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How to take the order in First Class?

A、Here you are.

B、Which one would you like?

C、Enjoy the meal.

D、Which one do you prefer?

更多“How to take the order in First Class?”相关的问题


回答{TSE}题: Going Her Own Way When she was twelve, Maria made her first important decision aboutthe course of her life. She decided that she wanted to continue her education,Most girls from middle-class families chose to stay home after primary school,though some attended private Catholic "finishing" schools. There theylearned a little about music, art, needlework, and how to make politeconversation. This was not the sort of education that interested Maria ——or hermother. By this time,she had begun to take her studies more seriously. She readconstantly and brought her books everywhere. One time she even brought her mathbook to the theater and tried to study in the dark. Maria knew that she wanted to go on learning in a serious way. Thatmeant attending the public high school, something that very few girls diD.InItaly at the time, there were two types of high schools: the"classical" schools and the "technical" scbools. In theclassical schools, the students followed a very traditional program ofstudies,with courses in Latin and Greek language and literature, and Italianliterature and history. The few girls who continued studying after primaryschool usually chose these schools. Maria,however,wanted to attend a technical school. The technicalschools were more modem than the classical schools and they offered courses inmodern languages, mathematics, science, and accounting. Most people includingMaria's father believed that girlswould never be able to understand these subjects. Furthermore,they did notthink it was proper for girls to study them. Maria did not care if it was proper or not. Math and sciencewere the subjects that interested her most. But before she could sign up forthe technical school, she had to win her father's approval. She finallydid,with her moher's help,though for many years after,there was tension in thefamily. Maria's father continued to oppose her plans, while her mother helpedher. In 1883 ,at age thirteen, Maria entered the "Regia ScuolaTecnica Michelangelo Buonarroti" in Rome. Her experience at this school isdifficult for us to imagine. Though the courses included modern subjects,theteaching methods were very traditional, Learning consisted of memorizing longlists of facts and repeating them back to the teacher. Students were notsupposed to ask questions or think for themselves in any way. Teachers werevery demanding,discipline in the classroom was strict ,and punishment wassevere for those who failed to achieve or were disobedient. {TS}Maria wanted to attend__________

A. private "finishing" school

B. school with Latin and Greek

C. technical high school

D. school for art and music



回答{TSE}题: Going Her Own Way When she was twelve, Maria made her first important decision about the course of her life. She decided that she wanted to continue her education. Most girls from middle-class families chose to stay home after primary school, though some attended private Catholic "'finishing" schools. There they learned a little about music, art, needlework, and how to make polite conversation. This was not the sort of education that interested Maria- or her mother. By this time, she had begun to take her studies more seriously. She read constantly and brought her books everywhere. One time she even brought her math book to the theater and tried to study in the dark. Maria knew that she wanted to go on learning in a serious way. That meant attending the public high school, something that very few girls did. In Italy at the time, there were two types of high schools: the "classical" schools and the "technical" schools. In the classical schools, the students followed a very traditional program of studies, with courses in Latin and Greek language and literature,and Italian literature and history. The few girls who continued studying after primary school usually chose these schools. Maria, however, wanted to attend a technical school. The technical schools were more modern than the classical schools and they offered courses in modern languages, mathematics, science, and accounting. Most people-including Maria's father-believed that girls would never be able to understand these subjects. Furthermore, they did not think it was proper for girls to study them. Maria did not care if it was proper or not. Math and science were the subjects that interested her most. But before she could sign up for the technical school, she had to win her father's approval. She finally did, with her mother's help, though for many years after, there was tension in the family.Maria's father continued to oppose her plans, while her mother helped her. In 1883, at age thirteen, Maria entered the "Regia Scuola Tecnica Michelangelo Buonarroti" in Rome. Her experience at this school is difficult for us to imagine. Though the courses included modern subjects, the teaching methods were very traditional. Learning consisted of memorizing long lists of facts and repeating them back to the teacher. Students were not supposed to ask questions or think for themselves in any way. Teachers were very demanding, discipline in the classroom was strict, and punishment was severe for those who failed to achieve or were disobedient. {TS}Maria wanted to attend a

A. private "finishing" school

B. school with Latin and Greek

C. technical high school

D. school for art and music



听力原文:W: What are you doing?

M: I’m ordering some filing cabinets out of a catalog.

W: What do you need them for?

M: There’s so much stuff piling up in my dormitory room. If I don’t do something soon, I won’t be able to move in there.

W: Do you usually order from a catalog?

M: Sometimes. Why?

W: Oh, it’s just in the history class today we were talking about how the catalog sales business first got started in the US. A Chicago retailer, Montgomery Ward started it in the late 1800s. It was really popular among farmers. It was difficult for them to make it to the big city stores so they ordered from catalogs.

