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In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

A、I have no doubts about his competence, but I doubt his motivations.

B、I have no doubts about his competence or about him at all.

C、I don’t think he’s very competent.


更多“In this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. Please listen carefully and decide wh…”相关的问题



Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Jenny: I'm longing to hear about this tour, Victoria. You must be terribly excited.

Victoria: Oh, I am. I...I've never been to America before, so I'm really looking forward to it. I thought of going fly-drive.

Jenny: Fly-drive?

Victoria: Yes. You know, you...you can arrange for a car to be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive. You book everything this end including the plane tickets.

Jenny: Sounds simple enough. Are you going to, then?

Victoria: Well, I'm a bit worried about driving on the other side of the road and having to, so I decided it would be better to go on a more organized holiday.

Jenny: What do you mean by "organized"?

Victoria: Well, everything is arranged by a tour operator, a more organized trip. You know, you are taken around and shown where to go and what to do. I would probably miss half of the sight otherwise.

Jenny: Mm, where are you going anyway?

Victoria: Orlando. It's in central Florida.

Jenny: Sounds OK. Are you going on your own?

Victoria: Yes, I don't mind that. There will be other people on the tour. I'm sure to make friends. You know, I like meeting new people. Here, let me show you the brochure.

Jenny: It looks pretty packed. Do you really have time to do all these things?

Victoria: Oh, yes. It's all planned. Let's see. Day one, we arrive in Orlando. And after we've settled in our hotel, we have the afternoon free. I guess we could have a look around and do what we like.

Then, day two, we go to Disney World.

Jenny: You mean Mickey Mouse and all that?

Victoria: Yes, it's a kind of gigantic funfair with all the Disney characters and there is also the Epcot Centre, uh, a sort of city of the future with all the latest developments. I've always wanted to go there, anything I saw on television. And then, day three, we go to sea world.

Jenny: Whatever is that?

Victoria: Well, there have aquatic displays and performing dolphins and even a whale.

Jenny: Oh, that's quite unusual. Let's see what you do on day four. Oh, it seems to be free.

Victoria: Yes, that's right. And then on the next day we go to the Kennedy Space Centre. That should be interesting.

Jenny: I wonder how much they let you see. That's where NASA is, isn't it?

Victoria: Well, you shouldn't think you'd be able to see the latest spacecraft, but you might be allowed to glimpse some Mission Control, and perhaps how they receive message from satellite. Anyway, I bet you'll know a lot more about the space than you ever knew before.

Jenny: Mm, I quite envy you going there. Somehow, I find it quite hard to believe that people will one day live out in the space.

Victoria: Oh, I don't. I'll give it a try if I have the chance. Now, what's next? Oh, yes, day six. Circus world.

Jenny: Circus world. That sounds fun. I love going to the circus.

Victoria: So do I. It states here, circus world, see, take parts, enjoy. I wonder what "take parts" involves.

Jenny: You'll soon find out.

Victoria: And day seven, we come home. Just as well, I'll be broke by then.

Jenny: I suppose you've been saving up for ages for this holiday.

Victoria: Well, I did think of putting in some extra hours at work, but the money wasn't really worth it after tax, and it would have meant I didn't get home until late. Dad offered to lend me some money but I know he really needs it himself. In the end, I went to see my bank manager. He was terribly nice, so here I am, all booked up and ready to go.

Victoria has eventually decided to go on a______

A.fly-drive holiday


C.two-city holiday

D.conducted tour




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文: (J = Jenny; V = Victoria)

J: I'm longing to hear about this tour, Victoria. You must be terribly excited.

V: Oh, I am. I ... I've never been to America before, Jenny, so I'm really looking forward to it. I thought of going fly-drive.

J: Fly-drive?

V: Yes. You know, you ... you can arrange for a car to be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive. You book everything this end including the plane tickets.

J: Sounds simple enough. Are you going to, then?

V: Well, I'm bit worried about driving on the other side of the road and having to, so I decided it would be better to go on a more organized holiday.

J. What do you mean by "organized"?

V.. Well, everything is arranged by a tour operator, a more organized trip.

J. What do you mean by "organized"?

V.. Well, everything is arranged by a tour operator. You know, you are taken around and shown where to go and what to do. I would probably miss half the sight otherwise.

J: Mm, where are you going anyway?

V: Orlando. It's in central Florida.

J: Sounds OK. Are you going on your own?

V: Yes, I don't mind that. There will be other people on the tour. I'm sure to make friends. You know, I like meeting new people. Here, let me show you the brochure.

