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If powerful measures ______, this area would have been badly polluted.A.aren"t takenB.have

If powerful measures ______, this area would have been badly polluted.

A.aren"t taken

B.haven"t been taken

C.weren"t taken

D.hadn"t been taken

更多“If powerful measures ______, this area would have been badly polluted.A.aren"t takenB.have”相关的问题


Hofstede’s _____ index measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.

A、value orientation

B、cultural dimensions

C、cultural values

D、power distance



What is the unique significance of the MPower campaign?A.It is backed by many powerful org

What is the unique significance of the MPower campaign?

A.It is backed by many powerful organizations and companies.

B.It has a clear idea of what measures should be taken.

C.It has top specialists of WHO being the counselors.

D.It adopts fiscal, administrative and medical measures.



Hofstede’s index measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.

A.value orientation

B.cultural dimensions

C.cultural values

D.power distance



According to the news item, what has the Federal Reserve decided to do?A.To push stock mar

According to the news item, what has the Federal Reserve decided to do?

A.To push stock markets record higher.

B.To take measures to stimulate economy.

C.To be more powerful to control the financial markets.

D.To give $85 billion a month into the markets.



The roles of admission into the world economy not only reflect little awareness of develop
ing priorities, they are often completely unrelated to sensible economic principles. For instance, WTO agreements on antidumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, agriculture, textiles, and trade-related intellectual property rights lack any economic rationale beyond the mercantilist interest of a narrow set of powerful groups in advanced industrial countries. Bilateral and regional trade agreements ale typically far worse, as they impose even tighter prerequisites on developing countries in return for crumbs of enhanced "market access". For example, the African Growth and Opportunity Act signed by U. S. President Clinton in May 2000 provides increased access to the U. S. market only if African apparel manufacturers use U. S. -produced fabric and yarns. This restriction severely limits the potential economic spillover in African countries.



根据以下材料,回答题Be Alert to Antimicrobial (抗菌剂) ResistanceThe ability of micro-organ


Be Alert to Antimicrobial (抗菌剂) Resistance

The ability of micro-organisms to find ways to evade the action of the drugs used to cure the infections they cause is increasingly recognized as a global public health issue. Some bacteria have developed mechanisms which make them resistant to many of the antibiotics normally used for their treatment (multi-drug resistant bacteria), so pose particular difficulties, as there may be few or no alternative options for therapy. They constitute a growing and global publlic health problem.

WHO suggests that countries should be prepared to implement hospital infection control measures to limit the spread of multi-drug resistant strains and to reinforce national policy on prudent use of antibiotics, reducing the generation of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

An article punished in The Lancet Infectious Diseases on 11 August 2010 identified a new gene that enables some types of bacteria to be highly resistant to almost all antibiotics. The article "has drawn attention to the issue of AMR (antimicrobial resistance) and, in particular, has raised awareness of infections caused by multidrug resistant bacteria.

While multi-drug resistant bacteria are not new and will continue to appear, this development requires monitoring and further study to understand the extent and modes of transmission, and to define the most effective measures for control.

Those called upon to be alert to the problem of antimicrobial resistance and take appropriate action include consumers, managers of hospitals, patients, as well as national govemments, the pharmaceutical industry and intemational agencies.

WHO strongly recommends that governments focus control and prevention efforts in the following areas like surveillance for antimicrobial resistance; rational antibiotic use, including education of healthcare workers and the public in the appropriate use of antibiotics; introducing or enforcing legislation related to stopping the selling of antibiotics without prescription; and strict adherence to infection prevention and control measures, including the use of hand-washing measures, particularly in healthcare facilities.

Successful control of multidrug-resistant microorganisms has been documented in many countries, and the existing and well-known infection prevention and control measures can effectively reduce transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms if systematically implemented.

WHO will continue to support countries to develop relevant policies, and to coordinate international efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance will be the theme of WHO"s World Health Day 2011.

Why is the use of antibiotics arousing globally increasing interest? 查看材料

A.The misuse of the antibiotics has caused stronger bacteria resistance and no new drugs against the bacteria are available at present.

B.The micro-organisms develop much faster than the past, so the researchers are more interested.

C.The antibiotics for multi-drug resistant bacteria are highly priced and there will be a big market for the drug industry.

