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The federal union is a union of people in which ___________.

A、the national government and state government receive power from the people and exercise authority over each other

B、the national government and state government receive power from the people and exercise authority over the people

C、state government receives power from the national government and exercises authority over the people

D、the national government receives power from the state and exercise authority over the state

更多“The federal union is a union of people in which ___________.”相关的问题


For example, in 1997, more than fifty percent of young people which were aged between 15 and 25 in the European Union had some ability in speaking English.Please choose the one that is not appropriately used______.

A、more than






The University Bookstore is a serf-supporting university-owned organization, which was founded in 1921. It provides students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors with a variety of products and services. In order to fulfill its primary mission, the bookstore stocks new and used textbooks, general books, school supplies, rice products, educationally priced computer software, and art and engineering supplies. As a convenience, the bookstore also stocks additional items like gifts, sportswear, greeting cards, candy, and sundries(杂货). Services the bookstore provides include bookbinding, special order book service, gift wrapping, photo developing, used book buy-back and postage stamps, as well as Fax services.

The bookstore is located on the main floor of the Wyoming Union. Hours of operation during the academic year(学年) are: 9:00 a.m—5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10:00 a.m—2:00 p.m. Saturday; 9:00 a.m. to 30 minutes prior to kickoff(开球) on Saturdays with home football games.

The University Bookstore

Owner of the store:【46】

Time of founding:【47】

Items provided: various products and【48】

Location of the store: on the【49】of the Wyoming Union

Working hours on weekdays:【50】



The Union is asking a pay rise of _______.







The flag which is a combination of Britain's three parts is known as ______.

A.the United Nation

B.St. Patrick

C.the Union Jack

D.Great Britain



The flag which is a combination of Britain's three parts is known as ______.

A.the United Nation

B.St. Patrick

C.the Union Jack

D.Great Britain



The Chinese New Year is a big traditional holiday in Singapore. On its Eve, while many will 【C1】______ for the reunion dinner, others will head for the airport or train station to "flee" 【C2】______ such festivities. With a 【C3】______ number of Singaporeans going on overseas tours during this time, the Chinese New Year holiday has in recent years become a 【C4】______ season for travel agents, 【C5】______ it Used to be a lull period for them. Isn't Chinese New Year the 【C6】______ important traditional festival for the Chinese? Well, for those who choose to 【C7】______ flight, it means an opportunity to enjoy a holiday out of the country. The concern is, if even Chinese New Year can be 【C8】______ , what other traditional festivals cannot be disregarded? Why do we need to 【C9】______ traditional festivals? Firstly, they are inseparable from our ethnic identity. The Chinese, Malays and Indians all have their own traditional festivals 【C10】______ which they derive "a sense of belonging to a particular community". So if any Chinese does not see himself 【C11】______ one, there is no need for him to celebrate any Chinese festivals. True, everyone has the right to 【C12】______ traditions. The problem is: you cannot deny your ethnic origins or change your skin color. We are 【C13】______ with a certain skin color which cannot be "bleached"—if one has a "yellow face" and yet refuse to 【C14】______ with the Chinese, who else can he or she identify with? Secondly, the 【C15】______ spirit of the more than 2000-year-old Chinese New Year is closely intertwined with the traditional culture and values of the Chinese. 【C16】______ its core is the Confucian value of good interpersonal relationships. Traditional Chinese festivals 【C17】______ center on maintaining and improving human relations. Reunion dinner helps to 【C18】______ family ties while the exchange of gifts and greetings enhance relations among friends. To skip the reunion dinner and stay 【C19】______ from Chinese New Year means losing many great opportunities to forge stronger kinship and friendship ties. A tradition must be capable of being 【C20】______ down from one generation to another. Yet this does not mean traditions cannot be changed.








The people of the USA have been opposed to a centralized government since long before the Revolution of 1776. When the 13 colonies won their freedom【C1】______ Britain and became the 13 first States of the Union, it was taken for【C2】______ that the new constitution would allow them the maximum【C3】______ of self-government. The 37 other States which,【C4】 ______ then, have been admitted to the Union, have been granted the same measure of【C5】______ . In the days before the railroad there were【C6】______ easy connections between the States,【C7】 each State developed its own way of life and a pride in its freedom to make its own decisions. But the States【C8】______ felt a pride in being American.

