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Trng mang n cho sinh viên r t nhi u phng th c h c. ng th i, trng còn t ch c cau l c b sinh ho t, giúp cho sinh viên trau d i kh n ng thuy t trình ____ ám ng.




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下列词语拼音正确的是( )。

A.资质,zhī zhì

B.水落石出,Shǔi luò shí chū

C.张建国,Zhāng Jiàn guó

D.诸葛亮,Zhū gě Liàng










Today the world's economy is going through two great changes, both bigger

Today the world's economy is going through two great changes, both bigger than an Asian financial crisis here or a European monetary union there.

The first change is that a lot of industrial_67_is moving from the United States, Western Europe and Japan to _68 _countries in Latin America, South-East Asia and Eastern Europe. In 1950, the United States alone _69_ for more than half of the world's economy output. In 1990, its _70_ was down to a quarter. By 1990, 40% of IBM's employees were non-Americans; Whirlpool, America's leading _71_ of domestic appliances, cut its American labor force _72_ 10%. Quite soon now, many big western companies will have more _73_ (and customers) in poor countries than in rich _74_ .

The second great change is _75_, in the rich countries of the OECD, the balance of economic activity is _76_ from manufacturing to _77_. In the United States and Britain, the _78_ of workers in manufacturing has _79_ since 1900 from around 40% to barely half that. _80_ in Germany and Japan, which rebuilt so many _81_after 1945, manufacturing's share of jobs is now below 30%. The effect of the _82 is increased _83_ manufacturing moves from rich countries to the developing ones, _84_ cheap labor _85_ them a sharp advantage in many of the _86_ tasks required by mass production.

67. A. product   B. production  C. products  D. productivity

68. A. other   B. small    C. capitalistic    D. developing

69. A. accounted  B. occupied  C. played  D. shared

70. A. output  B. development  C. share  D. economy

71. A. state  B. consumer   C. representative  D. supplier

72. A. by     B. at      C. through      D. in

73. A. products  B. market  C. employees  D. changes

74. A. one     B. ones    C. times    D. time

75. A. what    B. like   C. that    D. how

76. A. ranging    B. varying   C. swinging   D. getting

77. A. producing  B. products  C. servicing  D. services

78. A. proportion   B. number   C. quantity   D. group

79. A. changed   B. gone   C. applied   D. shrunk

80. A. Furthermore   B. Even   C. Therefore   D. Hence

81. A. armies   B. weapons   C. factories   D. countries

82. A. question  B. manufacturing  C. shift   D. rebuilding

83. A. with   B. as    C. given    D. if

84. A. while   B. whose   C. who's   D. which

85. A. give   B. is giving   C. gives   D. gave

86. A. repetitive   B. various   C. creative   D. enormous



Chinese medicine has a long tradition of natural "ageless ageing", much of which centres on the use of the breath. This is something to which we give little attention in the West. It is strange to think that specific breathing techniques are ignored, given that the body's use of oxygen is the central determinant of the rate at which we age.

One of the reasons regular aerobic exercise is so beneficial in slowing the rate at which you age and at warding off degenerative diseases is that it improves your use of oxygen. So can learning to breathe fully. It can also improve your mood, increase your resistance to colds and illness, and improve your sleeping.

Full breathing is also an important tool for encouraging waste elimination—a kind of spring-cleaning process that can go on all year round, every day of your life.

Few people breathe fully. Most of us, particularly in sedentary jobs, breathe high—that is, we breathe quickly and in a shallow way, concentrating the inhalations in the upper chest area, which is the part of the lungs that holds the smallest quantity of air.

Not only does this kind of breathing inhibit oxygen intake, it can also encourage the lungs to atrophy and to lose their elasticity—a common occurrence as people get older.

Other people, who allow the air to flow deeper into their lungs, are mid-breathers. But to make the best use of oxygen for ageless ageing, it is important to develop the habit of taking total breaths so that they become a normal way of breathing.

In breathing totally, all of your breathing apparatus comes into play. The intercostal muscles expand the ribs outward to create a large space in which your lungs can inflate to their maximum. The diaphragm moves down, pulling the lower ribs outward, which lets even the very bottom of your lungs fill completely with air.