M: Was Ward the only one in the business?

W: At first, but another person named Richard Sears started his own catalog after he heard how much money Ward was making.

M: What made them so popular?

W: Farmers trusted Ward and Sears for one thing. They delivered the products the farmers paid for and even refunded the price of things the farmers weren’t satisfied with. The catalog became so popular that in some counties school teachers even used them as textbooks.

M: Textbooks?

W: Yeah, students practice spelling the names and adding up the prices of things in the catalogs.

M: Was everybody that thrilled about it?

W: That’s doubtful. Say they drove some small store owners out of business. Sears and Ward sold stuff in such large quantities. They were able to undercut the prices at some small family owned stores.


A.The relationship between farmers, Ward and Sears.

B.The development of the catalog sales business.

C.The relationship between the catalog and textbooks.

D.The story of Chicago retailer.



听力原文:W: What are you doing?

M: (20) I'm ordering some filing cabinet out of a catalog.

W: What do you need them for?

M: There's so much stuff piling up in my dormitory room. If I don't do something soon, I won't be able to move in there.

W: Do you usually order from a catalog?

M: Sometimes. Why?

W: (19) Oh, it's just in the history class today we were talking about how the catalog sales business first got started in the U. S. A Chicago retailer, Montgomery Ward started it in the late 1800s. (21) It was really popular among farmers. It was difficult for them to make it to the big city stores so they ordered from catalogs.

M: Was Ward the only one in the business?

W: At first, but another person named Richard Sears started his own catalog after he heard how much money Ward was making.

M: What made them so popular?

W: Farmers trusted Ward and Sears for one thing. They delivered the products the farmers paid for and even refunded the price of things the farmers weren't satisfied with. (22) The catalog became so popular in some countries that school teachers even used them as textbooks.

M: Textbooks?

W: (22) Yes. Students practice spelling the names and adding up the prices of things in the catalogs.

M: Was everybody that thrilled about it?

W: That's doubtful. Say they drove some small store owners out of business. Sears and Ward sold stuff in such large quantities. They were able to undercut the prices at some small family owned stores.

19. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

20.What does the man need the catalog for?

21.What can we learn about the catalogue business from the conversation?

22.Why did some schools use catalogs?


A.How to place orders.

B.The woman's history class.

C.The history of American catalog business.

D.The relationship between farmers and Ward.



Why does the man go to see his professor?

A.To take a makeup test for a class that he missed

B.To explain why he has been absent from class

C.To turn in an extra credit project to the professor

D.To ask the professor how to bring up his grade



听力原文:M: Can you tell me about the university shuttle bus system? This is such a large campus, and I have classes all over it. I need to take the shuttle bus from one class to another, or I will never make it on time.

W: What do you need to know? I think it's a really great system.

M: First of all, where does it go?

W: The university shuttle bus goes all over campus. It does not leave the campus; if you want to travel off-campus, you'll need to take the city bus. But the university shuttle bus will get you from one class to the next, very efficiently.

M: And how much does it cost?

W: It's free, can you believe it? So you don't have to pay a cent to get all around the university campus.

M: That's really great. And how do I catch the shuttle bus?

W: Just look for one of the bright yellow shuttle bus signs, and go stand next to it. You can see the shuttle bus signs all over campus. A shuttle bus will come along approximately every five minutes, so you shouldn't have to wait long.

M: That all sounds good. Thanks for your help.

W: No problem.

What are the man and woman discussing?

A.The size of the campus.

B.The city bus system.

C.The school bus system.

D.The differences between two bus systems.



听力原文:M: Can you tell me about the university shuttle bus system? This is such a large campus, and I have classes all over campus. I need to take the shuttle bus from one class to another, or I'll never make it on time.

W: What do you need to know? I think it's a really ~eat system.

M: First of all, where does it go?

W: The university shuttle bus system goes all over campus. It doesn't leave the campus; if you want to travel off-campus, you'll need to take the city bus system. But the university shuttle bus system will get you from one class to the next very efficiently.

M: And how much does it cost?

W: I'ts free, can you believe it? So you don't have to pay a cent to get all around the university campus.

M: That's really great. And how do I catch the shuttle bus?

W: Just look for one of the bright yellow shuttle bus signs, and go sand next to it. You can see the yellow shuffle bus signs all over campus. A shuttle bus will come along approximately every five minutes, so you shouldn't have to wait long.

M: That sounds good. Thanks for your help.

W: No problem.


A.The size of the campus.

B.The city bus system.

C.The length of time for each class.

D.The university bus system.


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