific method has improved our numerical understanding of "public opinion," but it is the unique responsibility of social scientists to inform. that opinion, whether it is representative or not. Namier understood that public opinion, the currents of belief, the Zeitgeist were capable of humbling the powerful: "There is such a thing as a logic of ideas, and ideas, when looked at from a distance, seem to have an independent life and existence of their own; their 'logic' is the outcome of the slow, hardly conscious thinking of the masses, very primitive, simplified in the process of accumulation, and in its mass advance deprived of all individual features, like the pebbles in a river-bed. And there is such a thing as a mental atmosphere, which at times becomes so all-pervading that hardly anyone can withdraw himself from its influence."

For example, political assumptions about the role of government, however different they may be, have a familiar ideological stability about them, even as numerous struggles persist over government's function in maintaining public order and in rectifying injustice. Political liberalism, expressed as a defense of the welfare state, gave welfare policy a popularly good name for more than a half century. Social security, medicare, and mortgage deductions have all contributed to maintaining a middle class according to liberal principles of social welfare. Libertarian sentimentalists may balk at( 回避,畏缩不前)the negative externalities created by such long-term, good intentions as keeping the elderly out of poverty, if not out of nursing homes, but it seems unlikely in the short term, at least, that any substantial social, religious, or political movement of self-respect will emerge among the classes presently benefiting the most from the largesse (赏赐物) they are responsible for creating.

Social-scientific understanding is distinct from political conviction, but the two have a long relationship that seems likely to continue, regardless of ideological cross-currents. Such crosscurrents of confidence, as it were, have in recent decades defined the battles over the legacy of the most tragic consequences, however unintended, of social welfare policy: in the case of the poor, the role of government gave "welfare" a bad name. As that welfare policy transfers to individual states, social scientists, whatever their methodologies, have a responsibility to continue informing public understanding about the conditions of entire populations and sub-groups within those populations. They will continue to face the difficulty of how to acknowledge the limits of their knowledge at any moment in time.

The best title for this passage might be ______.

A.The Representatives of Government

B.Social Science and Public Opinion

C.Social Science that Shape Society, Culture, and Politics

D.Social-scientific understanding and Political Liberalism



It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that

A.people regard television as a plague.

B.people prefer television to the Internet.

C.the quality of television programs is improving.

D.people blame the Internet for some social problems.



According to the passage, preferred stockholders are guaranteed ______.

A.a voting rate per share

B.a promise to buy back the stocks made by the company

C.a withdrawal of investment principal in time of liquidation

D.a fixed dividend receipt



The psychologist Edwin G. Boring preferred "curren...

The psychologist Edwin G. Boring preferred "current of belief" as the English expression for the German word Zeitgeist, used by Goethe in 1827 to describe what comes together in the minds of many "neither by agreement nor by self-determined under the multiplicity of climates of opinion." That current runs above the multiple conversations conducted about how to interpret the past, how to assess the present, and how to predict and prepare for the future. For more than a century, social science has participated in all of these conversations, informing the climates of opinion that shape society, culture, and politics.

Writing on the relationship between public opinion and 'representative government, the historian Lewis Namier asked, "Where is it to be found? And how is it to be ascertained? How many people hold clear articulate views even about the most important national concerns? And if their views are original and well-grounded, what chance is there of their being representative?" Social-scientific method has improved our numerical understanding of "public opinion," but it is the unique responsibility of social scientists to inform. that opinion, whether it is representative or not. Namier understood that public opinion, the currents of belief, the Zeitgeist were capable of humbling the powerful: "There is such a thing as a logic of ideas, and ideas, when looked at from a distance, seem to have an independent life and existence of their own; their 'logic' is the outcome of the slow, hardly conscious thinking of the masses, very primitive, simplified in the process of accumulation, and in its mass advance deprived of all individual features, like the pebbles in a river-bed. And there is such a thing as a mental atmosphere, which at times becomes so all-pervading that hardly anyone can withdraw himself from its influence."

For example, political assumptions about the role of government, however different they may be, have a familiar ideological stability about them, even as numerous struggles persist over government's function in maintaining public order and in rectifying injustice. Political liberalism, expressed as a defense of the welfare state, gave welfare policy a popularly good name for more than a half century. Social security, medicare, and mortgage deductions have all contributed to maintaining a middle class according to liberal principles of social welfare. Libertarian sentimentalists may balk at(回避,畏缩不前)the negative externalities created by such long-term, good intentions as keeping the elderly out of poverty, if not out of nursing homes, but it seems unlikely in the short term, at least, that any substantial social, religious, or political movement of self-respect will emerge among the classes presently benefiting the most from the largesse (赏赐物) they are responsible for creating.

