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Health information technicians are in great demand in the next decade with the expansion of fitness field.

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Picturephone service, which will become available commercially in the 1970s, will at first probably be used by large business corporations.(47)It is already clear that "the next best thing to being there" is going to be a Picturephone call.

(48)This "new light", first produced by scientists in 1960, can beam continuously and with extraordinary intensity.(49)In other words, they are thinking of using light for the same purpose radio waves are used—to transmit telephone calls, TV programs, and data messages from one point to another. With the expansion of Picturephone service and highspeed data communications between computers, present message-carrying capacities may soon become inadequate. As it turns out to be technically and economically&39; sound, the laser might prove to be a major breakthrough in telephone communications.

Current research in telephone communications is so extensive and changes are coming about so rapidly that no one can predict with accuracy what the telephone of tomorrow will look like.(50)。


A. But as Picturephone service becomes available, it will no doubt spread from the office to the home.

B. Instead of using light to see by, telephone researchers are thinking of ways to use light to communicate by.

C. For many people the most&39; exciting development in recent years is Picturephone service.

D. One area that is being seriously considered is communications service "on the move".

E. But there is at least one prediction that can be made with assurance: There will be more and more telephones in the future, and they will be better ones.

F. Possibly the most significant research now being conducted is in the use of the laser beam in telephone communications.


A. But as Picturephone service becomes available, it will no doubt spread from the office to the home.B. Instead of using light to see by, telephone researchers are thinking of ways to use light to communicate by.C. For many people the most&39; exciting development in recent years is Picturephone service.D. One area that is being seriously considered is communications service "on the move".E. But there is at least one prediction that can be made with assurance: There will be more and more telephones in the future, and they will be better ones.F. Possibly the most significant research now being conducted is in the use of the laser beam in telephone communications.


A. But as Picturephone service becomes available, it will no doubt spread from the office to the home.B. Instead of using light to see by, telephone researchers are thinking of ways to use light to communicate by.C. For many people the most&39; exciting development in recent years is Picturephone service.D. One area that is being seriously considered is communications service "on the move".E. But there is at least one prediction that can be made with assurance: There will be more and more telephones in the future, and they will be better ones.F. Possibly the most significant research now being conducted is in the use of the laser beam in telephone communications.


A. But as Picturephone service becomes available, it will no doubt spread from the office to the home.B. Instead of using light to see by, telephone researchers are thinking of ways to use light to communicate by.C. For many people the most&39; exciting development in recent years is Picturephone service.D. One area that is being seriously considered is communications service "on the move".E. But there is at least one prediction that can be made with assurance: There will be more and more telephones in the future, and they will be better ones.F. Possibly the most significant research now being conducted is in the use of the laser beam in telephone communications.


A. But as Picturephone service becomes available, it will no doubt spread from the office to the home.B. Instead of using light to see by, telephone researchers are thinking of ways to use light to communicate by.C. For many people the most&39; exciting development in recent years is Picturephone service.D. One area that is being seriously considered is communications service "on the move".E. But there is at least one prediction that can be made with assurance: There will be more and more telephones in the future, and they will be better ones.F. Possibly the most significant research now being conducted is in the use of the laser beam in telephone communications.




Mr. Green, together with his colleagues ______ a party in the next room.

A.are enjoying

B.is enjoying

C.have enjoyed

D.has enjoyed



In the next decade, Robots will become practical because of all but one exception that ______.

A.they may cook hamburgers in the restaurants

B.they can perform. wonderous skill as shown in science fiction film

C.they may deliver meal trays in hospitals

D.they may do some moppings in the shopping center



The Hydrogen Economy

It seems that every day there is a new announcement in the news about automobiles powered by fuel cells. The promises are great, since fuel cells have the potential to very quickly double the efficiency of cars while significantly reducing air pollution.

At the same time, there have been news stories for decades about the problems associated with petroleum. Everything from oil spills to ozone (臭氧) alerts to global warming gets blamed on our dependence on fossil fuels.

These two forces are leading the worm toward what is broadly known as the hydrogen economy. If the predictions are true, over the next several decades we will all begin to see an amazing shift away from the fossil fuel economy we have today toward a much cleaner hydrogen future.

Problems with the Fossil Fuel Economy

While fossil fuels have played an important role in getting society to the point it is at today, there are four big problems that fossil fuels create.

Air pollution—When cars burn gasoline, the internal combustion engine also produces carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas Nitrogen oxides (氮氧化物), the main source of urban smog unburned hydrocarbons, the main source of urban ozone.

