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The Information Technology Manager wants to improve the speech she has prepared for a conf

erence next month.

更多“The Information Technology Manager wants to improve the speech she has prepared for a conf”相关的问题


Which of the following sentences could best summarize the passage?A.Since information tech

Which of the following sentences could best summarize the passage?

A.Since information technology is applied into office works, more women secretaries are losing employment opportunities.

B.Along with high technology"s application, much more high-powered work is involved so men seem to take over the jobs again.

C.Both women and men have either advantages or disadvantages in terms of secretarial works.

D.With the support of John Bowman"s story, it is implied that presently there are similar competitions between women secretaries and men secretaries as for other job positions.



Make a news report based on the information given ...

Make a news report based on the information given below. Practice writing with a headline (5-15 word limit) and one paragraph with a lead in no less than 30 words. Elements of News Reference Words When (Time) Where (Place) Who (people involved) What (Events) Why (Reasons) How (Effects/achievements) Spring semester, 2020 China Chinese Students, teachers Nationwide Online teaching and learning, online platform, online course, various online tech means, COVID-19 outbreak, lockdown, safety concerns, postpone, be confined to, pose a challenge, under the instruction of, interactive, 1. Headline 2. One paragraph with a lead



听力原文: President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday announced a plan to diversify Russia's econo
my and develop its high technology sector by creating special zones where high-tech companies would enjoy tax breaks and other incentives.

Speaking in Akademgorodok, a Siberian center of Soviet-era scientific might, Putin ordered the government to draft legislation by March 1 for the creation of zones meant to foster the development of Russian information technology and other high -tech industries.

What plan did President Vladimir Putin announce?

A.A plan to promote people's living.

B.A plan to diversify Russia's economy and develop its high technology sector.

C.A plan to cut tax.

D.A plan to raise the oil prices



Motivation is necessary in order to succeed. Whether you are working out to feel and look
better, participating in the "Day of Silence" to support a cause, or working hard in school to get good grades and get accepted at one's college of choice, everything that people do has a motive behind it.

However, motivation is a quality that many high school students seem to lack. Maybe it is because they feel as though the information that they are learning will never be useful to them, that they think their teachers are terrible, or that they simply "hate school." But no one else is forcing you to do your work. You've decided to take it on. It all comes down to what you want and what you are willing to do in order to get there.

Minor setbacks often discourage people from trying. For example, if a student fails a French quiz, it could lead to him to not studying for a French test, and thereby not scoring well on it. Instead of allowing "feelings of inadequacy to get you down, think about all the things you do have and let those push you to succeed. Don't worry about or dwell on things that go wrong. Concentrate on your successes.

Both UT Austin and Virginia Tech are readable and understandable websites for self help. The UT Austin site presents suggestions in bullet form. and separates general motivation skills from academic ones. The Virginia Tech site also suggests ways to increase motivation, and then has a checklist. This list makes it easy for students to target the source of their poor motivation. Both sites seem to be aimed at college students, but they are perfectly suitable for high school students as well.

Both websites were well presented and clear. However, in order to improve the Virginia Tech website, I would include a suggestion box after the checklist so after completing the list, after reading the suggestions from this box, one could have some sort of plan of action.

What is the author trying to approve with the examples in paragraph 1 ?

A.People have various life choices.

B.Efforts are needed for us to get anywhere in life.

C.People's life style. choice determines their social status.

D.People's various actions are driven by corresponding motivations.



Futurists have identified two changes that seem to be central to contemporary social life.
First, the United States is being restructured from an industrial to an information society. Second, modem societies are increasingly shifting from a national to a global economy. Futurists have applied a good many metaphors to these changes, including Daniel Bell's "postindustrial society," Alvin Toffler's "the third wave" and John Naisbitt's "megatrends". Common to these metaphors is the notion that American society is shifting from the production of goods to the production of services and from society based on the coordination of people and machines to a society organized around knowledge. These changes, it is contended, will afford a great variety of choices. The world will increasingly be one of many flavors, not just vanilla or chocolate.

Many observers of contemporary American life believe that we are witnessing a historical change and the first major impact of the shift from an energy economy to an information economy. For 300 years technology has been cast in a mechanical model, one based on the combustion processes that go on inside a star like the sun. The steam engine opened the mechanical age, and it reached its apex with the discovery of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, which replicated the energy producing processes of a star. We now seem to be moving toward a biological model based on information and involving the intensive use of materials. Although biological processes need physical energy and materials, they tend to substitute information for both. Biological processes "miniaturize" size, energy, and materials by "exploding" information. The human brain is some ten times the size, and weight of the brain of a monkey, but it handles a billion times more information. As a result, high tech industries are information intensive rather than energy or material intensive.

Sociologists have played and will continue to play an important role in assessing and interpreting these developments and other aspects of change.