Social-scientific understanding is distinct from political conviction, but the two have a long relationship that seems likely to continue, regardless of ideological cross-currents. Such crosscurrents of confidence, as it were, have in recent decades defined the battles over the legacy of the most tragic consequences, however unintended, of social welfare policy: in the case of the poor, the role of government gave "welfare" a bad name. As that welfare policy transfers to individual states, social scientists, whatever their methodologies, have a responsibility to continue informing public understanding about the conditions of entire populations and sub-groups within those populations. They will continue to face the difficulty of how to acknowledge the limits of their knowledge at any moment in time.

The best title for this passage might be ______.

A.The Representatives of Government

B.Social Science and Public Opinion

C.Social Science that Shape Society, Culture, and Politics

D.Social-scientific understanding and Political Liberalism



Read the article below about Common Stock and Preferred Stock and the questions. For each question 13-— 18, mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet.

Common Stock and Preferred Stock

A public corporation issues certificates of ownership, called common stock, which may be traded on stock exchanges. Anyone can buy and sell shares of common stock. Owners of stock are referred to as shareholders and stockholders. Common stockholders are accorded certain rights by the corporate charter. In the United States, these rights vary from state to state, but in general the articles of incorporation spell out voting rights and rights to receive profits.

Common stockholders are the voting owners of a corporation. They are usually entitled to one vote per share. They may vote on numerous affecting the corporation (including a decision to sell or merge with anther corporation)and elect a board of directors, who, in turn , hire managers to run the business. A majority shareholder is one who owns over 50 percent of the outstanding shares in a corporation and, thus, can call the shots. All other shareholders are minority shareholders. In large corporations no single person or organization owns anywhere near a majority interest. In large, publicly owned corporations a shareholder with as little as 10 percent of the shares may control the corporation effectively. If things go badly, a coalition of so called dissident shareholders may gather enough votes to replace the existing board of directors; the new board may fire the existing management and bring in their own management team.

Although common stock represents ownership in a company, it does not guarantee the owners a specified rate of return. As owners, the stockholders receive profits after all expenses, including debts and taxes, have been paid. They receive profits from the business in the form. of dividend payments, which represent a percentage of profits. Not all after-tax profits are paid to the stockholders in dividends. Directors usually decide quarterly how much, if any, if the profits they wish to distributed to the owners. The profits are either distributed to the owners in dividends or they are reinvested bank into the company in the form. of retained earnings. If the company decides to keep the profits, the company may become more valuable and the price of the stock usually goes up. Some investors prefer profits in the way of dividends while others speculate for an increase in the price of stock. If a company goes broke, common stockholders get last claim on whatever is left over.

Corporations may also issue preferred stock to investors. Preferred stock usually has no vote in the election of the board of directors, but does get preference in the distribution of the company's earnings. It offers investors a different type of security and may be issued only after common stock had been issued. The term" preferred" applies to two conditions. First, preferred stockholders gain preferential treatment in the matter of dividends; That is, they receive a fixed rete of dividends prior to the payment of dividends on common shares. Second, if the company goes out of business or liquidates, preferred stockholders are closer to the front of the line than common stockholders when distributing the company's assets.

Dividends to preferred stock may be cumulative or noncumulative. Cumulative preferred stock maintained its claim to dividends even if the company had a bad year in 1994, they might decide not to pay dividends. But if they had a good year in 1995, and declared stock dividends do not accumulate. If dividends are not declared, noncumulative owners lose their claim to the profit of that period.

All in all, common stock usually has more control through voting privileges, greater chance for high returns, and more risk, while preferr

A.the returns to common stockholders

B.the majority and minority stockholders

C.the voting rights of common stockholders

D.the formation of common stock



The Greenhouse Effect

Earth's climate has been changing constantly over its 5-billion-year history.

Sometimes, the climate has warmed so that the oceans have risen and covered much of the Earth. Each of the changes may seem extreme, but they usually occurred slowly over many thousands of years.

Ancient Climate History

The first people arrived in America between 151 000 and 30, 000 years ago. During that time, much of North America was covered by great ice sheets. Some 14, 000 years ago, the last ice sheet began to melt very quickly. By 7, 000 years ago, the ice was gone.

This end to the ice ages caused big changes on the Earth. The changes caused many kinds of plants and animals to die. For example, mastodon-elephant-like animal-and other large mammals that preferred cold climates may not have been able to live in the warmer, drier conditions.

The Little Ice Age

Starting in the 14th century, Europeans lived through what is known as the "Little Ice Age." The Little Ice Age lasted for several hundred years. During the Little Ice Age, the advance of glaciers along with hard winters and famines caused some people to starve and others to leave their homes.

