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"Popular art" has a number of meanings, impossible to define with any precision,

which range from folklore to junk. The poles are clear enough, but the middle tends to blur. The Hollywood Western of the 1930&39;s for example, has elements of folklore, but is closer to junk than to high art or folk art. There can be great trash, just as there is bad high art. The musicals of George Gershwin are great popular art, never aspiring to high art. Schubert and Brahms, however, used elements of popular music -- folk themes -- in works clearly intended as high art. The case of Verdi is a different one: he took a popular genre -- bourgeois melodrama set to music (an accurate definition of nineteenth-century opera) and, without altering its fundamental nature, transmuted it into high art. This remains one of the greatest achievements in music, and one that cannot be fully appreciated without recognizing the essential trashiness of the genre.

As an example of such a transmutation, consider what Verdi made of the typical political elements of nineteenth-century opera. Generally in the plots of these operas, a hero or heroine -- usually portrayed only as an individual, unfettered by class -- is caught between the immoral corruption of the aristocracy and the doctrinaire rigidity o r secret greed of the leaders of the proletariat. Verdi transforms this naive and unlikely formulation with music of extraordinary energy and rhythmic vitality, music more subtle than it seems at first hearing. There are scenes and arias that still sound like calls to arms and were clearly understood as such when they were first performed. Such pieces lend an immediacy to the otherwise veiled political message of these operas and call up feelings beyond those of the opera itself

Or consider Verdi&39;s treatment of character. Before Verdi, there were rarely any characters at all in musical drama, only a series of situations which allowed the singers to express a series of emotional states. Any attempt to find coherent psychological portrayal in these operas is misplaced ingenuity. The only coherence was the singer&39;s vocal technique: when the cast changed, new arias were almost always substituted, generally adapted from other operas. Verdi’s characters, on the other hand, have genuine consistency and integrity. Even if, in many cases, the consistency is that of pasteboard melodrama, the integrity of the character is achieved through the music: once he had become established. Verdi did not rewrite his music for different singers or countenance alterations or substitutions of somebody else&39;s arias in one of his operas, as every Eighteenth century composer had done. When he revised an opera, it was only for dramatic economy and effectiveness.

By referring to Schubert and Brahms, the author suggests that

A.the works produced in the 18th century can be all considered as trash

B.the achievements of the two artists overshadow that of Verdi

C.popular music could be applied to compositions intended as high art.

D.the term of popular music is susceptible to many definitions.

更多“"Popular art" has a number of meanings, impossible to define with any precision,”相关的问题


It is A(estimated) that a scientific principle has B(a life expectancy) of approximately C

(a decade) before D(it drastically) revised or replaced by newer information.



Write an essay in no less than 200 words with the title "My Understanding of Globalization




A longtime aide to President Bush who wrote occasional guest columns for his hometown

A longtime aide to President Bush who wrote occasional guest columns for his hometown newspaper resigned on Friday evening after admitted that he had repeatedly plagiarized from other writers. (67) The White House called his actions unaccepted. (68) The aide, Tim Goeglein, worked for Mr. Bush since 2001, as a liaison to social and religious conservatives, an important component of the president's political base. (69) Mr. Goeglein was influential in decisions on a range of question important to that constituency, including stem cell research, abortion and faith-based initiatives. A blogger in Mr. Goeglein's hometown, Fort Wayne, Ind. , found the plagiarism. (70) "This is not acceptable, and we are being disappointed in Tim's actions," a White House spokeswoman, Emily Lawrimore, said Friday morning, hours before Mr. Goeglein resigned. (71) "He is offered no excuses, and he agrees it was wrong. " (72) Mr. Goeglein, 44, is small known outside Washington. (73) He is a familiar figure to conservatives and evangelical Christians, who knew him as a spokesman for Gary L. Bauer, the conservative who ran as president in 2000. (74) When Mr. Bauer dropped out the race, Mr. Goeglein signed on with Mr. Bush, eventually becoming a top aide to Karl Rove, the chief political strategist. (75) He was the eyes and ears of the White House in the world of religion conservatives and an emissary to that world for Mr. Rove and the president.




Dealing with Depression(51) Contrary to what many people think depression is not a normal

Dealing with Depression

(51) Contrary to what many people think depression is not a normal part of growing older. Nor is it harder to treat in older people. But it is often harder to recognize and harder to get patients to accept and continue with treatment.

"Most people think sadness is a hallmark of depression," Bruce said. "But more often in older people it's anhedonia—they're not enjoying life. They're irritable and cranky. " (52) She added: "Many older people despair over the quality of their lives at the end of life. If they have a functional disability or serious medical illness, it may make it harder to notice depression in older people. "

Family members, friends and medical personnel must take it seriously when an older person says "Life is not worth living," "I don't see any point in living," "I'd be better off dead" or "My family would be better off if I died," the experts emphasized.

"Listen carefully, empathize and help the person get evaluated for treatment or into treatment," Brown urged. (53) He warned that "depressed older adults tend to have fewer symptoms" than younger adults who are depressed.

