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What grammatical structures are used frequently to organize a long sentence?


B、Absolute construction


D、Infinitive phrase

更多“What grammatical structures are used frequently to organize a long sentence?”相关的问题


Part A

You are going to organize an academic exchange conference On 6-7 January 2005 in Vancouver, Canada. Please write a letter in the name of the Chairman of Organizing Committee of the Conference to invite Professor Qian to attend the conference. In your letter, you need to

1. provide the background information

2. introduce the proposed programs

3. tell him/her what you need him/her to do



听力原文:W: Hi, Larry, are you waiting to see Prof. Jameson, too?

M: Yeah, since I got one of the five highest grades in her managerial economics class, she asked me if I'd be interested in working as her assistant next semester. I'm here now for my interview.

W: Oh, yes, I know all about that job. I did it two years ago.

M: Really? Did you like it?

W: I think it was the best job I've ever had at school. It paid eight dollars an hour, which was three dollars more than I got working at the school post office the year before.

M: Well, that is a good salary. What did you do?

W: I was in charge of grading the problems sets that were assigned as homework. I never had trouble doing it, and of course Prof. Jameson was always available to help me if I had any questions.

M: I think I'd enjoy doing that sort of work. It would be very good experience for anyone thinking about becoming a teacher.

W: Absolutely, you also learn how to use the computer database, because the records are kept on it, and building up your computer skills is a good preparation for lots of jobs.

M: It sounds great, but I'm a little worried about how much time it might take?

W: It's pretty reasonable. It never took me more than five hours a week to do the grading and then another thirty to forty minutes to record the grades on the computer.

M: That sounds manageable. I guess you can do the work when it fits into your own schedule, too, can't you?

W: Yeah, you can do the grading in your room or in the library. You just need to get each set back for the next class, but that means you always have at least two days free and sometimes four.

M: It sounds great.

W: Good luck with your interview.


A.She is Prof. Jameson's daughter.

B.She works part-time as Prof. Jameson's secretary.

C.She used to do the job herself.

D.She just came out of an interview for the job.



听力原文: Now I'd like to organize my speech around your questions. I can see that some of you have questions on your mind, so please go ahead and ask them. You may ask, is all this concern about sexism in language really important? I mean, are there more serious issues facing women today?

You know, I understand what you are thinking. And of course, there are many serious issues facing women. I mean, there are so many that I could mention, the AIDS crisis, workplace and equality, the way the mass medial treats women, that is, the way they stereotype women and so on. But I'd like to point out that in addition to these issues, the language question is also on the minds of international organizations, such as the United Nations, who try very hard to avoid sexism in their publications. You see, the issue isn't just the words themselves, but the ideas behind the words.

Have you ever thought about the roles that boys and girls play in children's literature? It often seems that the boys are the ones having all the fun, having adventures and so on, while the girls just stand in the background, smiling sweetly. You see, women tend to be pushed to the background in society. By focusing on the language we use about women, we may be able to change their expectations. Here is a question about the relationship between the way we think and the way we talk. For example, if we say "chair" instead of "chairman", do you really think we'll start imagining more women in powerful positions? Again that's a very interesting question. And yes, it's true that we don't completely understand the relationship between language and thought. So does what we say affect what we think? The answer is probably yes. I for one would say that if we speak about people in certain ways, that definitely has an influence on the way we think about them. Imagining a little girl who grows up hearing "chairman" "chairman" "chairman", what is she going to think of when she hears this word? A man, of course. But we must give young people the idea that women can also enter the professional world and be successful. One of my students once asked: does this controversy about how we use language exist in other languages, too? My answer is yes. It's definitely receiving more and more attention worldwide. But remember that the feminist movement, which is so active in the United States, has been a major force behind the move to avoid sexist language. It's a complicated issue, however, because the issues of gender in language change from one language to the next. For example, nouns don't have a gender in English, but there are two genders for nouns in Spanish, masculine and feminine, and German has three gender groups. Some nouns are masculine, others are feminine. And there's a third category which isn't masculine or feminine. SO each language has its own gender issues. We'll want to take a look at some newspapers and magazines to see how they avoid sexism in English. Well, we'll have to leave it there for today. Thank you.


16.What is mainly discussed in this speech?

17.What is the speaker's view of the relationship between language and thought?

18.According to the speaker, what is the major force supporting the effort to avoid sexist language?

19.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the issues of gender in language?

20.What is the speaker most probably going to talk about next?


A.Workplace inequality.

B.Sexism in language.

C.The AIDS crisis.

D.The way the mass media treats women.



听力原文:W: Hi, Jim. What are you doing?

M: Oh. Hi, Linda. I'm working on a report on energy sources for my environmental science class. But I'm having trouble finding enough information.

W: You know, we were talking about sources of fuel in my class today.

M: Yeah'?

W: Prof. Collins. He's an authority on energy sources. He was telling us about a new way of getting fuel oil from coal.

M: I didn't know that was possible.

W: He said something about coal being set on fire and blasted with a mixture of steam and oxygen. This process produces a gas made up of hydrogen and carbon, the.., hum, the basic elements of oil.

M: And then they do something to change that gas to oil?

W: Right. First, since coal contains fewer hydrogen atoms than oil, they have to add some extra hydrogen to the gas. Then impurities are washed out with methanol, I think, before this gas is sent on to reactors where it's changed into oil.

M: Since coal is so plentiful I guess it won't be long till this new type of oil will be available all over the place, ah?

W: I doubt it. Prof. Collins said something about the process not be economically enough to use in this country. At any rate, you really ought to talk to him. He'll be able to help you more than I can and he's got office hours all afternoon today.

M: Thanks. He's over in Anderson Hall, right?

W: Right.

How did the woman learn about the process she describes?

A.She was doing research for a paper on it.

B.She read a newspaper article about it.

C.She was told about it by her roommate.

D.She heard about it in class.



What does the Matching Gifts Program do?

A.Match a person in need with a person who can donate money.

B.Help you match the right gift to the interests of the receiver.

C.Create a computer program to organize all gift-giving activities.

D.Provide dollar-for-dollar matches to donations.



听力原文:W: Robert, you play the guitar, don't you?

M: I used to. But I haven't played quite some time. I don't really have time these days with all my studies. Why do you ask?

W: I'm trying to organize a group to play at some parties on weekends. We still need a guitar player.

M: Well, I don't know. But your idea sounds fun to me.

W: Oh, it will be. I'm more or less in charge of things, so if you want to give it a try, you're in. It's as easy as that. Besides, it's a great chance to get out and meet people.

M: But I haven't practiced for a long time. I don't know if I remember any songs I used to play.

W: Don't worry about that. I just thought I'd ask you to try and join us sometime when we were practicing. We'll be practicing for a few months before we give performances.

M: OK, I'll have a try.

W: I'm sure you can do it. And it will be fun, too.

What do you think Robert is?

A.A dancer.

B.A singer.

C.A student.


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