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What comes next? A, 1A, 111A, 311A, ?

更多“What comes next? A, 1A, 111A, 311A, ?”相关的问题


Each of the nine squares in the grid marked 1A to 3C, should incorporate all the lines and

symbols which are shown in the squares of the same letter and number immediately above and to the left. For example, 2B should incorporate all the lines and symbols that are in 2 and B.One of the squares is incorrect. Which one is it?



What made the Forest Service comply with the Endangered Species Act?



The hostel telephone is seldom for______.



You should proofread the passage on the Answer Sheet and correct it in the following way:T

You should proofread the passage on the Answer Sheet and correct it in the following way:

There are great many reasons for studying what philosophers have said 79. ______

in the past. One is that we cannot separate the history of philosophy from which 80. ______

of science.

Philosophy is largely discussion about matters on which few people are 81. ______

quite certain, and those few hold opposite opinions. As knowledge increases,

Philosophy buds off the sciences. For an example, in the ancient world and 82. ______

the Middle Ages philosophers discussed motion. Aristotle and St. Thomas

Aquinas taught that a moving body would slow down until a force were 83. ______

constantly applied to it. They were wrong. It goes on moving unless

some-thing slows it down. But they had good arguments on their side, and if

we study these, and the experiments which proved them right, this will help 84. ______

us to distinguish truth from false in the scientific controversies of today. We 85. ______

also see how different philosopher reflects the social life of his day. 86. ______

Plato and Aristotle, in the slave-owning society of ancient Greece,

thought man's highest state was contemplation rather than activity. In the

Middle Ages St. Thomas believed a regular feudal system of nine ranks of 87. ______

Angels. Herbert Spencer, in the time of free competition between capitals,

found the key to progress the survival of the fittest. Thus Marxism is seen to

fit into its place as the philosophy for the workers, the only class with a future. 88. ______




Section DIn every country in the developed world, waistlines are expanding as prosperity g

Section D

In every country in the developed world, waistlines are expanding as prosperity grows. A rough guide to national income can be obtained from the average dress or trouser size.

In Europe, obesity has increased by 10 to 40 percent in most countries over the past decade and similar increases have been seen in the Unite States, Australia and the Far East. Figures presented at the International Congress on Obesity in Paris demonstrate that obesity is a global epidemic.

However, as a table of the fattest and thinnest nations shows, the proportion of the population who are obese varies widely across the globe from the diminutive Chinese to the bulky Samoans. Obesity is not merely a reflection of the calories on a plate. It is influenced by genes, culture, physical activity and social attitudes.

In Britain, 15 percent of men and 16. 5 percent of women are classified as obese, more than twice the proportion in 1998, when the equivalent figures were 6 percent of men and 8 percent of women. More than one-third of women and almost half of men are considered overweight. Yet as a nation, we are eating no more than we did two decades ago. The expanding British waistline is linked to a decline in physical activity. More cars and video recorders have meant more flab.

In China, a largely rural lifestyle. which makes heavy physical demands combined with a low-fat, rice-based diet keeps the population trim. In the US, where people commute to offices in air-conditioned cars and only break into a sweat when the pizza delivery is late, average seat sizes have increased.

Cultural factors also play a part. In Samoa and neighbouring islands is the Pacific, obesity has long been regarded as symbol of high status and prosperity and is seen as attractive as a result. In recent years, there have been signs that these traditional notions are changing as more Westernised ideas of an attractive body size take hold.

Despite the enormous international range in rates of obesity, only about 20 percent of differences in body shape can be attributed in genes, according to Professor John Garrow, editor of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

" If it were the case that the Chinese and Japanese had something in their genes that kept them thin, they wouldn’t become taller and fatter when they migrated to US, but migration studies show that they do," says Professor Garrow.

" Human beings now live to 70 or 80 when they were designed to live to 20 or 30 from subsistence agriculture when scratching a living was pretty difficult. Now we are living to a staggering age of food with food available 24 hours a day, it is surprising that we are not all obese. "

Estimates by the World Health Organisation’s task force on obesity suggest that this is not mere fantasy. By 2007, there were around 26 million obese adults in the US. If the present trend continues, the entire population will be obese in 35 years unless Americans can be persuaded to curb their appetites.




On which day is the National Gallery of Ireland open late?



The private collection of oriental manuscripts and miniatures at the Chester Beatty Librar

y is considered to be______in the world.



Nature always wears the colors of ______.



In the tranquil landscape, and especially in the distant line of the horizon, man sees ___




Section BMars with its orange-red colour has fascinated people since ancient times. Its na

Section B

Mars with its orange-red colour has fascinated people since ancient times. Its name derives from the Roman god of war. The planet is similar to Earth in a number of ways. For example, a day on Mars is about the same length as a day on Earth. Also the tilt of Mars' axis is about the same as that of Earth so it has similar seasons.

However, temperatures are much lower than on Earth—below the freezing temperature of water even in summer with average daily temperatures of about 60 degrees Celsius. The cold is due to the lack of heating from the Sun and the lack of greenhouse warming from gases in the thin atmosphere.

What can you see?

Mars will be a very prominent object in the night sky in August and September. Not only will it be the brightest object apart from the moon, but its reddish colour will make it easy to find.

In July Mars was rising in the east a few hours after sunset. By late August it will be rising around sunset.

To see Mars through a telescope during its close approach, contact your local public observatory, amateur astronomical society or planetarium. Most of them are likely to hold viewing sessions.

Mars is a small planet, half the size of Earth. When it is distant from us it appears as a tiny featureless reddish disc even when viewed through a telescope. At oppositions the disc of Mars appears larger and features can be seen on its surface.

These features include the polar caps and dark markings. Mars may also have a dust storm raging on its surface. While this sounds exciting, it can make the appearance of the planet disappointing.

Water on Mars

Though there is no liquid water on the surface, close-up photographs of Mars reveal winding valleys and channels. These indicate the existence of running water in the past.

Scientists using NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft, currently in orbit around Mars, have discovered large quantities of water ice under the planet's surface. They found that in regions of Mars surrounding the south pole the top one meter of soil has more than 50% water by volume. An instrument called the gamma ray spectrometer detected the water by searching for the signature of hydrogen in radiation coming from the planet. As hydrogen is an essential component of water and the hydrogen-rich regions are in the coldest regions of the planet, the scientists concluded that the hydrogen indicated the presence of water ice.


The Mars and the Earth have much in common, such as similar length of a day and similar【51】However, the temperature is【52】on Mars than that on Earth. In August and September, Mars is the brightest object in the night sky secondary to【53】. ff you want to observe the Mars, you can contact your local public observatory, amateur astronomical society or planetarium, who are likely to provide viewing sessions. At oppositions the Mars appears larger and【54】can be seen on its surface. Evidence show that there is no liquid water on the Mars but【55】was detected, which is an essential element of water.



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