Practise it lying down for five minutes a couple of times a day—perhaps on awakening or just before going to sleep—and gradually it will become an automatic way of breathing. Not only will this help with ageless ageing, it will also help to improve your resistance to fatigue and the glow of your skin, It will also have some effect in protecting you from minor illness.

Here is the technique:

Lying flat on your back with a small pillow beneath your neck, place one hand on your abdomen and rest the other on one side of your ribcage, inhale slowly through your nose, imagining you are sending your breath to a place about two inches below your navel.

As the in-breath continues, let it fill your stomach. Then expand your ribcage to the side, as well as the mid-section of your chest. Now let the fresh breath fill the upper part of your chest area. The whole process of inhalation should take about five seconds.

Hold your breath for another five seconds to begin with, then gradually increase the time.

Now exhale, following the same gradual process: first, contract your lower abdomen gently, then let the lower lungs deflate, followed by the upper chest. This process should also take no more than five seconds to complete.

But note, it is important, before beginning the cycle again, to rest for a second or two.

With what topic is the passage primarily concerned'?

A.Ageless ageing.

B.The correct way of breathing.

C.The process of breathing.

D.Aerobic exercise.



What is the speaker doing?

A.Explaining the campus architecture to visitors.

B.Providing orientation for new campus employees.

C.Familiarizing new students with the campus.

D.Advising students about which classes to take.



Learning science helps children to develop ways of understanding the world around them. For this they have to build up concepts which help them link their experiences together, they must learn ways of gaining and organizing information and of applying and testing ideas. This contributes not only to children's ability to make better sense of things around them, but prepares them to deal more effectively with wider decision-making and problem-solving in their lives. Science is as basic a part of education as numeracy and literacy, it daily becomes more important as the complexity of technology increases and touches every part of our lives.

Learning science can bring a double benefit because science is both a method and a set of ideas, both a process and product. The processes of science provide a way of finding out information, testing ideas and seeking explanations. The products of science are ideas which can be applied in helping to understand new experiences. The word "can" is used advisedly here, it indicates that there is the potential to bring these benefits but no guarantee that they will be realized without taking the appropriate steps. In learning science the development of the process side and the product side must go hand in hand, they are totally interdependent. This has important implications for the kinds of activities children need to encounter in their education But before pursuing these implications, there are still two further important points which underline the value of including science in primary education.

The first is that whether we teach children science or not, they will ha developing ideas about the world around from their earliest years. If these ideas are based on casual observation, non-investigated events and the acceptance of hearsay, than they are likely to be non-scientific. "everyday" ideas. There are plenty of such ideas around for children to pick up. My mother believed (and perhaps still does despite my efforts) that if the sun shines through the window on to the fire it puts the fire out, that cheese maggots f a common encounter in her youth when food was sold unwrapped) are made of cheese and develop spontaneously from it, that placing a lid on a pan of boiling water makes it boil at a lower temperature, that electricity travels more easily if the wires are not twisted. Similar myths still abound and no doubt influence children's attempts to make sense of their experience. As well as hearsay, left to themselves, children will also form. some ideas which seem unscientific; for example, that to make something move requires a force but to stop it needs no force. All these ideas could easily be put to the test; children's science education should make children want to do it. Then they not only have the chance to modify their ideas, but they learn to be sceptical about so-called "truths" until these have been put to the test. Eventually they will realize that all ideas are working hypotheses which can never be proved right, but are useful as long as they fit the evidence of experience and experiment.

The importance of beginning this learning early in children's education is twofold. On the one hand the children begin to realize that useful ideas must fit the evidence; on the other hand they are less likely to form. and to accept everyday ideas which can be shown to be in direct conflict with evidence and scientific concepts. There are research findings to show that the longer the non-scientific ideas have been held, the more difficult they are to change. Many children come to secondary science, not merely lacking the scientific ideas they need, but possessing alternative ideas which are a barrier to understanding their science lessons.

The second point about starting to learn science, and to learn scientifically, at the primary level is connected with attitudes to the subject. There is evidence that attitudes to science seem to be for

A.the importance of science in human development

B.the proper ways of teaching children science

C.the necessity for children to learn science

D.the correct attitude to science as a subject in primary education


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