The first challenge to the Federal Government came in 1861,【C9】______ 11 Southern States defied Federal orders, broke【C10】______ from the Union and formed their own union, or Confederacy, as they called it. The result was a bloody Civil War, which【C11】______ in a crushing defeat for the Southern States and left【C12】______ in ruins.

The constitution of a State Government is similar to【C13】______ of the Federal Government. At the top is a Governor【C14】______ role resembles that of the President. There is a Congress and each State also has a Supreme Court. The States can raise their own taxes and 【C15】______ their own laws if not in【C16】______ with Federal laws.

Each city, too, has its mayor. An American mayor can【C17】______ be not more than a figure head, with【C18】______ positive duties, or he can have great power,【C19】______ the mayors of big cities such as New York and Chicago. These strong mayors are elected by popular vote. Within the city limits they have great power for good or ill. Police, housing, health all come【C20】______ their control.








According to Paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT true?

A.The teachers" unions want a wage rise of 20%.

B.Argentina"s prices of commodities are rising fast.

C.The same peso may not afford the same goods this year.

D.The relation between the government and the unions is tense.



Political changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have reduced the threat of direct confrontation between two alliances led by superpowers. But a critical consequence of reduced tensions between superpowers is the increased likelihood of unrest in places where the boundaries of states do not match those of nationalities.

Few Germans mourned the extinction of East Germany in 1990. Reunification put an end to many hardships for East Germans, such as the forced separation of families, limitations on civil rights, and harsh economic conditions.

On the surface, a unified Germany is consistent with the nation-state principle that has governed the organization of the earth's surface this century. The arbitrary division of Germany into the Democratic and Federal republics resulted from the German defeat in World War II and the cold war that soon followed. Unification of Germany brought together two groups of people who both spoke German and referred to their country as "Germany."

But Germany is not an especially good example of a nation-state. A state known as Germany was not created until 1871. Before that time, the map of central Europe was a patchwork of small states, more than 300 during the seventeenth century, for example. Under Frederick the Great, the previously obscure state of Prussia was able to control a continuous stretch of territory abutting the Baltic Sea from Memel on the east to beyond the Elbe River on the west. Other consolidations reduced the number of states in the area to approximately two dozen by 1815.

in 1871, Prussia's Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck was instrumental in forcing most of the remaining states in the area to join a Prussian-dominated German Empire, which extended west beyond the Rhine River. Bismarck failed to consolidate all German speakers into the empire; Austria, Switzerland, and Bohemia were excluded. The German Empire lasted less than fifty years.

After it lost World War I, Germany lost much of its territory. While the boundaries of southern European states were fixed to conform. when possible to those of nationalities, Germany's new boundaries were arbitrary. Germany became a fragmented state, with East Prussia separated from the rest of the country by the Danzig Corridor, created to give Poland a port on the Baltic Sea. German takeovers of Austria, Poland, and portions of Czechoslovakia during the 1930s were justified as attempts to reconstruct a true German nation-state.

After Germany's defeat in World War II, boundaries were again shifted. Germany lost its eastern territory to Poland, which in turn gave up its eastern territory to the former Soviet Union. In the process, millions of Germans- as well as other nationalities — were forced to give up their property. Germany has been pressured by other states to accept the relocated boundary with Poland — along the Oder and Neisse rivers — but some Germans, especially those forced to move in 1945, resent the concession.

Germany's western boundary has been no more stable. France regards the Rhine River as the proper boundary with Germany, but Prussia and more recently Germany have considered the Rhine to be entirely German. The area west of the Rhine, known as Alsace and Lorraine, has passed back and forth between French and German control, depending on who won the latest war. By living on the frontier between two cultures, Alsace (to a greater extent than Lorraine) reflects a mix of French and German language and social customs. Because France was on the winning side in World War II, it now controls the area.

Germany is not likely to repeat its past policy of territorial expansion through military conquest. Instead, as the most populous and economically strongest member of the European Community, Germany will likely take the lead in setting the political agenda for a united Europe. When the European Community was founded, Germany was a quiet membe

A.It contributed to reducing the threat of direct confrontation between the East and the West.

B.It helps to alleviate some problems existing in the former East Germany.

C.It was accomplished in 1990.

D.It brought together all the groups of people who speak German.


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