Environmental pollution—The process of transporting and storing oil has a big impact on the environment whenever something goes wrong. An oil spill, pipeline explosion or well fire can create a huge mess.

Global warming—The carbon dioxide coming out of every car's tailpipe is a greenhouse gas that is slowly raising the temperature of the planet. The ultimate effects are unknown, but it is a strong possibility that, eventually, there will be dramatic climate changes that affect everyone on the planet.

Dependence—The United States, and most other countries, cannot produce enough oil to meet

demand, so they import it from oil-rich countries. That creates an economic dependence. When Middle East oil producers decide to raise the price of oil, the rest of the world has little choice but to pay the higher price.

Advantages of the Hydrogen Economy

The hydrogen economy promises to eliminate all of the problems that the fossil fuel economy creates. Therefore, the advantages of the hydrogen economy include.

The elimination of pollution caused by fossil fuels—When hydrogen is used in a fuel cell to create power, it is a completely clean technology. The only byproduct is water. There are also no environmental dangers like oil spills to worry about with hydrogen.

The elimination of greenhouse gases If the hydrogen comes from the electrolysis of water, then hydrogen adds no greenhouse gases to the environment. There is a perfect cycle-electrolysis produces hydrogen from water, and the hydrogen recombines with oxygen to create water and power in a fuel cell.

The elimination of economic dependence—The elimination of oil means no dependence on the Middle East and its oil reserves.

Distributed production--Hydrogen can be produced anywhere that you have electricity and water. People can even, produce it in their homes with relatively simple technology.

The problems with the fossil fuel economy are so great, and the environmental advantages of the hydrogen economy are so significant, that the push toward the hydrogen economy is very strong.

Technological Hurdles(障碍)

The big question with the hydrogen economy is, "Where does the hydrogen come from?" After that comes the question of transporting, distributing and storing hydrogen. Hydrogen tends to be large and tricky in its natural gaseous form.

Once both of these questions are answered in an economical way, the hydrogen economy will be in place.

Where does the hydrogen come from? There are two possible sources for the hydrogen: electrolysis (电解) of water—Using e






The Hydrogen Economy

It seems like every day there is a new announcement in the news about automobiles powered by fuel cells. The promises are great, since fuel ceils have the potential to very quickly double the efficiency of cars while significantly reducing air pollution.

At the same time, there have been news stories for decades about the problems associated with petroleum. Everything from oil spills to ozone alerts to global warming gets blamed on our dependence on fossil fuels. These two forces are leading the world toward what is broadly known as the hydrogen economy. If the predictions are true, over the next several decades we will all begin to see an amazing shift away from the fossil fuel economy we have today toward a much cleaner hydrogen future.

Problems with the Fossil Fuel Economy

While fossil fuels have played an important role in getting society to the point it is at today, there are four big problems that fossil fuels create:

Air pollution—When cars burn gasoline, the internal combustion engine also produces:

- Carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas

- Nitrogen oxides, the main source of urban smog

- Unburned hydrocarbons, the main source of urban ozone

Environmental pollution—The process of transporting and storing oil has a big impact on the environment whenever something goes wrong. An oil spill, pipeline explosion or well fire can create a huge mess.

Global warming—The carbon dioxide coming out of every car's tailpipe is a greenhouse gas that is slowly raising the temperature of the planet. The ultimate effects are unknown, but it is a strong possibility that, eventually, there will be dramatic climate changes that affect everyone on the planet.

Dependence—The United States, and most other countries, cannot produce enough oil to meet demand, so they import it from oil-rich countries. That creates an economic dependence. When Middle East oil producers decide to raise the price of oil, the rest of the world has little choice but to pay the higher price.

Advantages of the Hydrogen Economy

The hydrogen economy promises to eliminate all of the problems that the fossil fuel economy creates. Therefore, the advantages of the hydrogen economy include:

The elimination of pollution caused by fossil fuels—When hydrogen is used in a fuel cell to create power, it is a completely clean technology. The only byproduct is water. There are also no environmental dangers like oil spills to worry about with hydrogen.

The elimination of greenhouse gases—If the hydrogen comes from the electrolysis of water, then hydrogen adds no greenhouse gases to the environment. There is a perfect cycle—electrolysis produces hydrogen from water, and the hydrogen recombines with oxygen to create water and power in a fuel cell.

The elimination of economic dependence—The elimination of oil means no dependence on the Middle East and its oil reserves.

