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As for a job applicant, the most important thing in a job should be the salary and benefit.

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The Most Beautiful City in America

It has been called the most beautiful city in America. It also is the subject of a very popular book about murder. The story of Savannah, Georgia, is our report today.

Savannah, Georgia, is not huge. It is only the 3rd largest city in this Southern state. It has about 140 thousand people. Yet few American cities have protected their past as well as Savannah. It has beautiful old houses. It hasparks with trees and colorful flowers. A visit to Savannah today shows that life was like in the Southern United States 200 years ago.

English settlers established the city of Savannah in 1733. They were led by General James Oglethorpe. General Oglethorpe and 120 settlers landed at Yamakaroo bluff on the Savannah River. They chose the place for the city of Savannah on a hill above the river. It was 29 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean.

General Oglethorpe decided to make Savannah as beautiful as a city could be. He designed the streets in anunusual way. Many did not cross each other. Instead, they ended in large open square areas. There are 21 suchpublic squares in Savannah. They have grass, trees, flowers and statues. They also have places for people to sit and enjoy the beauty.

In the 1700s Savannah became a busy port city for exporting farm products. In 1793 Eliwhiteney was teaching on a cotton farm near the city. He invented a machine that removed seeds from the cotton plant. Until then the seed had to be removed by hand. The work was very hard. Eliwhiteney's invention was called the "cotton gin". It greatly improved the ability to produce cotton.

The cotton gin made cotton the most important product in the American South. And it increased importance of Savannah as a port city. Savannah became the world's leading market for cotton. The Savannah Cotton Exchange set the price of cotton around the world. The city became rich. Rich people began to build large beautiful houses. The city continued to grow richer until the early 1860s. That is when America's Nortliem states fought the rebel Southern states in the Civil War.

One of the most famous Northern generals was William Sherman. He led union troops to seize control of rebel territory in the South. General Sherman captured the city of Atlanta. From Atlanta he marched his troops through the heart of Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean. It was known as Sherman's March to the Sea. The Union troops burned all the houses, farms, animals and food supplies on their way. The purpose was to destroy popular support for the rebellion of the Southern states. General Sherman said, "The Union must make old and young, rich and poor feel the hard hand of war."

The people of Savannah learned what General Sherman had done to the rest of Georgia. They did not want the same thing to happen to them. So they offered to surrender their beautiful city ff he promised not to bum it. General Sherman accepted the offer. In December, 1864, he scm a message to President Abraham Lincoln in Washington. It said, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift—the city of Savannah." Sherman's gift included 150 heavy guns, ammunition and 25 thousand bales of cotton.

The Civil War hurt Savannah's economy. And years of growing nothing but cotton damaged the soil. An insect called the boll weevil destroyed the plant. By 1920, little cotton was left. During the 1900s, manufacturing took the place of cotton farming. Savannah's shipping industry continued to grow. However, many old houses were tearing down, or they fell apart. One visitor said the city was like a beautiful woman with a dirty face.

In the 1950s some citizens of Savannah became angry when more old houses were being threatened by development. One company wanted to destroy a house to build a parking area for cars. A group of 7 women decided to save the house. They asked people for money. They collec






Extract 1 In any relationship the worst pitfall is possessiveness. You must never think you own the other person just because you are their parent, their marriage partner or you pay them to work for you. You must accept that they will always be themselves and that nothing you can do will alter this fact. You can give advice if it is asked for but you should never impose it. People usually only ask for advice that they hope to find palatable. Phrases such as "Youll be making a great mistake if ...", or "Of course, if I were you Id ..." suggest criticism, even censure. The important thing to remember is that it is another person and not you who is making the decision. Extract 2 Some times when you are being considered for a job you may be asked to take a personality test. This means that your prospective employer is trying to assess what kind of person you are, whether you can work well under stress, how you express yourself and, most important, how you get on with other people. Part of a personality test may take the form. of a group discussion or role-play. Here it is important not to try to impose your views on the other members of the group, to avoid getting argumentative or start talking about something totally irrelevant. There is no reason why you cant say what you think, so long as you say it pleasantly and do not totally rule out any opinion which differs from your own. Extract 3 Any relationship with children must be based on truth and dignity. Children are not impressed by adults who are trying to impress them and they resent being talked down to or treated by strangers as some form. of household pet to be rewarded for good behavior. and punished for misdemeanors. Children should be treated as people in their own right. This is probably why the relationship between children and the very old is often so successful. Elderly people often find themselves being treated in much the same way as children and equally resent it. Questions:

According to Dr. Mead, the attitude of beings from outer space towards us is one of______.







Hair Care

Whether the hair is long or short, it must be regularly brushed and regularly washeD.For greasy(油性的) hair, especially if the owner lives in a town, it may De necessary to wash the head every four to five days. Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longed, but this is a matter for the individual to decide.

As for style, this must be studied according to what is the latest fashion and also to suit the individual at different times of her life. If a woman is not able .to go to hairdresser very often, it is important that she chooses a style. she can easily manage for herself, and this nearly always means that the first cut must be very standarD. The same applies to permanent waving(烫发). I think that this should be carried out three or four times a year, so that the hair never gets out of hand.

One thing would be remembered though, that is, whatever you apply to the head can have some effect upon the skin and therefore anything strong should be used with care. Or you may use milder products.

Young people who has spots or skin troubles on their face should take particular care to ensure that the .hair is both clean and does not come into contact with the affected piece of skin. Hair is very difficult to keep completely clean and therefore anyone running their hands through their hair and afterwards touching their face, or letting their hair fall over their faces, might spread infection from one place to another.

Good hair does a tot to the effect of a face, so if you want to look charming, please start with your hair.

