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Last year, support for the social and behavioral sciences represented only about three per

cent of the governments total budget for research funds in the United States. Thus, the particularly sharp reductions imposed on such programs this year seem dictated not by financial constraints but by social philosophy. Which of the following is an assumption on which the conclusion of the passage above is based?

A.The government funds allocated for research in the social and behavioral sciences are not sufficient for the work that needs to be done.

B.The social and behavioral sciences are as valuable as the physical and biological sciences.

C.The current reductions will stop research in the social and behavioral sciences.

D.Government funding is the primary source of research money in the United States.

E.Three percent is an insignificant portion of the government"s total budget for research funds.

更多“Last year, support for the social and behavioral sciences represented only about three per”相关的问题


The population of peregrine falcons declined rapidly during the 1950s and 1960s and reache

d an all-time low in the early 1970s. The decline was attributed by scientists to the widespread use of the pesticide DDT in rural areas. Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the scientists claim?

A.DDT was not generally in use in areas devoted to heavy industry.

B.In the time since the use of DDT was banned in 1972, the population of peregrine falcons has been steadily increasing.

C.Peregrine falcons, like other birds of prey, abandon eggs that have fallen out of the nest, even if the eggs remain intact.

D.Starlings, house sparrows, and blue jays-birds the peregrine falcon preys on were not adversely affected by DDT in their habitats.

E.Other birds of prey, such as the osprey, the bald eagle, and the brown pelican, are found in the same areas as is the peregrine falcon.



In recent years many cabinetmakers have been winning acclaim as artists. But since furnitu

re must be useful, cabinetmakers must exercise their craft with an eye to the practical utility of their product. For this reason, cabinetmaking is not art. Which of the following is an assumption that supports drawing the conclusion above from the reason given for that conclusion?

A.Some furniture is made to be placed in museums, where it will not be used by anyone.

B.Some cabinetmakers are more concerned than others with the practical utility of the products they produce.

C.Cabinetmakers should be more concerned with the practical utility of their products than they currently are.

D.An object is not an art object if its maker pays attention to the object"s practical utility.

E.Artists are not concerned with the monetary value of their products.



Insurance Company X is considering issuing a new policy to cover services required by elde

rly people who suffer from diseases that afflict the elderly. Premiums for the policy must be low enough to attract customers. Therefore, Company X is concerned that the income from the policies would not be sufficient to pay for the claims that would be made. Which of the following strategies would be most likely to minimize Company X s losses on the policies?

A.Attracting middle-aged customers unlikely to submit claims for benefits for many years.

B.Insuring only those individuals who did not suffer any serious diseases as children.

C.Including a greater number of services in the policy than are included in other policies of lower cost.

D.Insuring only those individuals who were rejected by other companies for similar policies.

E.Insuring only those individuals who are wealthy enough to pay for the medical services.



In Malsenia sales of classical records are soaring. The buyers responsible for this boom a

re quite new to classical music and were drawn to it either by classical scores from television commercials or by theme tunes introducing major sports events on television. Audiences at classical concerts, however, are continually shrinking in Malsenia. It can be concluded from this that the new Malsenian Converts to classical music, having initially experienced this music as recorded music, are most comfortable with classical music as recorded music and really have no desire to hear live performances. The argument assumes which one of the following?

A.To sell well in Malsenia, a classical record must include at least one piece familiar from television.

B.At least some of the new Malsenian buyers of classical records have available to them the coupon of attending classical concerts.

C.The number of classical concerts performed in Malsenia has not decreased in response to smaller audiences.

D.The classical records available in Malsenia are for the most part not recordings of actual public concerts.

E.Classical concerts in Malsenia are not limited to music that is really available on recordings.



Scientists attempting to replicate certain controversial results reported by a group of ex

perienced researchers failed to get the same results as those reported. The conclusion drawn from this by the scientists who conducted the replication experiments was that the originally reported results had been due to faulty measurements. The argument of the scientists who conducted the replication experiments assumes that

A.the original experiments had not been described in sufficient detail to make an exact replication possible.

B.the fact that the originally reported results aroused controversy made it highly likely that they were in error.

C.the theoretical principles called into question by the originally reported results were themselves based on weak evidence.