D.The antibiotics has been found more powerful for the treatment of the multi-drug resistant bacteria.



Noise enters our ears as powerful waves of mechanical energy. Scientists measure sound int
ensity in decibels (db), with each doubling of energy adding ten decibels. Ordinary conversation measures about 60 db; a child's scream hits around 90 db. On this logarithmic scale, the scream is potentially 1,000 times more powerful.

Each day, over five million Americans are exposed on the job to at least 90 db, the maximum safe level for an eight-hour period according to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. "This standard isn't ideal, because noise affects individuals differently," says William Clark of Washington University's Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis. "In theory, the standard should protect the lifetime hearing ofg0 percent of workers. However, it assumes that a worker's ears will have 16 hours of quiet each day during which to recover -- an unlikely assumption for most people."

Sound causes thousands of tiny hairs in the inner ear to vibrate. These vibrations trigger nerve impulses to the brain, which are perceived as sound. Prolonged exposure to 85 db or more, or far shorter exposure to very intense levels -- such as the 140-db shock waves from a shotgun blast -- can irrevocably damage some of these delicate inner-ear hairs. Ronald Reagan suffered permanent injury during his acting days when a 38-caliber pistol loaded with blanks was fired near his right ear. As a result, he now wears a hearing aid. Audiologists predict that by the year 2000, as many people could be wearing hearing aids as now wear contact lenses.

Many people believe that weaker hearing is an inevitable part of aging. But studies show that those who live in low-noise environments tend to have very little hearing loss in old age.

In noisy industrial nations, however, even young people suffer damaged hearing. David Lipscomb, a former professor of audiology at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, tested over a thousand incoming freshmen and discovered that six of every ten had heating loss typical of the elderly. Rock music is one cause. The noise in a reek-concert hall can easily exceed 120 db, roughly the level of an air-raid siren. High-tech gadgets such as powerful portable stereos also threaten to put our hearing into a downward spiral.

Based on the logarithmic scale discussed in the first paragraph, how many times can a shotgun blast be more powerful than rock music?







The most powerful force shaping society today is science applied by industry, medicine, an
d the military.【101】New scientific ideas and techniques pervade every aspect of our lives, changing the way we do things and how we perceive the world, thus altering our aspirations and notions of who we are, why we are here, and where we are going. Yet, with rare exceptions, scientists are virtually invisible in the popular media and in debates and reports on economic, social, and even environmental issues. As a geneticist and a journalist, I am constantly reflecting on the nature of the relationship between science and society.【102】 Here I recount the path that I have followed as a means to convey my experiences around, and opinions on, this complex relationship.

My grandparents emigrated to Canada early in this century, driven from their homeland by terrible poverty. Both of my parents were born in Vancouver, British Columbia, as was I in 1936. 【103】Insulated from widespread racism and the plagues of the Great Depression by my parents and childish innocence, my earliest memories are of a happy childhood. On 7 December 1941, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, my life was changed forever. The racism that had festered in British Columbia ever since Japanese and Chinese began coming to the province in the late 1800s could now be vented openly under the guise of self-defense and patriotism. My family and I felt completely Canadian because we had never been to Japan, and at home English was our spoken language. In the months following Pearl Harbor, the Canadian government moved to control the feared treachery of its Japanese population by invoking the War Measures Act against all people of Japanese descent.

【104】The War Measures Act was a heinous piece of legislation that failed to recognize that while it is easy to guarantee civil rights and freedoms when times are good, those guarantees only matter when times are difficult. Twenty-two thousand Japanese, most Canadian citizens by birth, were rounded up and sent to internment camps in abandoned mining settlements deep in the Rocky Mountains. My father was separated from our family and shipped to a different camp for 1 year before being reunited with us. We were impoverished by the loss of our savings, our home, and almost all of our possessions. When the war drew to a close, we were expelled from British Columbia and my family ended up working as farmhands in southern Ontario. 【105】As a child I learned that hard work and a good education were the only means to extricate myself from this poverty.




