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Directions: Read the following article about work....

Directions: Read the following article about work. Are sentences 1-9 “True” or “False”? 下面的短文后列出了9个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。 Work Is a Service Young people may ask themselves questions like this when they apply for employment: “What are my working hours? What are my extra benefits besides wages? What holidays will I have off? Will I have enough time to hang out with my friends or pursue my hobbies?” With questions like these, however, when we focus on our leisure hours instead of our working hours, we may be prevented from seeing a much greater opportunity. Good work attitudes, habits, and skills are learned through successful work experiences. Let me illustrate. On the ranch (牧场) where I grew up, the cows had to be milked before dawn every day. When I was just 10 years old, I would enter our barnyard where there were about 10 to 12 cows waiting for me to let them into the milking barn. My mother and father used to say out loud to the cows, “Good morning. It’s good to see you!” I have to confess that as a young boy I didn’t feel quite the same way toward the cows. After each cow was milked, I poured the milk from the pail into a 10-gallon can. Each can weighed about 80 pounds when full. It made me stretch my young muscles as I carried them to the road for the dairy to pick up. My father and mother quite frequently helped me with milking the cows. I remember my father and mother continued to milk until they were in their late 80s. But Father didn’t milk the cows because he had to; he milked them because they needed to be milked. There is a difference. To him, these animals were not just cows—they were Big Blackie and Bossie and Sally and Betsy. He wanted them to be content. He always said that contented cows give good milk. To my father, milking cows—as unsophisticated as it may seem—was not an extra burden; it was an opportunity. Milking was not a job for him; it was a service. This philosophy is something that helped me as I grew up. It helped me to find out that all honest work is honorable. Within a few years I realized that routinely performing these chores actually began to give me a sense of confidence and empowerment. I took pride in my work. We control our own attitudes towards work. Self-confidence and empowerment can serve us well—in the classroom or on Wall Street. Instead of thinking of our daily work as an extra burden, we should think of it as an opportunity. That’s just the way my father taught me to feel about the cows. Those teachings have remained with me all my life, and I continue to visit the ranch and its memories as often as possible. 1. Young people may be more concerned about leisure time when applying for jobs.

更多“Directions: Read the following article about work....”相关的问题



Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.


If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school, then you are probably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake, tossing and (26) in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually (27) asleep. When you wake up, you don't feel (28) , but tired and worn out and 29 to face a new day.

Dr. Henry Winkle, in a recent newspaper article (30) Stress and Sleep, (31) that stress and lack of sleep are directly (32) Dr. Winkle says, "the more we worry, the (33) we sleep, the more we are unable to deal with (34) " "If we can find a way to get a good night' s sleep," he (35) ," we can often find the (36) to deal with what' s worrying us. "

So, what is a good night' s sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy (37) a lot. Seven hours is about the average amount, (38) strangely enough, sleeping longer often gives you a headache (39) of making you feel more refreshed.

Dr. Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short (40) and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music. Doing some exercise (41) in the day should help you to feel physically as well as (42) tired. A bedtime drink can also help, but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine (咖啡因) and will keep you (43) ." When you put the light (44) ," Dr. Winkle says, "concentrate on relaxing your muscles. Working slowly up from your feet, and you'll be asleep (45) you know it. "

26. [A] turning

[B] rolling

[C] twisting

[D] rotating



?Read the following article about CTO(Chief Technology Officer)and the questions.

?For each question(15-20),mark one letter(A,B,C or D)on your Answer Sheet.

Of the many things a CTO(Chief Technology Officer)must do to be successful,the one that can never be neglected is simple:maintaining focus on helping your company produce revenue and profits.On a purely superficial level,this sounds like the job of the CEO or vice president of sales,but successful CTOs know that being closely involved in the revenue game is the key ingredient to the growth of your company and your career.

For some technology staff aspiring to the CTO position,there is a sense that getting too close to the money sullies the purity of the greater technology mission Of building elegant products and systems.This may be true in an academic environment,but in the corporate world,those elegant products and systems need to help produce a profit.The CTO works at the strategic intersection of technology and business,and the unique talents of the CTO mean that he or she can leverage technology for the good of the business like no one else on the executive team.

To drive revenue in a company,the CTO must work as 3 partner with the CEO and vice president of sales.Quite often,the tech leaders in an organization sit back and wait for executive managers to tell them what to do and then deliver requirements.A successful CTO realizes that the process of working through ideas for new products and services demands his or her participation from idea origination to final implementation.