The ideal approach, of course, is to prevent depression in the first place (54) Brown recommended that older adults structure their days by maintaining a regular cycle and planning activities that "give them pleasure, purpose and a reason for living. "

He suggested "social activities of any type—joining a book club or bowling league, going to a senior center or gym, taking courses at a local college, hanging out at the coffee shop. "

Bruce suggests taking up a new interest like painting or needlework or volunteering at a place of worship, school or museum.

(55) Brown notes that any activity the person is capable of doing can help to ward off depression and suicidal thinking. And he urges older people to talk to others about their problems.




Physicists all over the world, back in 1895, were pretty much agreed that the great work o

f physics had all been done. Some of them mourned publicly that no discoveries of truly major importance were likely to be made in the future. But then they did not know that a Professor Roentgen, working alone in a modest laboratory in Germany, had begun a series of experiments with a crude induction coil, a pear-shaped bulb from which the air had been removed, and a sheet of paper painted with certain metallic salts. And professor Roentgen did not know that his work was destined to reveal a force of nature—never before suspected—that would almost overnight revolutionize medicine and technology, and become an instrument for deeper probing of the structure of matter.



Many advocates of a universal healthcare system in the United States look to Canada for th

eir model. While the Canadian healthcare system has much to recommend it, there's another model that has been too long neglected. That is the healthcare system in France.

(1) Although the French system faces many challenges, the World Health Organization rated it the best in the world in 2001 because" of its universal coverage, responsive healthcare providers, patient and provider freedoms, and the health and longevity of the country's population. The United States ranked 37.

The French system is also not inexpensive. At $ 3,500 per capita it is one of the most costly in Europe, yet that is still far less than the $ 6,100 per person in the United States.

(2) The French share Americans' distaste for restrictions on patient choice and they insist on autonomous private practitioners rather than a British-style. national health service, which the French dismiss as "socialized medicine". Virtually all physicians in France participate in the nation's public health insurance, Securite Sociale.

Their freedoms of diagnosis and therapy are protected in ways that would make their managed-care-controlled US counterparts envious. However, the average American physician earns more than five times the average US wage while the average French physician makes only about two times the average earnings of his or her compatriots. (3) But the lower income of French physicians is allayed by two factors. Practice liability is greatly diminished by a tort-averse legal system, and medical schools; although extremely competitive to enter, are tuition-free. Thus, French physicians enter their careers, with little if any debt and pay much lower malpractice insurance premiums.

Nor do France's doctors face the high nonmedical personnel payroll expenses that burden American physicians. Securite Sociale has created a standardized and speedy system for physician billing and patient reimbursement using electronic funds.

(4) It's not uncommon to visit a French medical office and see no nonmedical personnel. What a concept. No back office army of billing specialists who do daily battle with insurers' arcane and constantly changing rules of payment.

National health insurance in France stands upon two grand historical bargains—the first with doctors and a second with insurers.

Doctors only agreed to participate in compulsory health insurance if the law protected a patient's choice of practitioner and guaranteed physicians' resistance by permitting the nation's already existing insurers to administer its new healthcare funds. Private health insurers are also central to the system as supplemental insurers who cover patient expenses that are not paid for by Securite Sociale.

In fact, in France, the sicker you are, the more coverage, care, and treatment you get. Like all healthcare systems, the French confront ongoing problems. (5) Today French reformers' number one priority is to move health insurance financing away from payroll and wage levies because they hamper employers' willingness to hire. Instead, France is turning toward broad taxes on earned and unearned income alike to pay for healthcare.




A study presented last week at the American Heart Association meeting suggests that m

A study presented last week at the American Heart Association meeting suggests that mental relaxation produced by meditation may have physiological benefits, at least in the case of people with established coronary artery disease. Researchers followed about 200 high-risk patients for an average of five years. Among the 100 who meditated, there were 20 heart attacks, strokes and deaths'! in the comparison group, there were 32. (57) The meditators tended to remain disease-free longer and also reduced their blood pressure. "We found reduced blood pressure that was significant—that was probably one important mediator," said Dr. Robert Schneider, director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention in Fairfield, Iowa, who presented the findings. The study was conducted at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, in collaboration with the institute. Dr. Schneider suggested that (58) the stress reduction produced by the meditation could cause changes in the brain that cut stress hormones and decelerate the processes associated with atherosclerosis (动脉硬化).




In fact, one of the biggest virtues of virtual reality is that it allows students to learn

in a safe environment, and this holds true for students with behavior. disorders. After a student has learned an appropriate behavior. or way of controlling his or her anger, the student is put in progressively more difficult virtual social situations where he or she can practice the new technique. And it is expected that future teachers will be exposed to virtual classes, complete with "difficult students" to help them master behavior. management techniques.

Virtual reality even allows us to tailor the world to meet a child's needs. Let's say we're teaching a child to cross the street by paying attention to traffic signs. Educators have found that it is often difficult for the child to locate the traffic sign in a busy environment. With virtual reality, we can blow up the "walk sign" so the student knows what it looks like. Then we gradually begin shrinking the sign and adding other environmental elements. Once the student has mastered this virtually, he or she transfers the knowledge to the real world. In the end, this is the most important function of virtual reality programs for special students.







A(High-grade) B(written) paper is C(frequently) D(obtained) from cotton rags.


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