第 41 题 According to the text, the most basic thing to do in hair care is______

A.to go to hairdressers very often

B.to choose milder products for the hair

C.to wash and brush the hair regularly

D.to keep the hair away from the skin trouble




Hair Care

Whether the hair is long or short,it must be regularly brushed and regularly washed.For greasy(油性的)hair,especially if the owner lives in a town。it may be necessary to wash the head every four to five days.Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer,but this is a matter for the individual to decide.

As for style.this must be studied according to what is the latest fashion and also to suit the individual at different times of her life.If a woman is not able to go to hairdresser very often,it is important that she chooses a style. she can easily manage for herself,and this nearly always means

that the first cut must be very standard.The same applies to permanent waving(烫发).I think that this should be carried out three or four times a year,SO that the hair never gets out of hand.

One thing would be remembered though,that is,whatever you apply to the head can have some effect upon the skin and therefore anything strong should be used with care.Or you may use milder products.

Young people who has spots or skin troubles on their face should take particular care to en. sure that the hair is both clean and does not come into contact with the affected piece of skin.Hair is very difficult to keep completely clean and therefore anyone running their hands through their hair and afterwards touching their face,or letting their hair fall over their faces,might spread infection from one place to another.s

Good hair does a lot to the effect of a face,SO if you want to look charming,please start with your hair.

According to the text,the most basic thing to do in hair care isC. 查看材料

A.to go to hairdressers very often

B.to choose milder products for the hair

C.to wash and brush the hair regularly

D.to keep the hair away from the skin trouble



听力原文: OK, can anyone answer this question? What are the most important things for animals in terms of their survival? Anyone? No? OK. Well, on a very basic level, the most important things for them are the same as the most important things for the average real estate agent: location, location, and location. That was a little bit of a ... uh ... joke, but there is also a lot of truth to it. Let me explain. Look, imagine you have a small area with a lot of different types of monkeys all living there. Thats a good example, actually, because trade between Diana and putty-nosed monkeys is the topic for today. The monkeys will arrange themselves into groups according to species. All the A monkeys are together and so are all the B monkeys. This allows them to work together to get food and protect themselves. But, the area is small, and this puts all of the groups into competition for food and space, which are both in limited supply. So, where each group is in that space is really important, because its related to how much food it can collect and how safe it will be. See what I mean? The most important things are location, location, and location. Right. Lets look specifically at the putty-nosed and Diana monkeys that live in a small area in the rainforests along the Ivory Coast in West Africa. They live in the same area and have a serious problem: both of them eat vegetation found high up in trees. This situation should make for a lot of small "wars" between the groups. They are both in the same spot and they both want the same thing. What do they do? Well, with other monkeys, the Diana monkeys tend to establish borders. Basically, after a certain amount of fighting, the two groups stake out and patrol a group of trees for themselves. The advantage is that once these borders are established, everyone can spend their time finding food. Please dont think that the little countries dont allow some "immigrants." The Diana monkeys, for example, dont care about Campbell monkeys. They let them into their protected areas all the time. Why? Well, like I said, the Diana monkeys look for food high up in the trees, while the Campbell monkeys tend to forage for food closer to the forest floor. There is no competition between the groups, so there is no fighting. What about the putty-nosed monkeys? Lets review what we know. Diana monkeys will make borders with other groups that compete for the same food in the same area. But, the borders they make are porous; any group that eats a different type of food can cross into the Diana monkeys territory. What about our friends the putty-nosed? Well, I imagine youre all expecting some sort of answer like: they fight with the Diana monkeys. Well, youre wrong. There is no fighting between the two groups and no borders are established. Why? Its sort of the price they willingly pay for the service the putty-nosed monkeys provide. You could call it "rainforest economics." Between the two groups, a situation has developed where both groups are willing to give something they have in exchange for something they want. Look, when not worrying about other groups of monkeys, the Diana monkeys spend a lot of time trying to protect themselves from eagles by running away. Heres an important fact, though: Diana monkeys are not very good at knowing when to run. They have a hard time noticing the eagles, which can fly really quickly and silently. Putty-nosed monkeys, on the other hand, are really good at eagle detection. With better hearing and sight, they act like early warning radar. As soon as an eagle comes close, a putty-nosed monkey will let out a shrill yell that is heard and then repeated by other monkeys in its group. The Diana monkeys all run away to safety, with the putty-nosed monkeys staying where they are; eagles cannot eat the larger, stronger putty-nosed monkeys. There is no fighting between the two groups and no borders are established. Why? Its sort of the price they willingly pay for the service the putty-nosed monkeys provide. You could call it "rainforest economics." Between the two groups, a situation has developed where both groups are willing to give something they have in exchange for something they want. Why does the professor say this: You could call it "rainforest economics."

What is the lecture mainly about?

A.Real estate prices.

B.Campbell monkeys" eating habits.

C.The interactions of various species.

D.The relationship between Diana and putty-nosed monkeys.



听力原文:M: What is your expected salary?

F: Since this will be my first job, as for salary, I would leave it to you.

M: Would you accept a starting salary at $1 200?

F: I think it is reasonable. I will accept it.

M: Besides, you'll also enjoy life insurance and one-week paid holidays every year.

F: Mm, that sounds nice. Thank you very much.

How much does the man offer the woman?

A.$1 200.

B.$ 2 100.




听力原文:M: What is your expected salary?

F: Since this will be my first job, as for salary, I would leave it to you.

M: Would you accept a starting salary at $1 200?

F: I think it is reasonable. I will accept it.

M: Besides, you'll also enjoy life insurance and one-week paid holidays every year.

F: Mm, that sounds nice. Thank you very much.

How much does the man offer the woman?

A.$1 200.

B.$ 2 100.



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