J: It looks pretty packed. Do you really have time to do all these things?

V: Oh, yes. It's all planned. Let's see. Day one, we arrive in Orlando. And after we've settled in our hotel, we have the afternoon free. ! guess we could have a look around and do what we like. Then, day two, we go to Disney World.

J: You mean Mickey Mouse and all that?

V: Yes, it's a kind of gigantic funfair with all the Disney characters and there is also the Epcot Centre, uh, a sort of city of the future with all the latest developments. I've always wanted to go there, anything I saw on television. And then, day three, we go seaworld.

J: Whatever is that?

V: Well, there are aquatic displays and performing dolphins and even a whale.

J: Oh, that's quite unusual. Let's see what you do on day four. Oh, it seems to be free.

V: Yes, that's right. And then on the next day we go to the Kennedy Space Centre. That should be interesting.

J: I wonder how much they let you see. That's where NASA is, isn't it?

V: Well, I shouldn't think you'd be able to see the latest spacecr0ft, but you might be allowed to glimpse some Mission Control, and perhaps how they receive message from satellite. Anyway I bet you'll know a lot more about space than you even know before.

J: Mm, I quite envy you going there. Somehow, I find it quite hard to believe that people will one day live out in space.

V: Oh, I don't. I'll give it a try if I have the chance. Now, what next? Oh, yes, day six. Circus World.

J: Circus World. That sounds fun. I love going to the circus.

V: So do I. It states here, Circus World, see, take parts, enjoy. I wonder what "take parts" involves?

J: You'll soon find out.

V: And day seven, we come home. Just as well, I'll be broke by then.

J: I suppose you've been saving up for ages for this holiday.

V: Well, I did think of putting in some extra hours at work, but the money wasn't really worth it after tax, and it would have meant I didn't get home until late. Dad offered to lend me some money but I know he really needs it himself. In the end, I went to see my bank manager. He was terribly nice, so here I am, all booked up and ready to go.

Victoria has ev

A.fly-drive holiday.


C.two-city holiday.

D.conducted tour.




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Woman: Some people are very cynical about uh... television as a medium. I've heard it said that it's... it's not entertainment--it's uh...simply a commercial enterprise...

Man: It has a tendency to make you feel that way, and I think that uh...more and more all the time, uh... the producers are being made aware of this...

Woman: Uh-huh...

Man: That.., that's why broadcast stations are granted a license--is to educate as well as entertain. And in many cases, they lose sight of this fact, and they strictly entertain. And they don't con sider the masses, They consider what they like rather than what the masses like. So, who's go ing to say what's a fair rating system?

Woman: Uh-huh.

Man: I wish somebody could create one that the people could control, rather than the few--because then it would be an indication of what the people really want.

Woman: You would think that they have uh... People complain about uh... violence.., on... on television...

Man: No, I don't go for the violent stuff too much. I think that's one of the reasons I like to work cartoons--is they're a less violent medium. And uh...it...it gives an actor an opportunity to ex press himself in a way that you can't do on live action in front of the camera.

Woman: Uh-huh...

Man: Because you can do voices, and you can do interpretations--wild characters that you could never do otherwise, because nobody would ever cast you for that sort of thing. Especially, they cast you for the way you look on camera...

Woman: Right...

Man: They cast you for the way you sound on cartoons...!

Woman: You've done a lot of uh...a lot of cartoons?

Man: Oh, yeah. I've done...

Woman: Through the years, and uh... you say, some Disney uh... feature films...

Man: Yeah. The uh... well, the first one I ever did uh... was uh... Lady and the Tramp--with Disneys. And then uh... Hundred and One Dalmatians and uh. . . Mary Poppins . . .

Woman: Those are feature...

Man: ... wide varieties of characters...

Woman: ...feature films, aren't they?

Man: That's right. And...

Woman: A lot of the cartoons are animal characters...

Man: Oh, yeah. They are almost all animal character. But now in ... in... uh... Lady and the Tramp, for instance, I did both animal--animated characters, uh... and uh... those that were being live-action humans--I would do their voices too.

Woman: Uh-huh...

Man: And then there's another phase of the cartooning business a lot of people don't realize--that when Walt Disney uh... gets much lifelike qualities into his cartoon characters, it's because of...

Woman: What...

Man: ...of taking...

Woman: What do you mean by "lifelike"...

Man: Well, lifelike, I mean the action...

Woman: ...speaking and the...

Man: The action is so lifelike, I mean, little...little uh... movements--tiny movements in the fingers and the anus, in the torso, in the running...

