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Many people believe the glare(耀眼的强光)from snow causes snowblindness. Yet, dark glasses

Many people believe the glare(耀眼的强光)from snow causes snowblindness. Yet, dark glasses or not they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snowblindness, when exposed to several hours of "snow light". The United States Army has now determined that the glare from snow does not cause snowblindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a mans eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of a snow-covered area. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscle aches. Nature balances this annoyance by producing more and more liquid which covers the eyeballs. The liquid covers the eyeballs in increasing quantity until vision blurs(模糊). And the result is total, even though temporary, snowblindness. Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts(侦察兵)ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark-colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop searching through the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the man can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snowblind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white area is overcome. Question: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with______.

A.snow glare and snowblindness

B.the whiteness from snow

C.headaches, watering eyes and snowblindness

D.the need for dark glasses

更多“Many people believe the glare(耀眼的强光)from snow causes snowblindness. Yet, dark glasses”相关的问题


One silly question I simply cannot tolerate is "How do you feel?" Usually the question is

asked of a man in action—a man walking along the street, or busily working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? Hell probably say, "Fine, Im all right. " But you have put a bug in his ear—maybe now he is not sure. If you are his good friend, you may have seen something on his face, or in his walk, that he overlooked that morning. It makes him worrying a little. He looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else, "How do you feel?" Every question has its time and place. Its perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask "How do you feel?" if you are visiting a close friend in the hospital. But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to take a train or sitting at his desk working, its no time to ask him that silly question. When George Bernard Shaw, the famous British writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him, "How do you feel?" Shaw put him in his place. "When you reach my age," he said, "either you feel all right or you are dead. " Question: "You have put a bug in his ear" means that you have______.

A.made him laugh

B.shown concern for him

C.made fun of him

D.given him some kind of warning



Extract 1 In any relationship the worst pitfall is possessiveness. You must never thi

nk you own the other person just because you are their parent, their marriage partner or you pay them to work for you. You must accept that they will always be themselves and that nothing you can do will alter this fact. You can give advice if it is asked for but you should never impose it. People usually only ask for advice that they hope to find palatable. Phrases such as "Youll be making a great mistake if ...", or "Of course, if I were you Id ..." suggest criticism, even censure. The important thing to remember is that it is another person and not you who is making the decision. Extract 2 Some times when you are being considered for a job you may be asked to take a personality test. This means that your prospective employer is trying to assess what kind of person you are, whether you can work well under stress, how you express yourself and, most important, how you get on with other people. Part of a personality test may take the form. of a group discussion or role-play. Here it is important not to try to impose your views on the other members of the group, to avoid getting argumentative or start talking about something totally irrelevant. There is no reason why you cant say what you think, so long as you say it pleasantly and do not totally rule out any opinion which differs from your own. Extract 3 Any relationship with children must be based on truth and dignity. Children are not impressed by adults who are trying to impress them and they resent being talked down to or treated by strangers as some form. of household pet to be rewarded for good behavior. and punished for misdemeanors. Children should be treated as people in their own right. This is probably why the relationship between children and the very old is often so successful. Elderly people often find themselves being treated in much the same way as children and equally resent it. Questions:

According to Dr. Mead, the attitude of beings from outer space towards us is one of______.







Extract 1, 2 and 3 all imply the importance of______..A.self respectB.understandingC.flexi

Extract 1, 2 and 3 all imply the importance of______..

A.self respect


C.flexible opinion




Rogets Thesaurus is a book, and a very famous book, too. If youve never heard of it, dont

