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Questions 1-6

Different stages and types of stars are mentioned in Reading Passage 1. Choose ONE of the types or stages (A-H) from the box below which best matches the descriptions (Questions 1-6).

Write your answers in boxes 1-6 on your Answer Sheet.

NOTE: you may use any answer more than once.


B.main sequence star

C.red giant

D.white dwarf

E.black dwarf


G.neutron star

H.black hole

the Sun ______

更多“Questions 1-6”相关的问题


Questions 1-6

Different stages and types of stars are mentioned in Reading Passage 1. Choose ONE of the types or stages (A-H) from the box below which best matches the descriptions (Questions 1-6).

Write your answers in boxes 1-6 on your Answer Sheet.

NOTE: you may use any answer more than once.


B.main sequence star

C.red giant

D.white dwarf

E.black dwarf


G.neutron star

H.black hole

the Sun ______



Section 1 Questions 1-10 (IELTS 12, Test 6) Comple...

Section 1 Questions 1-10 (IELTS 12, Test 6) Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Events during Kenton Festival Example Start date:        16th       May Opening ceremony (first day) ?  In town centre, starting at 1_____  The mayor will make a speech A 2_____ will perform Performance of a 3_____ about Helen Tungate (a 4_____) Evening fireworks display situated across the 5_____ . Other events ?  Videos about relationships that children have with their 6_____ Venue: 7_____ House ?  Performance of 8_____ dances Venue: the 9_____ market in the town centre Time: 2 and 5 pm every day except 1st day of festival Several professional concerts and one by children Venue: library Time: 6.30 pm on the 18th Tickets available online from festival box office and from shops which have the festival 10 _____ in their windows



Passage 2

Questions 6 to 1O are based on the following passage:

People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by man's release of completely new and often artificial (人造)substances into the environment, or by releasing grealy increased amounts of a natural substance (物质), such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.

Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up there or four times in paekages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in termsof glass, metal and paper.Adverising has helped this process by persuading many of us no only to buy thing we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying,excess use and careless disposal (处理) of the products we use in our daily lives.

6. The main cause of pollution is______.

A the release of artificial or natural substances into the environment

B the production of new industrial goods

C increased amounts of a natural substance

D our ever-increasing population



Part Two Questions 1-10 (2 points for each 20 poin...

Part Two Questions 1-10 (2 points for each 20 points totally) Questions 1 – 10 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6.( ) Directions: There are two passages in this section.For each question (1-10), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. You should decide on the best choice. Passage One CREATIVITY IN THE WORKPLACE (questions 1-6 ,12 points totally) Yet while senior managers may regret the lack of creativity, they must take much of the blame for creating the situation. Until recently, successive generations of management ignored innovative ideas from employees. Indeed, new ways of thinking were often regarded as an unwanted distraction, and original thinkers received little support. Despite the fact that many organisations are now taking steps to reorient the business culture to promote creativity, it is not surprising, given this background, that a creative environment Is hard to establish. Another related issue is raised by Katrina Murray, a partner in a management consultancy: 'While many senior managers still complain about the lack of support lor creativity in their organisations, they also fall to appreciate the contribution that they themselves can make. In some companies, there is a perception that only managers at board level can influence the company culture.' Murray feels that such organisations are unlikely to change. For her, 'creative organisations are made up of individuals who believe they can dictate their own future. Companies need to be able to spot these Individuals and gently encourage them to lead the way.' It Is also necessary for senior managers to reexamine their role. According to Alex Sadowski, an American professor of management science, promoting creativity means re-evaluating most of what we know about management. It means organisations must be prepared to invest In ideas without being sure of the return on that investment.Katrina Murray agrees with this view. 'Businesses are expert at the measured approach, which involves analysis and risk avoidance. But there is another approach, which involves intuition and not always looking at the bottom line. What Is hard is establishing a working environment in which both these approaches can function simultaneously. Nevertheless, there are some pleasing Indicators of progress in this area. Many of the senior managers Interviewed in the survey say their organisations have adopted a number of strategies to encourage individuals to channel their creativity. Among these are giving open and honest feedback, allowing employees the freedom to measure their performance against more flexible goals, and higher toleration levels of failure. Senior managers also recognize that the way an organisation is led and managed is critical to building a creative environment and that they themselves have an important role to play. But there are some experts who believe an even more fundamental change is needed. Tom Robertson, a professor of creative education, believes that the lack of creativity In companies is a problem that originated in schools and universities. The solution, he says, lies in more enlightened educational policies. 'There are already signs on this, but creativity is still concentrated in certain sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, advertising and the media. These sectors have always valued creativity, but the real challenge will be to shift some of these sectors practices into more traditional manufacturing and service companies. ( )1.Many senior managers feel that organisations have difficulties innovating because of A. a poor level of skills among employees B. an emphasis on rapid achievement C. an increased risk associated with change D. an insistence on a standard company philosophy ( )2.According to the writer, many organisations today are A.finding it easier to introduce a creative approach B.having problems understanding innovation as a concept C.actively developing the conditions for a creative approach D.resisting innovative staff suggestions ( )3.In the third paragraph, Katrina Murray expresses the view that   A. top management must dictate the pace of change   B. some employees lack a commitment to change.   C. most organisations are incapable of bringing about effective change   D. some senior managers underestimate the role they can play in achieving change. ( )4.Alex Sadowski and Katrina Murray agree that to be truly innovative, organisations must   A. invest in the right managers B. place less emphasis on financial considerations C. have a double focus to their policies D. not to change employer ( )5.According to the survey, which of the following strategies has been introduced to encourage creativity? A.a greater acceptance of error B.financial rewards for higher levels of creativity C.the introduction of specific performance targets D. the promotion of creative individuals to senior posts ( )6.Tom Robertson believes that, in the future, it will be difficult to achieve A.an educational system that encourages creativity B.a combination of practices that promote creativity C.the spread of creativity to a range of businesses D.a greater respect for creativity in pharmaceutical companies