Woman: Uh-huh

Man: ... the expression on their faces. They, in many times, are created by an actor being called to uh., .

Man: ... work on the mock set. It's not really a full set, and you have suggestions of the.., of the clothing--the wardrobe...

Woman: Uh-huh.

Man: ... that is to be worn in the actual picture. Then they photograph you on 35 millimeter just exact ly like they would if it were live action... Woman: In other words, you are suggesting that for a lot of the animation, the.., the general way was ac tuaUy to use humans firsto

Man: Well, actually, they...

Woman: The actor was...

Man: ... did not start this rotoscoping concept first, That came later. The way it was normally done

A.entertain and advertise

B.educate and advertise

C.educate and entertain

D.be informative and instructive




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Woman: Some people are very cynical about uh... television as a medium. I've heard it said that it's... it's not entertainment--it's uh...simply a commercial enterprise...

Man: It has a tendency to make you feel that way, and I think that uh...more and more all the time, uh... the producers are being made aware of this...

Woman: Uh-huh...

Man: That.., that's why broadcast stations are granted a license--is to educate as well as entertain. And in many cases, they lose sight of this fact, and they strictly entertain. And they don't con sider the masses, They consider what they like rather than what the masses like. So, who's go ing to say what's a fair rating system?

Woman: Uh-huh.

Man: I wish somebody could create one that the people could control, rather than the few--because then it would be an indication of what the people really want.

Woman: You would think that they have uh... People complain about uh... violence.., on... on television...

Man: No, I don't go for the violent stuff too much. I think that's one of the reasons I like to work cartoons--is they're a less violent medium. And uh...it...it gives an actor an opportunity to ex press himself in a way that you can't do on live action in front of the camera.

Woman: Uh-huh...

Man: Because you can do voices, and you can do interpretations--wild characters that you could never do otherwise, because nobody would ever cast you for that sort of thing. Especially, they cast you for the way you look on camera...

Woman: Right...

Man: They cast you for the way you sound on cartoons...!

Woman: You've done a lot of uh...a lot of cartoons?

Man: Oh, yeah. I've done...

Woman: Through the years, and uh... you say, some Disney uh... feature films...

Man: Yeah. The uh... well, the first one I ever did uh... was uh... Lady and the Tramp--with Disneys. And then uh... Hundred and One Dalmatians and uh. . . Mary Poppins . . .

Woman: Those are feature...

Man: ... wide varieties of characters...

Woman: ...feature films, aren't they?

Man: That's right. And...

Woman: A lot of the cartoons are animal characters...

Man: Oh, yeah. They are almost all animal character. But now in ... in... uh... Lady and the Tramp, for instance, I did both animal--animated characters, uh... and uh... those that were being live-action humans--I would do their voices too.

Woman: Uh-huh...

Man: And then there's another phase of the cartooning business a lot of people don't realize--that when Walt Disney uh... gets much lifelike qualities into his cartoon characters, it's because of...

Woman: What...

Man: ...of taking...

Woman: What do you mean by "lifelike"...

Man: Well, lifelike, I mean the action...

Woman: ...speaking and the...

Man: The action is so lifelike, I mean, little...little uh... movements--tiny movements in the fingers and the anus, in the torso, in the running...

Woman: Uh-huh

Man: ... the expression on their faces. They, in many times, are created by an actor being called to uh., .

Man: ... work on the mock set. It's not really a full set, and you have suggestions of the.., of the clothing--the wardrobe...

Woman: Uh-huh.

Man: ... that is to be worn in the actual picture. Then they photograph you on 35 millimeter just exact ly like they would if it were live action... Woman: In other words, you are suggesting that for a lot of the animation, the.., the general way was ac tuaUy to use humans firsto

Man: Well, actually, they...

Woman: The actor was...

Man: ... did not start this rotoscoping concep

A.entertain and advertise

B.educate and advertise

C.educate and entertain

D.be informative and instructive




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Peter: Hi, Susan.

Susan: Hi, Peter. It's Friday again. Anything particular you want to do at the weekend?

Peter: No, nothing particular in mind. Maybe tonight I'll go to a pub with some friends for the happy hour. You know, drinks are half price at weekends. And I don't have to get up very early tomorrow. Saturday morning, that's the time for washing my ear, doing the laundry and then going out for brunch.

Susan: That's breakfast and lunch combined, right?

