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SECTION 2Optional Translation(30 points) It was a dark and stormy evening, rapidly turning

SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points)

It was a dark and stormy evening, rapidly turning into the proverbial dark and stormy night, and I needed to find a place to stay. I was driving along an Austrian freeway, so I did what I've done on any number of previous occasions: I took the near exit and looked for a sign pointing to the nearest gasthof, or inn.

The exit was Gleisdorf, between Graz and the Hungarian border. And off the highway, a couple of kilometers along the road, there it was, a sign at a lefthand turn, pointing up a narrow country road into the dark. The sign read "Gasthof Gruber" — so of course I followed the indication.

Fifteen minutes or so later, I found myself in the village of Markt, at a quaint-looking inn whose windows glowed invitingly and whose balconies were full of flowers. A smiling woman in a floor-length dirndl led me to a comfortable room, equipped with a television and private bath.

I dropped my bags, went back downstairs, and settled into the dining room, which was heated by a big, old-fashioned tiled stove. Soon I was sipping a glass of sturm, a mildly alcoholic, fleshly fermented grape juice, and digging in to a bowl of delicious soup. The room, with a full breakfast, cost 30, or about $ 36, and my dinner, with wine, cost 10.

One of the pleasures of driving in Austria is, in fact, stopping for the night. All parts of the country are studded with family-run country inns that, like the Gasthof Gruber, offer spotless, moderately priced rooms and good, sometimes excellent, food that often features specialties of the region. Room prices average ∈25 to ∈35 for a single.

Some inns are clustered in towns or villages along main roadways. But many are deep in the countryside or in mountain hamlets reached by winding lanes.

Standardized green signs bearing the name of a gasthof and the symbols of a bed and crossed knife and fork point the way at many intersections. In popular vacation areas, there may be half a dozen or more such signs stacked on one post or standing next to each other at a turn-off.

In years of driving regularly in Austria, I have rarely booked a room in advance, trusting always that I will find a pleasant place to stay by following the signs. I've rarely been disappointed, and often my night in a gasthof has proved such an enjoyable oasis between bouts of long-distance driving that I found it difficult to leave in the morning and get back on the road.

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SECTION 1Compulsory Translation(30 points) In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round

SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points)

In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination, the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. Among other sectors, these include health and beauty tourism.

Apart from stunning natural beauties, nature has endowed Greece with hot springs whose therapeutic properties were already known in ancient times. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to discover their virtues some 25 centuries ago.

The geographical location of these springs is not accidental as it is related either to tectonic events or volcanic activities. Their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. Of more than 750 natural springs, around 80 operate professionally as natural spas, many with accommodation and other facilities.

In consultations with tourism associations, hoteliers and tourism investment consultants, the government is drafting a new law to define the rules for health tourism. Expected to be approved by Parliament early next year, the law will establish the legal framework and the prerequisites for health tourism centers, including provisions for handicapped guests. One condition will be that such centers will have to operate all year, not just in summer. Another is that hotels providing health facilities should be near a hospital or an airport.

The Development Law, which came into force in December 2004, provides attractive incentives, such as subsidies or tax breaks for health tourism center investments. The government is encouraging regional development in areas in northwestern Greece.

Doctors and investors from Sweden, Britain and Germany have already shown interest in establishing health tourism centers in Greece, to take advantage of the country's mild climate, low humidity and year-round sunshine. In addition to hydrotherapy, some centers will deal with illnesses of the psyche — depression, psychological problems and addictions. The serenity of many parts of Greece's countryside is seen as therapeutic for people from northern countries where cold, dreary climates can lead sufferers to depression and suicide.

Spread throughout Greece, many natural mineral springs are owned by the National Tourism Organization of Greece and managed by the Tourism Development Co. The latter is gradually divesting itself of its. large and diverse portfolio through long-term leasing of its holdings, including mineral springs and spas.



SECTION 2Optional Translation(30 points)The theory of evolution by natural selection was p

SECTION 2 Optional Translation (30 points)

The theory of evolution by natural selection was put forward in the 1850s independently by two men. One was Charles Darwin; the other was Alfred Russel Wallace. Both men had some scientific background, of course, but at heart both men were naturalists. Darwin had been a medical student at Edinburgh University for two years, before his father who was a wealthy doctor proposed that he might become a clergyman and sent him to Cambridge. Wallace, whose parents were poor and who had left school at 14, had followed courses at Working Men's Institutes in London and Leicester as a surveyor's apprentice and pupil teacher.

The fact is that there are two traditions of explanation that march side by side in the ascent of man. One is the analysis of the physical structure of the world. The other is the study of the processes of life: their delicacy, their diversity, the wavering cycles from life to death in the individual and in the species. And these traditions do not come together until the theory of evolution; because until then there is a paradox which cannot be resolved, which cannot be begun, about life.

The paradox of the life sciences, which makes them different in kind from physical science, is in the detail of nature everywhere. We see it about us in the birds, the trees, the grass, the snails, in every living thing. It is this, the manifestations of life, its expressions, its forms, are so diverse that they must contain a large element of the accidental. And yet the nature of life is so uniform. that it must be constrained by many necessities.