The following scenario relates to questions 6–10.

On 1 January 20X5, Blocks Co entered into new lease agreements as follows:

Agreement one This finance lease relates to a new piece of machinery. The fair value of the machine is $220,000. The agreement requires Blocks Co to pay a deposit of $20,000 on 1 January 20X5 followed by five equal annual instalments of $55,000, starting on 31 December 20X5. The implicit rate of interest is 11·65%.

Agreement two This three-year operating lease relates to a fleet of vans. The fair value of the vans is $120,000 and they have an estimated useful life of five years. The agreement requires Blocks Co to make no payment in year one and $48,000 in years two and three.

Agreement three This sale and leaseback relates to a cutting machine purchased by Blocks Co on 1 January 20X4 for $300,000. The carrying amount of the machine as at 31 December 20X4 was $250,000. On 1 January 20X5, it was sold to Cogs Co for $370,000 and Blocks Co will lease the machine back for five years, the remainder of its useful life, at $80,000 per annum.

According to IAS 17 Leases, which of the following is generally considered to be a characteristic of an operating, rather than a finance, lease?

A.Ownership of the assets is passed to the lessee by the end of the lease term

B.The lessor is responsible for the general maintenance and repair of the assets

C.The present value of the lease payments is approximately equal to the fair value of the asset

D.The lease term is for a major part of the useful life of the asset

For agreement one, what is the finance cost charged to profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 20X6?





The following calculations have been prepared for agreement one: How will the finance lease obligation be shown in the statement of financial position as at 31 December 20X7?

A.$44,120 as a non-current liability and $49,271 as a current liability

B.$49,271 as a non-current liability and $44,120 as a current liability

C.$93,391 as a non-current liability

D.$93,391 as a current liability

For agreement three, what profit should be recognised for the year ended 31 December 20X5 as a result of the sale and leaseback?A.$24,000




For agreement two, what would be the correct statement of profit or loss entries for the year ended 31 December 20X5?A.Depreciation of $24,000 and no lease rental expense

B.No depreciation and lease rental expense of $32,000

C.Depreciation of $24,000 and lease rental expense of $32,000

D.No depreciation and lease rental expense of $48,000




Questions 1- 10 are based on Passage 1. Passage 1

Passage 1

1. The first fax message is sent by ().

2. The first fax message is sent to the ()of Phillips and Sons.

3. The first fax message is sent at ()on Thursday.

Mistakes with the order:

Jackson Accountants ordered best quality computer paper. but they received(4)computer paper.

Jackson Accountants ordered 10 pads of (5) , but they received none.

6. The second fax message is sent by ().

7. The second fax message is sent to ().

Problems with the order:

The Reference Number on the order was (8).

The number on the Delivery Note is (9).

The order has been delivered to another client.

Solutions( 解决办法):

There will be a (10) tomorrow morning.




Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below.

听力原文: When basketball was invented in 1891 in America, it was intended to be an outdoor game, which could be played during the severe American winters, when the ground was too frozen or snowy for baseball. Nowadays the game is played on specially designed basketball courts all over the world. It is a popular game because it demands speed and skill from its players, and is very exciting to watch. Most American cities have basketball teams. The teams often have names such as the Tigers' which suggest speed and physical power.