Peter: Yes, that's it. You can spend two hours or more over brunch. It's a huge meal. You can have all the breakfast things, as well as all sorts of lunch things, such as salads, chicken, pies, and fruit. It's not expensive. You just pay seven pounds per person. For that you can eat as much as you like. It's a good time for all the family.

Susan: Oh, that sounds good.

Peter: What do you usually do at weekends?

Susan: On Sundays I have a lot of newspapers to read.

Peter: So do I.

Susan: I sit in the garden, over a cup of coffee with a continental breakfast, and read the Sunday newspapers.

Peter: Relax. How about Saturdays?

Susan: Oh, I usually go to a club to play chess with some friends. I love the game very much.

Peter: It's great fun, isn't it?

Susan: Yes, lots of fun. I enjoy playing chess on Saturdays.

Peter: I've never played chess. But I'd like to learn it some day. Is it difficult to learn?

Susan: No, not at all. I can teach you if you like.

(A week later. Now Susan is teaching Peter how to play chess.)

Peter: Could you teach me how to play chess now?

Susan: Yes. It's a board game played by two persons.

Peter: How many pieces does each person have?

Susan: Sixteen pieces. Each player has 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, 1 King, 1 Queen and 8 Pawns. One person uses the light coloured pieces and the other plays with the dark coloured pieces. The colours are always called "White" and "Black", even if they are cream and red. At the beginning of the game, the pieces are set up on the chessboard as shown in the picture.

Peter: Oh, I see.

Susan: There are sixty four squares on the board. The rows of squares across the board are called "Ranks".

Peter: You mean the horizontal rows?

Susan: Yes. The rows of squares up and down, I mean the vertical rows, are called "Files". Lines of squares running diagonally are called "Diagonals".

Peter: How to move the pieces?

Susan: There are some rules. Each of the pieces has to move in a certain way. The players take it in turns to move their pieces and can move only one piece in each turn. Once you have touched a piece, you must move it. After you have moved it and taken your hand away, you must leave the piece where it is.

Peter: So, you are not allowed to change your mind?

Susan: No. Each player has 2 knights, a King's Knight and a Queen's Knight. They are shaped like a horse head. The Knight is the only piece which can jump over pieces. It can jump over pieces of its own colour, or over enemy's pieces. The Knight can move in any direction, forwards, backwards or to either side, but it always has to move three squares at a time. When the Knight moves, it must go two squares in one direction and then one square to the side.

Peter: I have to remember this. What is the aim of the game?

Susan: Well. It's to trap your opponent's King, so it can't escape being captured. That is, there are no squares for it to escape to, no pieces to protect it and no piece to capture the checking piece. When this happens it is called checkmate and the player with the checking piece, or pieces, wins.

Peter: I'm afraid I need a

A.Go to a pub for a drink.

B.Do some washing.

C.Go to the church.

D.Have a big brunch.




Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:W: How are things going with you and your roommate, Wallace?

M: Not very well, Theresa. We're supposed to share the groceries, but I end up feeding him three meals a day. My grocery bill is huge, you know. I really can't afford it any longer.

W: I know how you feel. I used to have a roommate like that. She never offered to reimburse me for anything.

M: I'm really fed up with his freeloading, but I just don't know how to tell him that he should come up with half the grocery bill, because sometimes he treats me to a meal in a restaurant.

W: Well, honesty is the best policy. Maybe you just want to have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with him. If he refuses to mend his ways, then ask him to move out. You can't let him wear out his welcome.

M: Well, you are right, I guess. But I just don't know how to start...

W: Oh, come on. Don't act as us girls. You know it was just like what I did when I started to deal with my roommate then. It is not as complicated as you thought. Believe me.

What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Her roommate.

B.Huge grocery bills.

C.Three meals at home.

D.A meal in a restaurant.



听力原文:W: Oh, Jack. Im glad I caught you. I want to tell you I have to skip the history study group session tonight. M: Really? Thats too bad. Arent you feeling well? W: Oh, its nothing bad. Theres going to be a public meeting down the town hall. The state senator from this area is going to be there. She has this meeting three or four times a year to speak with her constituency. M: Is that what youd like to do with your evening, going to listen to a politician? W: Actually, its a class assignment. Prof. Jackson, hes teaching that political science seminar Im taking. He told all of us in the seminar to go to hear what the senator has to say tonight and also write up a report about the issues people bring up. M: Oh, like medical care, and tax and... ? W: Right, as long as Im there, I think Id like to bring up government funding for state universities. The tuition keeps going up and its getting harder and harder for a lot of students to afford it. M: Tell me about it. W: Anyway, I want to do a really good job on this report. I need to get a letter of recommendation from Prof. Jackson for graduate school. So Id better show up there tonight and see whats going on. M: Yeah, but, what about the history test? W: Well, I already put some time on that this morning. So I think by tomorrow afternoon, Ill be ready. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Why does the man assume the woman is not feeling well? 10. What is the general purpose of the meeting the woman plans to attend? 11. What does the woman hope to discuss tonight? 12. What does the woman hope Prof. Jackson will do for her?9.