Distributed production—Hydrogen can be produced anywhere that you have electricity and water. People can even produce it in their homes with relatively simple technology.

The problems with the fossil fuel economy are so great, and the environmental advantages of the hydrogen economy so significant, that the push toward the hydrogen economy is very strong.

Technological Hurdles

The big question with the hydrogen economy is, "Where does the hydrogen come from?" After that comes the question of transporting, distributing and storing hydrogen. Hydrogen tends to be large and tricky in its natural gaseous form. Once both of these questions are answered in an economical way, the hydrogen economy will be in place.

Where Does the Hydrogen Come From?

There are two possible sources for the hydrogen:

Electrolysis of water—using electricit






People are moving to cities in droves. In 1950, two-thirds of the world's population lived in the country side. New York was then the only settlement with more than 10 million people. Today there are 20 such megacities, and more are on their way.

Most of these megacities are in developing countries that are struggling to cope with both the speed and the scale of human migration. Estimates of the future spread of urbanization are based on the observation that in Europe, and in North and South America, the urban share of the total population has stabilized at 75%- 85%. If the rest of the world follows this path it is expected that in the next decade an extra 100 million people will join the cities of Africa, and 340 million the cities of Asia: the equivalent of a new Bangkok every two months. By 2030 nearly two-thirds of the world's population will be urban.

In the long run, that is good news. If countries now industrializing follow the pattern of those that have already done so, their city-dwellers will be both more prosperous and healthier. Man is gregarious species, and the words" urbane" and" civilized" both derive from the advantages of living in large settlements.

History also shows, though, that the transition can be uncomfortable. The slums of Manchester were, in their time, just as awful as those of Nairobi today. But people moved there for exactly the same reason: however nasty conditions seemed, the opportunities of urban life outstripped those of the countryside. The question is how best to handle the change.

If there is one thing that everybody agrees on, it is that urbanization is unstoppable. Migrants attempting to escape poverty, and refugees escaping conflict, are piling into cities in what the executive director of UN HABITAT, Anna, Tibailjuka, describes as" premature urbanization."

Dr Tibaijuka believes it might be possible to slow the pace of migration from the countryside with policies that enhance security and rural livelihoods. There is room for debate, though, over whether better rural development in any form. can seriously slow the pace of urbanization-- or even whether such a slowdown would be a good thing.

Michael Mutter, an urban planning adviser at the British government's Department for International Development (DFID), says that the relevant indicators suggest that in many countries the effective" carrying capacity" of rural areas has been reached. As happened in Europe in the 18th century, population growth and technological improvements to agriculture are creating a surplus population. That surplus has to go some where to earn its living.

Indeed, some people go so far so to argue that governments, international donors and aid agencies spend too much on rural development and neglect the cities. Most countries have a rural development policy, but only a few have urban ones. DFID, for example, spends only 5% of its budget directly on urban develop ment. Moreover, these critics point out that, although rural areas often have worse sanitation, illiteracy and homelessness than cities, such figures are deceptive. Being illiterate, homeless or without access to a flush toilet are far more serious problems in a crowded city than in the countryside.

Of the many lessons being learnt from past urban-development failures, one of the most important is that improvements must involve local people in a meaningful way. Even when it comes to the poorest slum dwellers, some governments and city authorities are realizing that people are their own greatest assets. Slumdwellers International is a collection of "grassroots" federations of people living in slums. Its idea is simple. Slum-dwellers in a particular place get together and form. a federation to strengthen local savings and credit schemes, and to lobby for greater co-operation with the authorities. Such federations are having a big impact on slum-upgrading schemes around the world.

A.the side effects of urbanization

B.megacities in developing countries

C.the causes behind immigration to cities

D.ways to slow down the pace of immigration



People are moving to cities in droves. In 1950, two-thirds of the world's population lived in the countryside. New York was then the only settlement with more than 10 million people. Today there are 20 such megacities, and more are on their way.

Most of these megacities are in developing countries that are struggling to cope with both the speed and the scale of human migration. Estimates of the future spread of urbanization are based on the observation that in Europe, and in North and South America, the urban share of the total population has stabilized at 75%-85%. If the rest of the world follows this path it is expected that in the next decade an extra 100 million people will join the cities of Africa, and 340 million the cities of Asia: the equivalent of a new Bangkok every two months. By 2030 nearly two-thirds of the world's population will be urban.

In the long run, that is good news. If countries now industrializing follow the pattern of those that have already done so, their city-dwellers will be both more prosperous and healthier. Man is gregarious species, and the words" urbane" and "civilized" both derive from the advantages of living in large settlements.

