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The novels written by MoYn ______ mgicnd mystery.is full ofB.re full ofC.is full with D.reThe novels written by MoYn ______ mgicnd mystery.is full of B.re full of C.is full with D.re full with

A.is full of

B.are full of

C.is full with

D.are full with

试题分析:be full of充满,侧重于状态;be full with充满,侧重于动作和装的东西。莫言写的小说充满了魔术和神秘。结合语境可知本句强调的是状态,故选B。 点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境选择合适答案。
更多“The novels written by MoYn ______ mgicnd mystery.is full ofB.re full ofC.is full with D.reThe novels…”相关的问题


听力原文:W: What do you think of your new coach, Mr. Smith?

M: Wall, he is full of praise when you train yourself hard, but when you get up later than five o'clock in the morning, you'd better watch out.

Q: How does the new coach treat his men?


A.He looks after them carefully.

B.He does not like Mr. Smith and his friends.

C.He is very strict.

D.He makes them work even in the early morning.



1. Contemporary technological reporting is full of notions of electronic communities in which people interact across regions or entire continents. Could such "virtual communities" eventually replace geographically localized social relations? There are reasons to suspect that, as the foundation for a democratic society, virtual communities will remain seriously deficient. 2.For example, electronic communication filters out and alters mush of the subtlety, warmth, contextuality, and so no that seem important to fully human, morally engaged interaction. That is one reason many Japanese and European executives persist in considering face-to-face encounter essential to their business dealings and why many engineers, too, prefer face-to-face encounter essential to their business dealings and why many engineers, too, prefer face-to-face interaction and find it essential to their creativity. 3. Even hypothetical new media (e. g. advanced "virtual realities"), conveying a dimensionally richer sensory display, are unlikely to prove fully satisfactory substitutes for face-to-face interaction. Electronic media decompose holistic experience into analytically distinct sensory dimensions and then transmit the latter. At the receiving end, people can resynthesize the resulting parts into a coherent experience, but the new whole is invariably different and, is some fundamental sense less, than the original. Second, there is evidence that screen-based technologies (such as TV and computer monitors) are prone to induce democratically unpromising psychopathologies, ranging from escapism to passivity, obsession, confusing watching with doing, withdrawal from other forms of social engagement, or distancing from moral consequences. Third, a strength—but also a drawback—to a virtual community is that any member can exit instantly. Indeed, an entire virtual community can decline or perish in the wink of an eye. 4. To the extent that membership in virtual communities proves less stable than that obtaining in other forms of democratic community, or that social relations prove less thick (i. e. less embedded in a context filled with shared meaning and history), there could be adverse consequences for individual psychological and moral development. 5. no matter with whom we communicate nor how far our imaginations fly, our bodies—and hence many material interdependencies with other people—always remain locally situated. Thus it seems morally hazardous to commune with far-flung tele-mates, if that means growing indifferent to physical neighbors. It is not encouraging to observe just such indifference in Californias Silicon Valley, one of the words most "highly wired" regions.



听力原文:M: Nowadays, life for' young people is full of interest and variety.

W: On the whole, it is true. But you can't miss the point that it is more competitive.

Q: What is the woman's response to the mans re mark?


A.She partially agrees with the man.

B.She completely agrees with the man.

C.She doesn't agree with the man.

D.She thinks life's worse for young people.



Are they so frightful because the valley is full of foreigners with no love of beauty in them?


Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

The gravitational pull of the earth and moon is important to us as we attempt to conquer more and more of outer space. Here's why.

As a rocket leaves the earth, the pull of the earth on it becomes less and less as the rocket roars out into space. If you imagine a line between the earth and the moon, there's a point somewhere along that line, nearer to the moon than to the earth, at which the gravitational pull of both the earth and the moon on an object is just about equal. An object placed on the moon side of that point would be drawn to the moon. An object placed on the earth side of that point would be drawn to the earth. Therefore, a rocket need be sent only to this "point of no return" in order to get it to the moon. The moon's gravity will pull it the rest of the way.

The return trip of the rocket to the earth is, in some ways, less of a problem. The earth's gravitational field reaches far closer to the moon than does the moon's to earth. Thus, it will be necessary to fire an earthbound rocket only a few thousand miles away from the moon to reach a point where the rocket will drift to earth under the earth's gravitational pull.

The problem of rocket travel is not so much concerned with getting the rocket into space as it is with guiding the rocket after it leaves the earth's surface. Remember that the moon is constantly circling the earth. A rocket fired at the moon and continuing in the direction in which it was fired would miss the moon by a wide: margin and. perhaps continue to drift out into space until "captured" in another planet's gravitational field. To reach the moon, a rocket must be tired toward the point where the moon will be when the rocket has traveled the: required distance. This requires precise calculations of the speed and direction of the rocket and of the speed and direction of the moon.

For a rocket to arrive at a point where the moon's gravity will pull it the rest of the way, it must reach a speed called the velocity of escape. This speed is about 25, 000 m/les (about 40,200 kilometers) per hour. At a speed less than this, a rocket will merely circle the earth in an orbit and eventually fall back to the earth.

This short passage is mainly about ______.

A.the rocket

B.the pull of the earth

C.the pull of the moon

D.the gravitational pull of the earth and moon


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