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听力原文:Although we are told when young that honesty is the best policy, we are often tau

听力原文: Although we are told when young that honesty is the best policy, we are often taught the opposite by experience and observation. A child quickly learns that she cannot always tell the truth. For instance, the little girl who tells her great aunt that she's fat and ugly learns that honesty can have some unfortunate results. Similarly the five-year-old who admits to pinching the baby soon has ample evidence that dishonesty might be the real virtue. In addition to her own experience, the child also observes that adults don't practice what they preach about honesty. Any alert child knows by the age of eight that adults really employ the little white lie to serve their own purposes. For instance, a child may hear a parent explain on the phone that his family have a lot of company when the child knows that no one is there but family members. Another child may hear her mother insist that she's terribly glad to see an old friend who has dropped by and then, two hours later, hear her mother complain about her day being interrupted by the visit. As a result, the child learns from watching that dishonesty is the practice even when honesty is the stated policy.


A.Practice requires him to be honest.

B.Dishonesty is not a virtue.

C.Honesty may make him suffer.

D.Honesty is the best policy.

更多“听力原文:Although we are told when young that honesty is the best policy, we are often tau”相关的问题


A.Because they cannot stand the continual nagging of their children.B.Because they hav

A.Because they cannot stand the continual nagging of their children.

B.Because they have to give in to their children's demands.

C.Because they are deeply moved by their children's honesty.

D.Because they can be considerate of their children's needs.










A.He was sorry they could never play ball together.B.He was sorry he could never tell

A.He was sorry they could never play ball together.

B.He was sorry he could never tell story to him.

C.He was sorry he was too old to play basketball and stuff.

D.He was sorry that he was too occupied with his work.



听力原文:M: You know, Chris, my grandpa told me this story once about his dad. It's actual

ly pretty sad.

W: What happened? Ryan.

M: Well, my grandpa said that his father never hung out with him or played ball or anything because he was really old. I guess my grandpa was born when his dad was like 50 or something.

W: Right, so he was too old to play basketball and stuff.

M: Yeah, and then when my grandpa was about 18 his dad died. The last thing his dad said to him was that he was sorry they could never play ball together.

W: Wow that's really sad.

M: I know. So my grandpa decided he would never let that happen with his kids, and I think he probably told that same story to my dad so that he would remember too.

W: That's cool. I think it's so lame that my dad just doesn't get it. He's too busy thinking about work or whatever.

M: Yeah, maybe you should tell him the story.

W: That's a good idea.

M: Dads can be really thick-headed sometimes but if you tell them enough they will finally understand that you mean it.


A.He was very young when his grandpa was born.

B.He never played basketball with his grandpa.

C.He would hang out with his grandpa when his grandpa was 18.

D.He was too old to play basketball and stuff.



A.Rural unemployment.B.Urban unemployment.C.No housing in the villages.D.NO foreign ai

A.Rural unemployment.

B.Urban unemployment.

C.No housing in the villages.

D.NO foreign aid in the villages.



A.The poor are unemployed.B.All the poor have no land.C.The poor have no houses in big

A.The poor are unemployed.

B.All the poor have no land.

C.The poor have no houses in big cities.

D.There is no hope for the poor in the village.



听力原文:In many places in the world today, the poor are getting poorer while the rich are

听力原文: In many places in the world today, the poor are getting poorer while the rich are getting richer, and the programs of development planning and foreign aid appear to be unable to reverse this trend. Nearly all the developing countries have a modern part, where the patterns of living and working are similar to those in developed countries. But they also have a non-modern part, where the patterns of living and working are not only unsatisfactory, but in many cases are even getting worse.

What is the typical condition of the poor in developing countries? Their work opportunities are so limited that they cannot work their way out of their situation. They are underemployed, or totally unemployed. Some of them have land, but often too little land.

Many have no land, and no prospect of ever getting any. There is no hope for them in the rural areas, and so they drift into the big cities. But there is no work for them in the big cities, of course no housing. All the same, they flock into the cities because their chances of finding some work appear to be greater there than in the villages. Rural unemployment then becomes urban unemployment.


A.The poor places are getting richer.

B.The rich places are getting richer.

C.The poor places are getting poorer.

D.Both B and C.



A.He should be careful when using his credit cards.B.He ought to sell his car to save

A.He should be careful when using his credit cards.

B.He ought to sell his car to save money.

C.He should stop spending money on entertainment.

D.He ought to find a cheaper apartment in the downtown area.



A.A small place with a nice view of the city.B.A spacious apartment that includes cabl

A.A small place with a nice view of the city.

B.A spacious apartment that includes cable TV.

C.An apartment downtown with free parking.

D.An apartment outside the downtown area.



听力原文:M: Uh, could I borrow a few bucks until payday? I'm a little short of cash.W: Uh,

听力原文:M: Uh, could I borrow a few bucks until payday? I'm a little short of cash.

W: Uh, yeah, I guess, but I'm running out of money myself, and you still owe me $ 20 from last week. And Mom and your friend Bob said you borrowed money from them this past week. How are things going anyway?

M: Well, not very well. To be honest, I'm really in debt, and I can't seem to make ends meet these days.

W: What do you mean? I thought you found a great job recently.

M: Well, 1 do have a job, but I've used my credit cards to pay off a lot of things recently, but now, I can't seem to pay the money off.

W: Well, let me see if I can help you. How much money do you spend on your apartment?

M: Uh, I pay $ 890 on rent for the apartment downtown.., not including utilities and cable TV. But the place has a wonderful view of the city.

W: Uh, $ 890! Why are you paying so much for such a small place when you could find a cheaper one somewhere outside of the downtown area?

M: Yeah, I guess.

W: Okay. How much money do you spend on food a month'?

M: $6007!

W: And what about transportation?

M: Oh, I commute to work everyday in my new sports car, but I got a great deal, and my monthly payments are only $ 450. Come outside and take a look. We can go for drive!

W: No, I've heard enough. You've got to cut down on your spending, or you'll end up broke. I suggest you get rid of your credit cards, cut back on your entertainment expenses, and sell your ear. Take public transportation from now on.

M: Sell my car? ! I can't date without a ear. What am I going to say? "Uh, could you meet me downtown at the bus stop at 7:00? Come on!"

W: And you need to create a budget for yourself and stick to it, and start with paying off your bills, starting with me. You owe me $ 50 dollars.

M: Fifty dollars! Wait, I only borrowed $ 20 from you last week. How did you come up with $ 50?

W: Financial consulting fees. My advice is worth at least $ 30!


A.His friend.

B.His sister.

C.His mother.

D.His colleague.


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