A.To suggest changes in the tuition fees.

B.To improve the study skills of university students.

C.To give people the opportunity to speak with a politician.

D.To discuss graduation requirements for political science majors.



听力原文:W: Oh, Jack. I'm glad I caught you. I want to tell you I have to skip the history study group session tonight.

M: Really? That's too bad. Aren't you feeling well?

W: Oh, it's nothing bad. There's going to be a public meeting down the town hall. The state senator from this area is going to be there. She has this meeting three or four times a year to speak with her constituency.

M: Is that what you'd like to do with your evening, going to listen to a politician's ...

W: Actually, it's a class assignment. Prof Jackson, he's teaching that political science seminar I'm taking. He told all of us in the seminar to go to hear what the senator has to say tonight and also write up a report about the issues people bring up.

M: Oh, like medical care, and tax and...?

W: Right, as long as I'm there, I think I'd like to bring up government funding for state universities. The tuition keeps going up and it's getting harder and harder for a lot of students to afford it.

M: Tell me about it.

W: Anyway, I want to do a really good job on this report. I need to get a letter of recommendation from Prof Jackson for graduate school. So I guess I'd better show up there tonight and see what's going on.

M: Yeah, but, what about the history test?

W: Well, I already put some time in on that this morning. So I think by tomorrow afternoon, I'll be ready.


A.She has seen a doctor recently.

B.She's concerned about medical care.

C.She's unable to attend the study session.

D.She mentions the need for some medical tests.



听力原文:W: Oh, Jack. I'm glad I caught you. I want to tell you I have to skip the history study group session tonight.

M: Really? That's too bad. Aren't you feeling well?

W: Oh, it's nothing bad. There's going to be a public meeting down the town hall. The state senator from this area is going to be there. She has this meeting three or four times a year to speak with her constituency.

M: Is that what you'd like to do with your evening, going to listen to a politician's ...

W: Actually, it's a class assignment. Prof Jackson, he's teaching that political science seminar I'm taking. He told all of us in the seminar to go to hear what the senator has to say tonight and also write up a report about the issues people bring up.

M: Oh, like medical care, and tax and ... ?

W: Right, as long as I'm there, I think I'd like to bring up government funding for state universities. The tuition keeps going up and it's getting harder and harder for a lot of students to afford it.

M: Tell me about it.

W: Anyway, I want to do a really good job on this report. I need to get a letter of recommendation from Prof Jackson for graduate school. So I guess I'd better show up there tonight and see what's going on.

M: Yeah, but, what about the history test?

W: Well, I already put some time in on that this morning. So I think by tomorrow afternoon, I'll be ready.


A.She has seen a doctor recently.

B.She's concerned about medical care.

C.She's unable to attend the study session.

D.She mentions the need for some medical tests.



听力原文:W: Oh, Jack. I'm glad I caught you. I want to tell you I have to skip the history study group session tonight.

M: Really? That's too bad. Aren't you feeling well?

W: Oh, it's nothing bad. There's going to be a public meeting down the town hall. The state senator from this area is going to be there. She has this meeting three or four times a year to speak with her constituency.

M: Is that what you'd like to do with your evening, going to listen to a politician's...

W: Actually, it's a class assignment. Prof Jackson, he's teaching that political science seminar I'm taking. He told all of us in the seminar to go to hear what the senator has to say tonight and also write up a report about the issues people bring up.

M: Oh, like medical care, and tax and...?

W: Right, as long as I'm there, I think I'd like to bring up government funding for state universities. The tuition keeps going up and it's getting harder and harder for a lot of students to afford it.

M: Tell me about it.

W: Anyway, I want to do a really good job on this report. I need to get a letter of recommendation from Prof Jackson for graduate school. So I guess I'd better show up there tonight and see what's going on.

M: Yeah, but, what about the history test?

W: Well, I already put some time in on that this morning. So I think by tomorrow afternoon, I'll be ready.


A.She has seen a doctor recently.

B.She's concerned about medical care.

C.She's unable to attend the study session.

D.She mentions the need for some medical tests.


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