For gathering data about individuals or groups at different developmental levels, research
ers can use two related research designs: longitudinal and cross-sectional. A longitudinal study is one that measures a behavior. or a characteristic of an individual over a period of time, perhaps decades. An example of such a study is the Berkeley Growth Study begun in 1928 by Nancy Bayley. The study focused on a group of 74 white, middle-class newborns. As they grew older, extensive measures of their intellectual, personality, and motor development were recorded. The subjects were studied for more than thirty years. The longitudinal research design is a powerful technique for seeking understandings of the effects of early experiences on later development. Also, differences in stability of behaviors or characteristics at different ages can be determined. Longitudinal studies, however, are expensive to conduct, time-consuming, and heavily contingent on the patience and persistence of the researchers. The findings of a longitudinal study may be jeopardized by relocation of subjects to another part of the country and by boredom or irritation at repeated testing. Another disadvantage is that society changes from one time to another and the subjects participating in the study reflect to some degree such changes. The methods of study or the questions guiding the researchers may also change from one time to another. If properly conducted, however, longitudinal studies can produce useful, direct information about development. A cross-sectional study is one in which subjects of differing ages are selected and compared on a specific behavior. or characteristic. They are alike with respect to socioeconomic status, sex, or educational level. For example, a researcher may be interested in looking at changes in intelligence over a thirty-year period. Three groups of subjects—ages ten, twenty and thirty, may be selected and tested. Conclusions are drawn from the test data. The cross-sectional research design has the clear advantage of being less expensive to conduct and certainly less time-consuming. The major disadvantage is that different individuals who make up the study sample have not been observed over time. No information about past influences on development or about age-related changes is secured. Like longitudinal studies, the cross-sectional methods cannot erase the generational influence that exists when subjects studied are born at different time. Psychologists are now beginning to use an approach that combines longitudinal and cross-sectional research methods.

Which of the following is NOT one of the disadvantages of a longitudinal research?

A.The subjects may become irritated at repeated testing.

B.The participants in the study may not stay in one place for many years.

C.The behavior. of a subject in the study may be measured continuously for many years.

D.Social changes may be reflected in the behaviors of the subjects participating in the study.



Large parts of the world have not enjoyed the remarkable global progress in health conditi
ons that have taken place over the past century. Indeed, millions of deaths in impoverished nations are avoidable with prevention and treatment options that the rich world already uses. This year, 10 million children will die in low and middle income countries. If child death rates were the same as those in developed countries this figure would be lower than 1 million. Conversely, if child death rates were those of rich countries just 100 years ago, the figure would be 30 million. Today's tools for improving health are so powerful and inexpensive that health conditions could be reasonably good even in poor countries if policy makers spent even relatively little in the right places.

Recent research for the Copenhagen Consensus identifies several highly cost-effective options that would tackle some of the planet's most urgent health problems. The most promising investment is in tuberculosis treatment. Some 90 percent of the 1.6 million tuberculosis deaths in 2003 occurred in low-and middle-income countries. Because tuberculosis affects working-age people, it can be a trigger of household poverty. The cornerstone of control is prompt treatment using first-line drugs, which doesn't require a sophisticated health system. Spending $1 billion on tuberculosis treatment in a year would save 1 million lives. Because good health accompanies higher levels of national economic welfare in the long run, the economic benefits are worth $ 30 billion.

The second most cost-effective investment is tackling heart disease. Heart disease might not seem like a pressing issue for poor nations, but it represents more than a quarter of their death toll. Measures to reduce risk factors other than smoking — high intake or saturated animal fat, obesity, binge drinking of. alcohol, physical inactivity, and low fruit and vegetable consumption — have had little success. Treating acute heart attacks with inexpensive drugs is, however, cost-effective. Spending $ 200 million could avert several hundred thousand deaths, yielding benefits that are 25 times higher than costs.

The third option is prevention and treatment of malaria. A billion dollars would expand the provision of insecticide-treated bed-nets and facilitate provision of highly effective treatment. This would save more than a million child deaths and produce economic benefits worth $ 20 billion.

The fourth alternative for policymakers is to focus on child health initiatives. The best measures are familiar ones expanding immunization coverage, promoting breastfeeding, increasing the use of simple and cheap treatments for diarrhea and childhood pneumonia, and so on.

Even if the costs of all these initiatives were two or three times higher than we estimate, these efforts would still provide amazing opportunities to reduce health inequality and do good in the world.

Over the past century, the child death rates have ______ .

A.climbed steadily in impoverished countries

B.dropped remarkably in developed countries

C.fluctuated wildly in low-income countries

D.remained stable in middle-income countries


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