History also shows, though, that the transition can be uncomfortable. The slums of Manchester were, in their time, just as awful as those of Nairobi today. But people moved there for exactly the same reason: however nasty conditions seemed, the opportunities of urban life outstripped those of the countryside. The question is how best to handle the change.

If there is one thing that everybody agrees on, it is that urbanization is unstoppable. Migrants attempting to escape poverty, and refugees escaping conflict, are piling into cities in what the executive director of UN-HABITAT, Anna, Tibailjuka, describes as" premature urbanization,"

Dr Tibaijuka believes it might be possible to slow the pace of migration from the countryside with policies that enhance security and rural livelihoods. There is room for debate, though, over whether better rural development in any form. can seriously slow the pace of urbanization-- or even whether such a slowdown would be a good thing.

Michael Mutter, an urban planning adviser at the British government' s Department for International Development (DFID), says that the relevant indicators suggest that in many countries the effective" carrying capacity" of rural areas has been reached. As happened in Europe in the 18th century, population growth and technological improvements to agriculture are creating a surplus population. That surplus has to go somewhere to earn its living.

Indeed, some people go so far so to argue that governments, international donors and aid agencies spend too much on rural development and neglect the cities. Most countries have a rural development policy, but only a few have urban ones. DFID, for example, spends only 5% of its budget directly on urban development. Moreover, these critics point out that, although rural areas often have worse sanitation, illiteracy and homelessness than cities, such figures are deceptive. Being illiterate, homeless or without access to a flush toilet are far more serious problems in a crowded city than in the countryside.

Of the many lessons being learnt from past urban-development failures, One of the most important is that improvements must involve local people in a meaningful way. Even when it comes to the poorest slum-dwellers, some governments and city authorities are realizing that people are their own greatest assets. Slumdwellers International is a collection of "grassroots" federations of people living in slums. Its idea is simple. Slum-dwellers in a particular place get together and form. a federation to strengthen local savings and credit schemes, and to lobby for greater co-operation with the authorities. Such federations are having a big impact on slum-upgrading schemes around the worl

A.the side effects of urbanization.

B.megacities in developing countries.

C.the causes behind immigration to cities.

D.ways to slow down the pace of immigration



In the next 40 years, the percentage of people in the United States over the age of 65 is expected to double.【C1】______the needs of this part of the population is a【C2】______to the ingenuity or genius of America. To a【C3】______degree, a society is judged by【C4】______it cares for those who can no【C5】______care for themselves. High technology【C6】______the most startling advances in helping the elderly. In【C7】______to the well-known artificial heart implantation, there are efforts that have already started to【C8】______artificial lungs, livers, and bones. An electric ear is【C9】______seventy-five percent effective. They will【C10】______better medical care by【C11】______very small dose of drugs into the body continuously.

For the older people, even the simplest tasks can be difficult,【C12】______impossible to perform, American businesses have responded【C13】______those older people's needs with a【C14】______of inexpensive but useful【C15】______. Companies have designed extra-efficient can openers that【C16】______people whose hands have become【C17】______weak to open cans easily. There are devices that allow people to pull on a pair of socks【C18】______straining their backs. Combs with long handles and U-shaped back brushes are【C19】______for those who can not reach as far as they could【C20】______they were young.








阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F 。

In recent years, the Chinese auto industry has seen rapid growth, with the demand on private cars rising sharply in Chinese cities since 2002.

By 2009, China has replaced the U.S. to become the world's largest auto market. As an important part of the world car industry, the global auto industry will shift further to China. This brings historical opportunity to China's auto market.

Currently, both the development of China's auto market and the changes in consumer demand for vehicles are ever -increasing. China's auto industry will continue to grow in the next decade. It means there is still huge room for its development. China has an urban population of more than 600million. It also has a huge agricultural vehicle market in the rural areas. Hence, there is no doubt for China's development of auto industry. That is also the reason why the world's auto producers are paying more attention to the Chinese market.

()26. The demand on private cars increased greatly in Chinese cities since 2002.

()27. China has become the world's largest auto market.

()28. China's auto industry tends to decrease in the next decade.

()29. China has an urban population of less than 600 million.

()30. The reason why the world's auto producers are paying more attention to the Chinese market is that China's auto industry developed very quickly.



Scientists are certain that the sea level____rise in the next 200 years.

A. is going to

B. may

C. will

D. should


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