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The richness of our languages is considered by many to be the distinctive and crowing ach

ievement in human evolution. Language provides us for the means to communicate ideas, emotions and【M1】______ knowledge and express our cultural identity. In Europe different languages are a fact of life. The European Union considers the diversity of tongues as an inalienable component of our cultural heritage; but【M2】______ the principle of language equality is present in Europes founding treaties. Preserving linguistic diversity has been at heart of its policy【M3】______ from the very beginning. However, linguistic diversity demands a sustain and substantial investment. For example, the European【M4】______ institutions spend considerable portions of their operational budgets on translation and interpretation services. For European industry and business language diversity is a challenge or an asset, as the【M5】______ Commission has recently pointed out in its first Communication ever on a new strategic framework for multilingualism. What is sure that【M6】______ early investment in multilingual communication technologies can provide rapid access to new and emerging markets anywhere in the world—the factor that is vital for the long-run success of Europe. The【M7】______ ability to access and use information across the languages is vital for【M8】______ citizens, governments, and commerce. And human languages technologies can play an important role for enabling easy【M9】______ communication between people, administrations and businesses. The European Union, in collaboration with the Member States, have sponsored over the last 20 years several R&D actions which【M10】______ have contributed to building expertise, resources and a pan-European language infrastructure.


更多“The richness of our languages is considered by many to be the distinctive and crowing ach”相关的问题


To understand the marketing concept, its only necessary to understand the difference bet

ween marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the effective【M1】______ production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the need of the seller to produce goods and then convert【M2】______ them into money. Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It firstly begins at analyzing the preferences and【M3】______ demands of consumers and then producing goods mat will satisfy them. This eye - on - the - consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first endeavor to find what the consumer wants to【M4】______ buy and then go around making it available for purchase.【M5】______ This concept does not imply that business is benevolent or that consumer satisfaction should be given priority by profit. There are【M6】______ always two sides to every business transaction—the firm and the customer—and each must be satisfied after trade occurs. Successful【M7】______ merchants and producers recognize that the surest route to profit is through understanding and catering consumers. A striking【M8】______ example of the importance of understanding the consumer was【M9】______ presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changed the flavor of its drink. The nonacceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of the public brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic Coke, which was then marketing alongside the new.【M10】______




The popular notion about marriage and love is that they are synonymous, that they spring

from the same motives, and cover the same human needs. Therefore, like most popular notions this also【M1】______ rests not on actual facts, but on superstition. It is utterly false that love results from marriage. On rare occasions one does hear a【M2】______ miraculous case of a married couple falling in love after marriage, but on close examination it will be found that it is a merely adjustment to【M3】______ the inevitable. Certainly the growing—used to each other is far away from the spontaneity, the intensity, and beauty of love, without which the intimacy of marriage must prove degrading to both the woman and the man. Marriage is primarily an economical arrangement, an【M4】______ insurance pact. It differs from the ordinary life insurance agreement only in that it is more binding, more exacting. Its returns are significantly small compared with the investments. In taking out an【M5】______ insurance policy one pays for it with dollars and cents, always【M6】______ in liberty to discontinue payments. If, however, womans premium is【M7】______ a husband, she pays for it with her name, her privacy, her self-respect, her very life, "until death doth part". Moreover, the marriage insurance condemns her to life-long independency, to parasitism, to【M8】______ complete uselessness, individually as long as socially. Man, too, pays【M9】______ his toll, but as his sphere is wider, marriage does not limit him as much as to woman. He feels his chains more in an economic sense.【M10】______




What will be the impact of a global computer network on cultural forms? The construction

of exclusive information societies has restarted【M1】______ the debate about cultural diversity by renewing the common perception and evolution of this elusive term We shall focus on the meaning of the two words "diversity" and "culture". Diversity is often perceived as disparity, variation, singularity, that is, the opposite of uniformity and【M2】______ homogeneity. In its first and literal sense, cultural diversity then refers quite simply the multiplicity of cultures or cultural identities. This【M3】______ vision has now been replaced, though As for many experts "diversity" is not so much defined in opposite to "homogeneity". It is synonymous【M4】______ with dialogue and sharing values. In fact, the concept of cultural【M5】______ diversity, like that of biodiversity, goes on further, because it considers【M6】______ the multiplicity of cultures in a systemic perspective when each culture【M7】______ develops and evolves through contact with other cultures. As to culture, it draws its origins from the Latin word "cultura", that indicated the【M8】______ cultivation of fields and cattle. In the sixteenth century it acquires the meaning of the action of cultivating, or formation, which is at the【M9】______ source of the sense it is given today. So, culture has then come to mean that whole complexity of meanings, values and beliefs that determine【M10】______ how we do things and how we structure our ways of thinking.