Basketball is played by two opposing teams, each of five players, on a rectangular court which is 26 meters long by 14 meters wide. Variations of 2 meters on the length and 1 meter on the width are permitted. The object of the game is to score points by shooting the ball into the opponent's goal. This used to be a wooden basket fixed high on a pole, but nowadays it is a metal hoop (still often referred to as the basket), 45 centimeters in diameter, which is secured horizontally with a net attachment beneath, 3.05 meters above the ground on a vertical board. The height of the hoop means that basketball teams are usually made up of players who are taller than average.

Like all competitive sports, basketball is governed by strict rules. Many of these roles relate to the handling of the ball. Each player tries to tap the ball to a member of his or her own team, who may then bounce, pass or shoot the ball. No player may run holding the ball, but he or she may dribble it by bouncing it on the court, with one hand only, as he or she runs.

When basketball was invented, it was intended to be



第二节 长对话 Questions 1 to 3 are based on the co...

第二节 长对话 Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A)The speaker are likely to lose some of their customers. B)The speakers failed to provide first-class products. C)Their customers stopped doing business with the speakers. D)Their customers used to pay on time, but not for this time. 2. A)An advertising company. B)An insurance company. C)A publication company. D)A manufacturing company. 3. A)Ask for suggestions. B)Change clients. C)Change suppliers. D)Show concern. Questions 4 to 7 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 4. A)He has to do his job during the day. B)He has to do his job in the evening. C)He has to study at his own college. D)He has to work on the weekends. 5. A)To take the data processing course. B)To take the computer programming course. C)To take the computer theory course. D)To take the computer software coursc. 6. A)It is on Thursday evenings and lasts 10 weeks. B)It is on Thursday evenings and lasts 12 weeks. C)It is on Monday evenings and lasts 12 weeks. D)It is on Monday evenings and lasts 14 weeks. 7 A)His check book and ID. B)300 dollars in cash and his ID. C)His check book. D)His own computer.



Part1 Matching up (20 points)Questions 1-10 are based on the following task.Directions:
Part1 Matching up (20 points)

Questions 1-10 are based on the following task.

Directions: Match the English words and phrases with their proper Chinese Meanings.












b.terms and conditions

c.position desired

d.company profile

e.After-sales Service Department

f.product feature

g.on the basis of equality and mutual benefit

h.as no surprise

i.in honor of




The following scenario relates to questions 6–10.

Kitten is the controlling shareholder in Kat Ltd, an unquoted trading company.

Kat Ltd

Kat Ltd sold a freehold factory on 31 May 2015 for £364,000, which resulted in a chargeable gain of £120,700. The factory was purchased on 1 October 2003 for £138,600, and further capital improvements were immediately made at a cost of £23,400 during the month of purchase. Further improvements to the factory were made during the month of disposal. The relevant retail prices indexes (RPIs) are as follows:

October 2003 182·6

May 2015 258·0

Kat Ltd is unsure how to reinvest the proceeds from the sale of the factory. The company is considering either purchasing a freehold warehouse for £272,000, or acquiring a leasehold office building on a 40-year lease for a premium of £370,000. If either reinvestment is made, it will take place on 30 September 2016.

All of the above buildings have been, or will be, used for the purposes of Kat Ltd’s trade.

Kitten K

itten sold 20,000 £1 ordinary shares in Kat Ltd on 5 October 2015, which resulted in a chargeable gain of £142,200. This disposal qualified for entrepreneurs’ relief.

Kitten had originally subscribed for 90,000 shares in Kat Ltd on 7 July 2008 at their par value. On 22 September 2011, Kat Ltd made a 2 for 3 rights issue. Kitten took up her allocation under the rights issue in full, paying £6·40 for each new share issued.

Kitten also sold an antique vase on 16 January 2016, which resulted in a chargeable gain of £27,900.

For the tax year 2015–16, Kitten had taxable income of £12,000.

What amount of indexation allowance will have been deducted in calculating the chargeable gain of £120,700 on the disposal of Kat Ltd’s factory?





If Kat Ltd decides to purchase the freehold warehouse and makes a claim to roll over the chargeable gain on the factory under the rollover relief rules, what will be the base cost of the warehouse for chargeable gains purposes?





What cost figure will have been used in calculating the chargeable gain on Kitten’s disposal of 20,000 ordinary shares in Kat Ltd?





If Kat Ltd decides to acquire the leasehold office building and makes a claim to hold over the chargeable gain on the factory under the rollover relief rules, what is the latest date by which the held-over gain will crystallise?

A.Ten years from 31 May 2015

B.The date when the office building is sold

C.40 years from 30 September 2016

D.Ten years from 30 September 2016

What is Kitten’s capital gains tax (CGT) liability for the tax year 2015–16?







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