worry. But once you know it, it is a friend for life. And dont worry about the title. Roget is the man who wrote it, and "thesaurus" is from a Greek word meaning "treasure". Rogets Thesaurus is not a book which you read from cover to cover. And it certainly isnt a book which fills you with excitement the moment you open it. But it is a book you keep coming back to year after year, again and again, if you are interested in ... words. It is a vast treasure house of information about words. Briefly, it works in the opposite way to a dictionary. When you use a dictionary you know the word, but you dont know what it means. You use a dictionary to find out the meaning of the word. When you use a thesaurus, or the Thesaurus, as there is only one, and that is Rogets Thesaurus, you know about what the word means, but you cant find exactly the word you want. So you look up a related word in the index at the back of the book, then turn to the group or category of words with that meaning, and, well ... if youre lucky, youll soon have found your missing word. Rogets Thesaurus was first published in 1852, and in the next 125 years, that is by 1977, had sold over thirty million copies. Roget himself was a most remarkable man. He was already seventy when he wrote the book, and had spent a most active life as a scientist, physician and engineer. He had made several discoveries, and had published an important report on Londons water supply, which at that time(1827)was very polluted. His thesaurus was a hobby, or a sideline—something to do in his retirement. Indeed, in 1852, it is doubtful if anyone realized just what an important book it was. There were only a thousand copies of the first edition. But it was soon reprinted, and by the time of his death, Roget, who lived to the age of ninety, had seen twenty-five editions of his work printed. And the book is still going strong today, a century and a quarter later. There is most probably a copy in your library. But if you use it, do so with care. Dont try to use all the words which Dr. Peter Mark Roget put into each of his categories. If you do that you may have to go back to the dictionary to find out what some of them mean. Question: This passage is most likely______.

A.a book review

B.an advertisement

C.an editorial

D.a special report



What reason do Americans give for the reduction in traffic accidents?A.Their imposition of

What reason do Americans give for the reduction in traffic accidents?

A.Their imposition of speed limit.

B.Their introduction of driving tests.

C.Their guide to inexperienced drivers.

D.The rise in their traffic density.



What is the attitude of British authorities concerning speeding laws?A.Approval.B.Disagree

What is the attitude of British authorities concerning speeding laws?







Speeding is a motoring offence a driver commits when he does the following things except__


A.driving faster than 70 miles per hour on any road

B.driving faster than the limit on a restricted road

C.exceeding the limit of 30 miles per hour on any road

D.exceeding the limit for certain vehicles on any road



What measures were adopted in 1935 in addition to the speeding restrictions?A.The governme

What measures were adopted in 1935 in addition to the speeding restrictions?

A.The government also introduced in the driving tests and pedestrian crossings.

B.The government also set up street lamps which are 200 yards apart or more.

C.The Road Traffic Act imposed the ban of cars and trucks in built-up areas.

D.The Road Traffic Act reduced accident rate by increasing the traffic density.



If the technological revolution continues to have its effects, there will be fewer and few

er jobs available, particularly to school-leavers and those over the age of fifty. If there are only half the number of jobs in the future, men and women will have to share them. Two people will therefore work only twenty hours each instead of the forty they are currently accustomed to. It is a well-known fact that those who suffer from stress at work are often not high-powered executives but unskilled workers doing boring, repetitive jobs, especially those on production lines. Unemployment often has a similar effect on its victims. If we wish to prevent this type of stress and the depression(沮丧)that frequently follows long periods of it, we will have to find ways of educating people to cope with this sudden increase in leisure time. Many have already turned to pills and tablets to combat sleeplessness and anxiety, two of the symptoms of long-term stress and depression. In America, we spend $ 650 million a year on different kinds of medicines. We swallow a staggering(大得惊人的)three million sleeping tablets every night. Although these "drugs of the mind" can be extremely useful in cases of crisis, the majority of patients would be better off without them. The boredom and frustration of unemployment are not the only causes of stress: poor housing, family problems, overcrowding and financial worry are all significant factors. Nevertheless, doctors believe that if people learnt to breathe properly, took more exercise, used their leisure time more actively and expressed their anger instead of bottling it up, they would not depend so much on drugs, which treat only the symptoms and not the cause of the stress. If doctors refused prescriptions more often and discouraged patients with minor ailments from visiting the clinic, the country would have more money to spend on improving leisure facilities and adult education, which are at present inadequate in many parts of the country. Moreover, doctors would have more time to spend on those patients in real need of their help. Questions:

During which period could British motorists drive without speed limits?

A.During 1903 to 1908.

B.During 1930 to 1935.

C.During 1935 to 1940.

D.During 1935 to 1966.



What is the authors purpose by concluding his article with a story?A.To show that though w

What is the authors purpose by concluding his article with a story?

A.To show that though we have made great progress in development we lost our direction in the modern society.

B.To illustrate that we are now in the process of flying a plane with a confused pilot driving it.

C.To prove that neither flying a lost plane nor directing the way of a plane is an easy job.

D.To make sure that everybody is the cause of our world pollution through everybody"s making rapid progress.


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