According to legend, the ancient Olympic Games were founded by Heracles, a son of Zeus.

Yet the first Olympic Games for which we still have written records was held in 776 BC. At this Olympic Games, a naked runner, Coroebus—a cooker from Elis, won the sole【M1】______ event at the Olympics, the stade—a run of approximate 192 meters.【M2】______ This made Coroebus the very first Olympic champion in history. The ancient Olympic Games grew and continued to be played every four years for nearly 1200 years. In 393 BC, the Roman emperor abolished the Games because their pagan influences. Approximately 1500 years【M3】______ later, a young Frenchman named Pierre de Coubertin began their revival. Coubertins attempt to get France interested in sports was met with【M4】______ enthusiasm at first. Still, Coubertin persisted. In 1890, he organized and found a sports organization, Union des Societes Francaises de【M5】______ Sports Athl6tiques(USFSA). Two years later, Coubertin first pitched his idea to revive the Olympic Games. At a meeting of the Union des Sports Athl6tiques in Paris in November 25, 1892, Coubertin made【M6】______ a speech and eloquently spoken of the revival of the Olympic Games.【M7】______ This time, he aroused up interest. The delegates at the conference【M8】______ voted unanimously for the Olympic Games and also decided to have Coubertin constructed an international committee to organize the【M9】______ Games. This committee became the International Olympic Committee and Demetrious Vikelas in Greece was selected to be their first【M10】______ president Athens was chosen for the revival of the Olympic Games and the planning was begun.




The nature of language is the nature of human thought and human action, for language is

no more nor less than the tool of both of these aspects of human nature. A word is either the shadow of an act or of an idea. Verbal sounds have no meaning themselves. They【M1】______ are the channels, the medium for the expression or communication of【M2】______ that which lay outside of themselves. Plato has made clear to us how【M3】______ easy it is to deceive ourselves with words, to labor under an impression that just because we can utter a sound we also necessarily know that we are talking about Words may be empty vessels and pour out【M4】______ no more than hollow sounds. We find it simple to define some words and extremely difficult to define others words. The reason is that the【M5】______ definition of a word is the experience of records. Hence the definiteness【M6】______ of a definition of a word is in proportion at the vividness of the【M7】______ experience, its meaning. We readily define chair because of our frequent experience with the object which the sound is a symbol.【M8】______ We define it in terms of our experience like an object to sit ia But a【M9】______ definition of terms like "truth", or "virtue", or "honesty", or "beauty" is a most severe trial because of the haziness or complete lack for【M10】______ experiences of this nature. What, then, is the source of the meaning of words? What is the relationship between words, things, and actions?




The basic distinction between achievement and proficiency tests is to be found in the dif

ferent purposes for which the two kinds of【M1】______ test are put. Achievement tests are designing to measure the effects【M2】______ of a specific program of instruction or training. The aim of proficiency tests, on the other hand, is to determine whether their language ability corresponds to specific requirements. Examples of such requirements might be: sufficient ability of French to act as a guide to【M3】______ French tourists in Turkey, or enough English to study at an American university. Decisions as to whether that a candidate meets those【M4】______ requirements would be made without reference to the language courses he or she may have taken. The distinction between achievement tests and proficiency tests is a generally useful one. It makes us aware, among other things, that apparently successful performance on a course, which measured by【M5】______ an achievement test based directly on that course, does not necessarily imply the acquisition of a certain proficiency, even when the course is tended to develop that proficiency: the course itself may be【M6】______ deficient. Someone who shows high achievement of a badly【M7】______ designed course of French for Guides may still have sufficient【M8】______ French to perform. successfully as a guide. While I accept the general distinction between achievement tests and proficiency tests, mere is one respect in which I agree【M9】______ with most of the language testing literature and with usual testing practice. My disagreement concerns the way in which the content of the two kinds of tests be determined.【M10】______




Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. There can be few

prospect of raising the sort of sums needed【M1】______ from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally willing to provide【M2】______ money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn over public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the【M3】______ business to exchange for a share in future profits. They do so with【M4】______ issuing stocks and shares in the business through The Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the saving of individuals【M5】______ and institutions, both at home and overseas. When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead of, he sells his shares through a【M6】______ stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money. Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could function.【M7】______ All these require continuous spending in new equipment and new【M8】______ development if they are to serve us properly, requiring less money【M9】______ than is raised through taxes alone. The government, local authorities, and nationalized industries, however, frequently needed to borrow【M10】______ money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, come to The Stock Exchange.




In Western Cultures you dont open a closed door without knocking, unless it is your own o

r one clearly in a public place. Or【M1】______ do you enter a private house without first being asked to come in. In many countries where much of daily life is carried on outside peoples houses, a stranger doesnt do so if he knows his manner. He stops【M2】______ just at the edge of the village, where he can be seen and heard. He coughs once or twice to attract attention for his presence. He then【M3】______ sits down to wait until the appropriate person approaches to greet him and to invite him to enter the village. Most Westerners consider it bad manners to stare at people, but a few of them are aware of the fine points of seeing and not seeing【M4】______ that are a part of the behavior. patterns in many societies. Unexpected visitors to Japanese home may be ignored by the host as he leaves【M5】______ the room to prepare himself to receive the guests. In almost all societies there are patterns of behavior. connecting【M6】______ with the giving and receiving of gifts, and there are occasions which【M7】______ gift giving becomes for all practical purposes necessary. In many societies, hosts present gifts to arrived guests, who give gifts in return,【M8】______ or the procedure may be reversed, with the guest offering the first gift. It may be extremely important that a return gift is as good as or【M9】______ better than the one received, but on no circumstances should it be【M10】______ given in such a way as to appear to be a payment.




Language learning begins with listening. Individual children vary greatly with the amount

of listening they do before they start speaking,【M1】______ and late starters are often long listeners. Most children will "obey" spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word obey is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, much【M2】______ children will also ask questions by gesture and by making question noises【M3】______ Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerate difficulties. It is【M4】______ agreed that they enjoy making noises, and during the first few months【M5】______ one or two noises sort themselves out as particularly indicative of delight, distress, sociability, and so on. But since these cannot be said to show the babys intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded for early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from【M6】______ about three months they play with sounds by enjoyment.【M7】______ It is a problem we need not get our teeth into it The meaning【M8】______ of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation; and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains less experience of the world. Thus the use,【M9】______ at say seven months, of "mama" as a greeting for his mother can not be dismissed as a meaningful sound simply because he also uses them at other times for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes.【M10】______




Many people feel that human beings should be responsible for the disappearance of some ot

her animal species. It is true we may【M1】______ have hastened the disappearance of some species, but abundant evidence suggests that mankind has actually had few impact Biologists【M2】______ point out that 50 species can be expected to disappear in the 20th century but also remind us that about 50 species became extinct in the 19th century, and 50 species in each of the centuries after that Dr. T. H.【M3】______ Jukes at the University of California has pointed out that about 100 million animal species have become extinct since life began on the earth about 3 billion years before. Thus, animals come and animals【M4】______ go as a consequence of natural selection as Mr. Darwin had invented.【M5】______ The human race is a recent newcomer to the scene, so weve had nothing whatsoever to do with the disappearance of millions of species. In fact, when it comes right down it, were a miserable failure【M6】______ at genocide. In spite of an all-out centuries-old war against rats, but【M7】______ we havent made a dent in its numbers, much less extinguished a【M8】______ single species. And in spite of all our high technology we have not been successful on eliminating a single undesirable insect species!【M9】______ Ive come to the conclusion that the people who are trying to save world are probably quite sincere about it, therefore they dont know【M10】______ much about science and certainly nothing about systems engineering.



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