While working as a partner with key executives at a company,the CTO should also keep in close contact with the sales staff members who are out talking to customers on a regular basis.Asking three simple questions of sales staff on a regular basis helps keep the CTO in the loop on the realities of external market conditions:1)What are our customers asking for today?2)What are customers looking for in the next 90 days?And 3)How do customers envision their needs developing in the next year to 18 months?These answers help the CTO with budgeting,strategic planning,and product development,and most importantly,helping to drive revenue and profitability over the short and long term.

Finally,as an externally facing executive,the CTO must always have time for existing and potential customers.This means accompanying your sales staff on sales calls and understanding the challenges that your customers face.The CTO can then use the feedback to help the company serve customers more effectively and drive revenue.That's what it's a11 about.

According to the author,a successful CTO

A.is like a CEO or vice president of sales.

B.can convert technology into the good of the business.

C.real izes that he or she should take part in the developing of new products and services

D.should keep in close contact with existing and potential customers.



Directions:Read the following descriptions carefully , decide whose corporate culture it belongs to?

___________emphasizes the importance of openness among employees, as a way of promoting an innovative mindset.The workplace looks more like an adult playground, not a place for work.Perks include free breakfast, lunch, and dinner; The organic food is chef-prepared; Free health and dental; Free dry cleaning…

The following characteristics define its corporate culture:

l Openness

l Innovation

l Excellence that comes with smartness

l Hands-on approach

l Small-company-family rapport



?Read the following article about recruitment in the UK and the questions on the opposite page.

?For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

graduate recruitment has a growing role. But companies need to know whether their recruitment staff who interview candidates for jobs really know what they're doing.

Carl Gilleard, chief executive of the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), acknowledges that in a perfect world, the people who recruit graduates would have been in the role for some time building up workplace knowledge. He says the reality is that the high turnover of graduate recruitment managers in most blue chips means there is little continuity in how companies operate. 'There's the difficulty in maintaining important contact with university careers departments, for example,' he explains. 'You need a depth of understanding to appreciate where the company is coming from and how it's progressing.'

We can identify two specialisms within the recruiter's role. Those that work on the recruitment and selection side need traditional human resources (HR) skills such as good interviewing technique, observation, common sense, objectivity, patience and listening skills. But increasingly there are those who take a strategic view and look more widely at how their company is represented in the marketplace. It's a clear advantage if you can identify with your target audience.

Many young members of middle management are seconded into HR for a year because their firms feel they can identify with job-seeking graduates. Yet in an industry that has been revolutionised by the internet, privatised career services and rocketing numbers in higher education, it is questionable how relevant these managers' experiences are. Some high-fliers see a secondment to HR as a sideways move; a firm's HR function might not carry the same kudos as, say, the finance department, although obviously the recruitment and retention of staff is of crucial importance.

Georgia de Saram, specialising in graduate recruitment at a law firm, is one of a new breed of young dynamic recruiters who see HR as their vocation rather than a transitory career move. 'I was attracted to the profession because I enjoy working with people and it's an obvious follow-on from my anthropology degree,' she says. 'In this capacity, you get to know people and they know you even though they might not know other people in the firm.' As a recruiter, she sees herself as the interface between graduates and the firm that's looking to attract them? It's such a tug of war between law firms for the best trainees - often they'll turn you down in favour of an offer they've received from elsewhere. You need to be good at marketing your firm, to know what interests graduates and how you can reach potential employees, whether that's through virtual law fairs or magazines.'

A recent AGR survey suggests that the sectors in which there is less turnover of graduate recruitment managers are more successful in recruiting the graduates they want. The legal sector's sophisticated understanding of the market, for example, means they manage to recruit exactly the right number of trainees despite intense competition and thousands of applications. The people recruiting seem to build up a specialism and then pass on their knowledge and expertise to those new to the graduate recruitment sector.

Jackie Alexander, an HR partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, feels that HR professionals are finally reaching board level and receiving the sort of acknowledgement they deserve. 'They are judged by the value they add to the business,' she says, 'and, as a professional services firm, the right people are our biggest asset.' As Georgia de Saram points out: 'From our company's point of v. iew, if I can't establish a rapport with a candidate

A.detailed knowledge of their sector.

B.appropriate academic qualifications.

C.understanding of graduates' expectations.

D.experience of the companies they work for.


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