It can be inferred that underlying the two changes is the change of

A.the instrument of production.

B.the size of the society.

C.the social structure.

D.the economic market.



Public response to technology often varies in peculiar ways. While biotechnology, for
example, gives rise to organized opposition, information technology, which is actually no less invasive (侵害的) ,no more harmless, is welcomed or, at the least, accepted with comparatively little debate. Information technologies from computers and communications ---- have obviously had an overwhelming social impact and their benefits hardly need explanations, but they have also disturbed privacy and threatened civil liberties, computerized data banks empower bureaucratic authorities by providing easy access to personal information-about credit ratings, social performance, housing and medical histories. They will allow access to genetic figures, providing information about our tendencies to employers, insurers, product advertisers, banks and other institutions that exercise control over our lives. Computerization allows the severe extension of advertising through telemarketing requests that shamelessly intrude our home life. Information technologies have displaced people from jobs and turned potentially skilled workers into low-level computer technologies. Computers have facilitated the work of scholars, but also turned them into typists; yet one hears hardly a complaint. They have turned the simple act of buying a plane ticket into an endless manipulation (控制) , but we welcome the so-called convenience. They have encouraged new forms of crime and fraud(欺诈) , but we describe them with grudging admiration. They have allowed new types of evil weaponry. But we call them "smart bombs". Perhaps the most important, information technologies have extended the power of the mass media, creating unusual possibilities for political manipulation reducing accountability (有责任,有义务 ), and changing the nature of political life. It is true that there are critiques(批评) of information technologies from those professionally concerned about their problematic(有问题的) legal, social and political implications. There is a near total absence, however, of organized public concern about technologies with profound and problematic implications.

11.According to the author, information technology_____________.

A. Has nothing positive

B. Has not given rise to organized opposition

C. is less harmless than biotechnology

D. is accepted without any debate

12.By the term "computerization the author means that______________.

A. all of industrial work is controlled by computer

B. computer plays an important role in our economic life

C. computer becomes an essential part in our everyday life

D. all scientific work is done with the help of computer

13.What worries the author most is that ______________..

A. political manipulate through mass media will become normal in our political life

B. our privacy will be threaded by businessmen

C. there will be more crimes and frauds by high tech

D. new types of evil weaponry will be invented

14.Those who criticizes information technologies are _____________.

A. leaders of the organized opposition to information technologies

B. persons engaged in professional works

C. those who benefit most from information technologies

D. those who benefit least from information technologies

15.(多选)The benefits brought by information technology is ____________.

A. quite evident

B. hard to explain

C. being overcome by social opposition

D. to benefit few people



For many countries there are two legal means for obtaining technology. to permit multinati
onal companies to conduct business within their borders and the use of licensing agreements. Japan rank high among the nations that have. gone to some lengths to keep foreign -owned companies out of industries connected with national defense, and the case of Japan is commonly cited for the idea that such a policy is feasible. In this case, multinational ownership is not important fox-the efficient transfer of technological information between nations; the use of licensing agreements is just as efficient.

For over a hundred years Japan has consistently spent large sums of money and considerable human resources in an effort to obtain technology. Her ability to negotiate has been strengthened by the fact that most of the technology she wanted was not very secret. Japan's position has also been strengthened by the fact that her internal market was large, so that access to this market could be offered to multinational companies as an incentive for them to grant licenses. Besides, Japan's work force was literate and disciplined, so it was capable of applying the information it acquired. Finally, American and European companies might take a large share of the world market if they were not limited by licensing agreements.

Conditions of this sort, coming together in one nation, may well be unique, and the case of Japan may therefore not actually demonstrate that licensing is just as efficient as multinational ownership for the transfer of technology. In fact, Japan may be finding this method of operation less effective than in the past, as her needs for outside technology now require information which belongs to only a few companies and is more closely held. Further- more, her need to use the markets of other countries is beginning to weaken its negotiating power she once had because of her control of her access to her internal market.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for foreign companies to be will ing to license the use of their technology?

A.The technology required by Japan is not secret.

B.It might be easier for foreign companies which has transferred tech nology to Japan to enter the Japanese market.

C.Japan possesses high-quality workers.

D.Licensing help Japan in expanding into the world market.



听力原文: SINGAPORE—Singapore said on Tuesday it would organize a contest to find the tech
savvy city-state's best computer hacker.

Six pairs will compete in the Aug. 20 "Black OPS: Hack Attack Challenge 2004," organized by the government-funded National Infocomm Competency Center, said its marketing manager Yvonne Choo.

They will "penetrate, exploit, gain access and obtain privileged information from the other teams' servers, for the purpose of corporate espionage," the center said on its Web site.

Teams will also have to defend their organization's networks against hacking from other teams in the daylong event, it added.

Choo said he hoped the contest would help shed light on ways to prevent actual computer attacks.

