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Here ______ (be) tile hooks.

Here ______ (be) tile hooks.

更多“Here ______ (be) tile hooks.”相关的问题


I hope you ______ all the materials I need for tile class before I come and teach here tom


B.have prepared

C.will prepare

D.will have prepared



听力原文:M: Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus?W: Well, tile bus leaves her

听力原文:M: Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus?

W: Well, tile bus leaves here for the campus every two hours from 6:30 am. But on weekends it starts half an hour later.

When does the second bus leave on Saturdays?






One day a man gave an ad. in most of the newspapers in England, saying that he himself was
a young man of millions of pounds and of great knowledge. He's like to choose a girl to be his wife, and the girl must be like tile one in the books written by Somerest Maugham.

This ad. was at once known by thousands of parents and young girls. Parents went to bookstores to look for the book written by Somerest Maugham. They bought those hooks for their daughters as presents. Girls tried to get those books to read. They wanted to know what kind of person the rich man wished for.

Before long all the books written by Somerest Maugham were sold out and the writer was known all over the country.

Who was the richest man? It was Somerest Maugham himself. The ad. saved his books, and it also made him famous.

What do you think of the writer Somerest Maugham?

A.He was clever, but he didn't tell the true thing.

B.He couldn't have a wife because he wasn't a good writer.

C.He couldn't have a wife though he was rich and famous.

D.He was well received by the girls.



听力原文:M: Where have you been over this time? Tile train is about to leave.W: I'm sorry

听力原文:M: Where have you been over this time? Tile train is about to leave.

W: I'm sorry I'm late. But I was waiting for you at information desk upstairs. It's lucky I thought I should look for you here on the platform.

Where does the woman think they were supposed to meet?

A.On the platform.

B.At the information desk.

C.On the train.

D.Near the stairs.



People ill the United States and Canada often shake hands when they meet each other. This.
handshake is not the same as the hmldshake in other countries. Here is How to shake hands appropriately (正确的):

Hold the other person's hand firmly (紧紧的).

The pane (手掌) of your hand should cover the palm of the hand of tile person you m shaking hands with. not just the fingertips (指尖).

Look the person to the eye and smile when you shake hands.

People like to ______ when they meet.

A.shake hands

B.move their heads

C.change their shoes



Discussion—about 5 minutesIn this part of the test tile examiner reads out a scenario and

Discussion—about 5 minutes

In this part of the test tile examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material itt the form. of picture or words. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, and then about 2 minutes to discuss the scenario with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.


I'm going to describe a situation.

Your company has moved to a new office. Talk together for about two minutes about some facilities for an office and decide which 3 things are most important for a new office.

Here are some ideas to help you.

Prompt material


•Desk chair

•Arm chair


•Fax machine


•Water cooler/drinks machine




听力原文: (24[B])There are signs of improvement in Argentina after more than a year of eco

听力原文: (24[B])There are signs of improvement in Argentina after more than a year of economic crisis, but much will depend on the outcome of the upcoming election.

The streets of Buenos Aires are full of foreign tourists these days. Many of them have been drawn here by tile bargain prices on such Argentine products as jewelry, leather goods and handicrafts. (23[C])The price declines are a result of the economic crisis and the devaluation of the peso currency. The peso was one-to-one with the U.S. dollar a little over a year ago, but it is now traded at a little over three to a dollar.

Why do the Argentine products have lower prices?

A.Because the Argentine market is prosperous.

B.Because the Argentine people want to attract foreign tourists.

C.Because the nation has suffered from currency devaluation.

D.Because there will be a great political change.



听力原文:W: (22)I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Oceam Park We've

听力原文:W: (22)I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Oceam Park We've only got four days in Hong Kong, remember?

M: Oh, right, well, in that case. I'd advise you to get there early. (22)It opens at 10 o'clock in the morning on weekends. Look, I think I've got a plan of the place somewhere. Let me see.., yes, here we are. You can have this.

W: Thanks.

M: OK, I'll show you. Let's start with the lower level. See? Here? You arrive by taxi or bus or whatever here, on the right, can you see? That's the bus terminal. And you go ill through the main entrance. (23)You could go to the Water World first but I think you'd better skip that as you're short of time.

W: I can see the cable cars.

M: OK, walk past the cable car terminal, at tile bottom of the plan, (24)and bear right past the Waterfall Gardens. Actually, have a look in, there are ducks and other birds in the pool there--it's very pretty. Then you'll see some steps up on the left. Follow that path and you'll come to tile Centenary Garden which is a good place to stop and take pictures if you've got your camera.

W: What's the next place?

M: Then carry on until you're almost at the Children Zoo. It takes quite a long time to walk around. But I do recommend the "touch and feed" section opposite, as I said. (25)The Fun Fair is very interesting, but it's great fun for older children.


A.The Waterfall Garden.

B.The theatre.

C.The Water World.

D.The Ocean Park.



Last year after I had left a small village in the south of France. I drove omo file next t
own. On the way a young man slopped me and asked me for a lift (搭便车). As soon as he got into the car. I said "Good morning" to him in French and he replied it (回答) in file sannc language. Except for a few words. I rio not know any French are all. Neither of us spoke during the traveling. I had nearly roached the town when rile young man suddenly said very slowly: "Don't...you...speak English? I looked at hbn in surprise (惊讶 ). Here was no Frencthnan speaking English. Only then Iunderstand that he. too. was an Englishman.

The writer went to tile next town by taxi.





The method of scientific investigation is nothing but tile expression of the necessary mod
e of working of the human mind: it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanations. The difference between the operations and methods of a baker weighing out his goods in common scales, and the operations of a chemist by means of his balance is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in 'the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.

Probably there is not one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion of a complex train of reasoning, of the very same kind, though differing in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.


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