So it is not surprising that biology as we understand it begins with naturalists in the 18th and 19th centuries: observers of the countryside, bird-watchers, clergymen, doctors, gentlemen of leisure in country houses. I am tempted to call them, simply, "gentlemen in Victorian England ", because it cannot be an accident that the theory of evolution is conceived twice by two men living at the same time in the same culture—the culture of Queen Victoria in England.




















That brings me to my final point, which is how do we help give the Climate Group the focus

that it needs. I think one part of this is that you provide us with a lot of information, the detail, the examples, the living proof, of what good environmental policy can achieve. That is one important part. //

The second thing is, that we use, as our country, our position in every way we can to push this agenda at a senior level. I've already said that for Britain's chairmanship of the G8 next year, there should be two issues for us: one is Africa, the other is climate change. Now I think it is important that we take a clear case on climate change to the G8 next year. I'm not saying it will always be easy, but it's important that the case is made, and I think that will give a focus to the efforts that are being made by this group and by others, not just in this country, but elsewhere in the world. //

So I wanted to come and participate in the launch of The Climate Group for a very simple reason. When I first became Prime Minister, I obviously had a certain instinctive position about this issue and we as a political party coming into government had certain policies about it. But one of the first things I did, which is one of the advantages when you come into government, is that instead of having a small research group somewhere with people doing this as well as half a dozen other things, you can mobilise some of the best scientific minds and research that there is and I said, look, give me the facts. The interesting thing that came back to me was that the facts and the research indicated that this problem was, if anything, greater than I had realised //

I don't think, as I said before, there is any bigger long-term question facing the global community. This group will be one part of a set of relationships and groups and a movement worldwide to make sure that we treat the issue with the seriousness that it deserves. One thing for sure is this, if you talk to any group of young people in our country or anywhere else today, they realise its importance. They want us to act upon it, they know sometimes it will involve difficult decisions, but the cost of not acting in this case is so overwhelmingly greater than any short-term cost of action, that we have to act and we have to act now. //

So I'm delighted to be with you all this morning and I wish you the very best of luck with The Climate Group, I think it's a very, very important initiative. I am delighted to see so many people from different parts of the world that are here today. This is an issue that will carry on dominating our agenda but hopefully with your help, it will dominate the agenda of the global community in the years to come. //

(Excerpts from UK Prime Minister's speech on climate change delivered on April 27, 2004)



I am thrilled to be here in Beijing with you tonight and am truly honored that there is su

ch recognition for my achievements in this country. As an international athlete you get the opportunity to travel the world and to pursue your dreams of being the best at what you set out to be representing your country. In my experience "the spirit of friendship" which we are all enjoying tonight is embodied in these international competitions. //

I was 10 years old when it was announced that Sydney won the bid back in 1993. Seven years later I was competing in the greatest sporting event the world has ever seen against the best in the world. The Olympic spirit is all about being in one place at one time as one people. Where your race, color or creed is irrelevant and you compete as equals—no other avenue in the world allows this level of friendship. //

We showcase the best the world has to offer in sport and every athlete representing their country helps unite the world as one. The Olympic spirit is not something preserved for athletes. For me particularly—it is the hope and inspiration that it generates for young people in the world. //

To have an Olympics in your own home city is an experience which is almost impossible to put into words. It is about your pride for your country, welcoming the world as hosts and bringing so many foreign nations together in peaceful competition. It is truly a celebration of humanity. //

I can look back now on the many friendships that I have been able to make through sport and it is wonderful that we now live in an age where countries can compete together in friendly competition and all of us are enriched and better off for this experience—win, lose or draw. //

I am amazed at the exciting changes that are happening in China at present and have little doubt that Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will be an outstanding event. And regardless of whether I am still swimming or not—I intend to be here. The thing as an athlete you remember above anything else when you fly to a foreign country to compete is the "people." At the Sydney Olympics it was the efforts of the volunteers and the public whose smiling faces gleamed with pride during the games that made the Olympic experience my fondest living memory. //

The culture and the history of a foreign place also make a striking impression. China, with its 5000 years of continuous history and richness of cultural heritage will be an unforgettable experience for the athletes of the world when they visit here in the lead up to and during 2008.

During my short stay in China I have had the great pleasure to visit your most significant sites including the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. I am truly humbled by these monuments that have stood the test of time. The scale, craftsmanship and beauty of the Forbidden City has left me awestruck particularly when you consider the challenges that must have existed when it was built. //

The Olympics themselves have a heritage, which goes back over thousands of years and of course were revived by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in modern times in Athens, 1896. I also wish to commend Beijing on its desire to stage a "Green Games"—something Sydney also considered a high priority. For all athletes, the quality of the environment in which they compete is important. Air quality and water quality can affect performances, and can assist an athlete to achieve his or her personal best. //

At the Sydney 2000 Games, I greatly appreciated the efforts of the organizers to achieve high environmental standards. And I am pleased to advise that the Organizing Committee in Beijing is working to achieve even higher environmental standards. The many innovations and environmental programs that are being implemented in preparations for the Beijing 2008 Games will leave one of the most significant and lasti



Why do food prices keep on rising, when there seems to be much more food? Is the abundance

only temporary, or has it come to stay?



Red-light running has always been regarded as a minor wrong, and so it has never been take

n seriously. When the violation becomes habitual, however, a great deal more than a traffic problem is involved.


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