Recent Climate History

The Earth has warmed about 1°F in the last 100 years. And the four warmest years of the 20th century all happened in the 1990s. Periods of increased heat from the sun may have helped make the Earth warmer. But many of the world's leading climatologists think that the greenhouse gases people produce are making the Earth warmer, too.

Scientists think the sea has risen partly because of melting glaciers and sea ice. When some glaciers melt, they release water into the sea and make it higher than it was before. Scientists also think that warmer temperatures in the sea make it rise even more. Heat makes water expand. When the ocean expands, it takes up more space.

What Might Happen?

Scientists are not fortune-tellers. They don't know exactly what will happen in the future. But they can use special computer programs to find out how the climate may change in the years ahead. And the computer programs tell us that the Earth may continue to get warmer.

Together, the melting glaciers, rising seas, and computer models provide some good clues. They tell us that the Earth's temperature will probably continue to rise as long as we continue increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Scientists have to think like detectives. They look for clues to help them understand how the world works. Then they investigate the clues to find evidence -- real facts that can give them a better idea of what is going on. Here are some of the ways that scientists gather evidence about climate, both past and present:

Weather Stations

Weather stations help us find out the temperature on the surface of the Earth. Weather stations use special thermometers that tell us the temperature. They can be set up almost anywhere on land. Weather stations also can tell us how fast the wind is moving and how much rain falls on the ground during a storm.

Weather Balloons

Almost everyone likes balloons -- including scientists! Weather balloons are released to float high up into the atmosphere. They carry special instruments that send all kinds of information about the weather back to people on the ground.

Ocean Buoys

A buoy is an object that floats on water, and is often used to warn boats away from dangerous places in the ocean or on a river. But some buoys have special instruments on them. These buoys can tell us the temperature and other things about the conditions of the atmosphere.

Weather Satellites

Humans send satellites into space to travel around the Earth. The satellites send back information to scientists on the ground. Some of the information they gi






?Read the article below about Common Stock and Preferred Stock and the questions.

?For each question 13~18,mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet.

Common Stock and Preferred Stock

A public corporation issues certificates of ownership, called common stock, which may be traded on stock ex changes. Anyone can buy and sell shares of common stock. Owners of stock are referred to as shareholders and stockholders. Common stockholders are accorded certain rights by the corporate charter. In the United States, these rights vary from state to state, but in general the articles of incorporation spell out voting rights and rights to receive profits.

Common stockholders are the voting owners of a Corporation. They are usually entitled to one vote per share. They may vote on numerous affecting the corporation (including a decision to sell or merge with anther corporation) and elect a board of directors, who, in turn, hire managers to run the business. A majority shareholder is one who owns over 50 percent of the outstanding shares in a corporation and, thus, can call the shots. All other shareholders are minority shareholders. In large corporations no single person or organization owns anywhere near a majority interest. In large, publicly owned corporations a shareholder with as little as 10 percent of the shares may control the corporation effectively. If things go badly, a coalition of so called dissident shareholders may gather enough votes to replace the existing board of directors; the new board may fire the existing management and bring in their own management team.

Although common stock represents ownership in a company, it does not guarantee the owners a specified rate of return. As owners, the stockholders receive profits after all expenses, including debts and taxes, have been paid. They receive profits from the business in the form. of dividend payments, which represent a percentage of profits. Not all after-tax profits are paid to the stockholders in dividends. Directors usually decide quarterly how much, if any, if the profits they wish to distributed to the owners. The profits are either distributed to the owners in dividends or they are reinvested bank into the company in the form. of retained earnings. If the company decides to keep the profits, the company may become more valuable and the price of the stock usually goes up. Some investors prefer profits in the way of dividends while others speculate for an increase in the price of stock. If a company goes broke, common stockholders get last claim on whatever is left over.

Corporations may also issue preferred stock to investors. Preferred stock usually has no vote in the election of the board of directors, but does get preference in the distribution of the company's earnings. It offers investors a different type of security and may be issued only after common stock had been issued. The term "preferred" applies to two conditions. First, preferred stockholders gain preferential treatment in the matter of dividends) That is, they receive a fixed fete of dividends prior to the payment of dividends on common shares. Second, if the company goes out of business or liquidates, preferred stockholders are closer to the front of the line than common stockholders when distributing the company's assets.

Dividends to preferred stock may be cumulative or noncumulative. Cumulative preferred stock maintained its claim to dividends even if the company had a bad year in 1994, they might decide not to pay dividends. But if they had a good year in 1995, and declared stock dividends do not accumulate, If dividends are not declared, noncumulative owners lose their claim to the profit of that period.

All in all, common stock usually has more control through voting privileges, greater chance for high ret

A.the returns to common stockholders

B.the majority and minority stockholders

C.the voting rights of common stockholders

D.the formation of common stock


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