The prize for the best hacker will be a DVD burner and free computer classes.

Asia has been the root of some of the worst attacks by hackers in recent years.

In May 2000, the so-called Love Bug virus, released in the Philippines, overwhelmed e mail systems worldwide and caused tens of millions of dollars in damage.

Close to 80 percent of Singapore's 4 million citizens own personal computers and the island is largely considered to be the most technologically advanced in Southeast Asia.

Hackers can be jailed for up to three years or fined up to S$10,000 (US$5,810) under the city-state's Computer Misuse Act.

According to the report, the contest will last ______ days.







Section B Directions: Read the following article a...

Section B Directions: Read the following article about Silicon Valley. Are sentences 26-35 “True” or “False”? If there is not enough information to answer “True” or “False”, choose “Not Given”. Silicon Valley – America’s High Tech Centre Silicon Valley is located in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area. It originally got its name from the large number of companies that produced silicon chips. Today it is a general name for the high-tech industry of Northern California. The beginning of Silicon Valley goes back to the early 20th century when the United States military companies started experimenting in the fields of radio, communications and electronics. The area also grew because Stanford and other universities and colleges produced a number of students who were interested in technology. One of the first companies that started in Silicon Valley was Hewlett Packard. It was founded by two graduates of Stanford University in 1939. Today HP is the world’s largest technology company and operates in almost all countries in the world. After World War II an industrial park was built around Stanford University. Companies rented offices from the university and employed students as engineers and scientists. In the 1950s the silicon transistor was developed and many companies started moving into the region. In the 1970s Silicon Valley became a well-known term in the United States because of the computer and software firms that were founded in the area. About a hundred new companies were established every year. Such growth was possible because people could found a company, get money and rent office space in only a few weeks. Among the well-known companies in the region are search engines Google and Yahoo!, chip producer Intel, computer and software manufacturers Apple and Adobe. By 1992 Silicon Valley accounted for over 250,000 jobs and over 40% of California’s exports. Companies began calling in specialists from China and India because more and more high-tech scientists and engineers were needed. When the Internet boom began in the 1990s a number of new so-called dot.com enterprises sprang up, including the online auction house eBay and others. When the boom collapsed at the beginning of the new millennium, thousands of high tech workers lost their jobs and couldn’t afford the high housing prices that the area produced. But even after the global financial crisis of 2008 Silicon Valley remains one of the top research and high-tech centers in the world. 26. Silicon Valley was named after silicon chips produced by many local companies.



Today almost everybody is using a cell phone. Now people are able to carry their phones wh
erever they go. They are making phone calls, regardless of the time, place and situation. ',It is tree that technology is making our lives easier and more practical. For example, today parents like their children to carry cell phones so that they can reach them at any time.

From my point of view, the cell phone is necessary for emergency(紧急情况) situations and for business. It's also practical to avoid stress. Unexpected problems are always cropping up(突然出现), and using a cell phone can get rid of the stress they cause. For example, if you are in a traffic jam and know you will arrive late to work, you can call your boss and in form. him of the situation, overcoming this unexpected problem. Or, if you have a small car accident, you can call people to inform. them of your situation.

The widespread use of this device is amazing. It has become an important part of our daily lives. Whenever people forget their phones at home, they feel uncomfortable or unable to function. Another advantage of having a cell phone is that you can connect to the Internet and check your e-mail. In addition, you can access information such as news or movie theater schedules. Life is now fast and busy, and this high tech communication device has become a must. We need cell phones to keep up with the fast pace of life and the new demands of life in our ever changing world.

Cell phones can make our life ______.







听力原文:W: OK, Mr. Taylor, let's go ahead and begin. First of all, tell me about your las
t job.

M: Well, as stated on my resume, I worked for five years at Hi Tech Computers.

W: OK, Hi Tech. And what do you know about computer networks and operating systems including DOS, Windows, Macintosh OS, and UNIX?

M: Umm...well...I did come in contact with computers every night at my last job.

W: Hum...And how about web site authoring skills? We are looking for someone to create and manage our company's web site which would include the development, configuration, and use of DOS, Windows, Macintosh OS, and CGI scripts.

M: Umm...uh, web page, web page. Huh...I don't think I've read that book, and Fm afraid I've never used those CGI things.

W: Huh?! And what about experience with Java or JavaScript?

M: Well...I think I've tried Java at a foreign coffee shop one time, if that's what you mean.

W: OK, Mr. Taylor, I think I have all the information I need!

M: Oh, and I really like computer games. I play them every day.

W: Right, right. Thanks Mr. Taylor.

M: Believe me. I have confidence in myself.

W: I see. We'll be in touch.


A.Computer sales negotiations.

B.A preliminary interview.

C.An Internet seminar meeting.

D.Computer games.


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