D.the replication experiments were not so likely as the original experiments to be marred by faulty measurements.

E.the researchers who originally reported the controversial results had themselves observed those results only once.



The workers at Bell Manufacturing will shortly go on strike unless the management increase

s their wages. As Bells president is well aware, however, in order to increase the workers wages, Bell would have to sell off some of its subsidiaries. So, some of Bells subsidiaries will be sold.The conclusion above is properly drawn if which one of the following is assumed?

A.Bell Manufacturing will begin to suffer increased losses.

B.Bell"s management will refuse to increase its workers" wages.

C.The workers at Bell Manufacturing will not be going on strike.

D.Bell"s president has the authority to offer the workers their desired wage increase.

E.Bell" s workers will not accept a package of improved benefits in place of their desired wage increase.



Automobile exhaust is a serious pollution problem in Riverside, and instituting tolls at R

iversides bridges would reduce the total number of miles traveled by automobiles. Nevertheless, overall pollution levels would not decrease because there would be long lines at the toll booths, and automobiles expel more exhaust per minute while idling than in any other driving situation. The argument above depends on which of the following assumptions?

A.Any reduction in automobile exhaust resulting from a reduction in the miles traveled by cars would be matched or surpassed by the additional exhaust resulting from toll lines.

B.Cars in Riverside spend more time, on average, idling than they do in other driving situations.

C.Increasing automobile exhaust at the bridges will not significantly affect air pollution because few drivers use the bridges in Riverside frequently.

D.Reducing automobile exhaust is not the most effective way of reducing air pollution.

E.The inconvenience of idling in the long toll lines at Riverside" s bridges will cause most drivers to change their driving routes, not the amount of driving that they do.



Census data for Prenland show that unmarried Prenlandic men in their thirties outnumber un

married Prenlandic women in that age group by about ten to one. Most of these men do wish to marry. Clearly, however, unless many of them marry women who are not Prenlandic, all but a minority will remain unmarried. The argument makes which of the following assumptions?

A.Emigration from Prenland is more common among women than among men.

B.A greater proportion of Prenlandic women in their thirties than of Prenlandic men of the same age would prefer to remain unmarried.

C.It is unlikely that many of these unmarried Prenlandic men will marry women more than a few years older than themselves.

D.Prenland has a high rate of divorce.

E.Most of the unmarried Prenlandic men are unwilling to marry women who are not Prenlandic.



Psychological research indicates that college hockey and football players are more quickly

moved to hostility and aggression than are college athletes in noncontact sports such as swimming. But the researchers conclusion—that contact sports encourage and teach participants to be hostile and aggressive—is untenable. The football and hockey players were probably more hostile and aggressive to start with than the simmers. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn by the psychological researchers?

A.The football and hockey players became more hostile and aggressive during the season and remained so during the off-season, whereas there was no increase in aggressiveness among the swimmers.

B.The football and hockey players, but not the swimmers were aware at the start of the experiment that they were being tested for aggressiveness.

C.The same psychological research indicated that the football and hockey players had a great respect for cooperation and team play, whereas the swimmers were most concerned with excelling as individual competitors.

D.The research studies were designed to include no college athletes who participated in both contact and noncontact sports.

E.Throughout the United States, more incidents of fan violence occur at baseball games than occur at hockey or football games.



Marine archaeologists recently discovered underwater in an ancient Mediterranean harbor se

veral hundred ceramic objects, dating back approximately 4,000 years. Although any remnants of a ships wooden frame. would have long ago decayed, the quantity and variety of the ceramics discovered in the initial investigation led the archaeologists to hypothesize that they had discovered an approximately 4, 000-year-old shipwreck. Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the archaeologists hypothesis?

A.Marine archaeologists have discovered a 3, 000-year-old shipwreck in another ancient Mediterranean harbor.

B.The rate at which wood decays when submerged in water varies greatly with the type of wood involved.

C.Two confirmed shipwrecks, approximately 3,500 and 3,000 years old, respectively, have been discovered in the same harbor in which the ceramic objects were discovered.

D.The ceramics discovered in the harbor are similar to ceramics found in several other ancient Mediterranean harbors.

E.Bronze ship"s fittings, approximately 4,000 years old, were discovered on the seabed among the ceramic objects.


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